
681 lines
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\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
\\ *** AES -Funktionen *** 26may86we
Dieses File enth<EFBFBD>lt alle AES-Funktionen.
Zur genauren Beschreibung verweisen wir auf die Dokumentation
von Digital Research.
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ AES Loadscreen cas20130105
\needs GEM include gem\basics.fb
\needs 2over include double.fb
Onlyforth GEM also definitions
1 +load cr .( Eventwords loaded) cr
7 +load cr .( Menuwords loaded) cr
$0C +load cr .( Objectwords loaded) cr
$10 +load cr .( Formwords loaded) cr
$14 +load cr .( Graphicswords loaded) cr
$19 +load cr .( Fileselect loaded) cr
$1C +load cr .( Windowwords loaded) cr
$22 +load cr .( RSRCwords loaded) cr
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ Event Loadscreen 01feb86we
Onlyforth GEM also definitions
1 5 +thru
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ event_keybd event_button 06aug86we
: evnt_keybd ( -- key ) &20 0 1 0 AES ;
: evnt_button ( #clicks0 bmask bstate -- #clicks1 )
intin 3 array! &21 3 5 0 AES ;
\\ #clicks0 is awaitet # of clicks
bmask is a button mask
bstate is the awaitet state of mouse-button(s)
#clicks1 is the actually entered # of clicks
bmask + bstate use the convention:
lowest bit is leftmost button etc.
bit = 0 is button up
bit = 1 is button down
more return parameters are in intout-array
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ event_mouse event_mesag 02nov86we
: evnt_mouse ( f leftX topY widht heigth -- )
intin 5 array! &22 5 5 0 AES drop ;
\ f = 0 is return on entry of mouse in rectangle
\ f = 1 is return on exit ...
\ more parameters are in intout
Create message $10 allot
: evnt_mesag ( -- )
message >absaddr addrin 2! &23 0 1 1 AES drop ;
\ see description of messages in AES documentation
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ event_timer 06aug86we
: evnt_timer ( dtime -- )
intin 2 array! &24 2 1 0 AES drop ;
\ dtime is a double number for timer count down in milliseconds
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\ evnt_multi bp 12oct86
\ because there are too much parameters:
Create events
%00110011 , \ timer, message, button + keyboard events on
2 , 1 , 1 , \ 2 clicks down on left mouse-button
here $14 allot $14 erase \ rectangles unspecified
0 , 0 , \ 0 millisecond timer-delay
: prepare events intin $20 cmove
message >absaddr addrin 2! ;
: evnt_multi ( -- which ) &25 &16 7 1 AES ;
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ evnt_dclick 06aug86we
: evnt_dclick ( dnew dgetset -- dspeed )
intin 2 array! &26 2 1 0 AES ;
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ Menu Loadscreen 12aug86we
Onlyforth GEM also definitions
1 4 +thru
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ objc_tree menuAES bp 12oct86
| : ?menuerror ( flag -- ) 0= abort" Menu-Error" ;
| : menuAES ( opcode #intin #intout #addrin -- intout@ )
objc_tree 2@ addrin 2! AES ;
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ menu_bar menu_icheck 09aug86we
: menu_bar ( showflag -- )
intin ! &30 1 1 1 menuAES ?menuerror ;
\ showflag = 0 is menubar off, = 1 is menubar on
: menu_icheck ( item showflag -- )
intin 2 array! &31 2 1 1 menuAES ?menuerror ;
\ item is the menu item
\ showflag = 0 is checkmark off, = 1 is checkmark on
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ menu_ienable menu_tnormal 09aug86we
: menu_ienable ( item enableflag -- )
intin 2 array! &32 2 1 1 menuAES ?menuerror ;
\ item is the menuitem#
\ enableflag = 0 is disable item, = 1 is enable item
: menu_tnormal ( title normalflag -- )
intin 2 array! &33 2 1 1 menuAES ?menuerror ;
\ title is the title#
\ normalflag = 0 is title reverse, = 1 is title normal
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ menu_text menu_register 02nov86we
: menu_text ( item laddr -- )
addrin 4+ 2! intin ! &34 1 1 2 menuAES ?menuerror ;
\ item is the menuitem#
\ laddr is the address of a 0-terminated replace-string
: menu_register ( apid laddr -- menuid )
addrin 2! intin ! &35 1 1 1 AES dup 0< not ?menuerror ;
\ apid is the application-ID from ACC's applinit
\ laddr is the address of a 0-terminated string for menutext
