namespace EightBit { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public sealed class Disassembler { private ushort address = 0xffff; private bool prefix10 = false; private bool prefix11 = false; public Disassembler(Bus bus, MC6809 targetProcessor) { this.BUS = bus; this.CPU = targetProcessor; } public bool Ignore => this.CPU.HALT.Lowered() || this.CPU.RESET.Lowered() || this.CPU.NMI.Lowered() || (this.CPU.FIRQ.Lowered() && this.CPU.FastInterruptMasked == 0) || (this.CPU.INT.Lowered() && this.CPU.InterruptMasked == 0); private Bus BUS { get; } private MC6809 CPU { get; } public string Trace(ushort current) { var disassembled = this.Disassemble(current); var cc = this.CPU.CC; var a = this.CPU.A; var b = this.CPU.B; var dp = this.CPU.DP; var x = this.CPU.X.Word; var y = this.CPU.Y.Word; var u = this.CPU.U.Word; var s = this.CPU.S.Word; return $"{current:x4}|{disassembled}\t\tcc={cc:x2} a={a:x2} b={b:x2} dp={dp:x2} x={x:x4} y={y:x4} u={u:x4} s={s:x4}"; } public string Trace(Register16 current) => this.Trace(current.Word); public string Trace() => this.Trace(this.CPU.PC); ////private static string Dump_RelativeValue(sbyte value) => value.ToString("D"); ////private static string Dump_RelativeValue(short value) => value.ToString("D"); ////private static string Dump_RelativeValue(Register16 value) => Dump_RelativeValue(value); private string Disassemble(ushort current) { if (this.CPU.Powered) { this.address = current; if (this.prefix10) { return this.Disassemble10(); } if (this.prefix11) { return this.Disassemble11(); } return this.DisassembleUnprefixed(); } return string.Empty; } private string Disassemble(int current) => this.Disassemble((ushort)current); ////private string Dump_Flags() ////{ //// var returned = string.Empty; //// returned += this.CPU.EntireRegisterSet != 0 ? "E" : "-"; //// returned += this.CPU.FastInterruptMasked != 0 ? "F" : "-"; //// returned += this.CPU.HalfCarry != 0 ? "H" : "-"; //// returned += this.CPU.InterruptMasked != 0 ? "I" : "-"; //// returned += this.CPU.Negative != 0 ? "N" : "-"; //// returned += this.CPU.Zero != 0 ? "Z" : "-"; //// returned += this.CPU.Overflow != 0 ? "V" : "-"; //// returned += this.CPU.Carry != 0 ? "C" : "-"; //// return returned; ////} ////private string Disassemble(Register16 current) => this.Disassemble(current.Word); ////private string Disassemble() => this.Disassemble(this.CPU.PC); private string DisassembleUnprefixed() { var opcode = this.GetByte(this.address); var output = $"{opcode:x2}"; switch (opcode) { case 0x10: this.prefix10 = true; output += this.Disassemble(this.address + 1); break; case 0x11: this.prefix11 = true; output += this.Disassemble(this.address + 1); break; // ABX case 0x3a: output += "\tABX"; break; // ABX (inherent) // ADC case 0x89: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("ADCA"); break; // ADC (ADCA immediate) case 0x99: output += this.Address_direct("ADCA"); break; // ADC (ADCA direct) case 0xa9: output += this.Address_indexed("ADCA"); break; // ADC (ADCA indexed) case 0xb9: output += this.Address_extended("ADCA"); break; // ADC (ADCA extended) case 0xc9: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("ADCB"); break; // ADC (ADCB immediate) case 0xd9: output += this.Address_direct("ADCB"); break; // ADC (ADCB direct) case 0xe9: output += this.Address_indexed("ADCB"); break; // ADC (ADCB indexed) case 0xf9: output += this.Address_extended("ADCB"); break; // ADC (ADCB extended) // ADD case 0x8b: output += this.Address_extended("ADDA"); break; // ADD (ADDA immediate) case 0x9b: output += this.Address_direct("ADDA"); break; // ADD (ADDA direct) case 0xab: output += this.Address_indexed("ADDA"); break; // ADD (ADDA indexed) case 0xbb: output += this.Address_extended("ADDA"); break; // ADD (ADDA extended) case 0xcb: output += this.Address_extended("ADDB"); break; // ADD (ADDB immediate) case 0xdb: output += this.Address_direct("ADDB"); break; // ADD (ADDB direct) case 0xeb: