mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 05:29:01 +00:00
Replace old i8080 disassembler with new (z80) style.
Signed-off-by: Adrian.Conlon <adrian.conlon@arup.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
namespace EightBit {
class Intel8080;
class Disassembler {
@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ namespace EightBit {
static std::string state(Intel8080& cpu);
static std::string disassemble(Intel8080& cpu);
std::string disassemble(Intel8080& cpu);
static std::string flag(uint8_t value, int flag, const std::string& represents);
static std::string flags(uint8_t value);
@ -19,5 +21,26 @@ namespace EightBit {
static std::string binary(uint8_t value);
static std::string invalid(uint8_t value);
mutable boost::format m_formatter;
void disassemble(std::ostringstream& output, const Intel8080& cpu, uint16_t pc);
void disassemble(
std::ostringstream& output,
const Intel8080& cpu,
uint16_t pc,
std::string& specification,
int& dumpCount,
int x, int y, int z,
int p, int q);
std::string RP(int rp) const;
std::string RP2(int rp) const;
std::string R(int r) const;
static std::string cc(int flag);
static std::string alu(int which);
static std::string alu2(int which);
@ -18,26 +18,10 @@ namespace EightBit {
CF = Bit0,
enum AddressingMode {
Implied, // zero bytes
Immediate, // single byte
Absolute // two bytes, little endian
struct Instruction {
instruction_t vector = nullptr;
AddressingMode mode = Unknown;
std::string disassembly;
int count = 0;
Intel8080(Memory& memory, InputOutput& ports);
Signal<Intel8080> ExecutingInstruction;
const std::array<Instruction, 0x100>& getInstructions() const { return instructions; }
bool isInterruptable() const;
int interrupt(uint8_t value);
@ -65,8 +49,6 @@ namespace EightBit {
InputOutput& m_ports;
std::array<Instruction, 0x100> instructions;
register16_t af;
register16_t bc;
register16_t de;
@ -183,23 +165,10 @@ namespace EightBit {
void xhtl();
// input/output
void out();
void in();
// control
void ei();
void di();
void ___();
void nop() {}
static Instruction INS(instruction_t method, AddressingMode mode, std::string disassembly, int cycles);
Instruction UNKNOWN();
void installInstructions();
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#include "Intel8080.h"
EightBit::Disassembler::Disassembler() {
// Disable exceptions where too many format arguments are available
m_formatter.exceptions(boost::io::all_error_bits ^ boost::io::too_many_args_bit);
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::state(Intel8080& cpu) {
@ -42,48 +44,397 @@ std::string EightBit::Disassembler::state(Intel8080& cpu) {
return output.str();
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::RP(int rp) const {
switch (rp) {
case 0:
return "B";
case 1:
return "D";
case 2:
return "H";
case 3:
return "SP";
throw std::logic_error("Unhandled register pair");
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::RP2(int rp) const {
switch (rp) {
case 0:
return "B";
case 1:
return "D";
case 2:
return "H";
case 3:
return "PSW";
throw std::logic_error("Unhandled register pair");
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::R(int r) const {
switch (r) {
case 0:
return "B";
case 1:
return "C";
case 2:
return "D";
case 3:
return "E";
case 4:
return "H";
case 5:
return "L";
case 6:
return "M";
case 7:
return "A";
throw std::logic_error("Unhandled register");
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::cc(int flag) {
switch (flag) {
case 0:
return "NZ";
case 1:
return "Z";
case 2:
return "NC";
case 3:
return "C";
case 4:
return "PO";
case 5:
return "PE";
case 6:
return "P";
case 7:
return "M";
throw std::logic_error("Unhandled condition");
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::alu(int which) {
switch (which) {
case 0: // ADD A,n
return "ADD";
case 1: // ADC
return "ADC";
case 2: // SUB n
return "SUB";
case 3: // SBC A,n
return "SBB";
case 4: // AND n
return "ANA";
case 5: // XOR n
return "XRA";
case 6: // OR n
return "ORA";
case 7: // CP n
return "CMP";
throw std::logic_error("Unhandled alu operation");
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::alu2(int which) {
switch (which) {
case 0: // ADD A,n
return "ADI";
case 1: // ADC
return "ACI";
case 2: // SUB n
return "SUI";
case 3: // SBC A,n
return "SBI";
case 4: // AND n
return "ANI";
case 5: // XOR n
return "XRI";
case 6: // OR n
return "ORI";
case 7: // CP n
return "CPI";
throw std::logic_error("Unhandled alu operation");
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::disassemble(Intel8080& cpu) {
std::ostringstream output;
disassemble(output, cpu, cpu.PC().word);
return output.str();
void EightBit::Disassembler::disassemble(std::ostringstream& output, const Intel8080& cpu, uint16_t pc) {
const auto& memory = cpu.getMemory();
auto pc = cpu.PC();
auto opcode = memory.peek(pc.word);
const auto& instruction = cpu.getInstructions()[opcode];
auto opcode = memory.peek(pc);
std::ostringstream output;
// hex opcode
output << hex(opcode);
// hex raw operand
switch (instruction.mode) {
case Intel8080::Immediate:
output << hex(memory.peek(pc.word + 1));
auto x = (opcode & 0b11000000) >> 6;
auto y = (opcode & 0b111000) >> 3;
auto z = (opcode & 0b111);
auto p = (y & 0b110) >> 1;
auto q = (y & 1);
auto immediate = memory.peek(pc + 1);
auto absolute = memory.peekWord(pc + 1);
auto displacement = (int8_t)immediate;
auto relative = pc + displacement + 2;
auto indexedImmediate = memory.peek(pc + 1);
auto dumpCount = 0;
std::string specification = "";
output, cpu, pc,
specification, dumpCount,
x, y, z, p, q);
for (int i = 0; i < dumpCount; ++i)
output << hex(memory.peek(pc + i + 1));
output << '\t';
output << m_formatter % (int)immediate % (int)absolute % relative % (int)displacement % indexedImmediate;
void EightBit::Disassembler::disassemble(
std::ostringstream& output,
const Intel8080& cpu,
uint16_t pc,
std::string& specification,
int& dumpCount,
int x, int y, int z,
int p, int q) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
switch (z) {
case 0: // Relative jumps and assorted ops
switch (y) {
case 0: // NOP
specification = "NOP";
case 1: // EX AF AF'
case 2: // DJNZ d
case 3: // JR d
default: // JR cc,d
case 1: // 16-bit load immediate/add
switch (q) {
case 0: // LD rp,nn
specification = "LXI " + RP(p) + ",%2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 1: // ADD HL,rp
specification = "DAD " + RP(p);
case 2: // Indirect loading
switch (q) {
case 0:
switch (p) {
case 0: // LD (BC),A
specification = "STAX B";
case 1: // LD (DE),A
specification = "STAX D";
case 2: // LD (nn),HL
specification = "SHLD %2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 3: // LD (nn),A
specification = "STA %2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 1:
switch (p) {
case 0: // LD A,(BC)
specification = "LDAX B";
case 1: // LD A,(DE)
specification = "LDAX D";
