{ Description =========== Utilities for the 6502 CPU. The types here defined are intended to be used for: * Assembling 6502 instructions. * Disassembling 6502 instructions. * Simulating the 6502 execution. To simulate the CPU, it's assumed there are 64KB of RAM in a virtual system. The main class TP6502 models a CPU6502 object including access to 64KB RAM. The aim of this unit is to be used as base for assemblers, compilers and simulators. Created by Tito Hinostroza 19/05/2018 } unit P6502utils; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, LCLProc, CPUCore, strutils; type //Instructions set TP6502Inst = ( i_ADC, //add with carry i_AND, //and (with accumulator) i_ASL, //arithmetic shift left i_BCC, //branch on carry clear i_BCS, //branch on carry set i_BEQ, //branch on equal (zero set) i_BIT, //bit test i_BMI, //branch on minus (negative set) i_BNE, //branch on not equal (zero clear) i_BPL, //branch on plus (negative clear) i_BRK, //break / interrupt i_BVC, //branch on overflow clear i_BVS, //branch on overflow set i_CLC, //clear carry i_CLD, //clear decimal i_CLI, //clear interrupt disable i_CLV, //clear overflow i_CMP, //compare (with accumulator) i_CPX, //compare with X i_CPY, //compare with Y i_DEC, //decrement i_DEX, //decrement X i_DEY, //decrement Y i_EOR, //exclusive or (with accumulator) i_INC, //increment i_INX, //increment X i_INY, //increment Y i_JMP, //jump i_JSR, //jump subroutine i_LDA, //load accumulator i_LDX, //load X i_LDY, //load Y i_LSR, //logical shift right i_NOP, //no operation i_ORA, //or with accumulator i_PHA, //push accumulator i_PHP, //push processor status (SR) i_PLA, //pull accumulator i_PLP, //pull processor status (SR) i_ROL, //rotate left i_ROR, //rotate right i_RTI, //return from interrupt i_RTS, //return from subroutine i_SBC, //subtract with carry i_SEC, //set carry i_SED, //set decimal i_SEI, //set interrupt disable i_STA, //store accumulator i_STX, //store X i_STY, //store Y i_TAX, //transfer accumulator to X i_TAY, //transfer accumulator to Y i_TSX, //transfer stack pointer to X i_TXA, //transfer X to accumulator i_TXS, //transfer X to stack pointer i_TYA, //transfer Y to accumulator //INVALID INSTRUCTION i_Inval ); //Addressing Modes {Implicit Mode and Acumulator Mode are not considered here. We consider Only Modes with parameters.} TP6502AddMode = ( aImplicit, //Implied : BRK aAcumulat, //Acumulator : ASL aImmediat, //Immediate : ORA #$B2 aAbsolute, //Absolute : JMP $4032 aZeroPage, //Zero page : LDA: $35 aRelative, //Relative : BNE LABEL aIndirect, //Indirect : JMP ($1000) aAbsolutX, //Absolute Indexed by X : STA $1000, X aAbsolutY, //Absolute Indexed by Y : STA $1000, Y aZeroPagX, //Zero page Indexed by X : LDA $10, X aZeroPagY, //Zero page Indexed by Y : LDA $10, Y aIdxIndir, //Indexed Indirect: LDA ($40,X) Only for X aIndirIdx //Indirect Indexed: LDA ($40),Y Only for Y ); TP6502AddModes = set of TP6502AddMode; //Instruction Information for each Address Mode TInstructInform = record Opcode: byte; //Code for instruction nBytes: byte; //Num. of bytes of the instruction. Cycles: byte; //Num. of cycles the instruction takes. optCycles: string; //Extra options in Num. of cycles. end; //Record for a 6502 instruction { TP6502Instruct } TP6502Instruct = object public //Name of the instruction name: string[3]; //Address Modes supported addressModes: TP6502AddModes; //Information for each Address Mode supported instrInform: array[TP6502AddMode] of TInstructInform; public procedure Init(name0: string); procedure AddAddressMode(aMode: TP6502AddMode; Opcode, nBytes, nCycles: Byte; optCycles: string); end; //Indica el destino de la instrucción TPIC16destin = ( toW = %00000000, //al acumulador toF = %10000000 //a memoria ); const //Constants of address and bit positions for some registers _STATUS = $03; _C = 0; _Z = 2; _RP0 = 5; _RP1 = 6; // _IRP = 7; type {Objeto que representa al hardware de un PIC de la serie 16} { TP6502 } TP6502 = class(TCPUCore) public //Campos para desensamblar instrucciones idIns: TP6502Inst; //ID de Instrucción. modIns: TP6502AddMode; //Modo de direccionamiento parIns: word; //Parámetro de instrucción. Válido solo en algunas instrucciones. b_ : byte; //Bit destino. Válido solo en algunas instrucciones. k_ : word; //Parámetro Literal. Válido solo en algunas instrucciones. private //Campos para procesar instrucciones function GetINTCON: byte; function GetINTCON_GIE: boolean; function GetSTATUS: byte; function GetSTATUS_C: boolean; function GetSTATUS_DC: boolean; function GetSTATUS_IRP: boolean; function GetSTATUS_Z: boolean; procedure SetINTCON_GIE(AValue: boolean); procedure SetSTATUS_C(AValue: boolean); procedure SetSTATUS_DC(AValue: boolean); procedure SetSTATUS_IRP(AValue: boolean); procedure SetSTATUS_Z(AValue: boolean); procedure SetFRAM(value: byte); function GetFRAM: byte; public //Campos que modelan a los registros internos W : byte; //Registro de trabajo PC : TWordRec; //PC as record to fast access for bytes PCLATH : byte; //Contador de Programa H SP : byte; //Puntero de pila property STATUS: byte read GetSTATUS; property STATUS_Z: boolean read GetSTATUS_Z write SetSTATUS_Z; property STATUS_C: boolean read GetSTATUS_C write SetSTATUS_C; property STATUS_DC: boolean read GetSTATUS_DC write SetSTATUS_DC; property STATUS_IRP: boolean read GetSTATUS_IRP write SetSTATUS_IRP; property INTCON: byte read GetINTCON; property INTCON_GIE: boolean read GetINTCON_GIE write SetINTCON_GIE; property FRAM: byte read GetFRAM write SetFRAM; public //Execution control function CurInstruction: TP6502Inst; procedure Exec(aPC: word); override; //Ejecuta la instrucción en la dirección indicada. procedure Exec; override; //Ejecuta instrucción actual procedure ExecTo(endAdd: word); override; //Ejecuta hasta cierta dirección procedure ExecStep; override; //Execute one instruction considering CALL as one instruction procedure ExecNCycles(nCyc: integer; out stopped: boolean); override; //Ejecuta hasta cierta dirección procedure Reset(hard: boolean); override; function ReadPC: dword; override; procedure WritePC(AValue: dword); override; public //Memories procedure Decode(const opCode: word); //Decode instruction. function DisassemblerAt(addr: word; out nBytesProc: byte; useVarName: boolean ): string; override; public //RAM memory functions function GetFreeByte(out addr: word; shared: boolean): boolean; function GetFreeBytes(const size: integer; var addr: word): boolean; //obtiene una dirección libre function TotalMemRAM: integer; //devuelve el total de memoria RAM function UsedMemRAM: word; //devuelve el total de memoria RAM usada procedure ExploreUsed(rutExplorRAM: TCPURutExplorRAM); //devuelve un reporte del uso de la RAM function ValidRAMaddr(addr: word): boolean; //indica si una posición de memoria es válida public //Métthods to code instructions according to syntax procedure useRAM; procedure codAsm(const inst: TP6502Inst; addMode: TP6502AddMode; param: word); procedure codGotoAt(iRam0: integer; const k: word); procedure codCallAt(iRam0: integer; const k: word); function codInsert(iRam0, nInsert, nWords: integer): boolean; public //Adicional methods function FindOpcode(Op: string): TP6502Inst; //busca Opcode procedure GenHex(hexFile: string); //genera un archivo hex procedure DumpCodeAsm(lOut: TStrings; incAdrr, incValues, incCom, incVarNam: boolean); public //Initialization constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; end; var //variables globales //mnemónico de las instrucciones PIC16InstName: array[low(TP6502Inst)..high(TP6502Inst)] of TP6502Instruct; implementation { TP6502Instruct } procedure TP6502Instruct.Init(name0: string); //Initialize the instruction. Must be called before AddAddressMode(). begin name := name0; //Set addressModes:= []; //Clear end; procedure TP6502Instruct.AddAddressMode(aMode: TP6502AddMode; Opcode, nBytes, nCycles: Byte; optCycles: string); {Add a new Address Mode including additional information. "optCycles" is a flag and indicate aditional considerations on cycles: '*' -> Add 1 to cycles if page boundery is crossed '**' -> Add 1 to cycles if branch occurs on same page Add 2 to cycles if branch occurs to different page } begin addressModes := addressModes + [aMode]; //Register Mode //Add information instrInform[aMode].Opcode:= Opcode; instrInform[aMode].nBytes:= nBytes; instrInform[aMode].Cycles:= nCycles; instrInform[aMode].optCycles := optCycles; end; { TP6502 } procedure TP6502.useRAM; {Marca la posición actual, como usada, e incrementa el puntero iRam. Si hay error, actualiza el campo "MsjError"} begin ram[iRam].used := true; //marca como usado inc(iRam); end; procedure TP6502.codAsm(const inst: TP6502Inst; addMode: TP6502AddMode; param: word); {Rutina general para codificar instrucciones en ensamblador} var rInst: TP6502Instruct; begin rInst := PIC16InstName[inst]; //Overflow protection if iRam >= CPUMAXRAM then begin MsjError := 'RAM Memory limit exceeded.'; exit; end; //Write OpCode ram[iRam].value := rInst.instrInform[addMode].Opcode; useRAM; //marca como usado e incrementa puntero. //Codifica parámetros case addMode of aImplicit: begin //No parameters if addMode in rInst.addressModes then begin //It's OK end else begin MsjError:= 'Invalid Address Mode (Implicit)'; end; end; aAcumulat: begin //No parameters if addMode in rInst.addressModes then begin //It's OK end else begin MsjError:= 'Invalid Address Mode (Acumulator)'; end; end; aImmediat: begin if addMode in rInst.addressModes then begin //It's OK end else begin MsjError:= 'Invalid Address Mode (Immediate)'; end; ram[iRam].value := lo(param); //escribe parámetro useRAM; end; aAbsolute:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; ram[iRam].value := hi(param); useRAM; end; aZeroPage:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; end; aRelative:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; end; aIndirect:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; ram[iRam].value := hi(param); useRAM; end; aAbsolutX:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; ram[iRam].value := hi(param); useRAM; end; aAbsolutY:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; ram[iRam].value := hi(param); useRAM; end; aZeroPagX:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; end; aZeroPagY:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; end; aIdxIndir:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; end; aIndirIdx:begin ram[iRam].value := lo(param); useRAM; end; else raise Exception.Create('Implementation Error.'); end; end; procedure TP6502.codGotoAt(iRam0: integer; const k: word); {Codifica una instrucción GOTO, en una posición específica y sin alterar el puntero "iFlash" actual. Se usa para completar saltos indefinidos} var rInst: TP6502Instruct; begin rInst := PIC16InstName[i_JMP]; ram[iRam0].value := rInst.instrInform[aAbsolute].Opcode; ram[iRam0+1].value := lo(k); ram[iRam0+2].value := hi(k); end; procedure TP6502.codCallAt(iRam0: integer; const k: word); {Codifica una instrucción i_CALL, en una posición específica y sin alterar el puntero "iFlash" actual. Se usa para completar llamadas indefinidas} var rInst: TP6502Instruct; begin rInst := PIC16InstName[i_JSR]; ram[iRam0].value := rInst.instrInform[aAbsolute].Opcode; end; function TP6502.codInsert(iRam0, nInsert, nWords: integer): boolean; {Inserta en la posición iRam0, "nInsert" palabras, desplazando "nWords" palabras. Al final debe quedar "nInsert" palabras de espacio libre en iRam0. Si hay error devuelve FALSE.} var i: Integer; begin Result := True; //By default if iRam+nInsert+nWords-1> CPUMAXRAM then begin //Overflow on address exit(false); end; for i:= iRam + nInsert + nWords -1 downto iRam + nWords do begin ram[i] := ram[i-nInsert]; end; end; //procedure TP6502.BTFSC_sw_BTFSS(iRam0: integer); //{Exchange instruction i_BTFSC to i_BTFSS, or viceversa, in the specified address.} //begin // //Solo necesita cambiar el bit apropiado // ram[iRam0].value := ram[iRam0].value XOR %10000000000; //end; function TP6502.FindOpcode(Op: string): TP6502Inst; {Busca una cádena que represente a una instrucción (Opcode). Si encuentra devuelve el identificador de instrucción . Si no encuentra devuelve "i_Inval". } var idInst: TP6502Inst; tmp: String; begin tmp := UpperCase(Op); for idInst := low(TP6502Inst) to high(TP6502Inst) do begin if PIC16InstName[idInst].name = tmp then begin Result := idInst; exit; end; end; //No encontró Result := i_Inval; end; //Campos para procesar instrucciones function TP6502.GetSTATUS: byte; begin Result := ram[_STATUS].dvalue; end; function TP6502.GetSTATUS_Z: boolean; begin Result := (ram[_STATUS].dvalue and %00000100) <> 0; end; procedure TP6502.SetSTATUS_Z(AValue: boolean); begin if AVAlue then ram[_STATUS].dvalue := ram[_STATUS].dvalue or %00000100 else ram[_STATUS].dvalue := ram[_STATUS].dvalue and %11111011; end; function TP6502.GetSTATUS_C: boolean; begin Result := (ram[_STATUS].dvalue and %00000001) <> 0; end; procedure TP6502.SetSTATUS_C(AValue: boolean); begin if AVAlue then ram[_STATUS].dvalue := ram[_STATUS].dvalue or %00000001 else ram[_STATUS].dvalue := ram[_STATUS].dvalue and %11111110; end; function TP6502.GetSTATUS_DC: boolean; begin Result := (ram[_STATUS].dvalue and %00000010) <> 0; end; procedure TP6502.SetSTATUS_DC(AValue: boolean); begin if AVAlue then ram[_STATUS].dvalue := ram[_STATUS].dvalue or %00000010 else ram[_STATUS].dvalue := ram[_STATUS].dvalue and %11111101; end; function TP6502.GetSTATUS_IRP: boolean; begin Result := (ram[_STATUS].dvalue and %10000000) <> 0; end; procedure TP6502.SetSTATUS_IRP(AValue: boolean); begin if AVAlue then ram[_STATUS].dvalue := ram[_STATUS].dvalue or %10000000 else ram[_STATUS].dvalue := ram[_STATUS].dvalue and %01111111; end; function TP6502.GetINTCON: byte; begin Result := ram[$0B].dvalue; end; function TP6502.GetINTCON_GIE: boolean; begin Result := (ram[$0B].dvalue and %10000000) <> 0; end; procedure TP6502.SetINTCON_GIE(AValue: boolean); begin if AVAlue then