diff --git a/site/index.html b/site/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6c47757..0000000 --- a/site/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ - - - -The Ophis Assembler - -

The Ophis Assembler

- -

Ophis is a cross-assembler for the 65xx series of chips. It supports the stock 6502 opcodes, the 65c02 extensions, and syntax for the "undocumented opcodes" in the 6510 chip used on the Commodore 64. (Syntax for these opcodes matches those given in the VICE team's documentation.)

- -

Ophis is written in pure Python and should be highly portable.

- -

If you have questions or comments, email me at mcmartin AT gmail DOT com.

- -


- - -


- -

The manual Programming with Ophis is distributed with each download. You can also get it alone.

- - - - - diff --git a/site/manual/a454.html b/site/manual/a454.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0d16f71..0000000 --- a/site/manual/a454.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ - -Example Programs
Programming with Ophis
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Example Programs

This Appendix collects all the programs referred to in the course - of this manual. -


.word $0801
-.org  $0801
-        .word next, 10          ; Next line and current line number
-        .byte $9e," 2064",0     ; SYS 2064
-next:   .word 0                 ; End of program
-.advance 2064
-        ldx #0
-loop:   lda hello, x
-        beq done
-        jsr $ffd2
-        inx
-        bne loop
-done:   rts
-hello:  .byte "HELLO, WORLD!", 0

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Where to go from here tutor2.oph
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Programming with Ophis
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Ophis Command Reference

Command Modes

These mostly follow the MOS Technology 6500 - Microprocessor Family Programming Manual, except - for the Accumulator mode. Accumulator instructions are written - and interpreted identically to Implied mode instructions. -

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tutor7.oph Basic arguments
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Programming with Ophis

Michael Martin

Copyright © 2006-7 Michael Martin

Table of Contents
Why "Ophis"?
Getting a copy of Ophis
The basics
A note on numeric notation
Producing Commodore 64 programs
Related commands and options
Writing the actual code
Assembling the code
Labels and aliases
Temporary labels
Anonymous labels
Headers, Libraries, and Macros
Header files and libraries
Macro definitions
Macro invocations
Example code
Character maps
Local variables and memory segments
Advanced Memory Segments
The Problem
The Solution
Where to go from here
Example Programs
Ophis Command Reference
Command Modes
Basic arguments
Numeric types
Label types
String types
Compound Arguments
Memory Model
Basic PC tracking
Basic Segmentation simulation
General Segmentation Simulation
Defining Macros
Invoking Macros
Passing Arguments to Macros
Features and Restrictions of the Ophis Macro Model
Assembler directives

  Next >>>
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Programming with Ophis
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Labels and aliases

Labels are an important part of your code. However, since each - label must normally be unique, this can lead to "namespace - pollution," and you'll find yourself going through ever - more contorted constructions to generate unique label names. - Ophis offers two solutions to this: anonymous - labels and temporary labels. This - tutorial will cover both of these facilities, and also introduce - the aliasing mechanism. -

Temporary labels

Temporary labels are the easiest to use. If a label begins with - an underscore, it will only be reachable from inside the - innermost enclosing scope. Scopes begin when - a .scope statement is encountered. This - produces a new, inner scope if there is another scope in use. - The .scend command ends the innermost - currently active scope. -

We can thus rewrite our header data using temporary labels, thus - allowing the main program to have a label - named next if it wants. -

.word $0801
-.org  $0801
-        .word _next, 10      ; Next line and current line number
-        .byte $9e," 2064",0  ; SYS 2064
-_next:  .word 0              ; End of program
-.advance 2064

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Assembling the code Anonymous labels
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Programming with Ophis
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Headers, Libraries, and Macros

In this chapter we will split away parts of our "Hello - World" program into reusable header files and libraries. - We will also abstract away our string printing technique into a - macro which may be invoked at will, on arbitrary strings. We will - then multiply the output of our program tenfold. -

Header files and libraries

The prelude to our program—the PRG - information and the BASIC program—are going to be the same - in many, many programs. Thus, we should put them into a header - file to be included later. The .include - directive will load a file and insert it as source at the - designated point. -

A related directive, .require, will include - the file as long as it hasn't been included yet elsewhere. It - is useful for ensuring a library is linked in. -

For pre-assembled code or raw binary data, - the .incbin directive lets you include the - contents of a binary file directly in the output. This is handy - for linking in pre-created graphics or sound data. -

As a sample library, we will expand the definition of - the chrout routine to include the standard - names for every KERNAL routine. Our header file will - then .require it. -

We'll also add some convenience aliases for things like reverse - video, color changes, and shifting between upper case/graphics - and mixed case text. We'd feed those to - the chrout routine to get their effects. -

Since there have been no interesting changes to the prelude, and - the KERNAL values are standard, we do not reproduce them here. - (The files in question are c64-1.oph and kernal.oph.) -

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Aliasing Macros
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Programming with Ophis
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Character maps

Now we will close the gap between the Commodore's - version of ASCII and the real one. We'll also add a time-delay - routine to slow down the output. This routine isn't really of - interest to us right now, so we'll add a subroutine - called delay that executes 2,560*(accumulator) - NOPs. By the time the program is finished, - we'll have executed 768,000 no-ops. -

There actually are better ways of getting a time-delay on the - Commodore 64; we'll deal with those in the Chapter called Local variables and memory segments. - As a result, there isn't really a lot to discuss here. The later - tutorials will be building off of tutor4a.oph, so you may want to get familiar with - that. Note also the change to the body of - the greet macro. -

On to the topic at hand. Let's change the code to use mixed case. - We defined the upper'case - and lower'case aliases back - in the Chapter called Headers, Libraries, and Macros as part of the - standard kernal.oph - header, so we can add this before our invocations of - the greet macro: -

          lda #lower'case
-          jsr chrout

And that will put us into mixed case mode. So, now we just need - to redefine the data so that it uses the mixed-case: -

hello1:   .byte "Hello, ",0
-hello2:   .byte "!", 13, 0
-target1:  .byte "programmer", 0
-target2:  .byte "room", 0
-target3:  .byte "building", 0
-target4:  .byte "neighborhood", 0
-target5:  .byte "city", 0
-target6:  .byte "nation", 0
-target7:  .byte "world", 0
-target8:  .byte "Solar System", 0
-target9:  .byte "Galaxy", 0
-target10: .byte "Universe", 0

The code that does this is in tutor4b.oph. If you assemble and run it, you will - notice that the output is not what we want. In particular, upper - and lowercase are reversed, so we have messages - like hELLO, sOLAR sYSTEM!. For - the specific case of PETSCII, we can just fix our strings, but - that's less of an option if we're writing for the Apple II's - character set, or targeting a game console that puts its letters - in arbitrary locations. We need to remap how strings are turned - into byte values. The .charmap - and .charmapbin directives do what we need. -

The .charmap directive usually takes two - arguments; a byte (usually in character form) indicating the ASCII - value to start remapping from, and then a string giving the new - values. To do our case-swapping, we write two directives before - defining any string constants: -

.charmap 'A, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

Note that the 'a constant in the second - directive refers to the "a" character in the source, - not in the current map. -

The fixed code is in tutor4c.oph, and will produce the expected results - when run. -

An alternative is to use a .charmapbin - directive to replace the entire character map directly. This - specifies an external file, 256 bytes long, that is loaded in at - that point. A binary character map for the Commodore 64 is - provided with the sample programs - as petscii.map. There are also three - files, a2normal.map, a2inverse.map, - and a2blink.map that handle the Apple II's - very nonstandard character encodings. -

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Example code Local variables and memory segments
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Programming with Ophis
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Local variables and memory segments

As mentioned in the Chapter called Character maps, there are better ways - to handle waiting than just executing vast numbers of NOPs. The - Commodore 64 KERNAL library includes a rdtim - routine that returns the uptime of the machine, in - 60ths of a second, as a 24-bit integer. - The Commodore 64 programmer's guide available online actually has - a bug in it, reversing the significance of the A and Y registers. - The accumulator holds the least significant - byte, not the most. -