case 2: // LD HL,(nn)
specification = "LHLD %2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 3: // LD A,(nn)
specification = "LDA %2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 3: // 16-bit INC/DEC
switch (q) {
case 0: // INC rp
specification = "INX " + RP(p);
case 1: // DEC rp
specification = "DCX " + RP(p);
case 4: // 8-bit INC
specification = "INR " + R(y);
case 5: // 8-bit DEC
specification = "DCR " + R(y);
case 6: // 8-bit load immediate
specification = "MVI " + R(y) + ",%1$02XH";
case 7: // Assorted operations on accumulator/flags
switch (y) {
case 0:
specification = "RLC";
case 1:
specification = "RRC";
case 2:
specification = "RAL";
case 3:
specification = "RAR";
case 4:
specification = "DAA";
case 5:
specification = "CMA";
case 6:
specification = "STC";
case 7:
specification = "CMC";
case Intel8080::Absolute:
output << hex(memory.peek(pc.word + 1));
output << hex(memory.peek(pc.word + 2));
case 1: // 8-bit loading
if (z == 6 && y == 6) { // Exception (replaces LD (HL), (HL))
specification = "HLT";
} else {
specification = "MOV " + R(y) + "," + R(z);
case 2: // Operate on accumulator and register/memory location
specification = alu(y) + " A," + R(z);
case 3:
switch (z) {
case 0: // Conditional return
specification = "R" + cc(y);
case 1: // POP & various ops
switch (q) {
case 0: // POP rp2[p]
specification = "POP " + RP2(p);
case 1:
switch (p) {
case 0: // RET
specification = "RET";
case 1: // EXX
case 2: // JP HL
specification = "PCHL";
case 3: // LD SP,HL
specification = "SPHL";
case 2: // Conditional jump
specification = "J" + cc(y) + " %2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 3: // Assorted operations
switch (y) {
case 0: // JP nn
specification = "JMP %2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 1: // CB prefix
case 2: // OUT (n),A
specification = "OUT %1$02XH";
case 3: // IN A,(n)
specification = "IN %1$02XH";
case 4: // EX (SP),HL
specification = "XHTL";
case 5: // EX DE,HL
specification = "XCHG";
case 6: // DI
specification = "DI";
case 7: // EI
specification = "EI";
case 4: // Conditional call: CALL cc[y], nn
specification = "C" + cc(y) + " %2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 5: // PUSH & various ops
switch (q) {
case 0: // PUSH rp2[p]
specification = "PUSH " + RP2(p);
case 1:
switch (p) {
case 0: // CALL nn
specification = "CALL %2$04XH";
dumpCount += 2;
case 1: // DD prefix
case 2: // ED prefix
case 3: // FD prefix
case 6: // Operate on accumulator and immediate operand: alu[y] n
specification = alu2(y) + " %1$02XH";
case 7: // Restart: RST y * 8
specification = "RST " + hex((uint8_t)y);
output << "\t";
// base disassembly
output << instruction.disassembly;
// disassembly operand
switch (instruction.mode) {
case Intel8080::Immediate:
output << hex(memory.peek(pc.word + 1));
case Intel8080::Absolute:
output << hex(memory.peekWord(pc.word + 1));
return output.str();
std::string EightBit::Disassembler::flag(uint8_t value, int flag, const std::string& represents) {
@ -97,11 +448,11 @@ std::string EightBit::Disassembler::flags(uint8_t value) {
<< flag(value, Intel8080::SF, "S")
<< flag(value, Intel8080::ZF, "Z")
<< "0"
<< flag(value, Processor::Bit5, "5")
<< flag(value, Intel8080::AC, "A")
<< "0"
<< flag(value, Processor::Bit3, "3")
<< flag(value, Intel8080::PF, "P")
<< "1"
<< flag(value, Processor::Bit1, "1")
<< flag(value, Intel8080::CF, "C");
return output.str();
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ EightBit::Intel8080::Intel8080(Memory& memory, InputOutput& ports)
m_ports(ports) {
bc.word = de.word = hl.word = 0;
void EightBit::Intel8080::initialise() {
@ -673,57 +672,3 @@ void EightBit::Intel8080::execute(int x, int y, int z, int p, int q) {
EightBit::Intel8080::Instruction EightBit::Intel8080::INS(instruction_t method, AddressingMode mode, std::string disassembly, int cycles) {
Intel8080::Instruction returnValue;
returnValue.vector = method;
returnValue.mode = mode;
returnValue.disassembly = disassembly;
returnValue.count = cycles;
return returnValue;
EightBit::Intel8080::Instruction EightBit::Intel8080::UNKNOWN() {
Intel8080::Instruction returnValue;
returnValue.vector = std::bind(&Intel8080::___, this);
returnValue.mode = Unknown;
returnValue.disassembly = "";
returnValue.count = 0;
return returnValue;
#define BIND(method) std::bind(&Intel8080:: method, this)
void EightBit::Intel8080::installInstructions() {
instructions = {
//// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
/* 0 */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "NOP", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "LXI B,", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "STAX B", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INX B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INR B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCR B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "MVI B,", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RLC", 4), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DAD B", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "LDAX B", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCX B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INR C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCR C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "MVI C,", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RRC", 4), // 0
/* 1 */ UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "LXI D,", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "STAX D", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INX D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INR D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCR D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "MVI D,", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RAL", 4), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DAD D", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "LDAX D", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCX D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INR E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCR E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "MVI E,", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RAR", 4), // 1
/* 2 */ UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "LXI H,", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "SHLD", 16), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INX H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INR H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCR H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "MVI H,",7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DAA", 4), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DAD H", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "LHLD ", 16), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCX H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INR L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCR L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "MVI L,", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMA", 4), // 2