ram[$0B].dvalue := ram[$0B].dvalue or %10000000 else ram[$0B].dvalue := ram[$0B].dvalue and %01111111; end; procedure TP6502.SetFRAM(value: byte); {Escribe en la RAM; en la dirección global f_, el valor "value" Para determinar el valor real de la dirección, se toma en cuenta los bits de STATUS} begin ram[parIns].value := value; end; function TP6502.GetFRAM: byte; {Devuelve el valor de la RAM, de la posición global f_. Para determinar el valor real de la dirección, se toma en cuenta los bits de STATUS} begin Result := ram[parIns].value; end; procedure TP6502.Decode(const opCode: word); {Decode the value of "opCode" and update: * "idIns" -> Instruction ID * "modIns" -> Address Mode If not found, returns "i_Inval" in "idIns". } var i : TP6502Inst; j : TP6502AddMode; inst: TP6502Instruct; iInfom: TInstructInform; begin //Search the Opcode for i := low(TP6502Inst) to high(TP6502Inst) do begin inst := PIC16InstName[i]; for j := low(TP6502AddMode) to high(TP6502AddMode) do begin iInfom := inst.instrInform[j]; if iInfom.Opcode = opCode then begin idIns := i; modIns := j; exit; end; end; end; //Not found idIns := i_Inval; end; function TP6502.DisassemblerAt(addr: word; out nBytesProc: byte; useVarName: boolean): string; {Disassembler the instruction located at "addr". If the instruction is multibyte the intruction length, will be returned in "nBytesProc". Global variables used: "idIns", "modIns". "useVarName" -> Flag to use the name of the variable instead of only the address. Valid only when a variAble name exists in his address. } var nemo: String; opCode, par1, par2: Byte; begin if addr>CPUMAXRAM-1 then exit(''); opCode := ram[addr].value; //"par1" and "par2" will be used according to the instruction length. if addr+1>CPUMAXRAM-1 then exit(''); par1 := ram[addr+1].value; Decode(opCode); //Decode instruction. Update: "idIns", "modIns". nemo := trim(PIC16InstName[idIns].name) + ' '; case modIns of aImplicit: begin nBytesProc := 1; //No parameters needed Result := nemo; end; aAcumulat: begin nBytesProc := 1; //No parameters needed Result := nemo; end; aImmediat: begin Result := nemo + '#$'+IntToHex(par1,2); nBytesProc := 2; end; aAbsolute: begin nBytesProc := 3; if addr+2>CPUMAXRAM-1 then exit(''); par2 := ram[addr+2].value; Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex(par1 + par2*256, 4); end; aZeroPage: begin Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex(par1, 2); nBytesProc := 2; end; aRelative: begin nBytesProc := 2; if par1<128 then begin //Positive Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex((addr + par1+2) and $FFFF, 4); end else begin Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex((addr + par1-254) and $FFFF, 4); end; //Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex(par1, 2); end; aIndirect: begin nBytesProc := 3; if addr+2>CPUMAXRAM-1 then exit(''); par2 := ram[addr+2].value; Result := nemo + '$('+IntToHex(par1 + par2*256, 4)+')'; end; aAbsolutX: begin nBytesProc := 3; if addr+2>CPUMAXRAM-1 then exit(''); par2 := ram[addr+2].value; Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex(par1 + par2*256, 4)+',X'; end; aAbsolutY: begin nBytesProc := 3; if addr+2>CPUMAXRAM-1 then exit(''); par2 := ram[addr+2].value; Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex(par1 + par2*256, 4)+',Y'; end; aZeroPagX: begin nBytesProc := 2; Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex(par1, 2)+',X'; end; aZeroPagY: begin nBytesProc := 2; Result := nemo + '$'+IntToHex(par1, 2)+',Y'; end; aIdxIndir: begin nBytesProc := 2; Result := nemo + '$('+IntToHex(par1, 2)+',X)'; end; aIndirIdx: begin nBytesProc := 2; Result := nemo + '$('+IntToHex(par1, 2)+'),Y'; end; end; end; function TP6502.CurInstruction: TP6502Inst; {Return the instruction pointed by PC, in this moment.} begin Decode(ram[PC.W].value); //decode instruction Result := idIns; end; procedure TP6502.Exec; {Execute the current instruction.} begin Exec(PC.W); end; procedure TP6502.Exec(aPC: word); {Ejecuta la instrución actual con dirección "pc". Falta implementar las operaciones, cuando acceden al registro INDF, el Watchdog timer, los contadores, las interrupciones} var opc: byte; nCycles, nBytes: byte; target : word; begin //Decodifica instrucción aPC := PC.W; opc := ram[aPC].value; Decode(opc); //Decode instruction nCycles := PIC16InstName[idIns].instrInform[modIns].Cycles; nBytes := PIC16InstName[idIns].instrInform[modIns].nBytes; case idIns of i_ADC:; //add with carry i_AND:; //and (with accumulator) i_ASL:; //arithmetic shift left i_BCC:; //branch on carry clear i_BCS:; //branch on carry set i_BEQ:; //branch on equal (zero set) i_BIT:; //bit test i_BMI:; //branch on minus (negative set) i_BNE:; //branch on not equal (zero clear) i_BPL:; //branch on plus (negative clear) i_BRK:; //break / interrupt i_BVC:; //branch on overflow clear i_BVS:; //branch on overflow set i_CLC:; //clear carry i_CLD:; //clear decimal i_CLI:; //clear interrupt disable i_CLV:; //clear overflow i_CMP:; //compare (with accumulator) i_CPX:; //compare with X i_CPY:; //compare with Y i_DEC:; //decrement i_DEX:; //decrement X i_DEY:; //decrement Y i_EOR:; //exclusive or (with accumulator) i_INC:; //increment i_INX:; //increment X i_INY:; //increment Y i_JMP: begin //jump case modIns of aAbsolute : begin PC.L := ram[aPC+1].value; PC.H := ram[aPC+2].value; end; aIndirect: begin target := ram[aPC+1].value + 256* ram[aPC+2].value; PC.L := ram[target+1].value; PC.H := ram[target+2].value; end; end; //Inc(PC.W, nBytes); //No apply Inc(nClck, nCycles); exit; end; i_JSR: begin inc(PC.W, 3); //Next psoition //Save return ram[$100 + SP].value := PC.H; if SP = $00 then SP := $FF else dec(SP); ram[$100 + SP].value := PC.L; if SP = $00 then SP := $FF else dec(SP); PC.L := ram[aPC+1].value; PC.H := ram[aPC+2].value; //Inc(PC.W, nBytes); //No apply Inc(nClck, nCycles); exit; end; //jump subroutine i_LDA:; //load accumulator i_LDX:; //load X i_LDY:; //load Y i_LSR:; //logical shift right i_NOP:; //no operation i_ORA:; //or with accumulator i_PHA: begin //push accumulator ram[$100 + SP].value := W; if SP = $00 then SP := $FF else dec(SP); end; i_PHP:; //push processor status (SR) i_PLA: begin //pull accumulator if SP = $FF then SP := $00 else inc(SP); W := ram[$100 + SP].value; end; i_PLP:; //pull processor status (SR) i_ROL:; //rotate left i_ROR:; //rotate right i_RTI:; //return from interrupt i_RTS: begin //return from subroutine if SP = $FF then SP := $00 else inc(SP); PC.L := ram[$100 + SP].value; if SP = $FF then SP := $00 else inc(SP); PC.H := ram[$100 + SP].value; //Inc(PC.W, nBytes); //No apply Inc(nClck, nCycles); exit; end; i_SBC:; //subtract with carry i_SEC: begin //set carry STATUS_C := true; end; i_SED:; //set decimal i_SEI:; //set interrupt disable i_STA:; //store accumulator i_STX:; //store X i_STY:; //store Y i_TAX:; //transfer accumulator to X i_TAY:; //transfer accumulator to Y i_TSX:; //transfer stack pointer to X i_TXA:; //transfer X to accumulator i_TXS:; //transfer X to stack pointer