#include "stdafx.h" #include "../inc/LR35902.h" #include "../inc/GameBoyBus.h" // based on http://www.z80.info/decoding.htm EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::LR35902(Bus& memory) : IntelProcessor(memory), m_bus(memory) { MachineTicked.connect([this](EventArgs) { m_bus.IO().incrementTimers(); m_bus.IO().transferDma(); }); } const EightBit::register16_t& EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::AF() const noexcept { auto* gb = const_cast(this); gb->af.low = higherNibble(af.low); return af; } const EightBit::register16_t& EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::BC() const noexcept { return bc; } const EightBit::register16_t& EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::DE() const noexcept { return de; } const EightBit::register16_t& EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::HL() const noexcept { return hl; } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::handleRESET() { IntelProcessor::handleRESET(); di(); SP() = Mask16 - 1; tickMachine(4); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::handleINT() { IntelProcessor::handleINT(); raiseHALT(); di(); restart(BUS().DATA()); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::memoryWrite() { tickMachine(); IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::memoryRead() { tickMachine(); return IntelProcessor::memoryRead(); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::pushWord(register16_t value) { tickMachine(); IntelProcessor::pushWord(value); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::jr(int8_t offset) { IntelProcessor::jr(offset); tickMachine(); } int EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::jumpConditional(const int condition) { if (IntelProcessor::jumpConditional(condition)) tickMachine(); return condition; } int EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::returnConditional(const int condition) { IntelProcessor::returnConditional(condition); tickMachine(); return condition; } int EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::jrConditional(const int condition) { if (!IntelProcessor::jrConditional(condition)) tickMachine(); return condition; } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::ret() { IntelProcessor::ret(); tickMachine(); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::di() noexcept { IME() = false; } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::ei() noexcept { IME() = true; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::increment(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF); const uint8_t result = operand + 1; f = adjustZero(f, result); f = clearBit(f, HC, lowNibble(result)); return result; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::decrement(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = setBit(f, NF); f = clearBit(f, HC, lowNibble(operand)); const uint8_t result = operand - 1; f = adjustZero(f, result); return result; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::R(const int r) { switch (r) { case 0: return B(); case 1: return C(); case 2: return D(); case 3: return E(); case 4: return H(); case 5: return L(); case 6: return IntelProcessor::memoryRead(HL()); case 7: return A(); default: UNREACHABLE; } } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::R(const int r, const uint8_t value) { switch (r) { case 0: B() = value; break; case 1: C() = value; break; case 2: D() = value; break; case 3: E() = value; break; case 4: H() = value; break; case 5: L() = value; break; case 6: IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(HL(), value); break; case 7: A() = value; break; default: UNREACHABLE; } } EightBit::register16_t& EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::RP(const int rp) noexcept { switch (rp) { case 0b00: return BC(); case 0b01: return DE(); case 0b10: return HL(); case 0b11: return SP(); default: UNREACHABLE; } } EightBit::register16_t& EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::RP2(const int rp) noexcept { switch (rp) { case 0b00: return BC(); case 0b01: return DE(); case 0b10: return HL(); case 0b11: return AF(); default: UNREACHABLE; } } bool EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::convertCondition(const uint8_t f, int flag) noexcept { ASSUME(flag >= 0); ASSUME(flag <= 7); switch (flag) { case 0: return !(f & ZF); case 1: return f & ZF; case 2: return !