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-- encoding: UTF-8
module SixtyPical.Context where
-- contexts for abstract interpretation.
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import SixtyPical.Model
-- The result of analyzing an instruction (or a block) is a map from
-- all relevant StorageLocations to how those StorageLocations were
-- used in that code (a Usage.)
-- If a StorageLocation is missing from the map, we can assume that
-- that code does not affect that StorageLocation (it is "retained".)
data Usage = PoisonedWith StorageLocation
| UpdatedWith StorageLocation
| NotChanged
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
type RoutineContext = Map.Map StorageLocation Usage
type ProgramContext = Map.Map RoutineName RoutineContext
untypedLocation (HighByteOf x) =
untypedLocation x
untypedLocation (LowByteOf x) =
untypedLocation x
untypedLocation (Indexed table index) =
untypedLocation table
untypedLocation (IndirectIndexed word index) =
IndirectIndexed (untypedLocation word) index
untypedLocation (NamedLocation _ name) =
NamedLocation Nothing name
untypedLocation x = x
updateRoutCtxPoison :: String -> StorageLocation -> Usage -> RoutineContext -> RoutineContext
updateRoutCtxPoison nm dst (UpdatedWith src) routCtx =
s = untypedLocation src
d = untypedLocation dst
case Map.lookup s routCtx of
Just (PoisonedWith _) ->
error ("routine '" ++ nm ++ "' does not preserve '" ++
(show s) ++ "' (in context: " ++ (show routCtx) ++ ")")
_ ->
Map.insert d (UpdatedWith s) routCtx
updateRoutCtxPoison nm dst (PoisonedWith src) routCtx =
Map.insert (untypedLocation dst) (PoisonedWith $ untypedLocation src) routCtx
updateRoutCtx nm dst (UpdatedWith src) routCtx =
s = untypedLocation src
d = untypedLocation dst
Map.insert d (UpdatedWith s) routCtx
updateRoutCtx nm dst (PoisonedWith src) routCtx =
Map.insert (untypedLocation dst) (PoisonedWith $ untypedLocation src) routCtx
-- pretty printing
ppAnalysis :: Program -> ProgramContext -> IO ()
ppAnalysis program progCtx =
li = Map.toList progCtx
in do
ppRoutines program li
ppRoutines program [] = return ()
ppRoutines program ((name, routCtx):rest) =
Just (Routine rname outputs _) = lookupRoutine program name
in do
putStrLn (rname ++ " (" ++ (show outputs) ++ ")")
ppRoutine routCtx
putStrLn ""
ppRoutines program rest
ppRoutine routCtx =
li = Map.toList routCtx
in do
ppUsages li
ppUsages [] = return ()
ppUsages ((loc, usage):rest) = do
putStrLn $ (" " ++ (show loc) ++ ": " ++ (show usage))
ppUsages rest