i_TYA:; //transfer Y to accumulator i_Inval: begin MsjError := 'Invalid Opcode'; end; end; { i_ADDWF: begin resByte := FRAM; resWord := W + resByte; resNib := (W and $0F) + (resByte and $0F); if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resWord and $FF; end else begin //toW w := resWord and $FF; end; STATUS_Z := (resWord and $ff) = 0; STATUS_C := (resWord > 255); STATUS_DC := (resNib > 15); end; i_ANDWF: begin resByte := W and FRAM; if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; STATUS_Z := resByte = 0; end; i_CLRF: begin FRAM := 0; STATUS_Z := true; end; i_CLRW: begin W := 0; STATUS_Z := true; end; i_COMF : begin resByte := not FRAM; if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; STATUS_Z := resByte = 0; end; i_DECF : begin resByte := FRAM; if resByte = 0 then resByte := $FF else dec(resByte); if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; STATUS_Z := resByte = 0; end; i_DECFSZ: begin resByte := FRAM; if resByte = 0 then resByte := $FF else dec(resByte); if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; STATUS_Z := resByte = 0; if STATUS_Z then begin Inc(PC.W); //Jump one instrucción Inc(nClck); //In this case it takes one more cicle end; end; i_INCF: begin resByte := FRAM; if resByte = 255 then resByte := 0 else inc(resByte); if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; STATUS_Z := resByte = 0; end; i_INCFSZ: begin resByte := FRAM; if resByte = 255 then resByte := 0 else inc(resByte); if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; STATUS_Z := resByte = 0; if STATUS_Z then begin Inc(PC.W); //Jump one instrucción Inc(nClck); //In this case it takes one more cicle end; end; i_IORWF: begin resByte := W or FRAM; if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; STATUS_Z := resByte <> 0; end; i_MOVF: begin resByte := FRAM; if modIns = toF then begin //no mueve, solo verifica STATUS_Z := (resByte = 0); end else begin //toW w := resByte; STATUS_Z := (resByte = 0); end; end; i_MOVWF: begin FRAM := W; //escribe a donde esté mapeado, (si está mapeado) if parIns = $02 then begin //Es el PCL PC.H := PCLATH; //Cuando se escribe en PCL, se carga PCH con PCLATH end; end; i_NOP: begin end; i_RLF: begin resByte := FRAM; bit7 := resByte and $80; //guarda bit 7 resByte := (resByte << 1) and $ff; //desplaza //pone C en bit bajo if STATUS_C then begin //C era 1 resByte := resByte or $01; //pone a 1 el bit 0 end else begin //C era 0 //no es necesario agregarlo, porque por defecto se agrega 0 end; //Actualiza C if bit7 = 0 then STATUS_C := false else STATUS_C := true; if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; end; i_RRF: begin resByte := FRAM; bit0 := resByte and $01; //guarda bit 0 resByte := resByte >> 1; //desplaza //pone C en bit alto if STATUS_C then begin //C era 1 resByte := resByte or $80; //pone a 1 el bit 0 end else begin //C era 0 //no es necesario agregarlo, porque por defecto se agrega 0 end; //Actualiza C if bit0 = 0 then STATUS_C := false else STATUS_C := true; if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; end; i_SUBWF: begin resByte := FRAM; resInt := resByte - W; if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resInt and $FF; end else begin //toW w := resInt and $FF; end; STATUS_Z := (resInt = 0); if resInt < 0 then STATUS_C := false //negativo else STATUS_C := true; resInt := (resByte and $0F) - (W and $0F); if resInt < 0 then STATUS_DC := false //negativo else STATUS_DC := true; end; i_SWAPF: begin resByte := FRAM; FRAM := (resByte >> 4) or (resByte << 4); end; i_XORWF: begin resByte := W xor FRAM; if modIns = toF then begin FRAM := resByte; end else begin //toW w := resByte; end; STATUS_Z := resByte <> 0; end; //BIT-ORIENTED FILE REGISTER OPERATIONS i_BCF: begin msk := $1 << b_; msk := not msk; FRAM := FRAM and msk; end; i_BSF: begin msk := $1 << b_; FRAM := FRAM or msk;// b_ end; i_BTFSC: begin msk := $1 << b_; if (FRAM and msk) = 0 then begin Inc(PC.W); //Jump one instrucción Inc(nClck); //In this case it takes one more cicle end; end; i_BTFSS: begin msk := $1 << b_; if (FRAM and msk) <> 0 then begin Inc(PC.W); //Jump one instrucción Inc(nClck); //In this case it takes one more cicle end; end; //LITERAL AND CONTROL OPERATIONS i_ADDLW: begin resWord := W + k_; resNib := (W and $0F) + (k_ and $0F); w := resWord and $FF; STATUS_Z := (resWord and $ff) = 0; STATUS_C := (resWord > 255); STATUS_DC := (resNib > 15); end; i_ANDLW: begin resByte := W and K_; w := resByte; STATUS_Z := resByte = 0; end; i_CALL: begin //Guarda dirección en Pila STACK[SP] := PC.W; if SP = 7 then begin //Desborde de pila SP := 0; if OnExecutionMsg<>nil then OnExecutionMsg('Stack Overflow on CALL OpCode at $' + IntToHex(aPC,4)); end else begin SP := SP +1; end; PC.W := k_; //Takes the 11 bits from k PC.H := PC.H or (PCLATH and %00011000); //And complete with bits 3 and 4 of PCLATH Inc(nClck,2); //This instruction takes two cicles exit; end; i_CLRWDT: begin end; i_GOTO: begin PC.W := k_; //Takes the 11 bits from k PC.H := PC.H or (PCLATH and %00011000); //And complete with bits 3 and 4 of PCLATH Inc(nClck,2); //This instruction takes two cicles exit; end; i_IORLW: begin resByte := W or k_; w := resByte; STATUS_Z := resByte <> 0; end; i_MOVLW: begin W := k_; end; i_RETFIE: begin //Saca dirección en Pila if SP = 0 then begin //Desborde de pila SP := 7; if OnExecutionMsg<>nil then OnExecutionMsg('Stack Overflow on RETFIE OpCode at $' + IntToHex(aPC,4)); end else begin SP := SP - 1; end; PC.W := STACK[SP]; //Should be 13 bits Inc(nClck); //Esta instrucción toma un ciclo más //Activa GIE INTCON_GIE := true; end; i_RETLW: begin //Saca dirección en Pila if SP = 0 then begin //Desborde de pila SP := 7; if OnExecutionMsg<>nil then OnExecutionMsg('Stack Overflow on RETLW OpCode at $' + IntToHex(aPC,4)); end else begin SP := SP - 1; end; PC.W := STACK[SP]; //Should be 13 bits Inc(nClck); //Esta instrucción toma un ciclo más //Fija valor en W W := k_; end; i_RETURN: begin //Saca dirección en Pila if SP = 0 then begin //Desborde de pila SP := 7; if OnExecutionMsg<>nil then OnExecutionMsg('Stack Overflow on RETURN OpCode at $' + IntToHex(aPC,4)); end else begin SP := SP - 1; end; PC.W := STACK[SP]; //Should be 13 bits Inc(nClck); //Esta instrucción toma un ciclo más end; i_SLEEP: begin end; i_SUBLW: begin resInt := k_ - W; w := resInt and $FF; STATUS_Z := (resInt = 0); if resInt < 0 then STATUS_C := false //negativo else STATUS_C := true; resInt := (k_ and $0F) - (W and $0F); if resInt < 0 then STATUS_DC := false //negativo else STATUS_DC := true; end; i_XORLW: begin resByte := W xor k_; w := resByte; STATUS_Z := resByte <> 0; end; i_Inval: begin MsjError := 'Invalid Opcode'; end; end; } //Increase counters Inc(PC.W, nBytes); Inc(nClck, nCycles); end; procedure TP6502.ExecTo(endAdd: word); {Ejecuta las instrucciones secuencialmente, desde la instrucción actual, hasta que el contador del programa, sea igual a la dirección "endAdd".