Here's a first shot at a better delay routine: -

-        ; data used by the delay routine
-        _tmp:    .byte 0
-        _target: .byte 0
-delay:  sta _tmp        ; save argument (rdtim destroys it)
-        jsr rdtim
-        clc
-        adc _tmp        ; add current time to get target
-        sta _target
-*       jsr rdtim
-        cmp _target
-        bmi -           ; Buzz until target reached
-        rts

This works, but it eats up two bytes of file space that don't - really need to be specified. Also, it's modifying data inside a - program text area, which isn't good if you're assembling to a ROM - chip. (Since the Commodore 64 stores its programs in RAM, it's - not an issue for us here.) A slightly better solution is to - use .alias to assign the names to chunks of RAM - somewhere. There's a 4K chunk of RAM from $C000 through $CFFF - between the BASIC ROM and the I/O ROM that should serve our - purposes nicely. We can replace the definitions - of _tmp and _target with: -

        ; data used by the delay routine
-        .alias _tmp    $C000
-        .alias _target $C001

This works better, but now we've just added a major bookkeeping - burden upon ourselves—we must ensure that no routines step on - each other. What we'd really like are two separate program - counters—one for the program text, and one for our variable - space. -

Ophis lets us do this with the .text - and .data commands. - The .text command switches to the program-text - counter, and the .data command switches to the - variable-data counter. When Ophis first starts assembling a file, - it starts in .text mode. -

To reserve space for a variable, use the .space command. This - takes the form: - -
.space varname size
- - which assigns the name varname to the current - program counter, then advances the program counter by the amount - specified in size. Nothing is output to the - final binary as a result of the .space command. -

You may not put in any commands that produce output into - a .data segment. Generally, all you will be - using are .org and .space - commands. Ophis will not complain if you - use .space inside a .text - segment, but this is nearly always wrong. -

The final version of delay looks like this: -

; DELAY routine.  Takes values from the Accumulator and pauses
-; for that many jiffies (1/60th of a second).
-.space _tmp 1
-.space _target 1
-delay:  sta _tmp        ; save argument (rdtim destroys it)
-        jsr rdtim
-        clc
-        adc _tmp        ; add current time to get target
-        sta _target
-*       jsr rdtim
-        cmp _target
-        bmi -                ; Buzz until target reached
-        rts

We're not quite done yet, however, because we have to tell the - data segment where to begin. (If we don't, it starts at 0, which - is usually wrong.) We add a very brief data segment to the top of - our code: -

-.org $C000

This will run. However, we also ought to make sure that we aren't - overstepping any boundaries. Our program text shouldn't run into - the BASIC chip at $A000, and our data shouldn't run into the I/O - region at $D000. The .checkpc command lets us - assert that the program counter hasn't reached a specific point - yet. We put, at the end of our code: -

.checkpc $A000
-.checkpc $D000

The final program is available as tutor5.oph. Note that we based this on the - all-uppercase version from the last section, not any of the - charmapped versions. -

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Character maps Expressions
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Programming with Ophis
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The basics

In this first part of the tutorial we will create a - simple "Hello World" program to run on the Commodore - 64. This will cover: - -


A note on numeric notation

Throughout these tutorials, I will be using a lot of both - decimal and hexadecimal notation. Hex numbers will have a - dollar sign in front of them. Thus, 100 = $64, and $100 = 256. -

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Getting a copy of Ophis Producing Commodore 64 programs
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Programming with Ophis
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Ophis permits a reasonably rich set of arithmetic operations to be - done at assemble time. So far, all of our arguments and values - have either been constants or label names. In this chapter, we - will modify the print macro so that it calls a - subroutine to do the actual printing. This will shrink the final - code size a fair bit. -

Here's our printing routine. It's fairly straightforward. -

; PRINTSTR routine.  Accumulator stores the low byte of the address,
-; X register stores the high byte.  Destroys the values of $10 and
-; $11.
-        sta $10
-        stx $11
-        ldy #$00
-_lp:    lda ($10), y
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        iny
-        bne _lp
-_done:  rts

However, now we are faced with the problem of what to do with - the print macro. We need to take a 16-bit - value and store it in two 8-bit registers. We can use - the < and > operators - to take the low or high byte of a word, respectively. - The print macro becomes: -

.macro print
-        lda #<_1
-        ldx #>_1
-        jsr printstr

Also, since BASIC uses the locations $10 and $11, we should really - cache them at the start of the program and restore them at the - end: -

-.org $C000
-.space cache 2
-        ; Save the zero page locations that printstr uses.
-        lda $10
-        sta cache
-        lda $11
-        sta cache+1
-        ; ... main program goes here ...
-        ; Restore the zero page values printstr uses.
-        lda cache
-        sta $10
-        lda cache+1
-        sta $11

Note that we only have to name cache once, but - can use addition to refer to any offset from it. -

Ophis supports following operations, with the following precedence - levels (higher entries bind more tightly): -

Table 1. Ophis Operators

[ ]Parenthesized expressions
< >Byte selection (low, high)
* /Multiply, divide
+ -Add, subtract
| & ^Bitwise OR, AND, XOR

Note that brackets, not parentheses, are used to group arithmetic - operations. This is because parentheses are used for the indirect - addressing modes, and it makes parsing much easier. -

The code for this version of the code is - in tutor6.oph. -

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Local variables and memory segments Advanced Memory Segments
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Programming with Ophis
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Advanced Memory Segments

This is the last section of the Ophis tutorial. By now we've - covered the basics of every command in the assembler; in this - final installment we show the full capabilities of - the .text and .data commands - as we produce a final set of Commodore 64 header files. -

The Problem

Our print'str routine - in tutor6.oph accesses - memory locations $10 and $11 directly. We'd prefer to have - symbolic names for them. This reprises our concerns back in - the Chapter called Local variables and memory segments when we concluded that we wanted two - separate program counters. Now we realize that we really need - three; one for the text, one for the data, and one for the zero - page data. And if we're going to allow three, we really should - allow any number. -

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Expressions The Solution
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Programming with Ophis
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The Ophis project started on a lark back in 2001. My graduate - studies required me to learn Perl and Python, and I'd been playing - around with Commodore 64 emulators in my spare time, so I decided - to learn both languages by writing a simple cross-assembler for - the 6502 chip the C-64 used in both. -

The Perl version was quickly abandoned, but the Python one slowly - grew in scope and power over the years, and by 2005 was a very - powerful, flexible macro assembler that saw more use than I'd - expect. In 2007 I finally got around to implementing the last few - features I really wanted and polishing it up for general release. -

Part of that process has been formatting the various little - tutorials and references I'd created into a single, unified - document—the one you are now reading. -

Why "Ophis"?

It's actually a kind of a horrific pun. See, I was using Python - at the time, and one of the things I had been hoping to do with - the assembler was to produce working Apple II - programs. "Ophis" is Greek - for "snake", and a number of traditions also use it - as the actual name of the serpent in the - Garden of Eden. So, Pythons, snakes, and stories involving - really old Apples all combined to name the assembler. -

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Programming with Ophis Getting a copy of Ophis
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Programming with Ophis
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Related commands and options

This code includes constants that are both in decimal and in - hex. It is also possible to specify constants in octal, binary, - or with an ASCII character. - -

- - Example: 65 = $41 = 0101 = %1000001 = 'A -

There are other commands besides .byte - and .word to specify data. In particular, - the .dword command specifies four-byte values - which some applications will find useful. Also, some linking - formats (such as the SID format) have - header data in big-endian (high byte first) format. - The .wordbe and .dwordbe - directives provide a way to specify multibyte constants in - big-endian formats cleanly. -

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Producing Commodore 64 programsUpWriting the actual code
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Programming with Ophis
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Writing the actual code

Now that we have our header information, let's actually write - the "Hello world" program. It's pretty - short—a simple loop that steps through a hardcoded array - until it reaches a 0 or outputs 256 characters. It then returns - control to BASIC with an RTS statement. -

Each character in the array is passed as an argument to a - subroutine at memory location $FFD2. This is part of the - Commodore 64's BIOS software, which its development - documentation calls the KERNAL. Location $FFD2 prints out the - character corresponding to the character code in the - accumulator. -

        ldx #0
-loop:   lda hello, x
-        beq done
-        jsr $ffd2
-        inx
-        bne loop
-done:   rts
-hello:  .byte "HELLO, WORLD!", 0

The complete, final source is available in - the tutor1.oph file. -

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Related commands and optionsUpAssembling the code
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Programming with Ophis
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Assembling the code

The Ophis assembler is a collection of Python modules, - controlled by a master script. On Windows, this should all - have been combined into an executable - file ophis.exe; on other platforms, the - Ophis modules should be in the library and - the ophis script should be in your path. - Typing ophis with no arguments should give a - summary of available command line options. -

Table 2. Ophis Options

-6510Allows the 6510 undocumented opcodes as listed in the VICE documentation.
-65c02Allows opcodes and addressing modes added by the 65C02.
-v 0Quiet operation. Only reports errors.
-v 1Default operation. Reports files as they are loaded, and gives statistics on the final output.
-v 2Verbose operation. Names each assembler pass as it runs.
-v 3Debug operation: Dumps the entire IR after each pass.
-v 4Full debug operation: Dumps the entire IR and symbol table after each pass.

