#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace EightBit { class Bus; class MOS6502 : public LittleEndianProcessor { public: DECLARE_PIN_INPUT(NMI) DECLARE_PIN_INPUT(SO) DECLARE_PIN_OUTPUT(SYNC) DECLARE_PIN_INPUT(RDY) DECLARE_PIN_OUTPUT(RW) public: enum StatusBits { NF = Bit7, // Negative VF = Bit6, // Overflow RF = Bit5, // reserved BF = Bit4, // Brk DF = Bit3, // D (use BCD for arithmetic) IF = Bit2, // I (IRQ disable) ZF = Bit1, // Zero CF = Bit0, // Carry }; MOS6502(Bus& bus) noexcept; Signal ExecutingInstruction; Signal ExecutedInstruction; void execute() noexcept final; [[nodiscard]] int step() noexcept final; [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto& X() noexcept { return m_x; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto& Y() noexcept { return m_y; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto& A() noexcept { return m_a; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto& S() noexcept { return m_s; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto& P() noexcept { return m_p; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr const auto& P() const noexcept { return m_p; } protected: void handleRESET() noexcept final; void handleINT() noexcept final; void busWrite() noexcept final; [[nodiscard]] uint8_t busRead() noexcept final; // Instructions with BCD effects void sbc() noexcept; [[nodiscard]] virtual uint8_t sub(uint8_t operand, int borrow = 0) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] uint8_t sub_b(uint8_t operand, uint8_t data, int borrow = 0) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] uint8_t sub_d(uint8_t operand, uint8_t data, int borrow = 0) noexcept; void adc() noexcept; [[nodiscard]] virtual uint8_t add(uint8_t operand, int carry = 0) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] uint8_t add_b(uint8_t operand, uint8_t data, int carry) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] uint8_t add_d(uint8_t operand, uint8_t data, int carry) noexcept; // Undocumented compound instructions (with BCD effects) virtual void arr() noexcept; void arr_b(uint8_t value) noexcept; void arr_d(uint8_t value) noexcept; private: const uint8_t IRQvector = 0xfe; // IRQ vector const uint8_t RSTvector = 0xfc; // RST vector const uint8_t NMIvector = 0xfa; // NMI vector void handleNMI() noexcept; void handleSO() noexcept; void interrupt() noexcept; constexpr void setStackAddress(uint8_t position) noexcept { BUS().ADDRESS() = { position, 1 }; } constexpr void pushDownStackAddress(uint8_t value) noexcept { BUS().DATA() = value; setStackAddress(S()--); } constexpr void popUpStackAddress() noexcept { setStackAddress(++S()); } void push(uint8_t value) noexcept final; [[nodiscard]] uint8_t pop() noexcept final; // Dummy stack push, used during RESET void dummyPush(uint8_t value) noexcept; // Addressing modes constexpr void noteUnfixedPage() noexcept { m_unfixed_page = BUS().ADDRESS().high; } constexpr void Address_Immediate() noexcept { BUS().ADDRESS() = PC()++; } void Address_Absolute() noexcept { BUS().ADDRESS() = fetchWord(); } void Address_ZeroPage() noexcept { BUS().ADDRESS() = register16_t(fetchByte(), 0); } void Address_ZeroPageIndirect() noexcept { Address_ZeroPage(); BUS().ADDRESS() = getWordPaged(); } void Address_Indirect() noexcept { Address_Absolute(); BUS().ADDRESS() = getWordPaged(); } void Address_ZeroPageWithIndex(uint8_t index) noexcept { AM_ZeroPage(); BUS().ADDRESS().low += index; } void Address_ZeroPageX() noexcept { Address_ZeroPageWithIndex(X()); } void Address_ZeroPageY() noexcept { Address_ZeroPageWithIndex(Y()); } void Address_AbsoluteWithIndex(uint8_t index) noexcept { Address_Absolute(); noteUnfixedPage(); BUS().ADDRESS() += index; } void Address_AbsoluteX() noexcept { Address_AbsoluteWithIndex(X()); } void Address_AbsoluteY() noexcept { Address_AbsoluteWithIndex(Y()); } void Address_IndexedIndirectX() noexcept { Address_ZeroPageX(); BUS().ADDRESS() = getWordPaged(); } void Address_IndirectIndexedY() noexcept { Address_ZeroPageIndirect(); noteUnfixedPage(); BUS().ADDRESS() += Y(); } // Addressing modes, with read void AM_Immediate() noexcept { Address_Immediate(); memoryRead(); } void AM_Absolute() noexcept { Address_Absolute(); memoryRead(); } void AM_ZeroPage() noexcept { Address_ZeroPage(); memoryRead(); } void AM_ZeroPageX() noexcept { Address_ZeroPageX(); memoryRead(); } void AM_ZeroPageY() noexcept { Address_ZeroPageY(); memoryRead(); } void AM_IndexedIndirectX() noexcept { Address_IndexedIndirectX(); memoryRead(); } void AM_AbsoluteX() noexcept { Address_AbsoluteX(); maybe_fixupR(); } void AM_AbsoluteY() noexcept { Address_AbsoluteY(); maybe_fixupR(); } void AM_IndirectIndexedY() noexcept { Address_IndirectIndexedY(); maybe_fixupR(); } // Flag checking [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto interruptMasked() const noexcept { return P() & IF; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto decimal() const noexcept { return P() & DF; } [[nodiscard]] static constexpr auto negative(uint8_t data) noexcept { return data & NF; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto negative() const noexcept { return negative(P()); } [[nodiscard]] static constexpr auto zero(uint8_t data) noexcept { return data & ZF; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto zero() const noexcept { return zero(P()); } [[nodiscard]] static constexpr auto overflow(uint8_t data) noexcept { return data & VF; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overflow() const noexcept { return overflow(P()); } [[nodiscard]] static constexpr auto carry(uint8_t data) noexcept { return data & CF; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto carry() const noexcept { return carry(P()); } // Flag adjustment constexpr void adjustZero(const uint8_t datum) noexcept { reset_flag(ZF, datum); } constexpr void adjustNegative(const uint8_t datum) noexcept { set_flag(NF, negative(datum)); } constexpr void adjustNZ(const uint8_t datum) noexcept { adjustZero(datum); adjustNegative(datum); } constexpr void adjustOverflow_add(uint8_t operand, uint8_t data, uint8_t intermediate) noexcept { set_flag(VF, negative(~(operand ^ data) & (operand ^ intermediate))); } constexpr void adjustOverflow_subtract(uint8_t operand, uint8_t data, uint8_t intermediate) noexcept { set_flag(VF, negative((operand ^ data) & (operand ^ intermediate))); } // Miscellaneous void branch(int condition) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto through(const uint8_t data) noexcept { adjustNZ(data); return data; } #define MW(OPERATION) { \ const auto result = OPERATION(BUS().DATA()); \ memoryWrite(); \ memoryWrite(result); \ } void maybe_fixup() noexcept { const auto fixed_page = BUS().ADDRESS().high; BUS().ADDRESS().high = m_unfixed_page; if (m_unfixed_page != fixed_page) { memoryRead(); BUS().ADDRESS().high = fixed_page; } } void fixup() noexcept { const auto fixed_page = BUS().ADDRESS().high; BUS().ADDRESS().high = m_unfixed_page; memoryRead(); BUS().ADDRESS().high = fixed_page; } void maybe_fixupR() noexcept { maybe_fixup(); memoryRead(); } void fixupR() noexcept { fixup(); memoryRead(); } // Status flag operations constexpr static void set_flag(uint8_t& f, int which, int condition) noexcept { f = setBit(f, which, condition); } constexpr void set_flag(int which, int condition) noexcept { set_flag(P(), which, condition); } constexpr void set_flag(int which) noexcept { P() = setBit(P(), which); } constexpr static void reset_flag(uint8_t& f, int which, int condition) noexcept { f = clearBit(f, which, condition); } constexpr void reset_flag(int which, int condition) noexcept { reset_flag(P(), which, condition); } constexpr void reset_flag(int which) noexcept { P() = clearBit(P(), which); } // Chew up a cycle void swallow() noexcept { memoryRead(PC()); } void swallow_stack() noexcept { memoryRead({ S(), 1 }); } void swallow_fetch() noexcept { fetchByte(); } // Instruction implementations void andr() noexcept; void bit() noexcept; void cmp(uint8_t first) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] uint8_t dec(uint8_t value) noexcept; void eorr() noexcept; [[nodiscard]] uint8_t inc(uint8_t value) noexcept; void jsr() noexcept; void orr() noexcept; void php() noexcept; void plp() noexcept; void rti() noexcept; void rts() noexcept; [[nodiscard]] constexpr uint8_t asl(uint8_t value) noexcept { set_flag(CF, value & NF); return through(value << 1); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr uint8_t rol(uint8_t operand) noexcept { const auto carryIn = carry(); return through(asl(operand) | carryIn); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr uint8_t lsr(uint8_t value) noexcept { set_flag(CF, value & CF); return through(value >> 1); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr uint8_t ror(uint8_t operand) noexcept { const auto carryIn = carry(); return through(lsr(operand) | (carryIn << 7)); } // Undocumented compound instructions void anc() noexcept; void axs() noexcept; void jam() noexcept; void storeFixupEffect(uint8_t data) noexcept { memoryWrite(data & (BUS().ADDRESS().high + 1)); } void sha() noexcept { storeFixupEffect(A() & X()); } void sya() noexcept { storeFixupEffect(Y()); } void sxa() noexcept { storeFixupEffect(X()); } void tas() noexcept { S() = A() & X(); sha(); } void las() noexcept { A() = X() = S() = through(memoryRead() & S()); } void ane() noexcept { A() = through((A() | 0xee) & X() & BUS().DATA()); } void atx() noexcept { A() = X() = through((A() | 0xee) & BUS().DATA()); } void asr() noexcept { andr(); A() = lsr(A()); } void isb() noexcept { MW(inc); sbc(); } void slo() noexcept { MW(asl); orr(); } void rla() noexcept { MW(rol); andr(); } void sre() noexcept { MW(lsr); eorr(); } void rra() noexcept { MW(ror); adc(); } void dcp() noexcept { MW(dec); cmp(A()); } uint8_t m_x = 0; // index register X uint8_t m_y = 0; // index register Y uint8_t m_a = 0; // accumulator uint8_t m_s = 0; // stack pointer uint8_t m_p = 0; // processor status register16_t m_intermediate; bool m_handlingRESET = false; bool m_handlingNMI = false; bool m_handlingINT = false; uint8_t m_unfixed_page = 0; }; }