} begin //Hace una primera ejecución, sin verificar Breakpoints Exec(PC.W); //Ejecuta cíclicamnente while PC.W <> endAdd do begin if ram[PC.W].breakPnt then begin //Encontró un BreakPoint, sale sin ejecutar esa instrucción if OnExecutionMsg<>nil then OnExecutionMsg('Stopped for breakpoint.'); exit; end; //Ejecuta Exec(PC.W); //Debe haber una forma de salir si es un lazo infinito //if (nClck and $800000) = $800000 then begin //end; end; end; procedure TP6502.ExecStep; begin if CurInstruction = i_JSR then begin ExecTo(PC.W+3); //Ejecuta hasta la sgte. instrucción, salta el JSR end else begin Exec; end; end; procedure TP6502.ExecNCycles(nCyc: integer; out stopped: boolean); {Ejecuta el número de ciclos indicados, o hasta que se produzca alguna condición externa, que puede ser: * Se encuentre un Punto de Interrupción. * Se detecta la señal, de detenerse. * Se genere algún error en la ejecución. * Se ejecuta la instrucción i_SLEEP. la bandera "stopped", indica que se ha detendio la ejecución sin completar la cantidad de instrucciones requeridas. Normalmente Se ejecutará el número de ciclos indicados, pero en algunos casos se ejecutará un ciclo más, debido a que algunas instrucciones toman dos ciclos.} var clkEnd: Int64; _pc: word; begin clkEnd := nClck + nCyc; //Valor final del contador while nClck < clkEnd do begin _pc := PC.W; if ram[_pc].breakPnt then begin //Encontró un BreakPoint, sale sin ejecutar esa instrucción if OnExecutionMsg<>nil then OnExecutionMsg('Stopped for breakpoint.'); stopped := true; exit; end; if not ram[_pc].used then begin //Encontró un BreakPoint, sale sin ejecutar esa instrucción if OnExecutionMsg<>nil then OnExecutionMsg('Stopped for executing unused code.'); stopped := true; exit; end; if CommStop then begin //Se detectó el comando STOP if OnExecutionMsg<>nil then OnExecutionMsg('Stopped for STOP command.'); stopped := true; exit; end; //Ejecuta Exec(_pc); end; stopped := false; end; procedure TP6502.Reset(hard: boolean); //Reinicia el dipsoitivo var i: Integer; begin PC.W := 0; PCLATH := 0; W := 0; SP := $FF; //Posición inicial del puntero de pila nClck := 0; //Inicia contador de ciclos CommStop := false; //Limpia bandera if hard then begin //Limpia solamente el valor inicial, no toca los otros campos for i:=0 to high(ram) do begin ram[i].dvalue := $00; end; end; ram[_STATUS].dvalue := %00011000; //STATUS end; function TP6502.ReadPC: dword; begin Result := PC.W; end; procedure TP6502.WritePC(AValue: dword); begin PC.W := AValue; end; //Funciones para la memoria RAM function TP6502.GetFreeByte(out addr: word; shared: boolean): boolean; {Devuelve una dirección libre de la memoria RAM, a partir de la dirección iRam. "Shared" indica que se marcará el bit como de tipo "Compartido", y se usa para el caso en que se quiera comaprtir la misma posición para diversos variables. Si encuentra espacio, devuelve TRUE.} var i: Integer; maxRam: dword; begin Result := false; //valor inicial maxRam := CPUMAXRAM; //posición máxima //Realmente debería explorar solo hasta la dirección implementada, por eficiencia for i:=iRam to maxRam-1 do begin if (ram[i].state = cs_impleGPR) and (not ram[i].used) then begin //Esta dirección está libre ram[i].used := true; //marca como usado if shared then begin ram[i].shared := true; //Marca como compartido end; addr := i; //Notar que la posición de memoria puede estar mapeada. Result := true; //indica que encontró espacio exit; end; end; end; function TP6502.GetFreeBytes(const size: integer; var addr: word): boolean; {Devuelve una dirección libre de la memoria RAM para ubicar un bloque del tamaño indicado. Si encuentra espacio, devuelve TRUE. El tamaño se da en bytes, pero si el valor es negativo, se entiende que es en bits.} var i: word; maxRam: Word; begin Result := false; //valor por defecto if size=0 then exit; maxRam := CPUMAXRAM; for i:=0 to CPUMAXRAM-1 do begin //verifica 1 a 1, por seguridad if HaveConsecRAM(i, size, maxRam) then begin //encontró del tamaño buscado UseConsecRAM(i, size); //marca como usado addr := i; Result := true; //indica que encontró espacio exit; end; end; end; function TP6502.TotalMemRAM: integer; {Devuelve el total de memoria RAM disponible} var i: Integer; begin Result := 0; for i := 0 to CPUMAXRAM - 1 do begin if ram[i].Avail then begin Result := Result + 1; end; end; end; function TP6502.UsedMemRAM: word; {Devuelve el total de memoria RAM usada} var i: Integer; begin Result := 0; for i := 0 to CPUMAXRAM - 1 do begin if ram[i].Avail and (ram[i].used) then begin //Notar que "AvailGPR" asegura que no se consideran registros maepados Result := Result + 1; end; end; end; procedure TP6502.ExploreUsed(rutExplorRAM: TCPURutExplorRAM); {Genera un reporte de uso de RAM} var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to CPUMAXRAM - 1 do begin if ram[i].Avail and (ram[i].used) then begin rutExplorRAM(i, @ram[i]); end; end; end; function TP6502.ValidRAMaddr(addr: word): boolean; {Indica si la dirección indicada es válida dentro del hardware del PIC} begin if addr > CPUMAXRAM then exit(false); //excede límite exit(true); end; procedure TP6502.DumpCodeAsm(lOut: TStrings; incAdrr, incValues, incCom, incVarNam: boolean); {Desensambla las instrucciones grabadas en el PIC. Se debe llamar despues de llamar a GenHex(), para que se actualicen las variables} var i: Word; lblLin, comLat, comLin, lin, opCode: String; nBytes: byte; const SPACEPAD = ' '; begin //Se supone que minUsed y maxUsed, ya deben haber sido actualizados. if incAdrr then begin lOut.Add(SPACEPAD + ' ORG $' + IntToHex(minUsed, 4)); end else begin lOut.Add(SPACEPAD + 'ORG $' + IntToHex(minUsed, 4)); end; i := minUsed; while i <= maxUsed do begin //Verifica si es variable if ram[i].name <> '' then begin //Escribe en forma de variable if incAdrr then begin lOut.Add( PadRight(ram[i].name, Length(SPACEPAD)) + '$'+IntToHex(i,4) + ' DB ??'); end else begin lOut.Add( PadRight(ram[i].name, Length(SPACEPAD)) + 'DB ??'); end; i := i + 1; continue; end; //Lee comentarios y etiqueta lblLin := ram[i].topLabel; comLat := ram[i].sideComment; comLin := ram[i].topComment; //Escribe etiqueta al inicio de línea if lblLin<>'' then lOut.Add(lblLin+':'); //Escribe comentario al inicio de línea if incCom and (comLin<>'') then begin lOut.Add(comLin); end; //Decodifica instrucción opCode := DisassemblerAt(i, nBytes, incVarNam); //Instrucción //Verificas si incluye dirección física lin := ''; if incAdrr then begin //Agrega dirección al inicio lin := '$'+IntToHex(i,4) + ' '; end; if incValues then begin //Agrega bytes después if nBytes = 1 then begin lin := lin + IntToHex(ram[i].value, 2) + ' ' ; end else if nBytes = 2 then begin lin := lin + IntToHex(ram[i].value, 2) + ' ' + IntToHex(ram[i+1].value, 2) + ' '; end else if nBytes = 3 then begin lin := lin + IntToHex(ram[i].value, 2) + ' ' + IntToHex(ram[i+1].value, 2) + ' ' + IntToHex(ram[i+2].value, 2) + ' '; end; end; lin := lin + opCode; //Verifica si incluye comentario lateral if incCom then begin lin := lin + ' ' + comLat; end; lOut.Add(SPACEPAD + lin); i := i + nBytes; //Incrementa a siguiente instrucción end; end; procedure TP6502.GenHex(hexFile: string); {Genera el archivo *.hex, a partir de los datos almacenados en la memoria RAM. Actualiza los campos, minUsed y maxUsed.