\ menuid is ACC's menu-identifier (0-5)
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ Object Loadscreen 01feb86we
Onlyforth GEM also definitions
1 3 +thru
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ objc_tree objcAES objc_add objc_delete 06aug86we
| : ?objcerror ( flag -- ) 0= abort" Object-Error" ;
| : objcAES ( opcode #intin #intout #addrin -- intout@ )
objc_tree 2@ addrin 2! 1 AES ;
: objc_add ( parent child -- )
intin 2 array! &40 2 1 objcAES ?objcerror ;
: objc_delete ( object -- )
intin ! &41 1 1 objcAES ?objcerror ;
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F
\ objc_draw objc_find objc_offset bp 12oct86
: objc_draw ( startob depth x y width height -- )
intin 6 array! &42 6 1 objcAES ?objcerror ;
: objc_find ( startob depth x y -- obnum )
intin 4 array! &43 4 1 objcAES ;
: objc_offset ( object -- x y )
intin ! &44 1 3 objcAES ?objcerror
intout 2+ @ intout 4+ @ ;
\ *** Block No. 16 Hexblock 10
\ objc_order objc_edit objc_change 02feb86we
: objc_order ( object newpos -- )
intin 2 array! &45 2 1 objcAES ?objcerror ;
: objc_edit ( object char index kind -- newindex )
intin 4 array! &46 4 2 objcAES ?objcerror intout 2+ @ ;
: objc_change ( object x y width height newstate redraw -- )
intin 4+ 6 array! intin ! intin 2+ off
&47 8 1 objcAES ?objcerror ;
\ *** Block No. 17 Hexblock 11
\ Object Loadscreen 09aug86we
Onlyforth GEM also definitions
1 2 +thru
\ *** Block No. 18 Hexblock 12
\ form_do form_dial bp 12oct86
: form_do ( startobj -- objectno )
intin ! objc_tree 2@ addrin 2! &50 1 1 1 AES ;
: form_dial ( diflag lix liy liw lih bix biy biw bih )
intin 9 array! &51 9 1 0 AES drop ;
\ li means little bi means big
\ *** Block No. 19 Hexblock 13
\ form_alert form_error form_center 07a09sep86we
: form_alert ( defbttn 0string -- exbttn )
>absaddr addrin 2! intin ! &52 1 1 1 AES ;
: form_error ( enum -- exbttn )
intin ! &53 1 1 0 AES ;
: form_center ( -- x y width height )
objc_tree 2@ addrin 2! &54 0 5 1 AES drop intout 2+ 4@ ;
\ *** Block No. 20 Hexblock 14
\ form_alert tests bp 12oct86
: test ( -- button )
2 0" [1][Dies ist ein Test!|2.Zeile][OK|JA|NEIN]"
form_alert ;
\ *** Block No. 21 Hexblock 15
\ Graphics Loadscreen 02feb86we
Onlyforth GEM also definitions
1 4 +thru
\ *** Block No. 22 Hexblock 16
\ graf_dragbox graf_movebox 06aug86we
| : ?graferror ( flag -- ) 0= abort" Graphic-Error" ;
: graf_dragbox
( startx starty width height boundx boundy boundw boundh --
finishx finishy )
intin 8 + 4 array! intin 2 array! intin 4+ 2 array!
&71 8 3 0 AES ?graferror intout 2+ @ intout 4+ @ ;
: graf_movebox
( sourcex sourcey width height destx desty -- )
intin 8 + 2 array! intin 2 array! intin 4+ 2 array!
&72 6 1 0 AES ?graferror ;
\ *** Block No. 23 Hexblock 17
\ graf_growbox graf_shrinkbox 06aug86we
: graf_growbox ( stx sty stw sth fix fiy fiw fih -- )
intin 8 array! &73 8 1 0 AES ?graferror ;
: graf_shrinkbox ( fix fiy fiw fih stx sty stw sth -- )
intin 8 array! &74 8 1 0 AES ?graferror ;
\ st means start fi means finish
\ *** Block No. 24 Hexblock 18
\ graf_watchbox graf_slidebox bp 12oct86
: graf_watchbox ( object instate outstate -- inside/outside )
objc_tree 2@ addrin 2! intin 2+ 3 array!
&75 4 1 1 AES ;
: graf_slidebox ( parent object vhflag -- vhpos )
objc_tree 2@ addrin 2! intin 3 array!
&76 3 1 1 AES ;
\\ graf_handle is defined in BASICS.SCR !
\ *** Block No. 25 Hexblock 19
\ graf_mouse graf_mkstate bp 12oct86
2Variable mofaddr 0. mofaddr 2!
: graf_mouse ( mouseform -- )
intin ! mofaddr 2@ addrin 2! &78 1 1 1 AES ?graferror ;
: graf_mkstate ( -- ) &79 0 5 0 AES drop ;
\ Werte in intout
\ *** Block No. 26 Hexblock 1A
\ File Selection Loadscreen bp 11oct86
GEM also definitions
1 +load
: test ( -- button )
show_c inpath &30 erase name count inpath place
insel $10 erase name count insel place
fs_label &30 erase name count fs_label place
fsel_exinput hide_c ;
test A:\GEM\*.SCR AES.SCR Dies_ist_eine_Textbox!
\ *** Block No. 27 Hexblock 1B
\ File Selection bp 11oct86
Create inpath ," \*.SCR" here &30 allot &30 erase
Create insel here $10 allot $10 erase
| : count? ( addr -- )
dup 1+ BEGIN count 0= UNTIL over - 2- swap c! ;
: fsel_input ( -- button )
inpath 1+ >absaddr addrin 2! insel 1+ >absaddr addrin 4+ 2!
