/* * This file is part of the 65816 Emulator Library. * Copyright (c) 2018 Francesco Rigoni. * * https://github.com/FrancescoRigoni/Lib65816 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Cpu65816.hpp" #include #ifdef EMU_65C02 #define LOG_TAG "Cpu65C02" #else #define LOG_TAG (mCpuStatus.emulationFlag() ? "Cpu6502" : "Cpu65816") #endif Cpu65816::Cpu65816(SystemBus &systemBus, EmulationModeInterrupts *emulationInterrupts, NativeModeInterrupts *nativeInterrupts) : mSystemBus(systemBus), mEmulationInterrupts(emulationInterrupts), mNativeInterrupts(nativeInterrupts), mStack(&mSystemBus) { } void Cpu65816::setXL(uint8_t x) { mX = x; } void Cpu65816::setYL(uint8_t y) { mY = y; } void Cpu65816::setX(uint16_t x) { mX = x; } void Cpu65816::setY(uint16_t y) { mY = y; } void Cpu65816::setA(uint16_t a) { mA = a; } uint16_t Cpu65816::getA() { return mA; } Address Cpu65816::getProgramAddress() { return mProgramAddress; } Stack *Cpu65816::getStack() { return &mStack; } /** * Resets the cpu to its initial state. * */ void Cpu65816::reset() { setRESPin(true); mCpuStatus.setEmulationFlag(); mCpuStatus.setAccumulatorWidthFlag(); mCpuStatus.setIndexWidthFlag(); mX &= 0xFF; mY &= 0xFF; mD = 0x0; mStack = Stack(&mSystemBus); mProgramAddress = Address(0x00, mEmulationInterrupts->reset); } void Cpu65816::setRESPin(bool value) { if (value == false && mPins.RES == true) { reset(); } mPins.RES = value; } void Cpu65816::setRDYPin(bool value) { mPins.RDY = value; } bool Cpu65816::executeNextInstruction() { if (mPins.RES) { return false; } // Fetch the instruction const uint8_t instruction = mSystemBus.readByte(mProgramAddress); OpCode opCode = OP_CODE_TABLE[instruction]; // Execute it return opCode.execute(*this); } bool Cpu65816::accumulatorIs8BitWide() { // Accumulator is always 8 bit in emulation mode. if (mCpuStatus.emulationFlag()) return true; // Accumulator width set to one means 8 bit accumulator. else return mCpuStatus.accumulatorWidthFlag(); } bool Cpu65816::accumulatorIs16BitWide() { return !accumulatorIs8BitWide(); } bool Cpu65816::indexIs8BitWide() { // Index is always 8 bit in emulation mode. if (mCpuStatus.emulationFlag()) return true; // Index width set to one means 8 bit accumulator. else return mCpuStatus.indexWidthFlag(); } bool Cpu65816::indexIs16BitWide() { return !indexIs8BitWide(); } void Cpu65816::addToCycles(int cycles) { mTotalCyclesCounter += cycles; } void Cpu65816::subtractFromCycles(int cycles) { mTotalCyclesCounter -= cycles; } void Cpu65816::addToProgramAddress(int bytes) { mProgramAddress.incrementOffsetBy(bytes); } void Cpu65816::addToProgramAddressAndCycles(int bytes, int cycles) { addToCycles(cycles); addToProgramAddress(bytes); } uint16_t Cpu65816::indexWithXRegister() { return indexIs8BitWide() ? Binary::lower8BitsOf(mX) : mX; } uint16_t Cpu65816::indexWithYRegister() { return indexIs8BitWide() ? Binary::lower8BitsOf(mY) : mY; } void Cpu65816::setProgramAddress(const Address &address) { mProgramAddress = address; }