#include "stdafx.h" #include "mos6502.h" EightBit::MOS6502::MOS6502(Bus& bus) : Processor(bus) { m_timings = { //// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F /* 0 */ 7, 6, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, 0, 3, 2, 2, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, /* 1 */ 2, 5, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, 2, 4, 2, 0, 4, 4, 7, 0, /* 2 */ 6, 6, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, 0, 4, 2, 2, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, /* 3 */ 2, 5, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, 2, 4, 2, 0, 4, 4, 7, 0, /* 4 */ 6, 6, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, 0, 3, 2, 2, 0, 3, 4, 6, 0, /* 5 */ 2, 5, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, 2, 4, 2, 0, 4, 4, 7, 0, /* 6 */ 6, 6, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, 0, 4, 2, 2, 0, 5, 4, 6, 0, /* 7 */ 2, 5, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, 2, 4, 2, 0, 4, 4, 7, 0, /* 8 */ 2, 6, 0, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* 9 */ 2, 6, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, /* A */ 2, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* B */ 2, 5, 0, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* C */ 2, 6, 0, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 4, 6, 6, /* D */ 2, 5, 0, 7, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 4, 7, 6, /* E */ 2, 6, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 0, /* F */ 2, 5, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, 2, 4, 2, 0, 4, 4, 7, 0, }; for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; ++i) m_decodedOpcodes[i] = i; X() = Bit7; Y() = 0; A() = 0; P() = RF; S() = Mask8; } int EightBit::MOS6502::step() { resetCycles(); auto returned = 0; if (LIKELY(powered())) { ExecutingInstruction.fire(*this); if (UNLIKELY(lowered(NMI()))) { raise(NMI()); interrupt(NMIvector); returned = 4; // ?? TBC } else if (UNLIKELY(lowered(INT()))) { raise(INT()); interrupt(IRQvector); returned = 4; // ?? TBC } else if (UNLIKELY(lowered(HALT()))) { execute(0); // NOP ?? returned = 4; // ?? TBC } else { returned = execute(fetchByte()); } ExecutedInstruction.fire(*this); } return returned; } void EightBit::MOS6502::reset() { Processor::reset(); getWord(0xff, RSTvector, PC()); } void EightBit::MOS6502::getWord(uint8_t page, uint8_t offset, register16_t& output) { BUS().ADDRESS().low = offset; BUS().ADDRESS().high = page; output.low = getByte(); BUS().ADDRESS().low++; output.high = getByte(); } void EightBit::MOS6502::interrupt(uint8_t vector) { raise(HALT()); pushWord(PC()); push(P()); setFlag(P(), IF); getWord(0xff, vector, PC()); } int EightBit::MOS6502::execute(uint8_t cell) { addCycles(m_timings[cell]); // http://www.llx.com/~nparker/a2/opcodes.html // Most instructions that explicitly reference memory // locations have bit patterns of the form aaabbbcc. // The aaa and cc bits determine the opcode, and the bbb // bits determine the addressing mode. const auto& decoded = m_decodedOpcodes[cell]; switch (decoded.cc) { case 0b00: switch (decoded.aaa) { case 0b000: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b000: // BRK BRK(); break; case 0b001: // DOP/NOP (0x04) AM_ZeroPage(); break; case 0b010: // PHP PHP(); break; case 0b011: // TOP/NOP (0b00001100, 0x0c) AM_Absolute(); break; case 0b100: // BPL Branch(!(P() & NF)); break; case 0b101: // DOP/NOP (0x14) AM_ZeroPageX(); break; case 0b110: // CLC clearFlag(P(), CF); break; case 0b111: // TOP/NOP (0b‭00011100‬, 0x1c) AM_AbsoluteX(); break; default: throw std::domain_error("Illegal instruction"); } break; case 0b001: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b000: // JSR JSR_abs(); break; case 0b010: // PLP PLP(); break; case 0b100: // BMI Branch((P() & NF) != 0); break; case 0b101: // DOP/NOP (0x34) AM_ZeroPageX(); break; case 0b110: // SEC setFlag(P(), CF); break; case 0b111: // TOP/NOP (0b‭00111100‬, 0x3c) AM_AbsoluteX(); break; default: // BIT BIT(AM_00(decoded.bbb)); break; } break; case 0b010: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b000: // RTI RTI(); break; case 0b001: // DOP/NOP (0x44) AM_ZeroPage(); break; case 0b010: // PHA push(A()); break; case 0b011: // JMP JMP_abs(); break; case 0b100: // BVC Branch(!