MC6809 Cycle-By-Cycle Performance ================================= This document is based on Arto Salmi's work. (, Additional information by ALeX Kazik. This information is taken from Motorola Semiconductor Technical Data: MC6809E 8-bit microprocessing unit (6809-21.gif - 6809-25.gif). Interrupt information is taken from HD6809E, HD68A09E, HD68B09E datasheet. Please mail me if you find errors, something is missing etc... ( V1.0 2000-10-19 atjs first version (there must be errors) V1.1 2000-11-03 atjs tabs -> spaces, clean up, now normal text file (no MS-DOS), added LEA, stack writes and interrupts. V1.2 2000-11-30 atjs fixed LBRA, LBSR cycles V1.3 2015-10-21 ALeX restructured the document added [,R] added reset (soft- & hardware) characteristics Format ------ - Cycle (1, 2, ...) - Read/Write (R/W) - Data Bus - Address Bus Address Bus ----------- $xxxx: fixed Address PC: Program Counter SP: Hardware Stack Pointer (aka S) US: User Stack Pointer (aka U) EA: Effective Address IX: Indexed Indirect Address Z: Tri-Stated bus ######################################################## Immediate, Direct, Extended and Indexed Addressing Modes ######################################################## ASL, ASR, CLR, COM, DEC, INC, LSL, LSR, NEG, ROL, ROR ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode | 4 R Data EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Data EA | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Data EA | ? R Don't Care $ffff | 6 W Data EA | 6 R Don't Care $ffff | ? W Data EA | | 7 W Data EA | TST ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode | 4 R Data EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Data EA | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Data EA | ? R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Don't Care $ffff | | 7 R Don't Care $ffff | ADCA, ADCB, ADDA, ADDB, ANDA, ANDB, BITA, BITB, CMPA, CMPB, EORA, EORB, LDA, LDB, ORA, ORB, SBCA, SBCB, SUBA, SUBB ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- Immediate Addressing Mode | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Data PC+1 | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode | 4 R Data EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Data EA | | 5 R Data EA | ANDCC, ORCC ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- Immediate Addressing Mode | | | ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | | | 2 R Data PC+1 | | | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | | | STA, STB ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode | 4 W Register EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? W Register EA | | 5 W Register EA | ADDD, CMPX, SUBD ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- Immediate Addressing Mode | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Data High PC+1 | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 3 R Data Low PC+2 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Data High EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Data High EA | 5 R Data Low EA+1 | 5 R Data High EA | ? R Data Low EA+1 | 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Data Low EA+1 | ? R Don't Care $ffff | | 7 R Don't Care $ffff | CMPY, CMPD, CMPS, CMPU ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- Immediate Addressing Mode | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 3 R Data High PC+2 | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | 3 R Address High PC+2 | 3 R Post Byte PC+2 4 R Data Low PC+3 | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Address Low PC+3 | Based on Index Mode; see Note 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Data High EA | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Data High EA | 6 R Data Low EA+1 | 6 R Data High EA | ? R Data Low EA+1 | 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 7 R Data Low EA+1 | ? R Don't Care $ffff | | 8 R Don't Care $ffff | LDD, LDU, LDX ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- Immediate Addressing Mode | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Register High PC+1 | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 3 R Register Low PC+2 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode | 4 R Register High EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Register High EA | 5 R Register Low EA+1 | 5 R