The only options Ophis demands are an input file and an output - file. Here's a sample session, assembling the tutorial file - here: -

localhost$ ophis tutor1.oph tutor1.prg -v 2
-Loading tutor1.oph
-Running: Macro definition pass
-Running: Macro expansion pass
-Running: Label initialization pass
-Fixpoint failed, looping back
-Running: Label initialization pass
-Running: Circularity check pass
-Running: Expression checking pass
-Running: Easy addressing modes pass
-Running: Label Update Pass
-Fixpoint failed, looping back
-Running: Label Update Pass
-Running: Instruction Collapse Pass
-Running: Mode Normalization pass
-Running: Label Update Pass
-Running: Assembler
-Assembly complete: 45 bytes output (14 code, 29 data, 2 filler)

If your emulator can run PRG files - directly, this file will now run (and - print HELLO, WORLD!) as many - times as you type RUN. Otherwise, use - a D64 management utility to put - the PRG on a D64, then - load and run the file off that. -

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Writing the actual codeUpLabels and aliases
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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousLabels and aliasesNext >>>

Anonymous labels

Anonymous labels are a way to handle short-ranged branches - without having to come up with names for the then and else - branches, for brief loops, and other such purposes. To define - an anonymous label, use an asterisk. To refer to an anonymous - label, use a series of + - or - signs. + refers to - the next anonymous label, ++ the label - after that, etc. Likewise, - is the most - recently defined label, -- the one before - that, and so on. The main body of the Hello World program - with anonymous labels would be: -

        ldx #0
-*       lda hello, x
-        beq +
-        jsr $ffd2
-        inx
-        bne -
-*       rts

It is worth noting that anonymous labels are globally available. - They are not temporary labels, and they ignore scoping - restrictions. -

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Labels and aliasesUpAliasing
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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousPrefaceNext >>>

Getting a copy of Ophis

If you're reading this as part of the Ophis install, you clearly - already have it. If not, as of this writing the homepage for - the Ophis assembler - is http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~mcmartin/ophis/. If - this is out-of-date, a Web search on "Ophis 6502 - assembler" (without the quotation marks) should yield its - page. -

Ophis is written entirely in Python and packaged using the - distutils. The default installation script on Unix and Mac OS X - systems should put the files where they need to go. If you are - running it locally, you will need to install - the Ophis package somewhere in your Python - package path, and then put the ophis script - somewhere in your path. -

Windows users that have Python installed can use the same source - distributions that the other operating systems - use; ophis.bat will arrange the environment - variables accordingly and invoke the main script. -

If you are on Windows and do not have Python installed, a - prepackaged system made with py2exe is also - available. The default Windows installer will use this. In - this case, all you need to do is - have ophis.exe in your path. -

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PrefaceUpThe basics
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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousLabels and aliasesNext >>>


Rather the reverse of anonymous labels, aliases are names - given to specific memory locations. These make it easier to - keep track of important constants or locations. The KERNAL - routines are a good example of constants that deserve names. - To assign the traditional name chrout to - the routine at $FFD2, simply give the directive: -

.alias chrout $ffd2

And change the jsr command - to:

        jsr chrout

The final version of the code is in tutor2.oph. It should - assemble to exactly the same program as tutor1.oph. -

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Anonymous labelsUpHeaders, Libraries, and Macros
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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousHeaders, Libraries, and MacrosNext >>>


A macro is a way of expressing a lot of code or data with a - simple shorthand. It's also usually configurable. Traditional - macro systems such as C's #define mechanic - use textual replacement: a macro is - expanded before any evaluation or even parsing occurs. -

In contrast, Ophis's macro system uses a call by - value approach where the arguments to macros are - evaluated to bytes or words before being inserted into the macro - body. This produces effects much closer to those of a - traditional function call. A more detailed discussion of the - tradeoffs may be found in the Appendix called Ophis Command Reference. -

Macro definitions

A macro definition is a set of statements between - a .macro statement and - a .macend statement. - The .macro statement also names the macro - being defined. -

No global or anonymous labels may be defined inside a macro: - temporary labels only persist in the macro expansion itself. - (Each macro body has its own scope.) -

Arguments to macros are referred to by number: the first is - _1, the second _2, and so on. -

Here's a macro that encapsulates the printing routine in our - "Hello World" program, with an argument being the - address of the string to print: -

.macro print
-        ldx #0
-_loop:  lda _1, x
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        inx
-        bne _loop

Macro invocations

Macros may be invoked in two ways: one that looks like a - directive, and one that looks like an instruction. -

The most common way to invoke a macro is to backquote the name - of the macro. It is also possible to use - the .invoke command. These commands look - like this: -

`print msg
-.invoke print msg

Arguments are passed to the macro as a comma-separated list. - They must all be expressions that evaluate to byte or word - values—a mechanism similar to .alias - is used to assign their values to the _n - names. -

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Headers, Libraries, and MacrosUpExample code
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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousHeaders, Libraries, and MacrosNext >>>

Example code

tutor3.oph expands our - running example, including the code above and also defining a - new macro greet that takes a string argument - and prints a greeting to it. It then greets far too many - targets. -

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MacrosUpCharacter maps
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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousAdvanced Memory SegmentsNext >>>

The Solution

The .data and .text - commands can take a label name after them—this names a new - segment. We'll define a new segment - called zp (for "zero page") and - have our zero-page variables be placed there. We can't actually - use the default origin of $0000 here either, though, because the - Commodore 64 reserves memory locations 0 and 1 to control its - memory mappers: -

.data zp
-.org $0002

Now, actually, the rest of the zero page is reserved too: - locations $02-$7F are used by the BASIC interpreter, and - locations $80-$FF are used by the KERNAL. We don't need the - BASIC interpreter, though, so we can back up all of $02-$7F at - the start of our program and restore it all when we're done: -

-        ; Cache BASIC's zero page at top of available RAM.
-        ldx #$7E
-*       lda $01, x
-        sta $CF81, x
-        dex
-        bne -
-        jsr _main
-        ; Restore BASIC's zero page and return control.
-        ldx #$7E
-*       lda $CF81, x
-        sta $01, x
-        dex
-        bne -
-        rts
-        ; _main points at the start of the real program,
-        ; which is actually outside of this scope

The new, improved header file is c64-2.oph. -

Our print'str routine is then rewritten to - declare and use a zero-page variable, like so: -

; PRINTSTR routine.  Accumulator stores the low byte of the address,
-; X register stores the high byte.  Destroys the values of $10 and
-; $11.
-.data zp
-.space _ptr 2
-        sta _ptr
-        stx _ptr+1
-        ldy #$00
-_lp:    lda (_ptr),y
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        iny
-        bne _lp
-_done:  rts

Also, we ought to put in an extra check to make sure our - zero-page allocations don't overflow, either: -

.data zp
-.checkpc $80

That concludes our tour. The final source file - is tutor7.oph. -

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Advanced Memory SegmentsUpWhere to go from here
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Programming with Ophis
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Where to go from here