(P() & VF)); break; case 0b101: // DOP/NOP (0x54) AM_ZeroPageX(); break; case 0b110: // CLI clearFlag(P(), IF); break; case 0b111: // TOP/NOP (0b‭01011100‬, 0x5c) AM_AbsoluteX(); break; default: throw std::domain_error("Illegal addressing mode"); } break; case 0b011: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b000: // RTS RTS(); break; case 0b001: // DOP/NOP (0x64) AM_ZeroPage(); break; case 0b010: // PLA adjustNZ(A() = pop()); break; case 0b011: // JMP (abs) JMP_ind(); break; case 0b100: // BVS Branch((P() & VF) != 0); break; case 0b101: // DOP/NOP (0x74) AM_ZeroPageX(); break; case 0b110: // SEI setFlag(P(), IF); break; case 0b111: // TOP/NOP (0b‭01111100‬, 0x7c) AM_AbsoluteX(); break; default: throw std::domain_error("Illegal addressing mode"); } break; case 0b100: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b000: // DOP/NOP (0x80) AM_Immediate(); break; case 0b010: // DEY adjustNZ(--Y()); break; case 0b100: // BCC Branch(!(P() & CF)); break; case 0b110: // TYA adjustNZ(A() = Y()); break; default: // STY AM_00(decoded.bbb, Y()); break; } break; case 0b101: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b010: // TAY adjustNZ(Y() = A()); break; case 0b100: // BCS Branch((P() & CF) != 0); break; case 0b110: // CLV clearFlag(P(), VF); break; default: // LDY adjustNZ(Y() = AM_00(decoded.bbb)); break; } break; case 0b110: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b010: // INY adjustNZ(++Y()); break; case 0b100: // BNE Branch(!(P() & ZF)); break; case 0b101: // DOP/NOP (0xd4) AM_ZeroPageX(); break; case 0b110: // CLD clearFlag(P(), DF); break; case 0b111: // TOP/NOP (0b‭11011100‬, 0xdc) AM_AbsoluteX(); break; default: // CPY CMP(Y(), AM_00(decoded.bbb)); break; } break; case 0b111: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b010: // INX adjustNZ(++X()); break; case 0b100: // BEQ Branch((P() & ZF) != 0); break; case 0b101: // DOP/NOP (0xf4) AM_ZeroPageX(); break; case 0b110: // SED setFlag(P(), DF); break; case 0b111: // TOP/NOP (0b‭11111100‬, 0xfc) AM_AbsoluteX(); break; default: // CPX CMP(X(), AM_00(decoded.bbb)); break; } break; } break; case 0b01: switch (decoded.aaa) { case 0b000: // ORA adjustNZ(A() |= AM_01(decoded.bbb)); break; case 0b001: // AND adjustNZ(A() &= AM_01(decoded.bbb)); break; case 0b010: // EOR adjustNZ(A() ^= AM_01(decoded.bbb)); break; case 0b011: // ADC ADC(AM_01(decoded.bbb)); break; case 0b100: // STA AM_01(decoded.bbb, A()); break; case 0b101: // LDA adjustNZ(A() = AM_01(decoded.bbb)); break; case 0b110: // CMP CMP(A(), AM_01(decoded.bbb)); break; case 0b111: // SBC A() = SBC(A(), AM_01(decoded.bbb)); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 0b10: switch (decoded.aaa) { case 0b000: // ASL switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b110: break; // *NOP (0x1a) default: ASL(decoded.bbb); break; } break; case 0b001: // ROL switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b110: break; // *NOP (0x3a) default: ROL(decoded.bbb); break; } break; case 0b010: // LSR switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b110: break; // *NOP (0x5a) default: LSR(decoded.bbb); break; } break; case 0b011: // ROR (0x7a) switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b110: break; // *NOP default: ROR(decoded.bbb); break; } break; case 0b100: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b010: // TXA adjustNZ(A() = X()); break; case 0b110: // TXS S() = X(); break; default: // STX AM_10_x(decoded.bbb, X()); break; } break; case 0b101: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b110: // TSX adjustNZ(X() = S()); break; default: // LDX adjustNZ(X() = AM_10_x(decoded.bbb)); break; } break; case 0b110: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b010: // DEX adjustNZ(--X()); break; case 0b110: // *NOP (0xda) break; default: // DEC DEC(decoded.bbb); break; } break; case 0b111: switch (decoded.bbb) { case 0b010: // NOP break; case 0b110: // *NOP (0xfa) break; default: // INC INC(decoded.bbb); break; } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 0b11: switch (decoded.aaa) { case 0b100: // *SAX AM_11(decoded.bbb, A() & X()); break; case 0b101: // *LAX adjustNZ(X() = A() = AM_11(decoded.bbb)); break; case 0b110: { // *DCP const auto operand = AM_11_x(decoded.bbb); const auto result = SUB(operand, 1); setByte(result); CMP(A(), result); } break; case 0b111: // *SBC A() = SBC(A(), AM_11(decoded.bbb)); break; default: throw std::domain_error("Illegal instruction group"); } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } if (UNLIKELY(cycles() == 0)) throw std::logic_error("Unhandled opcode"); return cycles(); } //// void EightBit::MOS6502::push(uint8_t value) { setByte(PageOne + S()--, value); } uint8_t EightBit::MOS6502::pop() { return getByte(PageOne + ++S()); } //// void EightBit::MOS6502::ROR(uint8_t& output) { auto carry = P() & CF; setFlag(P(), CF, output & CF); output = (output >> 1) | (carry << 7); adjustNZ(output); } void EightBit::MOS6502::LSR(uint8_t& output) { setFlag(P(), CF, output & CF); adjustNZ(output >>= 1); } void EightBit::MOS6502::BIT(uint8_t data) { adjustZero(A() & data); adjustNegative(data); setFlag(P(), VF, data & VF); } void EightBit::MOS6502::ROL(uint8_t& output) { uint8_t result = (output << 1) | (P() & CF); setFlag(P(), CF, output & Bit7); adjustNZ(output = result); } void EightBit::MOS6502::ASL(uint8_t& output) { setFlag(P(), CF, (output & Bit7) >> 7); adjustNZ(output <<= 1); } uint8_t EightBit::MOS6502::SBC(const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t data) { const auto returned = SUB(operand, data, ~P() & CF); const register16_t& difference = MEMPTR(); adjustNZ(difference.low); setFlag(P(), VF, (operand ^ data) & (operand ^ difference.low) & NF); clearFlag(P(), CF, difference.high); return returned; } uint8_t EightBit::MOS6502::SUB(const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t data, const int borrow) { return P() & DF ? SUB_d(operand, data, borrow) : SUB_b(operand, data, borrow); } uint8_t EightBit::MOS6502::SUB_b(const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t data, const int borrow) { MEMPTR().word = operand - data - borrow; return MEMPTR().low; } uint8_t EightBit::MOS6502::SUB_d(const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t data, const int borrow) { MEMPTR().word = operand - data - borrow; auto low = (uint8_t)(lowNibble(operand) - lowNibble(data) - borrow); auto lowNegative = (int8_t)low < 0; if (lowNegative) low -= 6; uint8_t high = highNibble(operand) - highNibble(data) - (lowNegative ? 1 : 0); if ((int8_t)high < 0) high -= 6; return promoteNibble(high) | lowNibble(low); } void EightBit::MOS6502::CMP(uint8_t first, uint8_t second) { register16_t result; result.word = first - second; adjustNZ(result.low); clearFlag(P(), CF, result.high); } void EightBit::MOS6502::ADC(uint8_t data) { if (P() & DF) ADC_d(data); else ADC_b(data); } void EightBit::MOS6502::ADC_b(uint8_t data) { register16_t sum; sum.word = A() + data + (P() & CF); adjustNZ(sum.low); setFlag(P(), VF, ~(A() ^ data) & (A() ^ sum.low) & NF); setFlag(P(), CF, sum.high & CF); A() = sum.low; } void EightBit::MOS6502::ADC_d(uint8_t data) { auto carry = P() & CF; register16_t sum; sum.word = A() + data + carry; adjustNZ(sum.low); auto low = (uint8_t)(lowNibble(A()) + lowNibble(data) + carry); if (low > 9) low += 6; auto high = (uint8_t)(highNibble(A()) + highNibble(data) + (low > 0xf ? 1 : 0)); setFlag(P(), VF, ~(A() ^ data) & (A() ^ promoteNibble(high)) & NF); if (high > 9) high += 6; setFlag(P(), CF, high > 0xf); A() = (uint8_t)(promoteNibble(high) | lowNibble(low)); } //// void EightBit::MOS6502::Branch(int8_t displacement) { const auto page = PC().high; PC().word += displacement; if (UNLIKELY(PC().high != page)) addCycle(); addCycle(); } void EightBit::MOS6502::Branch(bool flag) { const int8_t displacement = AM_Immediate(); if (flag) Branch(displacement); } // void EightBit::MOS6502::PHP() { push(P() | BF); } void EightBit::MOS6502::PLP() { P() = pop(); P() |= RF; // Reserved flag is always set; P() &= ~BF; // Break flag is never set } // void EightBit::MOS6502::JSR_abs() { Address_Absolute(); PC().word--; call(); } void EightBit::MOS6502::RTI() { PLP(); ret(); } void EightBit::MOS6502::RTS() { ret(); PC().word++; } void EightBit::MOS6502::JMP_abs() { Address_Absolute(); jump(); } void EightBit::MOS6502::JMP_ind() { Address_Indirect(); jump(); } void EightBit::MOS6502::BRK() { PC().word++; pushWord(PC()); PHP(); setFlag(P(), IF); getWord(0xff, IRQvector, PC()); }