Michael C. Martin 14a37ca879 Massive code modernization spree.
Full PEP8 compliance. Also, booleans have been inserted where
they make sense (introduced in 2.3!) and I haven't knowingly
added anything that will break 2.3 compatibility.

At this point the code really doesn't look like it was written
ten years ago. Hooray!
2012-06-02 00:04:15 -07:00

41 lines
489 B

.word $0801
.org $0801
.word _next, 10 ; Next line and current line number
.byte $9e," 2064",0 ; SYS 2064
_next: .word 0 ; End of program
.advance $0810
.require "kernal.oph"
.data zp
.org $0002
; Cache BASIC's zero page at top of available RAM.
ldx #$7E
* lda $01, x
sta $CF81, x
bne -
jsr _main
; Restore BASIC's zero page and return control.
ldx #$7E
* lda $CF81, x
sta $01, x
bne -
; Program follows...