This tutorial has touched on everything that the assembler can - do, but it's not really well organized as a - reference. the Appendix called Ophis Command Reference is a better place to look - up matters of syntax or consult lists of available commands. -

If you're looking for projects to undertake, the Commodore 64 - and Atari 2600 development communities are both very strong, and - the Apple II and NES development communities are still alive and - well as well. There's an annual Minigame Competition that's - always looking for new entries. -

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The SolutionUpExample Programs
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Programming with Ophis
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.word $0801
-.org  $0801
-        .word _next, 10         ; Next line and current line number
-        .byte $9e," 2064",0     ; SYS 2064
-_next:  .word 0                 ; End of program
-.advance 2064
-.alias chrout $ffd2
-        ldx #0
-*       lda hello, x
-        beq +
-        jsr chrout
-        inx
-        bne -
-*       rts
-hello:  .byte "HELLO, WORLD!", 0

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Example ProgramsUpc64-1.oph
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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousExample ProgramsNext >>>


.word $0801
-.org  $0801
-        .word _next, 10         ; Next line and current line number
-        .byte $9e," 2064",0     ; SYS 2064
-_next:  .word 0                 ; End of program
-.advance 2064
-.require "kernal.oph"

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Programming with Ophis
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; KERNAL routine aliases (C64)
-.alias acptr  $ffa5
-.alias chkin  $ffc6
-.alias chkout $ffc9
-.alias chrin  $ffcf
-.alias chrout $ffd2
-.alias ciout  $ffa8
-.alias cint   $ff81
-.alias clall  $ffe7
-.alias close  $ffc3
-.alias clrchn $ffcc
-.alias getin  $ffe4
-.alias iobase $fff3
-.alias ioinit $ff84
-.alias listen $ffb1
-.alias load   $ffd5
-.alias membot $ff9c
-.alias memtop $ff99
-.alias open   $ffc0
-.alias plot   $fff0
-.alias ramtas $ff87
-.alias rdtim  $ffde
-.alias readst $ffb7
-.alias restor $ff8a
-.alias save   $ffd8
-.alias scnkey $ff9f
-.alias screen $ffed
-.alias second $ff93
-.alias setlfs $ffba
-.alias setmsg $ff90
-.alias setnam $ffbd
-.alias settim $ffdb
-.alias settmo $ffa2
-.alias stop   $ffe1
-.alias talk   $ffb4
-.alias tksa   $ff96
-.alias udtim  $ffea
-.alias unlsn  $ffae
-.alias untlk  $ffab
-.alias vector $ff8d
-; Character codes for the colors.
-.alias color'0 144
-.alias color'1 5
-.alias color'2 28
-.alias color'3 159
-.alias color'4 156
-.alias color'5 30
-.alias color'6 31
-.alias color'7 158
-.alias color'8 129
-.alias color'9 149
-.alias color'10 150
-.alias color'11 151
-.alias color'12 152
-.alias color'13 153
-.alias color'14 154
-.alias color'15 155
-; ...and reverse video
-.alias reverse'on 18
-.alias reverse'off 146
-; ...and character set
-.alias upper'case 142
-.alias lower'case 14

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Programming with Ophis
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.include "c64-1.oph"
-.macro print
-        ldx #0
-_loop:  lda _1, x
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        inx
-        bne _loop
-.macro greet
-        `print hello1
-        `print _1
-        `print hello2
-        lda #147
-        jsr chrout
-        `greet target1
-        `greet target2
-        `greet target3
-        `greet target4
-        `greet target5
-        `greet target6
-        `greet target7
-        `greet target8
-        `greet target9
-        `greet target10
-        rts
-hello1: .byte "HELLO, ",0
-hello2: .byte "!", 13, 0
-target1:  .byte "PROGRAMMER", 0
-target2:  .byte "ROOM", 0
-target3:  .byte "BUILDING", 0
-target4:  .byte "NEIGHBORHOOD", 0
-target5:  .byte "CITY", 0
-target6:  .byte "NATION", 0
-target7:  .byte "WORLD", 0
-target8:  .byte "SOLAR SYSTEM", 0
-target9:  .byte "GALAXY", 0
-target10: .byte "UNIVERSE", 0

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Programming with Ophis
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.include "c64-1.oph"
-.macro print
-        ldx #0
-_loop:  lda _1, x
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        inx
-        bne _loop
-.macro greet
-        lda #30
-        jsr delay
-        `print hello1
-        `print _1
-        `print hello2
-        lda #147
-        jsr chrout
-        `greet target1
-        `greet target2
-        `greet target3
-        `greet target4
-        `greet target5
-        `greet target6
-        `greet target7
-        `greet target8
-        `greet target9
-        `greet target10
-        rts
-hello1: .byte "HELLO, ",0
-hello2: .byte "!", 13, 0
-target1:  .byte "PROGRAMMER", 0
-target2:  .byte "ROOM", 0
-target3:  .byte "BUILDING", 0
-target4:  .byte "NEIGHBORHOOD", 0
-target5:  .byte "CITY", 0
-target6:  .byte "NATION", 0
-target7:  .byte "WORLD", 0
-target8:  .byte "SOLAR SYSTEM", 0
-target9:  .byte "GALAXY", 0
-target10: .byte "UNIVERSE", 0
-; DELAY routine.  Executes 2,560*(A) NOP statements.
-delay:  tax
-        ldy #00
-*       nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        iny
-        bne -
-        dex
-        bne -
-        rts

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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousExample ProgramsNext >>>


.include "c64-1.oph"
-.macro print
-        ldx #0
-_loop:  lda _1, x
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        inx
-        bne _loop
-.macro greet
-        lda #30
-        jsr delay
-        `print hello1
-        `print _1
-        `print hello2
-        lda #147
-        jsr chrout
-        lda #lower'case
-        jsr chrout
-        `greet target1
-        `greet target2
-        `greet target3
-        `greet target4
-        `greet target5
-        `greet target6
-        `greet target7
-        `greet target8
-        `greet target9
-        `greet target10
-        rts
-hello1: .byte "Hello, ",0
-hello2: .byte "!", 13, 0
-target1:  .byte "programmer", 0
-target2:  .byte "room", 0
-target3:  .byte "building", 0
-target4:  .byte "neighborhood", 0
-target5:  .byte "city", 0
-target6:  .byte "nation", 0
-target7:  .byte "world", 0
-target8:  .byte "Solar System", 0
-target9:  .byte "Galaxy", 0
-target10: .byte "Universe", 0
-; DELAY routine.  Executes 2,560*(A) NOP statements.
-delay:  tax
-        ldy #00
-*       nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        iny
-        bne -
-        dex
-        bne -   
-        rts

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Programming with Ophis
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.include "c64-1.oph"
-.macro print
-        ldx #0
-_loop:  lda _1, x
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        inx
-        bne _loop
-.macro greet
-        lda #30
-        jsr delay
-        `print hello1
-        `print _1
-        `print hello2
-        lda #147
-        jsr chrout
-        lda #lower'case
-        jsr chrout
-        `greet target1
-        `greet target2
-        `greet target3
-        `greet target4
-        `greet target5
-        `greet target6
-        `greet target7
-        `greet target8
-        `greet target9
-        `greet target10
-        rts
-.charmap 'A, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-hello1: .byte "Hello, ",0
-hello2: .byte "!", 13, 0
-target1:  .byte "programmer", 0
-target2:  .byte "room", 0
-target3:  .byte "building", 0
-target4:  .byte "neighborhood", 0
-target5:  .byte "city", 0
-target6:  .byte "nation", 0
-target7:  .byte "world", 0
-target8:  .byte "Solar System", 0
-target9:  .byte "Galaxy", 0
-target10: .byte "Universe", 0
-; DELAY routine.  Executes 2,560*(A) NOP statements.
-delay:  tax
-        ldy #00
-*       nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        nop
-        iny
-        bne -
-        dex
-        bne -
-        rts

