#include "stdafx.h" #include "LR35902.h" // based on http://www.z80.info/decoding.htm // Half carry flag help from https://github.com/oubiwann/z80 EightBit::LR35902::LR35902(Bus& memory) : Processor(memory), m_ime(false), m_prefixCB(false) { MEMPTR().word = 0; } void EightBit::LR35902::reset() { Processor::reset(); sp.word = 0xfffe; di(); } void EightBit::LR35902::initialise() { Processor::initialise(); AF().word = 0xffff; BC().word = 0xffff; DE().word = 0xffff; HL().word = 0xffff; MEMPTR().word = 0; m_prefixCB = false; } #pragma region Interrupt routines void EightBit::LR35902::di() { IME() = false; } void EightBit::LR35902::ei() { IME() = true; } int EightBit::LR35902::interrupt(uint8_t value) { cycles = 0; di(); restart(value); return 4; } #pragma endregion Interrupt routines #pragma region Flag manipulation helpers void EightBit::LR35902::adjustZero(uint8_t value) { clearFlag(ZF, value); } void EightBit::LR35902::postIncrement(uint8_t value) { adjustZero(value); clearFlag(NF); clearFlag(HC, lowNibble(value)); } void EightBit::LR35902::postDecrement(uint8_t value) { adjustZero(value); setFlag(NF); clearFlag(HC, lowNibble(value + 1)); } #pragma endregion Flag manipulation helpers #pragma region PC manipulation: call/ret/jp/jr void EightBit::LR35902::restart(uint8_t address) { pushWord(pc); pc.low = address; pc.high = 0; } void EightBit::LR35902::jrConditional(int conditional) { auto offset = (int8_t)fetchByte(); if (conditional) { pc.word += offset; cycles++; } } void EightBit::LR35902::jrConditionalFlag(int flag) { switch (flag) { case 0: // NZ jrConditional(!(F() & ZF)); break; case 1: // Z jrConditional(F() & ZF); break; case 2: // NC jrConditional(!(F() & CF)); break; case 3: // C jrConditional(F() & CF); break; case 4: // PO case 5: // PE case 6: // P case 7: // M cycles -= 2; break; } } void EightBit::LR35902::jumpConditional(int conditional) { if (conditional) pc = MEMPTR(); } void EightBit::LR35902::jumpConditionalFlag(int flag) { switch (flag) { case 0: // NZ jumpConditional(!(F() & ZF)); break; case 1: // Z jumpConditional(F() & ZF); break; case 2: // NC jumpConditional(!(F() & CF)); break; case 3: // C jumpConditional(F() & CF); break; case 4: // GB: LD (FF00 + C),A m_memory.set(0xff00 + C(), A()); cycles--; // Giving 8 cycles break; case 5: // GB: LD (nn),A fetchWord(); m_memory.ADDRESS() = MEMPTR(); m_memory.reference() = A(); cycles++; // Giving 16 cycles break; case 6: // GB: LD A,(FF00 + C) m_memory.ADDRESS().word = 0xff00 + C(); A() = m_memory.reference(); cycles--; // 8 cycles break; case 7: // GB: LD A,(nn) fetchWord(); m_memory.ADDRESS() = MEMPTR(); A() = m_memory.reference(); cycles++; // Giving 16 cycles break; } } void EightBit::LR35902::ret() { popWord(MEMPTR()); pc = MEMPTR(); } void EightBit::LR35902::reti() { ret(); ei(); } void EightBit::LR35902::returnConditional(int condition) { if (condition) { ret(); cycles += 3; } } void EightBit::LR35902::returnConditionalFlag(int flag) { switch (flag) { case 0: // NZ returnConditional(!(F() & ZF)); break; case 1: // Z returnConditional(F() & ZF); break; case 2: // NC returnConditional(!(F() & CF)); break; case 3: // C returnConditional(F() & CF); break; case 4: // GB: LD (FF00 + n),A m_memory.set(0xff00 + fetchByte(), A()); cycles++; // giving 12 cycles in total break; case 5: { // GB: ADD SP,dd auto before = sp; auto value = fetchByte(); sp.word += (int8_t)value; clearFlag(ZF | NF); setFlag(CF, sp.word & Bit16); adjustHalfCarryAdd(before.high, value, sp.high); } cycles += 2; // 16 cycles break; case 6: // GB: LD A,(FF00 + n) A() = m_memory.get(0xff00 + fetchByte()); cycles++; // 12 cycles break; case 7: { // GB: LD HL,SP + dd auto before = sp; auto value = fetchByte(); HL().word = before.word + (int8_t)value; clearFlag(ZF | NF); setFlag(CF, HL().word & Bit16); adjustHalfCarryAdd(before.high, value, HL().high); } cycles++; // 12 cycles break; } } void EightBit::LR35902::call() { pushWord(pc); pc = MEMPTR(); } void EightBit::LR35902::callConditional(int condition) { if (condition) { call(); cycles += 3; } } void EightBit::LR35902::callConditionalFlag(int flag) { switch (flag) { case 0: // NZ callConditional(!