/* 3 */ UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "LXI SP,", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "STA ", 13), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INX SP", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INR M", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCR M", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "MVI M,", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "STC", 4), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DAD SP", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "LDA ", 13), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCX SP", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "INR A", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DCR A", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "MVI A,", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMC", 4), // 3
/* 4 */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV B,B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV B,C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV B,D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV B,E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV B,H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV B,L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV B,M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV B,A", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV C,B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV C,C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV C,D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV C,E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV C,H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV C,L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV C,M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV C,A", 5), // 4
/* 5 */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV D,B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV D,C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV D,D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV D,E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV D,H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV D,L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV D,M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV D,A", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV E,B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV E,C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV E,D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV E,E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV E,H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV E,L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV E,M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV E,A", 5), // 5
/* 6 */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV H,B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV H,C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV H,D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV H,E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV H,H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV H,L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV H,M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV H,A", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV L,B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV L,C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV L,D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV L,E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV L,H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV L,L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV L,M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV L,A", 5), // 6
/* 7 */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV M,B", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV M,C", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV M,D", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV M,E", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV M,H", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV M,L", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "HLT", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV M,A", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV A,B", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV A,C", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV A,D", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV A,E", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV A,H", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV A,L", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV A,M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "MOV A,A", 5), // 7
/* 8 */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADD B", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADD C", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADD D", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADD E", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADD H", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADD L", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADD M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADD A", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADC B", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADC C", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADC D", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADC E", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADC H", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADC L", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADC M", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ADC A", 4), // 8
/* 9 */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SUB B", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SUB C", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SUB D", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SUB E", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SUB H", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SUB L", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SUB M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SUB A", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SBB B", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SBB C", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SBB D", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SBB E", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SBB H", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SBB L", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SBB M", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SBB A", 4), // 9