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Programming with Ophis
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.include "c64-1.oph"
-.org $C000
-.macro print
-        ldx #0
-_loop:  lda _1, x
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        inx
-        bne _loop
-.macro greet
-        lda #30
-        jsr delay
-        `print hello1
-        `print _1
-        `print hello2
-        lda #147
-        jsr chrout
-        `greet target1
-        `greet target2
-        `greet target3
-        `greet target4
-        `greet target5
-        `greet target6
-        `greet target7
-        `greet target8
-        `greet target9
-        `greet target10
-        rts
-hello1: .byte "HELLO, ",0
-hello2: .byte "!", 13, 0
-target1:  .byte "PROGRAMMER", 0
-target2:  .byte "ROOM", 0
-target3:  .byte "BUILDING", 0
-target4:  .byte "NEIGHBORHOOD", 0
-target5:  .byte "CITY", 0
-target6:  .byte "NATION", 0
-target7:  .byte "WORLD", 0
-target8:  .byte "SOLAR SYSTEM", 0
-target9:  .byte "GALAXY", 0
-target10: .byte "UNIVERSE", 0
-; DELAY routine.  Takes values from the Accumulator and pauses
-; for that many jiffies (1/60th of a second).
-.space _tmp 1
-.space _target 1
-delay:  sta _tmp        ; save argument (rdtim destroys it)
-        jsr rdtim
-        clc
-        adc _tmp        ; add current time to get target
-        sta _target
-*       jsr rdtim
-        cmp _target
-        bmi -           ; Buzz until target reached
-        rts
-.checkpc $A000
-.checkpc $D000

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Programming with Ophis
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.include "c64-1.oph"
-.org $C000
-.space cache 2
-.macro print
-        lda #<_1
-        ldx #>_1
-        jsr printstr
-.macro greet
-        lda #30
-        jsr delay
-        `print hello1
-        `print _1
-        `print hello2
-        ; Save the zero page locations that PRINTSTR uses.
-        lda $10
-        sta cache
-        lda $11
-        sta cache+1
-        lda #147
-        jsr chrout
-        `greet target1
-        `greet target2
-        `greet target3
-        `greet target4
-        `greet target5
-        `greet target6
-        `greet target7
-        `greet target8
-        `greet target9
-        `greet target10
-        ; Restore the zero page values printstr uses.
-        lda cache
-        sta $10
-        lda cache+1
-        sta $11
-        rts
-hello1: .byte "HELLO, ",0
-hello2: .byte "!", 13, 0
-target1:  .byte "PROGRAMMER", 0
-target2:  .byte "ROOM", 0
-target3:  .byte "BUILDING", 0
-target4:  .byte "NEIGHBORHOOD", 0
-target5:  .byte "CITY", 0
-target6:  .byte "NATION", 0
-target7:  .byte "WORLD", 0
-target8:  .byte "SOLAR SYSTEM", 0
-target9:  .byte "GALAXY", 0
-target10: .byte "UNIVERSE", 0
-; DELAY routine.  Takes values from the Accumulator and pauses
-; for that many jiffies (1/60th of a second).
-.space _tmp 1
-.space _target 1
-delay:  sta _tmp        ; save argument (rdtim destroys it)
-        jsr rdtim
-        clc
-        adc _tmp        ; add current time to get target
-        sta _target
-*       jsr rdtim
-        cmp _target
-        bmi -           ; Buzz until target reached
-        rts
-; PRINTSTR routine.  Accumulator stores the low byte of the address,
-; X register stores the high byte.  Destroys the values of $10 and
-; $11.
-        sta $10
-        stx $11
-        ldy #$00
-_lp:    lda ($10),y
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        iny
-        bne _lp
-_done:  rts
-.checkpc $A000
-.checkpc $D000

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Programming with Ophis
<<< PreviousExample ProgramsNext >>>


.word $0801
-.org  $0801
-        .word _next, 10         ; Next line and current line number
-        .byte $9e," 2064",0     ; SYS 2064
-_next:  .word 0                 ; End of program
-.advance $0810
-.require "kernal.oph"
-.data zp
-.org $0002
-        ; Cache BASIC's zero page at top of available RAM.
-        ldx #$7E
-*       lda $01, x
-        sta $CF81, x
-        dex
-        bne -
-        jsr _main
-        ; Restore BASIC's zero page and return control.
-        ldx #$7E
-*       lda $CF81, x
-        sta $01, x
-        dex
-        bne -
-        rts
-        ; Program follows...

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Programming with Ophis
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.include "c64-2.oph"
-.org $C000
-.macro print
-        lda #<_1
-        ldx #>_1
-        jsr printstr
-.macro greet
-        lda #30
-        jsr delay
-        `print hello1
-        `print _1
-        `print hello2
-        lda #147
-        jsr chrout
-        `greet target1
-        `greet target2
-        `greet target3
-        `greet target4
-        `greet target5
-        `greet target6
-        `greet target7
-        `greet target8
-        `greet target9
-        `greet target10
-        rts
-hello1: .byte "HELLO, ",0
-hello2: .byte "!", 13, 0
-target1:  .byte "PROGRAMMER", 0
-target2:  .byte "ROOM", 0
-target3:  .byte "BUILDING", 0
-target4:  .byte "NEIGHBORHOOD", 0
-target5:  .byte "CITY", 0
-target6:  .byte "NATION", 0
-target7:  .byte "WORLD", 0
-target8:  .byte "SOLAR SYSTEM", 0
-target9:  .byte "GALAXY", 0
-target10: .byte "UNIVERSE", 0
-; DELAY routine.  Takes values from the Accumulator and pauses
-; for that many jiffies (1/60th of a second).
-.space _tmp 1
-.space _target 1
-delay:  sta _tmp        ; save argument (rdtim destroys it)
-        jsr rdtim
-        clc
-        adc _tmp        ; add current time to get target
-        sta _target
-*       jsr rdtim
-        cmp _target
-        bmi -           ; Buzz until target reached
-        rts
-; PRINTSTR routine.  Accumulator stores the low byte of the address,
-; X register stores the high byte.  Destroys the values of $10 and
-; $11.
-.data zp
-.space _ptr 2
-        sta _ptr
-        stx _ptr+1
-        ldy #$00
-_lp:    lda (_ptr),y
-        beq _done
-        jsr chrout
-        iny
-        bne _lp
-_done:  rts
-.checkpc $A000
-.checkpc $D000
-.data zp
-.checkpc $80

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Programming with Ophis
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Producing Commodore 64 programs

Commodore 64 programs are stored in - the PRG format on disk. Some emulators - (such as CCS64 or VICE) can run PRG - programs directly; others need them to be transferred to - a D64 image first. -

The PRG format is ludicrously simple. It - has two bytes of header data: This is a little-endian number - indicating the starting address. The rest of the file is a - single continuous chunk of data loaded into memory, starting at - that address. BASIC memory starts at memory location 2048, and - that's probably where we'll want to start. -

Well, not quite. We want our program to be callable from BASIC, - so we should have a BASIC program at the start. We guess the - size of a simple one line BASIC program to be about 16 bytes. - Thus, we start our program at memory location 2064 ($0810), and - the BASIC program looks like this: -

10 SYS 2064

We SAVE this program to a file, then - study it in a debugger. It's 15 bytes long: -

1070:0100  01 08 0C 08 0A 00 9E 20-32 30 36 34 00 00 00

The first two bytes are the memory location: $0801. The rest of - the data breaks down as follows: -

Table 1. BASIC program breakdown

Memory LocationsValue
$0801-$08022-byte pointer to the next line of BASIC code ($080C).
$0803-$08042-byte line number ($000A = 10).
$0805Byte code for the SYS command.
$0806-$080AThe rest of the line, which is just the string " 2064".
$080BNull byte, terminating the line.
$080C-$080D2-byte pointer to the next line of BASIC code ($0000 = end of program).

