]> Programming with Ophis MichaelMartin 2006-2012Michael Martin &pre1; Using the Ophis Assembler The chapters in Part 1 are a tutorial guiding you through the features and programming model of the Ophis assembler. It uses the Commodore 64 as its target platform. This is not a tutorial on 6502 assembly language; those are available elsewhere. &part1; &part2; &part3; &part4; &part5; &part6; &part7; To HLL and Back This is a compilation of an essay series I wrote from 2002-2005 explaining how to apply HLL constructs from high-level languages in your assembly language projects. The examples have been updated and modernized for Ophis 2, and while the examples all target the Commodore 64, they are more generally applicable. &hll1; &hll2; &hll3; &hll4; &hll5; &samplecode; &cmdref;