(F() & ZF)); break; case 1: // Z callConditional(F() & ZF); break; case 2: // NC callConditional(!(F() & CF)); break; case 3: // C callConditional(F() & CF); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: cycles -= 3; // removed from GB break; } } #pragma endregion PC manipulation: call/ret/jp/jr #pragma region 16-bit arithmetic void EightBit::LR35902::sbc(register16_t& operand, register16_t value) { auto before = operand; auto result = before.word - value.word - (F() & CF); operand.word = result; clearFlag(ZF, operand.word); adjustHalfCarrySub(before.high, value.high, operand.high); setFlag(NF); setFlag(CF, result & Bit16); } void EightBit::LR35902::adc(register16_t& operand, register16_t value) { auto before = operand; auto result = before.word + value.word + (F() & CF); operand.word = result; clearFlag(ZF, result); adjustHalfCarryAdd(before.high, value.high, operand.high); clearFlag(NF); setFlag(CF, result & Bit16); } void EightBit::LR35902::add(register16_t& operand, register16_t value) { auto before = operand; auto result = before.word + value.word; operand.word = result; clearFlag(NF); setFlag(CF, result & Bit16); adjustHalfCarryAdd(before.high, value.high, operand.high); } #pragma endregion 16-bit arithmetic #pragma region ALU void EightBit::LR35902::add(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value, int carry) { register16_t result; result.word = operand + value + carry; adjustHalfCarryAdd(operand, value, result.low); operand = result.low; clearFlag(NF); setFlag(CF, result.word & Bit8); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::adc(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value) { add(operand, value, F() & CF); } void EightBit::LR35902::sub(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value, int carry) { register16_t result; result.word = operand - value - carry; adjustHalfCarrySub(operand, value, result.low); operand = result.low; setFlag(NF); setFlag(CF, result.word & Bit8); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::sbc(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value) { sub(operand, value, F() & CF); } void EightBit::LR35902::andr(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value) { operand &= value; setFlag(HC); clearFlag(CF | NF); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::xorr(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value) { operand ^= value; clearFlag(HC | CF | NF); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::orr(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value) { operand |= value; clearFlag(HC | CF | NF); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::compare(uint8_t value) { auto check = A(); sub(check, value); } #pragma endregion ALU #pragma region Shift and rotate void EightBit::LR35902::rlc(uint8_t& operand) { auto carry = operand & Bit7; operand <<= 1; setFlag(CF, carry); carry ? operand |= Bit0 : operand &= ~Bit0; clearFlag(NF | HC); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::rrc(uint8_t& operand) { auto carry = operand & Bit0; operand >>= 1; carry ? operand |= Bit7 : operand &= ~Bit7; setFlag(CF, carry); clearFlag(NF | HC); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::rl(uint8_t& operand) { auto oldCarry = F() & CF; auto newCarry = operand & Bit7; operand <<= 1; oldCarry ? operand |= Bit0 : operand &= ~Bit0; setFlag(CF, newCarry); clearFlag(NF | HC); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::rr(uint8_t& operand) { auto