That's 13 bytes. We started at 2049, so we need 2 more bytes of - filler to make our code actually start at location 2064. These - 17 bytes will give us the file format and the BASIC code we need - to have our machine language program run. -

These are just bytes—indistinguishable from any other sort of - data. In Ophis, bytes of data are specified with - the .byte command. We'll also have to tell - Ophis what the program counter should be, so that it knows what - values to assign to our labels. The .org - (origin) command tells Ophis this. Thus, the Ophis code for our - header and linking info is: -

.byte $01, $08, $0C, $08, $0A, $00, $9E, $20
-.byte $32, $30, $36, $34, $00, $00, $00, $00
-.byte $00, $00
-.org $0810

This gets the job done, but it's completely incomprehensible, - and it only uses two directives—not very good for a - tutorial. Here's a more complicated, but much clearer, way of - saying the same thing. -

.word $0801
-.org  $0801
-        .word next, 10       ; Next line and current line number
-        .byte $9e," 2064",0  ; SYS 2064
-next:   .word 0              ; End of program
-.advance 2064

This code has many advantages over the first. - -


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Programming with Ophis
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Basic arguments

Most arguments are just a number or label. The formats for - these are below. -

Numeric types

Label types

Normal labels are simply referred to by name. Anonymous - labels may be referenced with strings of - or + signs (the - label - refers to the immediate - previous anonymous label, -- the - one before that, etc., while + - refers to the next anonymous label), and the special - label ^ refers to the program - counter at the start of the current instruction or directive. -

Normal labels are defined by - prefixing a line with the label name and then a colon - (e.g., label:). Anonymous labels - are defined by prefixing a line with an asterisk - (e.g., *). -

Temporary labels are only reachable from inside the - innermost enclosing .scope - statement. They are identical to normal labels in every - way, except that they start with an underscore. -

String types

Strings are enclosed in double quotation marks. Backslashed - characters (including backslashes and double quotes) are - treated literally, so the string "The man said, - \"The \\ character is the backslash.\"" produces - the ASCII sequence for The man said, "The \ - character is the backslash." -

Strings are generally only used as arguments to assembler - directives—usually for filenames - (e.g., .include) but also for string - data (in association with .byte). -

It is legal, though unusual, to attempt to pass a string to - the other data statements. This will produces a series of - words/dwords where all bytes that aren't least-significant - are zero. Endianness and size will match what the directive - itself indicated. -

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Ophis Command ReferenceUpCompound Arguments
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Programming with Ophis
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Compound Arguments

Compound arguments may be built up from simple ones, using the - standard +, -, *, and / operators, which carry the usual - precedence. Also, the unary operators > and <, which - bind more tightly than anything else, provide the high and low - bytes of 16-bit values, respectively. -

Use brackets [ ] instead of parentheses ( ) when grouping - arithmetic operations, as the parentheses are needed for the - indirect addressing modes. -

Examples: -

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Basic argumentsUpMemory Model
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Memory Model

In order to properly compute the locations of labels and the - like, Ophis must keep track of where assembled code will - actually be sitting in memory, and it strives to do this in a - way that is independent both of the target file and of the - target machine. -

Basic PC tracking

The primary technique Ophis uses is program counter - tracking. As it assembles the code, it keeps - track of a virtual program counter, and uses that to - determine where the labels should go. -

In the absence of an .org directive, it - assumes a starting PC of zero. .org - is a simple directive, setting the PC to the value - that .org specifies. In the simplest - case, one .org directive appears at the - beginning of the code and sets the location for the rest of - the code, which is one contiguous block. -

Basic Segmentation simulation

However, this isn't always practical. Often one wishes to - have a region of memory reserved for data without actually - mapping that memory to the file. On some systems (typically - cartridge-based systems where ROM and RAM are seperate, and - the target file only specifies the ROM image) this is - mandatory. In order to access these variables symbolically, - it's necessary to put the values into the label lookup - table. -

It is possible, but inconvenient, to do this - with .alias, assigning a specific - memory location to each variable. This requires careful - coordination through your code, and makes creating reusable - libraries all but impossible. -

A better approach is to reserve a section at the beginning - or end of your program, put an .org - directive in, then use the .space - directive to divide up the data area. This is still a bit - inconvenient, though, because all variables must be - assigned all at once. What we'd really like is to keep - multiple PC counters, one for data and one for code. -

The .text - and .data directives do this. Each - has its own PC that starts at zero, and you can switch - between the two at any point without corrupting the other's - counter. In this way each function can have - a .data section (filled - with .space commands) and - a .text section (that contains the - actual code). This lets our library routines be almost - completely self-contained - we can have one source file - that could be .included by multiple - projects without getting in anything's way. -

However, any given program may have its own ideas about - where data and code go, and it's good to ensure with - a .checkpc at the end of your code - that you haven't accidentally overwritten code with data or - vice versa. If your .data - segment did start at zero, it's - probably wise to make sure you aren't smashing the stack, - too (which is sitting in the region from $0100 to - $01FF). -

If you write code with no segment-defining statements in - it, the default segment - is text. -

The data segment is designed only - for organizing labels. As such, errors will be flagged if - you attempt to actually output information into - a data segment. -

General Segmentation Simulation

One text and data segment each is usually sufficient, but - for the cases where it is not, Ophis allows for user-defined - segments. Putting a label - after .text - or .data produces a new segment with - the specified name. -

Say, for example, that we have access to the RAM at the low - end of the address space, but want to reserve the zero page - for truly critical variables, and use the rest of RAM for - everything else. Let's also assume that this is a 6510 - chip, and locations $00 and $01 are reserved for the I/O - port. We could start our program off with: -

-.org $200
-.data zp
-.org $2
-.org $800

And, to be safe, we would probably want to end our code - with checks to make sure we aren't overwriting anything: -

-.checkpc $800
-.data zp
-.checkpc $100

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Compound ArgumentsUpMacros
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Programming with Ophis
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Assembly language is a powerful tool—however, there are - many tasks that need to be done repeatedly, and with - mind-numbing minor modifications. Ophis includes a facility - for macros to allow this. Ophis macros - are very similar in form to function calls in higher level - languages. -

Defining Macros

Macros are defined with the .macro - and .macend commands. Here's a - simple one that will clear the screen on a Commodore - 64: -

.macro clr'screen
-    lda #147
-    jsr $FFD2

Invoking Macros

To invoke a macro, either use - the .invoke command or backquote the - name of the routine. The previous macro may be expanded - out in either of two ways, at any point in the - source: -

.invoke clr'screen



will work equally well.

Passing Arguments to Macros

Macros may take arguments. The arguments to a macro are - all of the "word" type, though byte values may - be passed and used as bytes as well. The first argument in - an invocation is bound to the label - _1, the second - to _2, and so on. Here's a macro - for storing a 16-bit value into a word pointer: -

.macro store16   ; `store16 dest, src
-	lda #<_2
-	sta _1
-	lda #>_2
-	sta _1+1

Macro arguments behave, for the most part, as if they were - defined by .alias - commands in the calling context. - (They differ in that they will not produce duplicate-label - errors if those names already exist in the calling scope, - and in that they disappear after the call is - completed.) -

Features and Restrictions of the Ophis Macro Model

Unlike most macro systems (which do textual replacement), - Ophis macros evaluate their arguments and bind them into the - symbol table as temporary labels. This produces some - benefits, but it also puts some restrictions on what kinds of - macros may be defined. -

The primary benefit of this "expand-via-binding" - discipline is that there are no surprises in the semantics. - The expression _1+1 in the macro above - will always evaluate to one more than the value that was - passed as the first argument, even if that first argument is - some immensely complex expression that an - expand-via-substitution method may accidentally - mangle. -

The primary disadvantage of the expand-via-binding - discipline is that only fixed numbers of words and bytes - may be passed. A substitution-based system could define a - macro including the line LDA _1 and - accept as arguments both $C000 - (which would put the value of memory location $C000 into - the accumulator) and #$40 (which - would put the immediate value $40 into the accumulator). - If you really need this kind of - behavior, a run a C preprocessor over your Ophis source, - and use #define to your heart's - content. -

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Memory ModelUpAssembler directives
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Programming with Ophis
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Assembler directives

Assembler directives are all instructions to the assembler - that are not actual instructions. Ophis's set of directives - follow. -

The following directives are deprecated, added for - compatibility with the old Perl - assembler P65. Use - the -d option to Ophis to enable - them. -

