#include "stdafx.h" #include "FuseTestRunner.h" #include "Disassembler.h" #include #include Fuse::TestRunner::TestRunner(const Test& test, const ExpectedTestResult& result) : m_test(test), m_result(result), m_cpu(*this), m_totalCycles(0) { for (const auto& event : m_result.events.events) { if (!boost::algorithm::ends_with(event.specifier, "C")) m_expectedEvents.events.push_back(event); } m_cpu.ExecutedInstruction.connect([this](EightBit::Z80& cpu) { m_totalCycles += cpu.cycles(); std::cout << "**** Cycle count: " << cpu.cycles() << std::endl; }); m_cpu.ReadMemory.connect([this](EightBit::EventArgs&) { addActualEvent("MR"); }); m_cpu.WrittenMemory.connect([this](EightBit::EventArgs&) { addActualEvent("MW"); }); m_cpu.ReadIO.connect([this](EightBit::EventArgs&) { addActualEvent("PR"); }); m_cpu.WrittenIO.connect([this](EightBit::EventArgs&) { addActualEvent("PW"); }); } void Fuse::TestRunner::addActualEvent(const std::string& specifier) { TestEvent actual; actual.address = ADDRESS().word; actual.cycles = m_totalCycles + m_cpu.cycles(); actual.specifier = specifier; if (!boost::algorithm::ends_with(specifier, "C")) actual.value = DATA(); actual.valid = true; m_actualEvents.events.push_back(actual); } // void Fuse::TestRunner::raisePOWER() noexcept { EightBit::Bus::raisePOWER(); m_cpu.raisePOWER(); m_cpu.raiseRESET(); m_cpu.raiseINT(); m_cpu.raiseNMI(); m_test.transferRegisters(m_cpu); } void Fuse::TestRunner::lowerPOWER() noexcept { m_cpu.lowerPOWER(); EightBit::Bus::lowerPOWER(); } EightBit::MemoryMapping Fuse::TestRunner::mapping(uint16_t address) noexcept { const bool memory = m_cpu.requestingMemory(); if (memory) return { m_ram, 0x0000, 0xffff, EightBit::MemoryMapping::AccessLevel::ReadWrite }; const bool io = m_cpu.requestingIO(); if (io) { m_ports.accessType() = EightBit::InputOutput::AccessType::Unknown; const bool reading = m_cpu.requestingRead(); if (reading) m_ports.accessType() = EightBit::InputOutput::AccessType::Reading; const bool writing = m_cpu.requestingWrite(); if (writing) m_ports.accessType() = EightBit::InputOutput::AccessType::Writing; return { m_ports, 0x0000, 0xff, EightBit::MemoryMapping::AccessLevel::ReadWrite }; } } void Fuse::TestRunner::initialise() { m_test.transferMemory(m_ram); } // void Fuse::TestRunner::check() { checkRegisters(); checkMemory(); checkEvents(); } void Fuse::TestRunner::dumpDifference(const std::string& description, uint8_t actual, uint8_t expected) const { std::cerr << "**** " << description << ", Expected: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex(expected) << ", Got: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex(actual) << std::endl; } void Fuse::TestRunner::dumpDifference( const std::string& highDescription, const std::string& lowDescription, EightBit::register16_t actual, EightBit::register16_t expected) const { auto expectedHigh = expected.high; auto expectedLow = expected.low; auto actualHigh = actual.high; auto actualLow = actual.low; if (expectedHigh != actualHigh) dumpDifference(highDescription, actualHigh, expectedHigh); if (expectedLow != actualLow) dumpDifference(lowDescription, actualLow, expectedLow); } void Fuse::TestRunner::checkRegisters() { const auto& expectedState = m_result.registerState; const auto& expectedRegisters = expectedState.registers; auto af = m_cpu.AF() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::AF]; auto bc = m_cpu.BC() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::BC]; auto de = m_cpu.DE() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::DE]; auto hl = m_cpu.HL() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::HL]; m_cpu.exx(); m_cpu.exxAF(); auto af_ = m_cpu.AF() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::AF_]; auto bc_ = m_cpu.BC() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::BC_]; auto de_ = m_cpu.DE() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::DE_]; auto hl_ = m_cpu.HL() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::HL_]; auto ix = m_cpu.IX() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::IX]; auto iy = m_cpu.IY() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::IY]; auto sp = m_cpu.SP() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::SP]; auto pc = m_cpu.PC() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::PC]; auto memptr = m_cpu.MEMPTR() == expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::MEMPTR]; auto iv = m_cpu.IV() == expectedState.i; auto refresh = m_cpu.REFRESH() == expectedState.r; auto iff1 = m_cpu.IFF1() == expectedState.iff1; auto iff2 = m_cpu.IFF2() == expectedState.iff2; auto im = m_cpu.IM() == expectedState.im; // And back again, so the following works as expected... m_cpu.exx(); m_cpu.exxAF(); auto success = af && bc && de && hl && af_ && bc_ && de_ && hl_ && ix && iy && sp && pc && iv && refresh && iff1 && iff2 && im && memptr; if (!success) { m_failed = true; std::cerr << "**** Failed test (Register): " << m_test.description << std::endl; if (!af) { auto expectedA = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::AF].high; auto gotA = m_cpu.A(); if (expectedA != gotA) dumpDifference("A", gotA, expectedA); auto expectedF = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::AF].low; auto gotF = m_cpu.F(); if (expectedF != gotF) { std::cerr << "**** F, Expected: " << EightBit::Disassembler::flags(expectedF) << ", Got: " << EightBit::Disassembler::flags(gotF) << std::endl; } } if (!bc) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::BC]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.BC(); dumpDifference("B", "C", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!de) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::DE]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.DE(); dumpDifference("D", "E", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!hl) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::HL]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.HL(); dumpDifference("H", "L", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!ix) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::IX]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.IX(); dumpDifference("IXH", "IXL", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!iy) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::IY]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.IY(); dumpDifference("IYH", "IYL", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!sp) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::SP]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.SP(); dumpDifference("SPH", "SPL", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!pc) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::PC]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.PC(); dumpDifference("PCH", "PCL", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!memptr) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::MEMPTR]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.MEMPTR(); dumpDifference("MEMPTRH", "MEMPTRL", actualWord, expectedWord); } m_cpu.exxAF(); m_cpu.exx(); if (!af_) { auto expectedA_ = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::AF_].high; auto gotA_ = m_cpu.A(); if (expectedA_ != gotA_) dumpDifference("A'", gotA_, expectedA_); auto expectedF_ = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::AF_].low; auto gotF_ = m_cpu.F(); if (expectedF_ != gotF_) { std::cerr << "**** F', Expected: " << EightBit::Disassembler::flags(expectedF_) << ", Got: " << EightBit::Disassembler::flags(gotF_) << std::endl; } } if (!bc_) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::BC_]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.BC(); dumpDifference("B'", "C'", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!de_) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::DE_]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.DE(); dumpDifference("D'", "E'", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!hl_) { auto expectedWord = expectedRegisters[Fuse::RegisterState::HL_]; auto actualWord = m_cpu.HL(); dumpDifference("H'", "L'", actualWord, expectedWord); } if (!iv) { std::cerr << "**** IV, Expected: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex((uint8_t)expectedState.i) << ", Got: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex(m_cpu.IV()) << std::endl; } if (!refresh) { std::cerr << "**** R, Expected: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex((uint8_t)expectedState.r) << ", Got: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex((uint8_t)m_cpu.REFRESH()) << std::endl; } if (!iff1) { std::cerr << "**** IFF1, Expected: " << (bool)expectedState.iff1 << ", Got: " << m_cpu.IFF1() << std::endl; } if (!iff2) { std::cerr << "**** IFF2, Expected: " << (bool)expectedState.iff2 << ", Got: " << m_cpu.IFF2() << std::endl; } if (!im) { std::cerr << "**** IM, Expected: " << expectedState.im << ", Got: " << m_cpu.IM() << std::endl; } } } void Fuse::TestRunner::checkMemory() { const auto differences = m_result.findDifferences(m_ram); const auto failure = !differences.empty(); if (failure) { m_failed = true; std::cerr << "**** Failed test (Memory): " << m_test.description << std::endl; for (const auto& difference : differences) { const auto [address, expected, actual] = difference; std::cerr << "**** Difference: " << "Address: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex((uint16_t)address) << " Expected: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex((uint8_t)expected) << " Actual: " << EightBit::Disassembler::hex((uint8_t)actual) << std::endl; } } } void Fuse::TestRunner::checkEvents() { auto eventFailure = m_expectedEvents != m_actualEvents; if (eventFailure) { dumpExpectedEvents(); dumpActualEvents(); } if (!m_failed) m_failed = eventFailure; } void Fuse::TestRunner::dumpExpectedEvents() const { std::cerr << "++++ Dumping expected events:" << std::endl; m_expectedEvents.dump(); } void Fuse::TestRunner::dumpActualEvents() const { std::cerr << "++++ Dumping actual events:" << std::endl; m_actualEvents.dump(); } void Fuse::TestRunner::run() { raisePOWER(); initialise(); auto allowedCycles = m_test.registerState.tstates; try { m_cpu.run(allowedCycles); check(); } catch (std::logic_error& error) { m_unimplemented = true; std::cerr << "**** Error: " << error.what() << std::endl; } }