&90 0 2 2 AES 0= abort" File Error"
inpath count? insel count? intout 2+ @ ;
\\ button = 0 is ABBRUCH, = 1 is OK; the returned strings
are in inpath and insel (counted and 0-terminated)
\ *** Block No. 28 Hexblock 1C
\ File selection mit FSEL_EXINPUT 13jan90 m.bitter
Create fs_label ," May the volks4TH be with you!" 0 c,
: fsel_exinput ( -- button )
inpath 1+ >absaddr addrin 2! insel 1+ >absaddr addrin 4+ 2!
fs_label 1+ >absaddr addrin 8 + 2!
&91 0 2 3 AES 0= abort" File Error"
inpath count? insel count? intout 2+ @ ;
\\ button = 0 is ABBRUCH, = 1 is OK; the returned strings
are in inpath and insel (counted and 0-terminated)
\ *** Block No. 29 Hexblock 1D
\ Windows Loadscreen 28jan86we
Onlyforth GEM also definitions
1 4 +thru
\ *** Block No. 30 Hexblock 1E
\ windows 21aug86we
| : ?winderror ( flag -- ) 0= abort" Window-Error" ;
: wind_create
( components leftX topY maxWidth maxHeight -- handle )
intin 5 array! &100 5 1 0 AES dup 0> ?winderror ;
\\ component bits set mean:
$0001 title bar $0002 close box
$0004 full box $0008 move bar
$0010 info line $0020 size box
$0040 up arrow $0080 down arrow
$0100 vertical slider $0200 left arrow
$0400 right arrow $0800 horizontal slider
\ *** Block No. 31 Hexblock 1F
\ windows 06aug86we
: wind_open ( W-handle leftX topY width heigth -- )
intin 5 array! &101 5 1 0 AES ?winderror ;
\ *** Block No. 32 Hexblock 20
\ windows 06aug86we
: wind_close ( Whandle -- )
intin ! &102 1 1 0 AES ?winderror ;
: wind_delete ( Whandle -- )
intin ! &103 1 1 0 AES ?winderror ;
: wind_get ( Whandle funktion# -- )
intin 2 array! &104 2 5 0 AES ?winderror ;
: wind_set ( Whandle funktion# par0 par1 par2 par3 -- )
intin 6 array! &105 6 1 0 AES ?winderror ;
: wind_find ( mouseX mouseY -- Whandle )
intin 2 array! &106 2 1 0 AES ;
\ *** Block No. 33 Hexblock 21
\ windows 06aug86we
: wind_update ( funktion# -- )
intin ! &107 1 1 0 AES ?winderror ;
: wind_calc ( 0/1 components leftX topY width heigth -- )
intin 6 array! &108 6 5 0 AES ?winderror ;
\ *** Block No. 34 Hexblock 22
\ window test 02feb86we
$0FEF &0 &20 &600 &300 wind_create Constant wtesthandle
: windowtest page
wtesthandle 1 &20 &500 &300 wind_open
$20 0 DO wtesthandle 5 1 &20 &500 I - &300 I - wind_set
." Hit any key to continue " key drop
wtesthandle wind_close ;
: end wtesthandle wind_delete ;
\ *** Block No. 35 Hexblock 23
\ RSRC Loadscreen 21nov86we
Onlyforth GEM also definitions
\needs 0" include strings.scr
1 4 +thru
\ *** Block No. 36 Hexblock 24
\ RSRC words bp 12oct86
| : ?rsrcerror ( f -- ) 0= abort" Resource-Error" ;
: rsrc_load ( 0$ -- ) \ needs address of 0-terminated $
>absaddr addrin 2! &110 0 1 1 AES ?rsrcerror ;
: rsrc_load" [compile] 0" compile rsrc_load ;
immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 37 Hexblock 25
\ rsrc_gaddr 20aug86mawe
: rsrc_free ( -- ) &111 0 1 0 AES ?rsrcerror ;
: rsrc_gaddr ( type index -- laddr )
intin 2 array! &112 2 1 0 AES ?rsrcerror addrout 2@ ;
\\ type is one of the following:
0 tree 1 object 2 tedinfo 3 iconblk
4 bitblk 5 string 6 imagedata 7 obspec
8 te_ptext 9 te_ptmplt $A te_pvalid $B ib_pmask
$C ib_pdata $D ib_ptext $E bi_pdata $F ad_frstr
$10 ad_frimg
index is the index of the data structure
laddr is the long (double) address of the data structure
specified by type and index
\ *** Block No. 38 Hexblock 26
\ rsrc_saddr 06aug86we
: rsrc_saddr ( type index laddr --)
addrin 2! intin 2 array! &113 2 1 1 AES ?rsrcerror ;
\\ for type index and f see rsrc_gaddr
laddr is the address of a data structure
\ *** Block No. 39 Hexblock 27
\ rsrc_obfix 06aug86we
: rsrc_obfix ( index laddr --)
addrin 2! intin ! &114 1 1 1 AES drop ;
\ index is index of object
\ laddr is addr of tree that contains object