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The basics) -endobj -25 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (4.3.1) >> -endobj -28 0 obj -(A note on numeric notation) -endobj -29 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (4.4.1) >> -endobj -32 0 obj -(Producing Commodore 64 programs) -endobj -33 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (4.5.1) >> -endobj -36 0 obj -(Related commands and options) -endobj -37 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (4.6.1) >> -endobj -40 0 obj -(Writing the actual code) -endobj -41 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (4.7.1) >> -endobj -44 0 obj -(Assembling the code) -endobj -45 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (5.0) >> -endobj -48 0 obj -(Chapter 2. Labels and aliases) -endobj -49 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (5.8.1) >> -endobj -52 0 obj -(Temporary labels) -endobj -53 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (5.9.1) >> -endobj -56 0 obj -(Anonymous labels) -endobj -57 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (5.10.1) >> -endobj -60 0 obj -(Aliasing) -endobj -61 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (6.0) >> -endobj -64 0 obj -(Chapter 3. Headers, Libraries, and Macros) -endobj -65 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (6.11.1) >> -endobj -68 0 obj -(Header files and libraries) -endobj -69 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (6.12.1) >> -endobj -72 0 obj -(Macros) -endobj -73 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -76 0 obj -(Macro definitions) -endobj -77 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -80 0 obj -(Macro invocations) -endobj -81 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (6.13.1) >> -endobj -84 0 obj -(Example code) -endobj -85 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (7.0) >> -endobj -88 0 obj -(Chapter 4. Character maps) -endobj -89 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (8.0) >> -endobj -92 0 obj -(Chapter 5. Local variables and memory segments) -endobj -93 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (9.0) >> -endobj -96 0 obj -(Chapter 6. Expressions) -endobj -97 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (10.0) >> -endobj -100 0 obj -(Chapter 7. Advanced Memory Segments) -endobj -101 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (10.14.1) >> -endobj -104 0 obj -(The Problem) -endobj -105 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (10.15.1) >> -endobj -108 0 obj -(The Solution) -endobj -109 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (10.16.1) >> -endobj -112 0 obj -(Where to go from here) -endobj -113 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.0) >> -endobj -116 0 obj -(Appendix A. Example Programs) -endobj -117 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.17.1) >> -endobj -120 0 obj -(tutor1.oph) -endobj -121 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.18.1) >> -endobj -124 0 obj -(tutor2.oph) -endobj -125 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.19.1) >> -endobj -128 0 obj -(c641.oph) -endobj -129 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.20.1) >> -endobj -132 0 obj -(kernal.oph) -endobj -133 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.21.1) >> -endobj -136 0 obj -(tutor3.oph) -endobj -137 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.22.1) >> -endobj -140 0 obj -(tutor4a.oph) -endobj -141 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.23.1) >> -endobj -144 0 obj -(tutor4b.oph) -endobj -145 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.24.1) >> -endobj -148 0 obj -(tutor4c.oph) -endobj -149 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.25.1) >> -endobj -152 0 obj -(tutor5.oph) -endobj -153 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.26.1) >> -endobj -156 0 obj -(tutor6.oph) -endobj -157 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.27.1) >> -endobj -160 0 obj -(c642.oph) -endobj -161 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (11.28.1) >> -endobj -164 0 obj -(tutor7.oph) -endobj -165 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (12.0) >> -endobj -168 0 obj -(Appendix B. Ophis Command Reference) -endobj -169 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (12.29.1) >> -endobj -172 0 obj -(Command Modes) -endobj -173 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (12.30.1) >> -endobj -176 0 obj -(Basic arguments) -endobj -177 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -180 0 obj -(Numeric types) -endobj -181 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -184 0 obj -(Label types) -endobj -185 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -188 0 obj -(String types) -endobj -189 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (12.31.1) >> -endobj -192 0 obj -(Compound Arguments) -endobj -193 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (12.32.1) >> -endobj -196 0 obj -(Memory Model) -endobj -197 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -200 0 obj -(Basic PC tracking) -endobj -201 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -204 0 obj -(Basic Segmentation simulation) -endobj -205 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -208 0 obj -(General Segmentation Simulation) -endobj -209 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (12.33.1) >> -endobj -212 0 obj -(Macros) -endobj -213 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -216 0 obj -(Defining Macros) -endobj -217 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -220 0 obj -(Invoking Macros) -endobj -221 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -224 0 obj -(Passing Arguments to Macros) -endobj -225 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D ( >> -endobj -228 0 obj -(Features and Restrictions of the Ophis Macro Model) -endobj -229 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (12.34.1) >> -endobj -232 0 obj -(Assembler directives) -endobj -233 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D [234 0 R /Fit ] >> -endobj -236 0 obj << -/Length 197 -/Filter /FlateDecode ->> -stream -xڍ=k@ w -c @hB NnK AWzJ0ZXE{gF9Z6-+ 2Ud A(Ȑ6B潟qns͗a^?Yojr썦\ h []dpT2|AuuDq_:Eendstream -endobj -234 0 obj << -/Type /Page -/Contents 236 0 R -/Resources 235 0 R -/MediaBox [0 0 609.7136 789.0411] -/Parent 243 0 R ->> endobj -237 0 obj << -/D [234 0 R /XYZ 95.6414 729.2652 null] ->> endobj -238 0 obj << -/D [234 0 R /XYZ 95.6414 716.3138 null] ->> endobj -239 0 obj << -/D [234 0 R /XYZ 95.6414 716.3138 null] ->> endobj -2 0 obj << -/D [234 0 R /XYZ 400.0898 704.6091 null] ->> endobj -235 0 obj << -/Font << /F23 242 0 R >> -/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] ->> endobj -246 0 obj << -/Length 213 -/Filter /FlateDecode ->> -stream -xڍ;O@ -pvAJۀ!-49Uŏ>fAYb/ܛ|a4{5U5Եd\ XQd6,ߞ˧*}ڴC)zui_Ev+b`|8[nj*Ҫk?.I3is|…1gv; |S$DV?]]^k#mы'kWendstream -endobj -245 0 obj << -/Type /Page -/Contents 246 0 R -/Resources 244 0 R -/MediaBox [0 0 609.7136 789.0411] -/Parent 243 0 R ->> endobj -247 0 obj << -/D [245 0 R /XYZ 95.6414 729.2652 null] ->> endobj -244 0 obj << -/Font << /F23 242 0 R /F28 250 0 R >> -/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] ->> endobj -253 0 obj << -/Length 56327 -/Filter /FlateDecode ->> -stream -xڔͮdWzmSYplj! 5 ]X-@ _7TY Yޑg/7fAbclN&Ofqo|8s;w??/a=s>Χ}//wyO| ??yyO~oo??|/G|=~s}SC=P7z>~O.uwzaw^>{;-T܇ڕzNq䅺!?K*_OܩRzNݐv%(wk};]ϡ|&ynȏ~4ʝ!,?ҏ}FS7۹zN})?sNR79o|=rnȗsڟSzNݐ/ox?4ʝZ~X~4 uC1i;uC~~0v׷S~w|&ynȏ˗6~0/orI?qNݐ/|M(wkiy50a^v|y53Q j_Ʉè6kyP=NP7O?qNݐ_vߢaTs|]n3_O۩\g>NP7˫4ʝ!_^~4ʝ!_i;kP>NP79\ҏ}FS7o zNݐ/~?4ʝ!_[Qqw8MBݐ-i;uC=uFS7_rzN}-[9"f&ynȗs:8rn~4ʝ!_-QvcI^~N?qNݐvs(w{]}=rz piW|y;[*_OܩoTFS79zN}-?,o~4 uC(w|y;}(w|y;}Qqwҏ}&ynϻ+cQ m|yKi;uC~ݮc_Oܩ\>NP79ӏ}FS79]ҏ}FS79^SaT5ir|y5[(w;ӟZè6şzN}-w[?c4 uC~?Ϣ#qC>Q ^._Oܩ彤BI bNi4!_^~4ʝ!_^Mez|m-ofN?q܅!?.K(wۿ]|=rni;_o>NP7۹ҏ}FS798rnȗs?(wk}y;{$/ v6Q vcQ vc_Oܩ/aw{iW;|=rnȯtOi;uC~ߝc_Oܩ\.>NP79kbFS79/FS79}=rsH:MBݐ/og'Q uvO:rn߾ǾFS_O>i;5Nܩ\>Nܩ\5NܩO>NP79NܩANܩ.ǾFS_/٧b&ynϻ= ttNݐ_w4i;uC~oc_OܩvM&ynȗ8jcnWsNFS7˫9|=rߖW&37˛9iN۩YNܩcaTZB]nuNݐ_wt 3ژ#f4Z~_^%Mst䅺!_^M?è6yy3tMv|y5Ƿ3_Oܩ/jXA^:GQ v?+p?߶mw }x(4CN˯wN_˃m_m~wzӱǣ_Gy<ߖ?8ow>(M'9#܊/h+r;ܩ}䖹Gjcv-T.T2"7;2@mL2"7p;"H>#^^erEn w*Dn\ȝ -[&WrBg "L N-+rS!r@T2"7;"H>#^^erEn w*Dn\ȝ -[&WrBg "L N-+rS!r@T"zyBܩerEn w*Dn\ȝ -["ZyBܩerEn w*Dn\ȝ -[$[//T2"7;"L N-+rS!r3r -[&WrBܩerEn w*Dn|FnP!r@T2"7;2@mL"zwBܩ}䖹GjcB䖩۩EBm#LFn H-+rS!r@>r܊z3!rԊT2"7;2@mL"zwBܩerEn w*Dn\ȝ -[$[//T2"7;"L N-+rS!r3r -[&WrBܩerEn w*Dn)rk -[&WrBܩerEn w*Dn|FnP!r@T2"7;"L N-ȭ*Dn\ȝ -[&WrBܩEB-+rS!r@T2"7;"H>#^^erEn w*Dn\ȝ -[&WrBg "L N-+rS!r@T"zy[ [VnBܩ}jgB䖩۩erEn wjeژEB-+rS-s Ƅ-S+rS!r3rGn{Dn6&DnZ -[&WrBȟ"V^erEn w*DnM&r;ysܚz #iw8,Zm{<?