namespace EightBit { using System; public sealed class Board : Bus { private readonly Configuration configuration; private readonly Ram ram = new Ram(0x8000); // 0000 - 7FFF, 32K RAM private readonly UnusedMemory unused2000 = new UnusedMemory(0x2000, 0xff); // 8000 - 9FFF, 8K unused private readonly Ram io = new Ram(0x2000); // A000 - BFFF, 8K serial interface, minimally decoded private readonly Rom rom = new Rom(0x4000); // C000 - FFFF, 16K ROM private readonly Disassembler disassembler; private ulong totalCycleCount = 0UL; private long frameCycleCount = 0L; // The m_disassembleAt and m_ignoreDisassembly are used to skip pin events private ushort disassembleAt = 0x0000; private bool ignoreDisassembly = false; public Board(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.CPU = new MC6809(this); this.disassembler = new Disassembler(this, this.CPU); } public MC6809 CPU { get; } public MC6850 ACIA { get; } = new MC6850(); public override void RaisePOWER() { base.RaisePOWER(); // Get the CPU ready for action this.CPU.RaisePOWER(); this.CPU.LowerRESET(); this.CPU.RaiseINT(); this.CPU.RaiseNMI(); this.CPU.RaiseFIRQ(); this.CPU.RaiseHALT(); // Get the ACIA ready for action this.Address.Word = 0b1010000000000000; this.ACIA.DATA = (byte)(MC6850.ControlRegister.CR0 | MC6850.ControlRegister.CR1); // Master reset this.UpdateAciaPinsWrite(); this.ACIA.CTS.Lower(); this.ACIA.RaisePOWER(); this.AccessAcia(); } public override void LowerPOWER() { this.ACIA.LowerPOWER(); this.CPU.LowerPOWER(); base.LowerPOWER(); } public override void Initialize() { // Load our BASIC interpreter var directory = this.configuration.RomDirectory + "\\"; this.LoadHexFile(directory + "ExBasROM.hex"); // Catch a byte being transmitted this.ACIA.Transmitting += this.ACIA_Transmitting; // Marshal data from memory -> ACIA this.WrittenByte += this.Board_WrittenByte; // Marshal data from ACIA -> memory this.ReadingByte += this.Board_ReadingByte; // Keyboard wiring, check for input once per frame this.CPU.ExecutedInstruction += this.CPU_ExecutedInstruction; if (this.configuration.DebugMode) { // MC6809 disassembly wiring this.CPU.ExecutingInstruction += this.CPU_ExecutingInstruction; this.CPU.ExecutedInstruction += this.CPU_ExecutedInstruction_Debug; } if (this.configuration.TerminatesEarly) { // Early termination condition for CPU timing code this.CPU.ExecutedInstruction += this.CPU_ExecutedInstruction_Termination; } } private void CPU_ExecutedInstruction_Termination(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.totalCycleCount += (ulong)this.CPU.Cycles; if (this.totalCycleCount > Configuration.TerminationCycles) { this.LowerPOWER(); } } private void CPU_ExecutedInstruction_Debug(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.ignoreDisassembly) { var disassembled = $"{this.disassembler.Trace(this.disassembleAt)}\t{this.ACIA.DumpStatus()}"; System.Console.Out.WriteLine(disassembled); } } private void CPU_ExecutingInstruction(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.disassembleAt = this.CPU.PC.Word; this.ignoreDisassembly = this.disassembler.Ignore; } private void CPU_ExecutedInstruction(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.frameCycleCount -= this.CPU.Cycles; if (this.frameCycleCount < 0) { if (System.Console.KeyAvailable) { var key = System.Console.ReadKey(); this.ACIA.RDR = System.Convert.ToByte(key.KeyChar); this.ACIA.MarkReceiveStarting(); } this.frameCycleCount = (long)Configuration.FrameCycleInterval; } } private void Board_ReadingByte(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.UpdateAciaPinsRead(); if (this.AccessAcia()) { this.Poke(this.ACIA.DATA); } } private void Board_WrittenByte(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.UpdateAciaPinsWrite(); if (this.ACIA.Selected) { this.ACIA.DATA = this.Data; this.AccessAcia(); } } private void ACIA_Transmitting(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Console.Out.Write(Convert.ToChar(this.ACIA.TDR)); this.ACIA.MarkTransmitComplete(); } public override MemoryMapping Mapping(ushort absolute) { if (absolute < 0x8000) { return new MemoryMapping(this.ram, 0x0000, Mask.Mask16, AccessLevel.ReadWrite); } if (absolute < 0xa000) { return new MemoryMapping(this.unused2000, 0x8000, Mask.Mask16, AccessLevel.ReadOnly); } if (absolute < 0xc000) { return new MemoryMapping(, 0xa000, Mask.Mask16, AccessLevel.ReadWrite); } return new MemoryMapping(this.rom, 0xc000, Mask.Mask16, AccessLevel.ReadOnly); } // Use the bus data to update the ACIA access/address pins private void UpdateAciaPinsRead() { this.ACIA.RW.Raise(); this.UpdateAciaPins(); } private void UpdateAciaPinsWrite() { this.ACIA.RW.Lower(); this.UpdateAciaPins(); } private void UpdateAciaPins() { this.ACIA.DATA = this.Data; if ((this.Address.Word & (ushort)Bits.Bit0) != 0) { this.ACIA.RS.Raise(); } else { this.ACIA.RS.Lower(); } if ((this.Address.Word & (ushort)Bits.Bit15) != 0) { this.ACIA.CS0.Raise(); } else { this.ACIA.CS0.Lower(); } if ((this.Address.Word & (ushort)Bits.Bit13) != 0) { this.ACIA.CS1.Raise(); } else { this.ACIA.CS1.Lower(); } if ((this.Address.Word & (ushort)Bits.Bit14) != 0) { this.ACIA.CS2.Raise(); } else { this.ACIA.CS2.Lower(); } } private bool AccessAcia() { this.ACIA.E.Raise(); this.ACIA.Tick(); this.ACIA.E.Lower(); return this.ACIA.Activated; } } }