(f & CF); case 3: return f & CF; default: UNREACHABLE; } } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::returnConditionalFlag(const uint8_t f, const int flag) { returnConditional(convertCondition(f, flag)); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::jrConditionalFlag(const uint8_t f, const int flag) { jrConditional(convertCondition(f, flag)); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::jumpConditionalFlag(uint8_t f, const int flag) { jumpConditional(convertCondition(f, flag)); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::callConditionalFlag(uint8_t f, const int flag) { callConditional(convertCondition(f, flag)); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::reti() { ret(); ei(); } EightBit::register16_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::add(uint8_t& f, const register16_t operand, const register16_t value) { tickMachine(); const int addition = operand.word + value.word; const register16_t result = addition; f = clearBit(f, NF); f = setBit(f, CF, addition & Bit16); f = adjustHalfCarryAdd(f, operand.high, value.high, result.high); MEMPTR() = operand + 1; return result; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::add(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t value, const int carry) noexcept { const register16_t addition = operand + value + carry; const auto result = addition.low; f = adjustHalfCarryAdd(f, operand, value, result); f = clearBit(f, NF); f = setBit(f, CF, addition.high & Bit0); f = adjustZero(f, result); return result; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::adc(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t value) noexcept { return add(f, operand, value, (f & CF) >> 4); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::subtract(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t value, const int carry) noexcept { const register16_t subtraction = operand - value - carry; const auto result = subtraction.low; f = adjustHalfCarrySub(f, operand, value, result); f = setBit(f, NF); f = setBit(f, CF, subtraction.high & Bit0); f = adjustZero(f, result); return result; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::sbc(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t value) noexcept { return subtract(f, operand, value, (f & CF) >> 4); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::andr(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t value) noexcept { f = setBit(f, HC); f = clearBit(f, CF | NF); const uint8_t result = operand & value; f = adjustZero(f, result); return result; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::xorr(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t value) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, HC | CF | NF); const uint8_t result = operand ^ value; f = adjustZero(f, result); return result; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::orr(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand, const uint8_t value) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, HC | CF | NF); const uint8_t result = operand | value; f = adjustZero(f, result); return result; } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::compare(uint8_t& f, uint8_t operand, const uint8_t value) noexcept { subtract(f, operand, value); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::rlc(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC | ZF); const auto carry = operand & Bit7; f = setBit(f, CF, carry); return (operand << 1) | (carry >> 7); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::rrc(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC | ZF); const auto carry = operand & Bit0; f = setBit(f, CF, carry); return (operand >> 1) | (carry << 7); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::rl(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC | ZF); const auto carry = f & CF; f = setBit(f, CF, operand & Bit7); return (operand << 1) | (carry >> 4); // CF at Bit4 } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::rr(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC | ZF); const auto carry = f & CF; f = setBit(f, CF, operand & Bit0); return (operand >> 1) | (carry << 3); // CF at Bit4 } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::sla(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC | ZF); f = setBit(f, CF, operand & Bit7); return operand << 1; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::sra(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC | ZF); f = setBit(f, CF, operand & Bit0); return (operand >> 1) | (operand & Bit7); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::swap(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC | CF); return promoteNibble(operand) | demoteNibble(operand); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::srl(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC | ZF); f = setBit(f, CF, operand & Bit0); return (operand >> 1) & ~Bit7; } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::bit(uint8_t& f, const int n, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { ASSUME(n >= 0); ASSUME(n <= 7); const auto carry = f & CF; andr(f, operand, Chip::bit(n)); f = setBit(f, CF, carry); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::res(const int n, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { ASSUME(n >= 0); ASSUME(n <= 7); return clearBit(operand, Chip::bit(n)); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::set(const