output += this.Address_indexed("ADDB"); break; // ADD (ADDB indexed) case 0xfb: output += this.Address_extended("ADDB"); break; // ADD (ADDB extended) case 0xc3: output += this.AM_immediate_word("ADDD"); break; // ADD (ADDD immediate) case 0xd3: output += this.Address_direct("ADDD"); break; // ADD (ADDD direct) case 0xe3: output += this.Address_indexed("ADDD"); break; // ADD (ADDD indexed) case 0xf3: output += this.Address_extended("ADDD"); break; // ADD (ADDD extended) // AND case 0x84: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("ANDA"); break; // AND (ANDA immediate) case 0x94: output += this.Address_direct("ANDA"); break; // AND (ANDA direct) case 0xa4: output += this.Address_indexed("ANDA"); break; // AND (ANDA indexed) case 0xb4: output += this.Address_extended("ANDA"); break; // AND (ANDA extended) case 0xc4: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("ANDB"); break; // AND (ANDB immediate) case 0xd4: output += this.Address_direct("ANDB"); break; // AND (ANDB direct) case 0xe4: output += this.Address_indexed("ANDB"); break; // AND (ANDB indexed) case 0xf4: output += this.Address_extended("ANDB"); break; // AND (ANDB extended) case 0x1c: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("ANDCC"); break; // AND (ANDCC immediate) // ASL/LSL case 0x08: output += this.Address_direct("ASL"); break; // ASL (direct) case 0x48: output += "\tASLA\t"; break; // ASL (ASLA inherent) case 0x58: output += "\tASLB\t"; break; // ASL (ASLB inherent) case 0x68: output += this.Address_indexed("ASL"); break; // ASL (indexed) case 0x78: output += this.Address_extended("ASL"); break; // ASL (extended) // ASR case 0x07: output += this.Address_direct("ASR"); break; // ASR (direct) case 0x47: output += "\tASRA\t"; break; // ASR (ASRA inherent) case 0x57: output += "\tASRB\t"; break; // ASR (ASRB inherent) case 0x67: output += this.Address_indexed("ASR"); break; // ASR (indexed) case 0x77: output += this.Address_extended("ASR"); break; // ASR (extended) // BIT case 0x85: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("BITA"); break; // BIT (BITA immediate) case 0x95: output += this.Address_direct("BITA"); break; // BIT (BITA direct) case 0xa5: output += this.Address_indexed("BITA"); break; // BIT (BITA indexed) case 0xb5: output += this.Address_extended("BITA"); break; // BIT (BITA extended) case 0xc5: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("BITB"); break; // BIT (BITB immediate) case 0xd5: output += this.Address_direct("BITB"); break; // BIT (BITB direct) case 0xe5: output += this.Address_indexed("BITB"); break; // BIT (BITB indexed) case 0xf5: output += this.Address_extended("BITB"); break; // BIT (BITB extended) // CLR case 0x0f: output += this.Address_direct("CLR"); break; // CLR (direct) case 0x4f: output += "\tCLRA\t"; break; // CLR (CLRA implied) case 0x5f: output += "\tCLRB\t"; break; // CLR (CLRB implied) case 0x6f: output += this.Address_indexed("CLR"); break; // CLR (indexed) case 0x7f: output += this.Address_extended("CLR"); break; // CLR (extended) // CMP // CMPA case 0x81: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("CMPA"); break; // CMP (CMPA, immediate) case 0x91: output += this.Address_direct("CMPA"); break; // CMP (CMPA, direct) case 0xa1: output += this.Address_indexed("CMPA"); break; // CMP (CMPA, indexed) case 0xb1: output += this.Address_extended("CMPA"); break; // CMP (CMPA, extended) // CMPB case 0xc1: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("CMPB"); break; // CMP (CMPB, immediate) case 0xd1: output += this.Address_direct("CMPB"); break; // CMP (CMPB, direct) case 0xe1: output += this.Address_indexed("CMPB"); break; // CMP (CMPB, indexed) case 0xf1: output += this.Address_extended("CMPB"); break; // CMP (CMPB, extended) // CMPX case 0x8c: output += this.AM_immediate_word("CMPX"); break; // CMP (CMPX, immediate) case 0x9c: output += this.Address_direct("CMPX"); break; // CMP (CMPX, direct) case 0xac: output += this.Address_indexed("CMPX"); break; // CMP (CMPX, indexed) case 0xbc: output += this.Address_extended("CMPX"); break; // CMP (CMPX, extended) // COM case 0x03: output += this.Address_direct("COM"); break; // COM (direct) case 0x43: output += "\tCOMA\t"; break; // COM (COMA inherent) case 0x53: output += "\tCOMB\t"; break; // COM (COMB inherent) case 0x63: output += this.Address_indexed("COM"); break; // COM (indexed) case 0x73: output += this.Address_extended("COM"); break; // COM (extended) // CWAI case 0x3c: output += this.Address_direct("CWAI"); break; // CWAI (direct) // DAA case 0x19: output += "\tDAA"; break; // DAA (inherent) // DEC case 0x0a: output += this.Address_direct("DEC"); break; // DEC (direct) case 0x4a: output += "\tDECA\t"; break; // DEC (DECA inherent) case 0x5a: output += "\tDECB\t"; break; // DEC (DECB inherent) case 0x6a: output += this.Address_indexed("DEC"); break; // DEC (indexed) case 0x7a: output += this.Address_extended("DEC"); break; // DEC (extended) // EOR // EORA case 0x88: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("EORA"); break; // EOR (EORA immediate) case 0x98: output += this.Address_direct("EORA"); break; // EOR (EORA direct) case 0xa8: output += this.Address_indexed("EORA"); break; // EOR (EORA indexed) case 0xb8: output += this.Address_extended("EORA"); break; // EOR (EORA extended) // EORB case 0xc8: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("EORB"); break; // EOR (EORB immediate) case 0xd8: output += this.Address_direct("EORB"); break; // EOR (EORB direct) case 0xe8: output += this.Address_indexed("EORB"); break; // EOR (EORB indexed) case 0xf8: output += this.Address_extended("EORB"); break; // EOR (EORB extended) // EXG case 0x1e: output += this.TFR("EXG"); break; // EXG (R1,R2 immediate) // INC case 0x0c: output += this.Address_direct("INC"); break; // INC (direct) case 0x4c: output += "\tINCA\t"; break; // INC (INCA inherent) case 0x5c: output += "\tINCB\t"; break; // INC (INCB inherent) case 0x6c: output += this.Address_indexed("INC"); break; // INC (indexed) case 0x7c: output += this.Address_extended("INC"); break; // INC (extended) // JMP case 0x0e: output += this.Address_direct("JMP"); break; // JMP (direct) case 0x6e: output += this.Address_indexed("JMP"); break; // JMP (indexed) case 0x7e: output += this.Address_extended("JMP"); break; // JMP (extended) // JSR case 0x9d: output += this.Address_direct("JSR"); break; // JSR (direct) case 0xad: output += this.Address_indexed("JSR"); break; // JSR (indexed) case 0xbd: output += this.Address_extended("JSR"); break; // JSR (extended) // LD // LDA case 0x86: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("LDA"); break; // LD (LDA immediate) case 0x96: output += this.Address_direct("LDA"); break; // LD (LDA direct) case 0xa6: output += this.Address_indexed("LDA"); break; // LD (LDA indexed) case 0xb6: output += this.Address_extended("LDA"); break; // LD (LDA extended) // LDB case 0xc6: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("LDB"); break; // LD (LDB immediate) case 0xd6: output += this.Address_direct("LDB"); break; // LD (LDB direct) case 0xe6: output += this.Address_indexed("LDB"); break; // LD (LDB indexed) case 0xf6: output += this.Address_extended("LDB"); break; // LD (LDB extended) // LDD case 0xcc: output += this.AM_immediate_word("LDD"); break; // LD (LDD immediate) case 0xdc: output += this.Address_direct("LDD"); break; // LD (LDD direct) case 0xec: output += this.Address_indexed("LDD"); break; // LD (LDD indexed) case 0xfc: output += this.Address_extended("LDD"); break; // LD (LDD extended) // LDU case 0xce: output += this.AM_immediate_word("LDU"); break; // LD (LDU immediate) case 0xde: output += this.Address_direct("LDU"); break; // LD (LDU direct) case 0xee: output += this.Address_indexed("LDU"); break; // LD (LDU indexed) case 0xfe: output += this.Address_extended("LDU"); break; // LD (LDU extended) // LDX case 0x8e: output += this.AM_immediate_word("LDX"); break; // LD (LDX immediate) case 0x9e: output += this.Address_direct("LDX"); break; // LD (LDX direct) case 0xae: output += this.Address_indexed("LDX"); break; // LD (LDX indexed) case 0xbe: output += this.Address_extended("LDX"); break; // LD (LDX extended) // LEA case 0x30: output += this.Address_indexed("LEAX"); break; // LEA (LEAX indexed) case 0x31: output += this.Address_indexed("LEAY"); break; // LEA (LEAY indexed) case 0x32: output += this.Address_indexed("LEAS"); break; // LEA (LEAS indexed) case 0x33: output += this.Address_indexed("LEAU"); break; // LEA (LEAU indexed) // LSR case 0x04: output += this.Address_direct("LSR"); break; // LSR (direct) case 0x44: output += "\tLSRA\t"; break; // LSR (LSRA inherent) case 0x54: output += "\tLSRB\t"; break; // LSR (LSRB inherent) case 0x64: output += this.Address_indexed("LSR"); break; // LSR (indexed) case 0x74: output += this.Address_extended("LSR"); break; // LSR (extended) // MUL case 0x3d: output += "\tMUL\t"; break; // MUL (inherent) // NEG case 0x00: output += this.Address_direct("NEG"); break; // NEG (direct) case 0x40: output += "\tNEGA\t"; break; // NEG (NEGA, inherent) case 0x50: output += "\tNEGB\t"; break; // NEG (NEGB, inherent) case 0x60: output += this.Address_indexed("NEG"); break; // NEG (indexed) case 0x70: output += this.Address_extended("NEG"); break; // NEG (extended) // NOP case 0x12: output += "\tNOP\t"; break; // NOP (inherent) // OR // ORA case 0x8a: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("ORA"); break; // OR (ORA immediate) case 0x9a: output += this.Address_direct("ORA"); break; // OR (ORA direct) case 0xaa: output += this.Address_indexed("ORA"); break; // OR (ORA indexed) case 0xba: output += this.Address_extended("ORA"); break; // OR (ORA extended) // ORB case 0xca: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("ORB"); break; // OR (ORB immediate) case 0xda: output += this.Address_direct("ORB"); break; // OR (ORB direct) case 0xea: output += this.Address_indexed("ORB"); break; // OR (ORB indexed) case 0xfa: output += this.Address_extended("ORB"); break; // OR (ORB extended) // ORCC case 0x1a: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("ORCC"); break; // OR (ORCC immediate) // PSH case 0x34: output += this.PshS(); break; // PSH (PSHS immediate) case 0x36: output += this.PshU(); break; // PSH (PSHU immediate) // PUL case 0x35: output += this.PulS(); break; // PUL (PULS immediate) case 0x37: output += this.PulU(); break; // PUL (PULU immediate) // ROL case 0x09: output += this.Address_direct("ROL"); break; // ROL (direct) case 0x49: output += "\tROLA\t"; break; // ROL (ROLA inherent) case 0x59: output += "\tROLB\t"; break; // ROL (ROLB inherent) case 0x69: output += this.Address_indexed("ROL"); break; // ROL (indexed) case 0x79: output += this.Address_extended("ROL"); break; // ROL (extended) // ROR case 0x06: output += this.Address_direct("ROR"); break; // ROR (direct) case 0x46: output += "\tRORA\t"; break; // ROR (RORA inherent) case 0x56: output += "\tRORB\t"; break; // ROR (RORB inherent) case 0x66: output += this.Address_indexed("ROR"); break; // ROR (indexed) case 0x76: output += this.Address_extended("ROR"); break; // ROR (extended) // RTI case 0x3B: output += "\tRTI\t"; break; // RTI (inherent) // RTS case 0x39: output += "\tRTS\t"; break; // RTS (inherent) // SBC // SBCA case 0x82: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("SBCA"); break; // SBC (SBCA immediate) case 0x92: output += this.Address_direct("SBCA"); break; // SBC (SBCA direct) case 0xa2: output += this.Address_indexed("SBCA"); break; // SBC (SBCA indexed) case 0xb2: output += this.Address_extended("SBCA"); break; // SBC (SBCA extended) // SBCB case 0xc2: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("SBCB"); break; // SBC (SBCB immediate) case 0xd2: output += this.Address_direct("SBCB"); break; // SBC (SBCB direct) case 0xe2: output += this.Address_indexed("SBCB"); break; // SBC (SBCB indexed) case 0xf2: output += this.Address_extended("SBCB"); break; // SBC (SBCB extended) // SEX case 0x1d: output += "\tSEX\t"; break; // SEX (inherent) // ST // STA case 0x97: output += this.Address_direct("STA"); break; // ST (STA direct) case 0xa7: output += this.Address_indexed("STA"); break; // ST (STA indexed) case 0xb7: output += this.Address_extended("STA"); break; // ST (STA extended) // STB case 0xd7: output += this.Address_direct("STB"); break; // ST (STB direct) case 0xe7: output += this.Address_indexed("STB"); break; // ST (STB indexed) case 0xf7: output += this.Address_extended("STB"); break; // ST (STB extended) // STD case 0xdd: output += this.Address_direct("STD"); break; // ST (STD direct) case 0xed: output += this.Address_indexed("STD"); break; // ST (STD indexed) case 0xfd: output += this.Address_extended("STD"); break; // ST (STD extended) // STU case 0xdf: output += this.Address_direct("STU"); break; // ST (STU direct) case 0xef: output += this.Address_indexed("STU"); break; // ST (STU indexed) case 0xff: output += this.Address_extended("STU"); break; // ST (STU extended) // STX case 0x9f: output += this.Address_direct("STX"); break; // ST (STX direct) case 0xaf: output += this.Address_indexed("STX"); break; // ST (STX indexed) case 0xbf: output += this.Address_extended("STX"); break; // ST (STX extended) // SUB // SUBA case 0x80: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("SUBA"); break; // SUB (SUBA immediate) case 0x90: output += this.Address_direct("SUBA"); break; // SUB (SUBA direct) case 0xa0: output += this.Address_indexed("SUBA"); break; // SUB (SUBA indexed) case 0xb0: output += this.Address_extended("SUBA"); break; // SUB (SUBA extended) // SUBB case 0xc0: output += this.AM_immediate_byte("SUBB"); break; // SUB (SUBB immediate) case 0xd0: output += this.Address_direct("SUBB"); break; // SUB (SUBB direct) case 0xe0: output += this.Address_indexed("SUBB"); break; // SUB (SUBB indexed) case 0xf0: output += this.Address_extended("SUBB"); break; // SUB (SUBB extended) // SUBD case 0x83: output += this.AM_immediate_word("SUBD"); break; // SUB (SUBD immediate) case 0x93: output += this.Address_direct("SUBD"); break; // SUB (SUBD direct) case 0xa3: output += this.Address_indexed("SUBD"); break; // SUB (SUBD indexed) case 0xb3: output += this.Address_extended("SUBD"); break; // SUB (SUBD extended) // SWI case 0x3f: output += "\tSWI\t"; break; // SWI (inherent) // SYNC case 0x13: output += "\tSYNC\t"; break; // SYNC (inherent) // TFR case 0x1f: output += this.TFR("TFR"); break; // TFR (immediate) // TST case 0x0d: output += this.Address_direct("TST"); break; // TST (direct) case 0x4d: output += "\tTSTA\t"; break; // TST (TSTA inherent) case 0x5d: output += "\tTSTB\t"; break; // TST (TSTB inherent) case 0x6d: output += this.Address_indexed("TST"); break; // TST (indexed) case 0x7d: output += this.Address_extended("TST"); break; // TST (extended) // Branching case 0x16: output += this.BranchLong("LBRA"); break; // BRA (LBRA relative) case 0x17: output += this.BranchLong("LBSR"); break; // BSR (LBSR relative) case 0x20: output += this.BranchShort("BRA"); break; // BRA (relative) case 0x21: output += this.BranchShort("BRN"); break; // BRN (relative) case 0x22: output += this.BranchShort("BHI"); break; // BHI (relative) case 0x23: output += this.BranchShort("BLS"); break; // BLS (relative) case 0x24: output += this.BranchShort("BCC"); break; // BCC (relative) case 0x25: output += this.BranchShort("BCS"); break; // BCS (relative) case 0x26: output += this.BranchShort("BNE"); break; // BNE (relative) case 0x27: output += this.BranchShort("BEQ"); break; // BEQ (relative) case 0x28: output += this.BranchShort("BVC"); break; // BVC (relative) case 0x29: output += this.BranchShort("BVS"); break; // BVS (relative) case 0x2a: output += this.BranchShort("BPL"); break; // BPL (relative) case 0x2b: output += this.BranchShort("BMI"); break; // BMI (relative) case 0x2c: output += this.BranchShort("BGE"); break; // BGE (relative) case 0x2d: output += this.BranchShort("BLT"); break; // BLT (relative) case 0x2e: output += this.BranchShort("BGT"); break; // BGT (relative) case 0x2f: output += this.BranchShort("BLE"); break; // BLE (relative) case 0x8d: output += this.BranchShort("BSR"); break; // BSR (relative) default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown opcode"); } return output; } private string Disassemble10() { var opcode = this.GetByte(this.address); var output = $"{opcode:x2}"; switch (opcode) { // CMP // CMPD case 0x83: output += this.AM_immediate_word("CMPD"); break; // CMP (CMPD, immediate) case 0x93: output += this.Address_direct("CMPD"); break; // CMP (CMPD, direct) case 0xa3: output += this.Address_indexed("CMPD"); break; // CMP (CMPD, indexed) case 0xb3: output += this.Address_extended("CMPD"); break; // CMP (CMPD, extended) // CMPY case 0x8c: output += this.AM_immediate_word("CMPY"); break; // CMP (CMPY, immediate) case 0x9c: output += this.Address_direct("CMPY"); break; // CMP (CMPY, direct) case 0xac: output += this.Address_indexed("CMPY"); break; // CMP (CMPY, indexed) case 0xbc: output += this.Address_extended("CMPY"); break; // CMP (CMPY, extended) // LD // LDS case 0xce: output += this.AM_immediate_word("LDS"); break; // LD (LDS immediate) case 0xde: output += this.Address_direct("LDS"); break; // LD (LDS direct) case 0xee: output += this.Address_indexed("LDS"); break; // LD (LDS indexed) case 0xfe: output += this.Address_extended("LDS"); break; // LD (LDS extended) // LDY case 0x8e: output += this.AM_immediate_word("LDY"); break; // LD (LDY immediate) case 0x9e: output += this.Address_direct("LDY"); break; // LD (LDY direct) case 0xae: output += this.Address_indexed("LDY"); break; // LD (LDY indexed) case 0xbe: output += this.Address_extended("LDY"); break; // LD (LDY extended) // Branching case 0x21: output += this.BranchLong("LBRN"); break; // BRN (LBRN relative) case 0x22: output += this.BranchLong("LBHI"); break; // BHI (LBHI relative) case 0x23: output += this.BranchLong("LBLS"); break; // BLS (LBLS relative) case 0x24: output += this.BranchLong("LBCC"); break; // BCC (LBCC relative) case 0x25: output += this.BranchLong("LBCS"); break; // BCS (LBCS relative) case 0x26: output += this.BranchLong("LBNE"); break; // BNE (LBNE relative) case 0x27: output += this.BranchLong("LBEQ"); break; // BEQ (LBEQ relative) case 0x28: output += this.BranchLong("LBVC"); break; // BVC (LBVC relative) case 0x29: output += this.BranchLong("LBVS"); break; // BVS (LBVS relative) case 0x2a: output += this.BranchLong("LBPL"); break; // BPL (LBPL relative) case 0x2b: output += this.BranchLong("LBMI"); break; // BMI (LBMI relative) case 0x2c: output += this.BranchLong("LBGE"); break; // BGE (LBGE relative) case 0x2d: output += this.BranchLong("LBLT"); break; // BLT (LBLT relative) case 0x2e: output += this.BranchLong("LBGT"); break; // BGT (LBGT relative) case 0x2f: output += this.BranchLong("LBLE"); break; // BLE (LBLE relative) // STS case 0xdf: output += this.Address_direct("STS"); break; // ST (STS direct) case 0xef: output += this.Address_indexed("STS"); break; // ST (STS indexed) case 0xff: output += this.Address_extended("STS"); break; // ST (STS extended) // STY case 0x9f: output += this.Address_extended("STY"); break; // ST (STY direct) case 0xaf: output += this.Address_indexed("STY"); break; // ST (STY indexed) case 0xbf: output += this.Address_extended("STY"); break; // ST (STY extended) // SWI case 0x3f: output += "\tSWI2\t"; break; // SWI (SWI2 inherent) default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown group 10 opcode"); } this.prefix10 = false; return output; } private string Disassemble11() { var opcode = this.GetByte(this.address); var output = $"{opcode:x2}"; switch (opcode) { // CMP // CMPU case 0x83: output += this.AM_immediate_word("CMPU"); break; // CMP (CMPU, immediate) case 0x93: output += this.Address_direct("CMPU"); break; // CMP (CMPU, direct) case 0xa3: output += this.Address_indexed("CMPU"); break; // CMP (CMPU, indexed) case 0xb3: output += this.Address_extended("CMPU"); break; // CMP (CMPU, extended) // CMPS case 0x8c: output += this.AM_immediate_word("CMPS"); break; // CMP (CMPS, immediate) case 0x9c: output += this.Address_direct("CMPS"); break; // CMP (CMPS, direct) case 0xac: output += this.Address_indexed("CMPS"); break; // CMP (CMPS, indexed) case 0xbc: output += this.Address_extended("CMPS"); break; // CMP (CMPS, extended) // SWI case 0x3f: output += "\tSWI3\t"; break; // SWI (SWI3 inherent) default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown group 11 opcode"); } this.prefix11 = false; return output; } // private static string RR(int which) { switch (which) { case 0b00: return "X"; case 0b01: return "Y"; case 0b10: return "U"; case 0b11: return "S"; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(which), which, "Register specification is unknown"); } } private static string WrapIndirect(string what, bool indirect) { var open = indirect ? "[" : ""; var close = indirect ? "]" : ""; return $"{open}{what}{close}"; } private string Address_direct(string mnemomic) { var offset = this.GetByte(++this.address); return $"{offset:x2}\t{mnemomic}\t${offset:x2}"; } private string Address_indexed(string mnemomic) { var type = this.GetByte(++this.address); var r = RR((type & (byte)(Bits.Bit6 | Bits.Bit5)) >> 5); byte byte8 = 0xff; ushort word = 0xffff; var output = $"{type:x2}"; if ((type & (byte)Bits.Bit7) != 0) { var indirect = (type & (byte)Bits.Bit4) != 0; switch (type & (byte)Mask.Mask4) { case 0b0000: // ,R+ output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($",{r}+", indirect)}"; break; case 0b0001: // ,R++ output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($",{r}++", indirect)}"; break; case 0b0010: // ,-R output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($",-{r}", indirect)}"; break; case 0b0011: // ,--R output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($",--{r}", indirect)}"; break; case 0b0100: // ,R output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($",{r}", indirect)}"; break; case 0b0101: // B,R output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($"B,{r}", indirect)}"; break; case 0b0110: // A,R output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($"A,{r}", indirect)}"; break; case 0b1000: // n,R (eight-bit) byte8 = this.GetByte(++this.address); output += $"{byte8:x2}\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($"{byte8:x2},{r}", indirect)}"; break; case 0b1001: // n,R (sixteen-bit) word = this.GetWord(++this.address); output += $"{word:x4}\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($"{word:x4},{r}", indirect)}"; break; case 0b1011: // D,R output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect($"D,{r}", indirect)}"; break; case 0b1100: // n,PCR (eight-bit) byte8 = this.GetByte(++this.address); output += $"{byte8:x2}\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect("${(byte)byte8:D},PCR", indirect)}"; break; case 0b1101: // n,PCR (sixteen-bit) word = this.GetWord(++this.address); output += $"{word:x4}\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect("${(short)word:D},PCR", indirect)}"; break; case 0b1111: // [n] if (!indirect) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Index specification cannot be direct"); } word = this.GetWord(++this.address); output += $"{word:x4}\t{mnemomic}\t{WrapIndirect("${word:x4}", indirect)}"; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid index specification used"); } } else { // EA = ,R + 5-bit offset output += $"\t{mnemomic}\t{Processor.SignExtend(5, type & (byte)Mask.Mask5)},{r}"; } return output; } private string Address_extended(string mnemomic) { var word = this.GetWord(++this.address); return $"{word:x4}\t{mnemomic}\t${word:x4}"; } private string Address_relative_byte(string mnemomic) { var byte8 = this.GetByte(++this.address); return $"{byte8:x2}\t{mnemomic}\t${++this.address + (sbyte)byte8:x4}"; } private string Address_relative_word(string mnemomic) { var word = this.GetWord(++this.address); return $"{word:x4}\t{mnemomic}\t${++this.address + (short)word:x4}"; } private string AM_immediate_byte(string mnemomic) { var byte8 = this.GetByte(++this.address); return $"{byte8:x2}\t{mnemomic}\t#${byte8:x2}"; } private string AM_immediate_word(string mnemomic) { var word = this.GetWord(++this.address); return $"{word:x4}\t{mnemomic}\t#${word:x4}"; } private string BranchShort(string mnemomic) => this.Address_relative_byte(mnemomic); private string BranchLong(string mnemomic) => this.Address_relative_word(mnemomic); private static string ReferenceTransfer8(int specifier) { switch (specifier) { case 0b1000: return "A"; case 0b1001: return "B"; case 0b1010: return "CC"; case 0b1011: return "DP"; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(specifier), specifier, "8bit register specification is unknown"); } } private static string ReferenceTransfer16(int specifier) { switch (specifier) { case 0b0000: return "D"; case 0b0001: return "X"; case 0b0010: return "Y"; case 0b0011: return "U"; case 0b0100: return "S"; case 0b0101: return "PC"; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(specifier), specifier, "16bit register specification is unknown"); } } private string TFR(string mnemomic) { var data = this.GetByte(++this.address); var reg1 = Chip.HighNibble(data); var reg2 = Chip.LowNibble(data); var output = $"{data:x2}\t{mnemomic}\t"; var type8 = (reg1 & (byte)Bits.Bit3) != 0; // 8 bit? return type8 ? $"{ReferenceTransfer8(reg1)},{ReferenceTransfer8(reg2)}" : $"{ReferenceTransfer16(reg1)},{ReferenceTransfer16(reg2)}"; } // private string PulS() => this.PulX("PULS", "U"); private string PulU() => this.PulX("PULU", "S"); private string PshS() => this.PshX("PSHS", "U"); private string PshU() => this.PshX("PSHU", "S"); private string PulX(string mnemomic, string upon) { var data = this.GetByte(++this.address); var output = $"data:x2\t{mnemomic}\t"; var registers = new List(); if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit0) != 0) { registers.Add("CC"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit1) != 0) { registers.Add("A"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit2) != 0) { registers.Add("B"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit3) != 0) { registers.Add("DP"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit4) != 0) { registers.Add("X"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit5) != 0) { registers.Add("Y"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit6) != 0) { registers.Add(upon); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit7) != 0) { registers.Add("PC"); } return string.Join(",", registers); } private string PshX(string mnemomic, string upon) { var data = this.GetByte(++this.address); var output = $"data:x2\t{mnemomic}\t"; var registers = new List(); if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit7) != 0) { registers.Add("PC"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit6) != 0) { registers.Add(upon); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit5) != 0) { registers.Add("Y"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit4) != 0) { registers.Add("X"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit3) != 0) { registers.Add("DP"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit2) != 0) { registers.Add("B"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit1) != 0) { registers.Add("A"); } if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit0) != 0) { registers.Add("CC"); } return string.Join(",", registers); } private byte GetByte(ushort absolute) => this.BUS.Peek(absolute); private ushort GetWord(ushort absolute) => this.CPU.PeekWord(absolute).Word; } }