/* A */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ANA B", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ANA C", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ANA D", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ANA E", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ANA H", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ANA L", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ANA M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ANA A", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XRA B", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XRA C", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XRA D", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XRA E", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XRA H", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XRA L", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XRA M", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XRA A", 4), // A
/* B */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ORA B", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ORA C", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ORA D", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ORA E", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ORA H", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ORA L", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ORA M", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "ORA A", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMP B", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMP C", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMP D", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMP E", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMP H", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMP L", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMP M", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "CMP A", 4), // B
/* C */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RNZ", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "POP B", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JNZ ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JMP ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CNZ ", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "PUSH B", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "ADI ", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RST 0", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RZ", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RET", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JZ ", 10), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CZ ", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CALL ", 17), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "ACI ", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RST 1", 11), // C
/* D */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RNC", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "POP D", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JNC ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "OUT ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CNC ", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "PUSH D", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "SUI ", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RST 2", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RC", 11), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JC ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "IN ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CC ", 11), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "SBI ", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RST 3", 11), // D
/* E */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RPO", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "POP H", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JPO ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XHTL", 18), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CPO ", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "PUSH H", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "ANI ", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RST 4", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RPE", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "PCHL", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JPE ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "XCHG", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CPE ", 11), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "XRI ", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RST 5", 11), // E
/* F */ INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RP", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "POP PSW", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JP ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "DI ", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CP ", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "PUSH PSW", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "ORI ", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RST 6", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RM", 11), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "SPHL", 5), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "JM ", 10), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "EI", 4), INS(BIND(nop), Absolute, "CM ", 11), UNKNOWN(), INS(BIND(nop), Immediate, "CPI ", 7), INS(BIND(nop), Implied, "RST 7", 11), // F
void EightBit::Intel8080::___() {
m_memory.ADDRESS().word = PC().word - 1;
auto opcode = m_memory.reference();
auto message = Disassembler::invalid(opcode);
throw std::domain_error(message);
@ -71,16 +71,16 @@
<PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#if defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86 )
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Board.h"
#include "Disassembler.h"
#include "Configuration.h"
#include <iostream>
@ -83,6 +82,6 @@ void Board::Cpu_ExecutingInstruction_Debug(const EightBit::Intel8080&) {
<< EightBit::Disassembler::state(m_cpu)
<< "\t"
<< EightBit::Disassembler::disassemble(m_cpu)
<< m_disassembler.disassemble(m_cpu)
<< '\n';
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
//#include <string>
#include "Memory.h"
#include "InputOutput.h"
#include "Intel8080.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "EventArgs.h"
#include "Disassembler.h"
class Configuration;
@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ private:
EightBit::Memory m_memory;
EightBit::InputOutput m_ports;
EightBit::Intel8080 m_cpu;
EightBit::Disassembler m_disassembler;
EightBit::Profiler m_profiler;
void Cpu_ExecutingInstruction_Cpm(const EightBit::Intel8080& cpu);
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