mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 09:30:49 +00:00
Routines can declare their outputs now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,3 +59,43 @@ But if it does it can.
= update_score
= X: UpdatedWith (Immediate 1)
= NamedLocation (Just Byte) "score": UpdatedWith X
We can't expect to stay named variables to stay unmodified either.
| assign byte border_colour 4000
| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
| lda #8
| sta score
| }
| routine main {
| jsr update_score
| ldx score
| }
? routine does not preserve 'NamedLocation (Just Byte) "score"'
What the solution to the above is to notate `update_score` as intentionally
modifying score, as an "output" of the routine.
| assign byte border_colour 4000
| reserve byte score
| routine update_score outputs (score)
| {
| lda #8
| sta score
| }
| routine main {
| ldx score
| jsr update_score
| ldx score
| }
= main
= A: UpdatedWith (Immediate 4)
= X: PoisonedWith (Immediate 1)
= NamedLocation (Just Byte) "border_colour": UpdatedWith A
= NamedLocation (Just Byte) "score": PoisonedWith X
= update_score
= X: UpdatedWith (Immediate 1)
= NamedLocation (Just Byte) "score": UpdatedWith X
@ -9,58 +9,78 @@ import SixtyPical.Context
-- -- -- -- abstract interpreter -- -- -- --
analyzeProgram (Program decls routines) =
analyzeProgram program@(Program decls routines) =
checkRoutines routines Map.empty
checkRoutines [] progCtx = progCtx
checkRoutines (rout@(Routine name outputs _) : routs) progCtx =
routCtx = Map.empty
routAnalysis = checkRoutine rout progCtx routCtx
progCtx' = Map.insert name routAnalysis progCtx
checkRoutines routs progCtx'
checkRoutine (Routine name outputs instrs) progCtx routCtx =
checkBlock instrs progCtx routCtx
checkBlock [] progCtx routCtx = routCtx
checkBlock (instr:instrs) progCtx routCtx =
routCtx' = checkInstr instr progCtx routCtx
checkBlock instrs progCtx routCtx'
checkInstr (COPY src dst) progCtx routCtx =
case Map.lookup src routCtx of
Just (PoisonedWith _) ->
error ("routine does not preserve '" ++ (show src) ++ "'")
_ ->
Map.insert dst (UpdatedWith src) routCtx
checkInstr (DELTA dst val) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO check that dst is not poisoned
Map.insert dst (UpdatedWith (Immediate val)) routCtx
checkInstr (JSR name) progCtx routCtx =
Just calledRout = lookupRoutine program name
case Map.lookup name progCtx of
Just calledRoutCtx ->
mergeRoutCtxs routCtx calledRoutCtx calledRout
Nothing ->
error ("can't call routine '" ++ name ++ "' before it is defined")
checkInstr (CMP reg addr) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO: mark Carry bit as "touched" here
checkInstr (IF _ branch b1 b2) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO: oooh, this one's gonna be fun
--checkBlock b1 progCtx routCtx
--checkBlock b2 progCtx routCtx
checkInstr (REPEAT _ branch blk) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO: oooh, this one's gonna be fun too
--checkBlock blk progCtx routCtx
checkInstr NOP progCtx routCtx =
checkInstr instr _ _ = error (
"Internal error: sixtypical doesn't know how to " ++
"analyze '" ++ (show instr) ++ "'")
checkRoutines [] progCtx = progCtx
checkRoutines (rout@(Routine name _) : routs) progCtx =
-- Utility function:
-- Take 2 routine contexts -- the current routine and a routine that was just
-- JSR'ed to (immediately previously) -- and merge them to create a new
-- context for the current routine.
mergeRoutCtxs routCtx calledRoutCtx calledRout@(Routine name outputs _) =
routCtx = Map.empty
routAnalysis = checkRoutine rout progCtx routCtx
progCtx' = Map.insert name routAnalysis progCtx
-- go through all the Usages in the calledRoutCtx
-- insert any that were updated, into routCtx
poison location usage routCtxAccum =
case usage of
UpdatedWith ulocation ->
Map.insert location (PoisonedWith ulocation) routCtxAccum
checkRoutines routs progCtx'
checkRoutine (Routine name instrs) progCtx routCtx =
checkBlock instrs progCtx routCtx
checkBlock [] progCtx routCtx = routCtx
checkBlock (instr:instrs) progCtx routCtx =
routCtx' = checkInstr instr progCtx routCtx
checkBlock instrs progCtx routCtx'
checkInstr (COPY src dst) progCtx routCtx =
case Map.lookup src routCtx of
Just (PoisonedWith _) ->
error ("routine does not preserve '" ++ (show src) ++ "'")
_ ->
Map.insert dst (UpdatedWith src) routCtx
checkInstr (DELTA dst val) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO check that dst is not poisoned
Map.insert dst (UpdatedWith (Immediate val)) routCtx
checkInstr (JSR name) progCtx routCtx =
case Map.lookup name progCtx of
Just calledRoutCtx ->
mergeRoutCtxs routCtx calledRoutCtx
Nothing ->
error ("can't call routine '" ++ name ++ "' before it is defined")
checkInstr (CMP reg addr) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO: mark Carry bit as "touched" here
checkInstr (IF _ branch b1 b2) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO: oooh, this one's gonna be fun
--checkBlock b1 progCtx routCtx
--checkBlock b2 progCtx routCtx
checkInstr (REPEAT _ branch blk) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO: oooh, this one's gonna be fun too
--checkBlock blk progCtx routCtx
checkInstr NOP progCtx routCtx =
checkInstr instr _ _ = error (
"Internal error: sixtypical doesn't know how to " ++
"analyze '" ++ (show instr) ++ "'")
Map.foldrWithKey (poison) routCtx calledRoutCtx
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ numberRoutinesLoops (routine:routines) iid =
((routine':routines'), iid'')
numberRoutineLoops :: Routine -> InternalID -> (Routine, InternalID)
numberRoutineLoops (Routine name instrs) iid =
numberRoutineLoops (Routine name outputs instrs) iid =
(instrs', iid') = numberBlockLoops instrs iid
((Routine name instrs'), iid')
((Routine name outputs instrs'), iid')
numberBlockLoops :: [Instruction] -> InternalID -> ([Instruction], InternalID)
numberBlockLoops [] iid = ([], iid)
@ -26,24 +26,6 @@ type RoutineContext = Map.Map StorageLocation Usage
type ProgramContext = Map.Map RoutineName RoutineContext
-- Utility function:
-- Take 2 routine contexts -- the current routine and a routine that was just
-- JSR'ed to (immediately previously) -- and merge them to create a new
-- context for the current routine.