} var i: Integer; begin hexLines.Clear; //Se usará la lista hexLines //Prepara extracción de datos minUsed := CPUMAXRAM; maxUsed := 0; //Busca dirección de inicio usada for i := 0 to CPUMAXRAM-1 do begin if ram[i].used then begin if imaxUsed then maxUsed := i; hexLines.Add('poke ' + IntToStr(i) + ',' + IntToStr(ram[i].value)); end; end; hexLines.SaveToFile(hexFile); //Genera archivo end; constructor TP6502.Create; begin inherited Create; //Default hardware settings Model := '6502'; CPUMAXRAM := $10000; //Máx RAM memory SetLength(ram, CPUMAXRAM); //inicia una configuración común ClearMemRAM; SetStatRAM($020, $04F, cs_impleGPR); //Estado inicial iRam := 0; //posición de inicio end; destructor TP6502.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; procedure InitTables; begin /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// Set instructions information /////////////////// // Based on the information from: // http://www.masswerk.at/6502/6502_instruction_set.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// ADC //////////////////////////////// PIC16InstName[i_ADC].name := 'ADC'; //Add Memory to Accumulator with Carry PIC16InstName[i_ADC].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$69,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_ADC].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$65,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_ADC].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$75,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_ADC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$6D,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_ADC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$7D,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_ADC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$79,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_ADC].AddAddressMode(aIdxIndir,$61,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_ADC].AddAddressMode(aIndirIdx,$71,2,5,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_AND].name := 'AND'; //AND Memory with Accumulator PIC16InstName[i_AND].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$29,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_AND].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$25,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_AND].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$35,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_AND].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$2D,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_AND].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$3D,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_AND].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$39,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_AND].AddAddressMode(aIdxIndir,$21,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_AND].AddAddressMode(aIndirIdx,$31,2,5,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_ASL].name := 'ASL'; //Shift Left One Bit (MemoryorAccumulator) PIC16InstName[i_ASL].AddAddressMode(aAcumulat,$0A,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_ASL].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$06,2,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_ASL].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$16,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_ASL].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$0E,3,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_ASL].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$1E,3,7,''); PIC16InstName[i_BCC].name := 'BCC'; //Branch on Carry Clear PIC16InstName[i_BCC].AddAddressMode(aRelative,$90,2,2,'**'); PIC16InstName[i_BCS].name := 'BCS'; //Branch on Carry Set PIC16InstName[i_BCS].AddAddressMode(aRelative,$B0,2,2,'**'); PIC16InstName[i_BEQ].name := 'BEQ'; //Branch on Result Zero PIC16InstName[i_BEQ].AddAddressMode(aRelative,$F0,2,2,'**'); PIC16InstName[i_BIT].name := 'BIT'; //Test Bits in Memory with Accumulator PIC16InstName[i_BIT].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$24,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_BIT].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$2C,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_BMI].name := 'BMI'; //Branch on Result Minus PIC16InstName[i_BMI].AddAddressMode(aRelative,$30,2,2,'**'); PIC16InstName[i_BNE].name := 'BNE'; //Branch on Result not Zero PIC16InstName[i_BNE].AddAddressMode(aRelative,$D0,2,2,'**'); PIC16InstName[i_BPL].name := 'BPL'; //Branch on Result Plus PIC16InstName[i_BPL].AddAddressMode(aRelative,$10,2,2,'**'); PIC16InstName[i_BRK].name := 'BRK'; //Force Break PIC16InstName[i_BRK].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$00,1,7,''); PIC16InstName[i_BVC].name := 'BVC'; //Branch on Overflow Clear PIC16InstName[i_BVC].AddAddressMode(aRelative,$50,2,2,'**'); PIC16InstName[i_BVS].name := 'BVS'; //Branch on Overflow Set PIC16InstName[i_BVS].AddAddressMode(aRelative,$70,2,2,'**'); PIC16InstName[i_CLC].name := 'CLC'; //Clear Carry Flag PIC16InstName[i_CLC].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$18,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_CLD].name := 'CLD'; //Clear Decimal Mode PIC16InstName[i_CLD].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$D8,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_CLI].name := 'CLI'; //Clear Interrupt Disable Bit PIC16InstName[i_CLI].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$58,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_CLV].name := 'CLV'; //Clear Overflow Flag PIC16InstName[i_CLV].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$B8,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_CMP].name := 'CMP'; //Compare Memory with Accumulator PIC16InstName[i_CMP].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$C9,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_CMP].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$C5,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_CMP].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$D5,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_CMP].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$CD,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_CMP].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$DD,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_CMP].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$D9,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_CMP].AddAddressMode(aIdxIndir,$C1,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_CMP].AddAddressMode(aIndirIdx,$D1,2,5,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_CPX].name := 'CPX'; //Compare Memory and Index X PIC16InstName[i_CPX].