int n, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { ASSUME(n >= 0); ASSUME(n <= 7); return setBit(operand, Chip::bit(n)); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::daa(uint8_t& f, uint8_t operand) noexcept { int updated = operand; if (f & NF) { if (f & HC) updated = (updated - 6) & Mask8; if (f & CF) updated -= 0x60; } else { if ((f & HC) || lowNibble(updated) > 9) updated += 6; if ((f & CF) || updated > 0x9F) updated += 0x60; } f = clearBit(f, HC | ZF); f = setBit(f, CF, (f & CF) || (updated & Bit8)); const uint8_t result = updated & Mask8; f = adjustZero(f, result); return result; } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::cpl(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = setBit(f, HC | NF); return ~operand; } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::scf(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = setBit(f, CF); f = clearBit(f, HC | NF); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::ccf(uint8_t& f, const uint8_t operand) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, NF | HC); f = clearBit(f, CF, f & CF); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::enabledInterrupts() noexcept { return BUS().peek(IoRegisters::BASE + IoRegisters::IE); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::flaggedInterrupts() noexcept { return m_bus.IO().peek(IoRegisters::IF); } uint8_t EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::maskedInterrupts() noexcept { return enabledInterrupts() & flaggedInterrupts(); } int EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::step() { ExecutingInstruction.fire(*this); m_prefixCB = false; resetCycles(); if (LIKELY(powered())) { const auto masked = maskedInterrupts(); if (masked) { if (IME()) { m_bus.IO().poke(IoRegisters::IF, 0); lowerINT(); const int index = EightBit::findFirstSet(masked); BUS().DATA() = 0x38 + (index << 3); } else { raiseHALT(); } } if (UNLIKELY(lowered(RESET()))) { handleRESET(); } else if (UNLIKELY(lowered(INT()))) { handleINT(); } else if (UNLIKELY(lowered(HALT()))) { IntelProcessor::memoryRead(PC()); Processor::execute(0); // NOP } else { Processor::execute(fetchByte()); } } ExecutedInstruction.fire(*this); assert(cycles() % 4 == 0); return cycles(); } int EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::execute() { const auto& decoded = getDecodedOpcode(opcode()); const auto x = decoded.x; const auto y = decoded.y; const auto z = decoded.z; const auto p = decoded.p; const auto q = decoded.q; if (LIKELY(!m_prefixCB)) executeOther(x, y, z, p, q); else executeCB(x, y, z, p, q); if (UNLIKELY(cycles() == 0)) throw std::logic_error("Unhandled opcode"); return cycles(); } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::executeCB(const int x, const int y, const int z, int, int) { switch (x) { case 0: { // rot[y] r[z] auto operand = R(z); switch (y) { case 0: operand = rlc(F(), operand); break; case 1: operand = rrc(F(), operand); break; case 2: operand = rl(F(), operand); break; case 3: operand = rr(F(), operand); break; case 4: operand = sla(F(), operand); break; case 5: operand = sra(F(), operand); break; case 6: // GB: SWAP r operand = swap(F(), operand); break; case 7: operand = srl(F(), operand); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } R(z, operand); F() = adjustZero(F(), operand); break; } case 1: // BIT y, r[z] bit(F(), y, R(z)); break; case 2: // RES y, r[z] R(z, res(y, R(z))); break; case 3: // SET y, r[z] R(z, set(y, R(z))); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } } void EightBit::GameBoy::LR35902::executeOther(const int x, const int y, const int z, const int p, const int q) { switch (x) { case 0: switch (z) { case 0: // Relative jumps and assorted ops switch (y) { case 0: // NOP break; case 1: // GB: LD (nn),SP BUS().ADDRESS() = fetchWord(); setWord(SP()); break; case 2: // GB: STOP stop(); break; case 3: // JR d jr(fetchByte()); break; case 4: // JR cc,d case 5: case 6: case 7: jrConditionalFlag(F(), y - 4); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 1: // 16-bit load immediate/add switch (q) { case 0: // LD rp,nn RP(p) = fetchWord(); break; case 1: // ADD HL,rp HL() = add(F(), HL(), RP(p)); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 2: // Indirect loading switch (q) { case 0: switch (p) { case 0: // LD (BC),A IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(BC(), A()); break; case 1: // LD (DE),A IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(DE(), A()); break; case 2: // GB: LDI (HL),A IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(HL()++, A()); break; case 3: // GB: LDD (HL),A IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(HL()--, A()); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 1: switch (p) { case 0: // LD A,(BC) A() = IntelProcessor::memoryRead(BC()); break; case 1: // LD A,(DE) A() = IntelProcessor::memoryRead(DE()); break; case 2: // GB: LDI A,(HL) A() = IntelProcessor::memoryRead(HL()++); break; case 3: // GB: LDD A,(HL) A() = IntelProcessor::memoryRead(HL()--); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 3: // 16-bit INC/DEC switch (q) { case 0: // INC rp ++RP(p); break; case 1: // DEC rp --RP(p); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } tickMachine(); break; case 4: { // 8-bit INC auto operand = R(y); R(y, increment(F(), operand)); break; } case 5: { // 8-bit DEC auto operand = R(y); R(y, decrement(F(), operand)); break; } case 6: // 8-bit load immediate R(y, fetchByte()); // LD r,n break; case 7: // Assorted operations on accumulator/flags switch (y) { case 0: A() = rlc(F(), A()); break; case 1: A() = rrc(F(), A()); break; case 2: A() = rl(F(), A()); break; case 3: A() = rr(F(), A()); break; case 4: A() = daa(F(), A()); break; case 5: A() = cpl(F(), A()); break; case 6: scf(F(), A()); break; case 7: ccf(F(), A()); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 1: // 8-bit loading if (UNLIKELY(z == 6 && y == 6)) { // Exception (replaces LD (HL), (HL)) lowerHALT(); } else { R(y, R(z)); } break; case 2: // Operate on accumulator and register/memory location switch (y) { case 0: // ADD A,r A() = add(F(), A(), R(z)); break; case 1: // ADC A,r A() = adc(F(), A(), R(z)); break; case 2: // SUB r A() = subtract(F(), A(), R(z)); break; case 3: // SBC A,r A() = sbc(F(), A(), R(z)); break; case 4: // AND r A() = andr(F(), A(), R(z)); break; case 5: // XOR r A() = xorr(F(), A(), R(z)); break; case 6: // OR r A() = orr(F(), A(), R(z)); break; case 7: // CP r compare(F(), A(), R(z)); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 3: switch (z) { case 0: // Conditional return switch (y) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: returnConditionalFlag(F(), y); break; case 4: // GB: LD (FF00 + n),A IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(IoRegisters::BASE + fetchByte(), A()); break; case 5: { // GB: ADD SP,dd const auto before = SP().word; const int8_t value = fetchByte(); tickMachine(2); const auto result = before + value; SP() = result; const auto carried = before ^ value ^ (result & Mask16); F() = clearBit(F(), ZF | NF); F() = setBit(F(), CF, carried & Bit8); F() = setBit(F(), HC, carried & Bit4); } break; case 6: // GB: LD A,(FF00 + n) A() = IntelProcessor::memoryRead(IoRegisters::BASE + fetchByte()); break; case 7: { // GB: LD HL,SP + dd const auto before = SP().word; const int8_t value = fetchByte(); tickMachine(); const auto result = before + value; HL() = result; const auto carried = before ^ value ^ (result & Mask16); F() = clearBit(F(), ZF | NF); F() = setBit(F(), CF, carried & Bit8); F() = setBit(F(), HC, carried & Bit4); } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 1: // POP & various ops switch (q) { case 0: // POP rp2[p] RP2(p) = popWord(); break; case 1: switch (p) { case 0: // RET ret(); break; case 1: // GB: RETI reti(); break; case 2: // JP HL jump(HL()); break; case 3: // LD SP,HL SP() = HL(); tickMachine(); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 2: // Conditional jump switch (y) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: jumpConditionalFlag(F(), y); break; case 4: // GB: LD (FF00 + C),A IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(IoRegisters::BASE + C(), A()); break; case 5: // GB: LD (nn),A BUS().ADDRESS() = MEMPTR() = fetchWord(); IntelProcessor::memoryWrite(A()); break; case 6: // GB: LD A,(FF00 + C) A() = IntelProcessor::memoryRead(IoRegisters::BASE + C()); break; case 7: // GB: LD A,(nn) BUS().ADDRESS() = MEMPTR() = fetchWord(); A() = memoryRead(); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 3: // Assorted operations switch (y) { case 0: // JP nn jump(MEMPTR() = fetchWord()); tickMachine(); break; case 1: // CB prefix m_prefixCB = true; Processor::execute(fetchByte()); break; case 6: // DI di(); break; case 7: // EI ei(); break; } break; case 4: // Conditional call: CALL cc[y], nn callConditionalFlag(F(), y); break; case 5: // PUSH & various ops switch (q) { case 0: // PUSH rp2[p] pushWord(RP2(p)); break; case 1: switch (p) { case 0: // CALL nn call(MEMPTR() = fetchWord()); break; } break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 6: // Operate on accumulator and immediate operand: alu[y] n switch (y) { case 0: // ADD A,n A() = add(F(), A(), fetchByte()); break; case 1: // ADC A,n A() = adc(F(), A(), fetchByte()); break; case 2: // SUB n A() = subtract(F(), A(), fetchByte()); break; case 3: // SBC A,n A() = sbc(F(), A(), fetchByte()); break; case 4: // AND n A() = andr(F(), A(), fetchByte()); break; case 5: // XOR n A() = xorr(F(), A(), fetchByte()); break; case 6: // OR n A() = orr(F(), A(), fetchByte()); break; case 7: // CP n compare(F(), A(), fetchByte()); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; case 7: // Restart: RST y * 8 restart(y << 3); break; default: UNREACHABLE; } break; } }