mergeRoutCtxs routCtx calledRoutCtx =
-- go through all the Usages in the calledRoutCtx
-- insert any that were updated, into routCtx
poison location usage routCtxAccum =
case usage of
UpdatedWith ulocation ->
Map.insert location (PoisonedWith ulocation) routCtxAccum
Map.foldrWithKey (poison) routCtx calledRoutCtx
ppAnalysis :: ProgramContext -> IO ()
ppAnalysis progCtx =
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ emitRoutines _ [] = ""
emitRoutines p (rout:routs) =
emitRoutine p rout ++ "\n" ++ emitRoutines p routs
emitRoutine p r@(Routine name instrs) =
emitRoutine p r@(Routine name _ instrs) =
name ++ ":\n" ++ emitInstrs p r instrs ++ " rts\n"
emitInstrs _ _ [] = ""
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ data Instruction = COPY StorageLocation StorageLocation
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data Routine = Routine RoutineName [Instruction]
data Routine = Routine RoutineName [StorageLocation] [Instruction]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data Program = Program [Decl] [Routine]
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ data Program = Program [Decl] [Routine]
programSummary p@(Program decls routs) =
show ((length $ show p) < 99999)
getRoutineName (Routine name _) = name
getRoutineName (Routine name _ _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Assign name _ _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Reserve name _) = name
@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ mapBlock :: (Instruction -> Instruction) -> [Instruction] -> [Instruction]
mapBlock = map
mapRoutine :: (Instruction -> Instruction) -> Routine -> Routine
mapRoutine f (Routine name instrs) = Routine name (mapBlock f instrs)
mapRoutine f (Routine name outputs instrs) =
Routine name outputs (mapBlock f instrs)
mapRoutines :: (Instruction -> Instruction) -> [Routine] -> [Routine]
mapRoutines f [] = []
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ foldBlock :: (Instruction -> a -> a) -> a -> [Instruction] -> a
foldBlock = foldr
foldRoutine :: (Instruction -> a -> a) -> a -> Routine -> a
foldRoutine f a (Routine name instrs) =
foldRoutine f a (Routine name outputs instrs) =
foldBlock f a instrs
foldRoutines :: (Instruction -> a -> a) -> a -> [Routine] -> a
@ -164,10 +165,14 @@ lookupDecl (Program decls _) name =
lookupDecl' (filter (isLocationDecl) decls) name
lookupDecl' [] _ = Nothing
lookupDecl' (decl:decls) name =
(getDeclLocationName decl) == name
Just decl
lookupDecl' decls name
lookupDecl' (decl:decls) name
| (getDeclLocationName decl) == name = Just decl
| otherwise = lookupDecl' decls name
lookupRoutine (Program _ routines) name =
lookupRoutine' routines name
lookupRoutine' [] _ = Nothing
lookupRoutine' (rout@(Routine rname _ _):routs) name
| rname == name = Just rout
| otherwise = lookupRoutine' routs name
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Decl := "reserve" StorageType LocationName
| "assign" StorageType LocationName Address
| "external" RoutineName Address.
StorageType := "byte" | "word" | "vector".
Routine := "routine" RoutineName Block.
Routine := "routine" RoutineName ["outputs" "(" {LocationName} ")"] Block.
Block := "{" [Comment] {Command [Comment]} "}".
Command := "if" Branch Block "else" Block
| "lda" (LocationName | Immediate)
@ -93,8 +93,20 @@ routine = do
string "routine"
name <- routineName
outputs <- (try routine_outputs <|> return [])
instrs <- block
return (Routine name instrs)
return (Routine name outputs instrs)
routine_outputs :: Parser [StorageLocation]
routine_outputs = do
string "outputs"
string "("
locations <- many locationName
string ")"
return (map (\x -> NamedLocation Nothing x) locations)
block :: Parser [Instruction]
block = do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user