oldCarry = F() & CF; auto newCarry = operand & Bit0; operand >>= 1; operand |= oldCarry << 7; setFlag(CF, newCarry); clearFlag(NF | HC); adjustZero(operand); } // void EightBit::LR35902::sla(uint8_t& operand) { auto newCarry = operand & Bit7; operand <<= 1; setFlag(CF, newCarry); clearFlag(NF | HC); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::sra(uint8_t& operand) { auto new7 = operand & Bit7; auto newCarry = operand & Bit0; operand >>= 1; operand |= new7; setFlag(CF, newCarry); clearFlag(NF | HC); adjustZero(operand); } void EightBit::LR35902::srl(uint8_t& operand) { auto newCarry = operand & Bit0; operand >>= 1; operand &= ~Bit7; // clear bit 7 setFlag(CF, newCarry); clearFlag(NF | HC); adjustZero(operand); } // void EightBit::LR35902::rlca() { rlc(A()); } void EightBit::LR35902::rrca() { rrc(A()); } void EightBit::LR35902::rla() { rl(A()); } void EightBit::LR35902::rra() { rr(A()); } #pragma endregion Shift and rotate #pragma region BIT/SET/RES void EightBit::LR35902::bit(int n, uint8_t& operand) { auto carry = F() & CF; uint8_t discarded = operand; andr(discarded, 1 << n); setFlag(CF, carry); } void EightBit::LR35902::res(int n, uint8_t& operand) { auto bit = 1 << n; operand &= ~bit; } void EightBit::LR35902::set(int n, uint8_t& operand) { auto bit = 1 << n; operand |= bit; } #pragma endregion BIT/SET/RES #pragma region Miscellaneous instructions void EightBit::LR35902::daa() { uint8_t a = A(); auto lowAdjust = (F() & HC) | ((A() & 0xf) > 9); auto highAdjust = (F() & CF) | (A() > 0x99); if (F() & NF) { if (lowAdjust) a -= 6; if (highAdjust) a -= 0x60; } else { if (lowAdjust) a += 6; if (highAdjust) a += 0x60; } F() = (F() & (CF | NF)) | (A() > 0x99) | ((A() ^ a) & HC); adjustZero(a); A() = a; } void EightBit::LR35902::cpl() { A() = ~A(); setFlag(HC | NF); } void EightBit::LR35902::scf() { setFlag(CF); clearFlag(HC | NF); } void EightBit::LR35902::ccf() { auto carry = F() & CF; clearFlag(CF, carry); clearFlag(NF | HC); } void EightBit::LR35902::swap(uint8_t& operand) { auto low = lowNibble(operand); auto high = highNibble(operand); operand = promoteNibble(low) | demoteNibble(high); adjustZero(operand); clearFlag(NF | HC | CF); } #pragma endregion Miscellaneous instructions int EightBit::LR35902::step() { ExecutingInstruction.fire(*this); m_prefixCB = false; cycles = 0; return fetchExecute(); } int EightBit::LR35902::execute(uint8_t opcode) { auto x = (opcode & 0b11000000) >> 6; auto y = (opcode & 0b111000) >> 3; auto z = (opcode & 0b111); auto p = (y & 0b110) >> 1; auto q = (y & 1); if (m_prefixCB) executeCB(x, y, z, p, q); else executeOther(x, y, z, p, q); if (cycles == 0) throw std::logic_error("Unhandled opcode"); return cycles * 4; } void EightBit::LR35902::executeCB(int x, int y, int z, int p, int q) { switch (x) { case 0: // rot[y] r[z] switch (y) { case 0: rlc(R(z)); break; case 1: rrc(R(z)); break; case 2: rl(R(z)); break; case 3: rr(R(z)); break; case 4: sla(R(z)); break; case 5: sra(R(z)); break; case 6: swap(R(z)); break; case 7: srl(R(z)); break; } adjustZero(R(z)); cycles += 2; if (z == 6) cycles += 2; break; case 1: // BIT y, r[z] bit(y, R(z)); cycles += 2; if (z == 6) cycles += 2; break; case 2: // RES y, r[z] res(y, R(z)); cycles += 2; if (z == 6) cycles += 2; break; case 3: // SET y, r[z] set(y, R(z)); cycles += 2; if (z == 6) cycles += 2; break; } } void EightBit::LR35902::executeOther(int x, int y, int z, int p, int q) { switch (x) { case 0: switch (z) { case 0: // Relative jumps and assorted ops switch (y) { case 0: // NOP cycles++; break; case 1: // GB: LD (nn),SP fetchWord(); m_memory.setWord(MEMPTR().word, sp); cycles += 5; break; case 2: // GB: STOP stop(); cycles++; break; case 3: // JR d jrConditional(true); cycles += 3; break; default: // JR cc,d jrConditionalFlag(y - 4); cycles += 2; break; } break; case 1: // 16-bit load immediate/add switch (q) { case 0: // LD rp,nn fetchWord(); RP(p) = MEMPTR(); cycles += 3; break; case 1: // ADD HL,rp add(HL(), RP(p)); cycles += 2; break; } break; case 2: // Indirect loading switch (q) { case 0: switch (p) { case 0: // LD (BC),A m_memory.set(BC().word, A()); cycles += 2; break; case 1: // LD (DE),A m_memory.set(DE().word, A()); cycles += 2; break; case 2: // GB: LDI (HL),A m_memory.set(HL().word++, A()); cycles += 2; break; case 3: // GB: LDD (HL),A m_memory.set(HL().word--, A()); cycles += 2; break; } break; case 1: switch (p) { case 0: // LD A,(BC) A() = m_memory.get(BC().word); cycles += 2; break; case 1: // LD A,(DE) A() = m_memory.get(DE().word); cycles += 2; break; case 2: // GB: LDI A,(HL) A() = m_memory.get(HL().word++); cycles += 2; break; case 3: // GB: LDD A,(HL) A() = m_memory.get(HL().word--); cycles += 2; break; } break; } break; case 3: // 16-bit INC/DEC switch (q) { case 0: // INC rp ++RP(p).word; break; case 1: // DEC rp --RP(p).word; break; } cycles += 2; break; case 4: // 8-bit INC postIncrement(++R(y)); // INC r cycles++; if (y == 6) cycles += 2; break; case 5: // 8-bit DEC postDecrement(--R(y)); // DEC r cycles++; if (y == 6) cycles += 2; break; case 6: // 8-bit load immediate R(y) = fetchByte(); cycles += 2; break; case 7: // Assorted operations on accumulator/flags switch (y) { case 0: rlca(); break; case 1: rrca(); break; case 2: rla(); break; case 3: rra(); break; case 4: daa(); break; case 5: cpl(); break; case 6: scf(); break; case 7: ccf(); break; } cycles++; break; } break; case 1: // 8-bit loading if (z == 6 && y == 6) { // Exception (replaces LD (HL), (HL)) halt(); } else { R(y) = R(z); if ((y == 6) || (z == 6)) // M operations cycles++; } cycles++; break; case 2: // Operate on accumulator and register/memory location switch (y) { case 0: // ADD A,r add(A(), R(z)); break; case 1: // ADC A,r adc(A(), R(z)); break; case 2: // SUB r sub(A(), R(z)); break; case 3: // SBC A,r sbc(A(), R(z)); break; case 4: // AND r andr(A(), R(z)); break; case 5: // XOR r xorr(A(), R(z)); break; case 6: // OR r orr(A(), R(z)); break; case 7: // CP r compare(R(z)); break; } cycles++; if (z == 6) cycles++; break; case 3: switch (z) { case 0: // Conditional return returnConditionalFlag(y); cycles += 2; break; case 1: // POP & various ops switch (q) { case 0: // POP rp2[p] popWord(RP2(p)); cycles += 3; break; case 1: switch (p) { case 0: // RET ret(); cycles += 4; break; case 1: // GB: RETI reti(); cycles += 4; break; case 2: // JP HL pc = HL(); cycles += 1; break; case 3: // LD SP,HL sp = HL(); cycles += 2; break; } } break; case 2: // Conditional jump jumpConditionalFlag(y); cycles += 3; break; case 3: // Assorted operations switch (y) { case 0: // JP nn fetchWord(); pc = MEMPTR(); cycles += 4; break; case 1: // CB prefix m_prefixCB = true; fetchExecute(); break; case 6: // DI di(); cycles++; break; case 7: // EI ei(); cycles++; break; } break; case 4: // Conditional call: CALL cc[y], nn fetchWord(); callConditionalFlag(y); cycles += 3; break; case 5: // PUSH & various ops switch (q) { case 0: // PUSH rp2[p] pushWord(RP2(p)); cycles += 4; break; case 1: switch (p) { case 0: // CALL nn fetchWord(); callConditional(true); cycles += 3; break; } } break; case 6: // Operate on accumulator and immediate operand: alu[y] n switch (y) { case 0: // ADD A,n add(A(), fetchByte()); break; case 1: // ADC A,n adc(A(), fetchByte()); break; case 2: // SUB n sub(A(), fetchByte()); break; case 3: // SBC A,n sbc(A(), fetchByte()); break; case 4: // AND n andr(A(), fetchByte()); break; case 5: // XOR n xorr(A(), fetchByte()); break; case 6: // OR n orr(A(), fetchByte()); break; case 7: // CP n compare(fetchByte()); break; } cycles += 2; break; case 7: // Restart: RST y * 8 restart(y << 3); cycles += 4; break; } break; } }