Register High EA | ? R Register Low EA+1 | | 6 R Register Low EA+1 | LDS, LDY ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- Immediate Addressing Mode | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 3 R Register High PC+2 | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | 3 R Address High PC+2 | 3 R Post Byte PC+2 4 R Register Low PC+3 | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Address Low PC+3 | Based on Index Mode; see Note | 5 R Register High EA | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Register High EA | 6 R Register Low EA+1 | 6 R Register High EA | ? R Register Low EA+1 | | 7 R Register Low EA+1 | STD, STU, STX ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode | 4 W Register High EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? W Register High EA | 5 W Register Low EA+1 | 5 W Register High EA | ? W Register Low EA+1 | | 6 W Register Low EA+1 | STS, STY ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | 3 R Address High PC+2 | 3 R Post Byte PC+2 | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Address Low PC+3 | Based on Index Mode; see Note | 5 W Register High EA | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | ? W Register High EA | 6 W Register Low EA+1 | 6 W Register High EA | ? W Register Low EA+1 | | 7 W Register Low EA+1 | LEAS, LEAU, LEAX, LEAY ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | | | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | | | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | | | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | | | Based on Index Mode | | | ? R Don't Care $ffff JMP ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode | | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | JSR ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | Direct Addressing Mode | Extended Addressing Mode | Indexed Addressing Mode ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 2 R Address Low PC+1 | 2 R Address High PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Address Low PC+2 | Based on Index Mode | 4 R Don't Care EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Don't Care EA | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Don't Care EA | ? R Don't Care $ffff | 6 W PC Low SP-1 | 6 R Don't Care $ffff | ? W PC Low SP-1 | 7 W PC High SP-2 | 7 W PC Low SP-1 | ? W PC High SP-2 | | 8 W PC High SP-2 | ######################### Relative Addressing Modes ######################### BCC, BCS, BEQ, BGE, BGT, BHI, BHS, BLE, BLO, BLS, BLT, BMI, BNE, BPL, BRA, BRN, BVC, BVS --------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Offset PC+1 3 R Don't Care $ffff LBCC, LBCS, LBEQ, LBGE, LBGT, LBHI, LBHS, LBLE, LBLO, LBLS, LBLT, LBMI, LBNE, LBPL, LBRN, LBVC, LBVS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | | 3 R Offset High PC+2 | | 4 R Offset Low PC+3 | | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | | Depends on branching | IF Branch is not taken | IF Branch is taken | | 6 R Don't Care $ffff BSR | LBSR | LBRA ----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Offset PC+1 | 2 R Offset High PC+1 | 2 R Offset High PC+1 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Offset Low PC+2 | 3 R Offset Low PC+2 4 R Don't Care EA | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Don't Care $ffff 6 W Return Addr Low SP-1 | 6 R Don't Care EA | 7 W Return Addr High SP-2 | 7 R Don't Care $ffff | | 8 W Return Addr Low SP-1 | | 9 W Return Addr High SP-2 | ######################### Inherent Addressing Modes ######################### ASLA, ASRA, CLRA, COMA, DECA, INCA, LSLA, LSRA, NEGA, ROLA, RORA, TSTA ASLB, ASRB, CLRB, COMB, DECB, INCB, LSLB, LSRB, NEGB, ROLB, RORB, TSTB DAA, NOP, SEX --------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Don't Care PC+1 ABX | MUL ----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Don't Care PC+1 | 2 R Don't Care PC+1 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 8 R Don't Care $ffff | 9 R Don't Care $ffff | 10 R Don't Care $ffff | 11 R Don't Care $ffff EXG | TFR ----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Don't Care $ffff 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Don't Care $ffff 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Don't Care $ffff 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 8 R Don't Care $ffff | RTS | RTI ----------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | | 2 R Don't Care PC+1 | 2 R Don't Care PC+1 | | 3 R PC High SP | 3 R CCR SP | | 4 R PC Low SP+1 | Depends on E, see right | IF E=0 | IF E=1 5 R Don't Care $ffff | | 4 R PC High SP+1 | 4 R A Register SP+1 | | 5 R PC Low SP+2 | 5 R B Register SP+2 | | 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R DP Register SP+3 | | | 7 R X Register High SP+4 | | | 8 R X Register Low SP+5 | | | 9 R Y Register High SP+6 | | | 10 R Y Register Low SP+7 | | | 11 R User Stack High SP+8 | | | 12 R User Stack Low SP+9 | | | 13 R PC High SP+10 | | | 14 R PC Low SP+11 | | | 15 R Don't Care $ffff PSHS | PSHU | PULS | PULU ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 | 2 R Post Byte PC+1 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Don't Care $ffff 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff 5 R Don't Care SP | 5 R Don't Care US | PULL 0-12 Bytes (0-8 Regs) | PULL 0-12 Bytes (0-8 Regs) PUSH 0-12 Bytes (0-8 Regs) | PUSH 0-12 Bytes (0-8 Regs) | ? R Register ? SP | ? R Register ? US ? W Register ? SP-1 | ? W Register ? US-1 | ? R Register ? SP+1 | ? R Register ? US+1 ? W Register ? SP-2 | ? W Register ? US-2 | ? R Register ? SP+2 | ? R Register ? US+2 ? W Register ? SP-3 | ? W Register ? US-3 | ? R ... | ? R ... ? W ... | ? W ... | END LOOP | END LOOP END LOOP | END LOOP | ? R Don't Care SP+X | ? R Don't Care US+X SWI | SWI2 | SWI3 | RESET (undocumented Op $3e) ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R Don't Care PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Opcode 2nd Byte PC+1 | 2 R Don't Care PC+1 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 3 R Don't Care $ffff 4 W PC Low SP-1 | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 W PC Low SP-1 5 W PC High SP-2 | 5 W PC Low SP-1 | 5 W PC Low SP-1 | 5 W PC High SP-2 6 W User Stack Low SP-3 | 6 W PC High SP-2 | 6 W PC High SP-2 | 6 W User Stack Low SP-3 7 W User Stack High SP-4 | 7 W User Stack Low SP-3 | 7 W User Stack Low SP-3 | 7 W User Stack High SP-4 8 W Y Register Low SP-5 | 8 W User Stack High SP-4 | 8 W User Stack High SP-4 | 8 W Y Register Low SP-5 9 W Y Register High SP-6 | 9 W Y Register Low SP-5 | 9 W Y Register Low SP-5 | 9 W Y Register High SP-6 10 W X Register Low SP-7 | 10 W Y Register High SP-6 | 10 W Y Register High SP-6 | 10 W X Register Low SP-7 11 W X Register High SP-8 | 11 W X Register Low SP-7 | 11 W X Register Low SP-7 | 11 W X Register High SP-8 12 W DP Register SP-9 | 12 W X Register High SP-8 | 12 W X Register High SP-8 | 12 W DP Register SP-9 13 W B Register SP-10 | 13 W DP Register SP-9 | 13 W DP Register SP-9 | 13 W B Register SP-10 14 W A Register SP-11 | 14 W B Register SP-10 | 14 W B Register SP-10 | 14 W A Register SP-11 15 W CC Register SP-12 | 15 W A Register SP-11 | 15 W A Register SP-11 | 15 W CC Register SP-12 16 R Don't Care $ffff | 16 W CC Register SP-12 | 16 W CC Register SP-12 | 16 R Don't Care $ffff 17 R Int. Vector High $fffa | 17 R Don't Care $ffff | 17 R Don't Care $ffff | 17 R Int. Vector High $fffe 18 R Int. Vector Low $fffb | 18 R Int. Vector High $fff4 | 18 R Int. Vector High $fff2 | 18 R Int. Vector Low $ffff 19 R Don't Care $ffff | 19 R Int. Vector Low $fff5 | 19 R Int. Vector Low $fff3 | 19 R Don't Care $ffff | 20 R Don't Care $ffff | 20 R Don't Care $ffff | CWAI | SYNC ----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R Opcode Fetch PC | 1 R Opcode Fetch PC 2 R CC Mask PC+1 | 2 R Don't Care PC+1 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | DO 4 R Don't Care $ffff | ? R Don't Care Z 5 W PC Low SP-1 | WHILE Interrupt Not Present 6 W PC High SP-2 | ? R Don't Care Z 7 W User Stack Low SP-3 | 8 W User Stack High SP-4 | 9 W Y Register Low SP-5 | 10 W Y Register High SP-6 | 11 W X Register Low SP-7 | 12 W X Register High SP-8 | 13 W DP Register SP-9 | 14 W B Register SP-10 | 15 W A Register SP-11 | 16 W CC Register SP-12 | DO | ? R Don't Care $ffff | WHILE Interrupt Not Present | ? R Int. Vector High $fffx | ? R Int. Vector Low $fffy | ? R Don't Care $ffff | ################### Hardware Interrupts ################### FIRQ | IRQ | NMI | RESET ----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|---------------------------- 1 R ? PC | 1 R ? PC | 1 R ? PC | DO 2 R ? PC | 2 R ? PC | 2 R ? PC | ? R Don't Care $fffe 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | 3 R Don't Care $ffff | WHILE Reset Line is Low 4 W PC Low SP-1 | 4 W PC Low SP-1 | 4 W PC Low SP-1 | ? R Don't Care $fffe 5 W PC High SP-2 | 5 W PC High SP-2 | 5 W PC High SP-2 | ? R Don't Care $fffe 6 W CC Register SP-3 | 6 W User Stack Low SP-3 | 6 W User Stack Low SP-3 | ? R Don't Care $fffe 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 7 W User Stack High SP-4 | 7 W User Stack High SP-4 | ? R Int. Vector High $fffe 8 R Int. Vector High $fff6 | 8 W Y Register Low SP-5 | 8 W Y Register Low SP-5 | ? R Int. Vector Low $ffff 9 R Int. Vector Low $fff7 | 9 W Y Register High SP-6 | 9 W Y Register High SP-6 | ? R Don't Care $ffff 10 R Don't Care $ffff | 10 W X Register Low SP-7 | 10 W X Register Low SP-7 | | 11 W X Register High SP-8 | 11 W X Register High SP-8 | | 12 W DP Register SP-9 | 12 W DP Register SP-9 | | 13 W B Register SP-10 | 13 W B Register SP-10 | | 14 W A Register SP-11 | 14 W A Register SP-11 | | 15 W CC Register SP-12 | 15 W CC Register SP-12 | | 16 R Don't Care $ffff | 16 R Don't Care $ffff | | 17 R Int. Vector Low $fff8 | 17 R Int. Vector Low $fffc | | 18 R Int. Vector High $fff9 | 18 R Int. Vector High $fffd | | 19 R Don't Care $ffff | 19 R Don't Care $ffff | ################################ Index Addressing Mode variations ################################ NOTE: For opcodes $10xx and $11xx cycle and PC has to be increased by 1 to get correct values. ,R | [,R] ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 4 R Indirect High IX | 5 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 6 R Don't Care $ffff 5n,R | ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 8n,R | [8n,R] ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Offset PC+2 | 3 R Offset PC+2 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Indirect High IX | 6 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 7 R Don't Care $ffff 16n,R | [16n,R] ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Offset High PC+2 | 3 R Offset High PC+2 4 R Offset Low PC+3 | 4 R Offset Low PC+3 5 R Don't Care PC+4 | 5 R Don't Care PC+4 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Don't Care $ffff 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 8 R Indirect High IX | 9 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 10 R Don't Care $ffff A,R / B,R | [A,R] / [B,R] ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 3 R Don't Care PC+2 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Indirect High IX | 6 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 7 R Don't Care $ffff D,R | [D,R] ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 3 R Don't Care PC+2 4 R Don't Care PC+3 | 4 R Don't Care PC+3 5 R Don't Care PC+4 | 5 R Don't Care PC+4 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Don't Care $ffff 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 8 R Indirect High IX | 9 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 10 R Don't Care $ffff ,R+ / ,-R | ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Don't Care $ffff | ,R++ / ,--R | [,R++] / [,--R] ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Don't Care PC+2 | 3 R Don't Care PC+2 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff 5 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Don't Care $ffff 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 7 R Indirect High IX | 8 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 9 R Don't Care $ffff 8n,PC | [8n,PC] ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Offset PC+2 | 3 R Offset PC+2 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 4 R Don't Care $ffff | 5 R Indirect High IX | 6 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 7 R Don't Care $ffff 16n,PC | [16n,PC] ----------------------------|---------------------------- 3 R Offset High PC+2 | 3 R Offset High PC+2 4 R Offset Low PC+3 | 4 R Offset Low PC+3 5 R Don't Care PC+4 | 5 R Don't Care PC+4 6 R Don't Care $ffff | 6 R Don't Care $ffff 7 R Don't Care $ffff | 7 R Don't Care $ffff 8 R Don't Care $ffff | 8 R Don't Care $ffff | 9 R Indirect High IX | 10 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 11 R Don't Care $ffff | [Addr] ----------------------------|---------------------------- | 3 R Address High PC+2 | 4 R Address Low PC+3 | 5 R Don't Care PC+4 | 6 R Indirect High IX | 7 R Indirect Low IX+1 | 8 R Don't Care $ffff