|k6?o''o mGsGo/˃ܩ\(w*3 w*#B|&\N|&\N|&\N|$s^^0˃ܩ0˃ܩ0˃ܩ0OOsV^0˃ܩ0˃ܩ0˃ܩ0s. \sy;\sy;\sy;|{y\>k.r\>k.r\>k.r\>Ϲ|//TgrATgrA~.\Ƅ|s]0˃ܩ\>s< sL< -sH>P۹|^ H|&\N|&\N[s^LgjTgrA~.\Ƅ|s]0˃ܩ0˃ܩ0˃ܩ0s. \sy;\sy;\sy;|{y\>k.r\>k.r\>k.r\>?[y\>k.r\>k.r\>k.r\>Ϲ|//TgrATgrATgrATG9 -sL<ȝ -sL<ȝ -sL<ȝ -sH>Pa.5Sa.5Sa.5Sa.\*3 w*3 w*3 w*#B|&\N|&\N|&\N|$s^^\>s< sL< -sL<ȝ#ڙ0Ԛ˃۩0˃ܩ\>s< sH=Pa.5S|syPZsyp;|{ys=6&3v*3 w*\W*3 w*aw:sj}w헏1k~ sy=?v1yz蜎={/O~:_q~~˗a{3sF -Q mw;|=r-$/ vcQ ewx 32aTs|]NgFS_ˏ~4 uC~]͜ژ\.g>N۩՜鏵qNݸpjy50aqej]nv|8r|eq]u 4 . 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587.4206] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (199) >> ->> endobj -277 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 578.1156 515.0685 587.4206] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (199) >> ->> endobj -278 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 562.0707 244.7213 574.0806] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (205) >> ->> endobj -279 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 562.0707 515.0685 574.0806] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (205) >> ->> endobj -280 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 551.1118 250.938 563.1216] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (213) >> ->> endobj -281 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 551.1118 515.0685 563.1216] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (213) >> ->> endobj -282 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 540.1529 205.3594 552.1627] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (224) >> ->> endobj -283 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 540.1529 515.0685 552.1627] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (224) >> ->> endobj -284 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [142.4658 527.9885 295.8098 538.8029] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (CH3-LINK) >> ->> endobj -285 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 527.9885 515.0685 538.8029] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (CH3-LINK) >> ->> endobj -286 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 516.0483 279.5205 525.4629] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (239) >> ->> endobj -287 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 516.0483 515.0685 525.4629] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (239) >> ->> endobj -288 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 505.0894 200.6175 514.2001] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (256) >> ->> endobj -289 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 505.0894 515.0685 514.2001] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (256) >> ->> endobj -290 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [190.2864 494.1305 269.9867 503.5451] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (264) >> ->> endobj -291 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 494.1305 515.0685 503.5451] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (264) >> ->> endobj -292 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [190.2864 483.1716 273.5732 492.2823] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (277) >> ->> endobj -293 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 483.1716 515.0685 492.2823] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (277) >> ->> endobj -294 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 469.6174 230.2459 481.6273] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (286) >> ->> endobj -295 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 469.6174 515.0685 481.6273] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (286) >> ->> endobj -296 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [142.4658 456.5265 224.9758 468.2674] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (CH4-LINK) >> ->> endobj -297 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [508.0947 456.5265 515.0685 468.2674] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (CH4-LINK) >> ->> endobj -298 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [142.4658 443.1766 327.65 454.9175] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (CH5-LINK) >> ->> endobj -299 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 443.1766 515.0685 454.9175] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (CH5-LINK) >> ->> endobj -300 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [142.4658 429.8267 208.6472 441.3434] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (370) >> ->> endobj -301 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 429.8267 515.0685 441.3434] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (370) >> ->> endobj -302 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [142.4658 416.4767 288.3677 428.2176] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (418) >> ->> endobj -303 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 416.4767 515.0685 428.2176] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (418) >> ->> endobj -304 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 405.463 224.7266 414.8776] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (423) >> ->> endobj -305 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 405.463 515.0685 414.8776] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (423) >> ->> endobj -306 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 394.5041 224.4973 403.9187] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (429) >> ->> endobj -307 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 394.5041 515.0685 403.9187] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (429) >> ->> endobj -308 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 380.95 267.4662 392.9598] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (448) >> ->> endobj -309 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 380.95 515.0685 392.9598] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (448) >> ->> endobj -310 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [142.4658 367.8591 242.1511 379.6] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (453) >> ->> endobj -311 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 367.8591 515.0685 379.6] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (453) >> ->> endobj -312 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 355.6788 222.1668 365.9561] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR1-SRC) >> ->> endobj -316 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 355.6788 515.0685 365.9561] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR1-SRC) >> ->> endobj -317 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 344.7199 222.1668 354.9972] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR2-SRC) >> ->> endobj -318 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 344.7199 515.0685 354.9972] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR2-SRC) >> ->> endobj -319 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 333.761 216.787 344.0383] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (C64-1-SRC) >> ->> endobj -320 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 333.761 515.0685 344.0383] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (C64-1-SRC) >> ->> endobj -321 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 322.8021 222.1668 333.0794] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (KERNAL-SRC) >> ->> endobj -322 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 322.8021 515.0685 333.0794] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (KERNAL-SRC) >> ->> endobj -323 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 311.8431 222.1668 322.1205] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR3-SRC) >> ->> endobj -324 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 311.8431 515.0685 322.1205] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR3-SRC) >> ->> endobj -325 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 300.8842 227.5466 311.1616] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR4A-SRC) >> ->> endobj -326 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 300.8842 515.0685 311.1616] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR4A-SRC) >> ->> endobj -327 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 289.9253 227.5466 300.2027] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR4B-SRC) >> ->> endobj -328 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [503.1133 289.9253 515.0685 300.2027] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (TUTOR4B-SRC) >> ->> endobj -329 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [166.3761 278.9664 227.5466 289.2438] -/Subtype 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