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$E0,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_CPX].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$E4,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_CPX].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$EC,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_CPY].name := 'CPY'; //Compare Memory and Index Y PIC16InstName[i_CPY].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$C0,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_CPY].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$C4,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_CPY].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$CC,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_DEC].name := 'DEC'; //Decrement Memory by One PIC16InstName[i_DEC].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$C6,2,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_DEC].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$D6,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_DEC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$CE,3,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_DEC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$DE,3,7,''); PIC16InstName[i_DEX].name := 'DEX'; //Decrement Index X by One PIC16InstName[i_DEX].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$CA,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_DEY].name := 'DEY'; //Decrement Index Y by One PIC16InstName[i_DEY].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$88,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_EOR].name := 'EOR'; //Exclusive-OR Memory with Accumulator PIC16InstName[i_EOR].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$49,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_EOR].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$45,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_EOR].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$55,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_EOR].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$4D,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_EOR].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$5D,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_EOR].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$59,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_EOR].AddAddressMode(aIdxIndir,$41,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_EOR].AddAddressMode(aIndirIdx,$51,2,5,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_INC].name := 'INC'; //Increment Memory by One PIC16InstName[i_INC].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$E6,2,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_INC].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$F6,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_INC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$EE,3,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_INC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$FE,3,7,''); PIC16InstName[i_INX].name := 'INX'; //Increment Index X by One PIC16InstName[i_INX].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$E8,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_INY].name := 'INY'; //Increment Index Y by One PIC16InstName[i_INY].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$C8,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_JMP].name := 'JMP'; //Jump to New Location PIC16InstName[i_JMP].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$4C,3,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_JMP].AddAddressMode(aIndirect,$6C,3,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_JSR].name := 'JSR'; //Jump to New Location Saving Return Address PIC16InstName[i_JSR].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$20,3,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDA].name := 'LDA'; //Load Accumulator with Memory PIC16InstName[i_LDA].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$A9,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDA].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$A5,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDA].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$B5,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$AD,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$BD,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_LDA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$B9,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_LDA].AddAddressMode(aIdxIndir,$A1,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDA].AddAddressMode(aIndirIdx,$B1,2,5,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_LDX].name := 'LDX'; //Load Index X with Memory PIC16InstName[i_LDX].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$A2,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDX].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$A6,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDX].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagY,$B6,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDX].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$AE,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDX].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$BE,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_LDY].name := 'LDY'; //Load Index Y with Memory PIC16InstName[i_LDY].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$A0,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDY].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$A4,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDY].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$B4,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDY].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$AC,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_LDY].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$BC,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_LSR].name := 'LSR'; //Shift One Bit Right (Memory orAccumulator) PIC16InstName[i_LSR].AddAddressMode(aAcumulat,$4A,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_LSR].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$46,2,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_LSR].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$56,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_LSR].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$4E,3,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_LSR].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$5E,3,7,''); PIC16InstName[i_NOP].name := 'NOP'; //No Operation PIC16InstName[i_NOP].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$EA,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_ORA].name := 'ORA'; //OR Memory with Accumulator PIC16InstName[i_ORA].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$09,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_ORA].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$05,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_ORA].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$15,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_ORA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$0D,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_ORA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$1D,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_ORA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$19,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_ORA].AddAddressMode(aIdxIndir,$01,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_ORA].AddAddressMode(aIndirIdx,$11,2,5,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_PHA].name := 'PHA'; //Push Accumulator on Stack PIC16InstName[i_PHA].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$48,1,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_PHP].name := 'PHP'; //Push Processor Status on Stack PIC16InstName[i_PHP].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$08,1,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_PLA].name := 'PLA'; //Pull Accumulator from Stack PIC16InstName[i_PLA].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$68,1,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_PLP].name := 'PLP'; //Pull Processor Status fromStack PIC16InstName[i_PLP].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$28,1,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROL].name := 'ROL'; //Rotate One Bit Left (Memory orAccumulator) PIC16InstName[i_ROL].AddAddressMode(aAcumulat,$2A,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROL].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$26,2,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROL].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$36,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROL].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$2E,3,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROL].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$3E,3,7,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROR].name := 'ROR'; //Rotate One Bit Right (Memory or Accumulator) PIC16InstName[i_ROR].AddAddressMode(aAcumulat,$6A,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROR].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$66,2,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROR].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$76,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROR].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$6E,3,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_ROR].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$7E,3,7,''); PIC16InstName[i_RTI].name := 'RTI'; //Return from Interrupt PIC16InstName[i_RTI].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$40,1,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_RTS].name := 'RTS'; //Return from Subroutine PIC16InstName[i_RTS].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$60,1,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_SBC].name := 'SBC'; //Subtract Memory from Accumulator withBorrow PIC16InstName[i_SBC].AddAddressMode(aImmediat,$E9,2,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_SBC].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$E5,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_SBC].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$F5,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_SBC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$ED,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_SBC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$FD,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_SBC].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$F9,3,4,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_SBC].AddAddressMode(aIdxIndir,$E1,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_SBC].AddAddressMode(aIndirIdx,$F1,2,5,'*'); PIC16InstName[i_SEC].name := 'SEC'; //Set Carry Flag PIC16InstName[i_SEC].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$38,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_SED].name := 'SED'; //Set Decimal Flag PIC16InstName[i_SED].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$F8,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_SEI].name := 'SEI'; //Set Interrupt Disable Status PIC16InstName[i_SEI].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$78,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_STA].name := 'STA'; //Store Accumulator in Memory PIC16InstName[i_STA].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$85,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_STA].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$95,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_STA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$8D,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_STA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutX,$9D,3,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_STA].AddAddressMode(aAbsolutY,$99,3,5,''); PIC16InstName[i_STA].AddAddressMode(aIdxIndir,$81,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_STA].AddAddressMode(aIndirIdx,$91,2,6,''); PIC16InstName[i_STX].name := 'STX'; //Store Index X in Memory PIC16InstName[i_STX].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$86,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_STX].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagY,$96,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_STX].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$8E,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_STY].name := 'STY'; //Sore Index Y in Memory PIC16InstName[i_STY].AddAddressMode(aZeroPage,$84,2,3,''); PIC16InstName[i_STY].AddAddressMode(aZeroPagX,$94,2,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_STY].AddAddressMode(aAbsolute,$8C,3,4,''); PIC16InstName[i_TAX].name := 'TAX'; //Transfer Accumulator to IndexX PIC16InstName[i_TAX].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$AA,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_TAY].name := 'TAY'; //Transfer Accumulator to IndexY PIC16InstName[i_TAY].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$A8,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_TSX].name := 'TSX'; //Transfer Stack Pointer toIndex X PIC16InstName[i_TSX].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$BA,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_TXA].name := 'TXA'; //Transfer Index X to Accumulator PIC16InstName[i_TXA].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$8A,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_TXS].name := 'TXS'; //Transfer Index X to StackRegister PIC16InstName[i_TXS].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$9A,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_TYA].name := 'TYA'; //Transfer Index Y to Accumulator PIC16InstName[i_TYA].AddAddressMode(aImplicit,$98,1,2,''); PIC16InstName[i_Inval].name := 'Inval'; end; initialization InitTables; end. //1550