
273 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
\\ Printer Interface 08Nov86
Dieses File enthaelt das Printer Interface zwischen volksFORTH
und dem Drucker.
Damit ist es moeglich Source-Texte auf bequeme Art und Weise
in uebersichtlicher Form auszudrucken (6 auf eine Seite).
In Verbindung mit dem Multitasker ist es moeglich, auch Texte im
Hintergrund drucken zu lassen und trotztdem weiterzuarbeiten.
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ Printer Interface Epson RX80 18Aug86
\ angepasst auf M 130i 07dec85we
Variable shadow capacity 2/ shadow ! \ s. Editor
Vocabulary Printer Printer definitions also
| Variable printsem printsem off
01 +load 04 0C +thru \ M 130i - Printer
\ 01 03 +thru 06 0C +thru \ Fujitsu - Printer
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ Printer p! and controls UH 02Nov87
| : ready? ( -- f ) [ Dos ] 0 &15 biosa 0= not ;
: p! ( n --) BEGIN pause
stop? IF printsem unlock true abort" stopped! " THEN
ready? UNTIL [ Dos ] 5 bios ;
| : ctrl: ( 8b --) Create c, Does> ( --) c@ p! ;
07 ctrl: BEL 7F | ctrl: DEL 0D | ctrl: RET
1B | ctrl: ESC 0A ctrl: LF 0C ctrl: FF
0F | ctrl: (+17cpi 12 | ctrl: (-17cpi
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ Printer Escapes 24dec85
| : esc: ( 8b --) Create c, does> ( --) ESC c@ p! ;
Ascii 0 esc: 1/8" Ascii 1 esc: 1/10"
Ascii 2 esc: 1/6" Ascii T esc: suoff
Ascii N esc: +jump Ascii O esc: -jump
Ascii G esc: +dark Ascii H esc: -dark
\ Ascii 4 esc: +cursive Ascii 5 esc: -cursive
| : ESC2 ( 8b0 8b1 --) ESC p! p! ;
| : on: ( 8b --) Create c, does> ( --) ESC c@ p! 1 p! ;
| : off: ( 8b --) Create c, does> ( --) ESC c@ p! 0 p! ;
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ Printer Escapes 29jan86
Ascii W on: +wide Ascii W off: -wide
Ascii - on: +under Ascii - off: -under
Ascii S on: sub Ascii S off: super
Ascii P on: (10cpi Ascii P off: (12cpi
: 10cpi (-17cpi (10cpi ;
: 12cpi (-17cpi (12cpi ;
: 17cpi (10cpi (+17cpi ;
: lines ( #.of.lines --) Ascii C ESC2 ;
: "long ( inches --) 0 lines p! ;
: american 0 Ascii R ESC2 ;
: german 2 Ascii R ESC2 ;
: normal 12cpi american suoff 1/6" 0C "long RET ;
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ Printer Escapes 16Jul86
| : esc: ( 8b --) Create c, does> ( --) ESC c@ p! ;
Ascii 0 esc: 1/8" Ascii 1 esc: 1/10"
Ascii 2 esc: 1/6" Ascii T esc: suoff
Ascii N esc: +jump Ascii O esc: -jump
Ascii G esc: +dark Ascii H esc: -dark
Ascii 4 esc: +cursive Ascii 5 esc: -cursive
Ascii M esc: 12cpi Ascii P | esc: (-12cpi
: 10cpi (-12cpi (-17cpi ;
: 17cpi (-12cpi (+17cpi ;
' 10cpi Alias pica ' 12cpi Alias elite
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\ Printer Escapes 16Jul86
| : ESC2 ( 8b0 8b1 --) ESC p! p! ;
| : on: ( 8b --) Create c, does> ( --) ESC c@ p! 1 p! ;
| : off: ( 8b --) Create c, does> ( --) ESC c@ p! 0 p! ;
Ascii W on: +wide Ascii W off: -wide
Ascii - on: +under Ascii - off: -under
Ascii S on: sub Ascii S off: super
Ascii p on: +prop Ascii p off: -prop
: lines ( #.of.lines --) Ascii C ESC2 ;
: "long ( inches --) 0 lines p! ;
: american 0 Ascii R ESC2 ;
: german 2 Ascii R ESC2 ;
: normal 12cpi american suoff 1/6" 0C "long RET ;
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ Printer Output 04Jul86
: prinit ; \ initializing Printer
| Variable pcol pcol off | Variable prow prow off
| : pemit ( 8b --) p! 1 pcol +! ;
| : pcr ( --) RET LF 1 prow +! pcol off ;
| : pdel ( --) DEL pcol @ 1- 0 max pcol ! ;
| : ppage ( --) FF prow off pcol off ;
| : pat ( row col --) over prow @ < IF ppage THEN
swap prow @ - 0 ?DO pcr LOOP
dup pcol @ < IF RET pcol off THEN pcol @ - spaces ;
| : pat? ( -- row col) prow @ pcol @ ;
| : ptype ( adr len --)
dup pcol +! bounds ?DO I c@ p! LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ Printer output 28Jun86
| Output: >printer pemit pcr ptype pdel ppage pat pat? ;
Forth definitions
: print >printer normal ;
: printable? ( char -- f) bl Ascii ~ uwithin ;
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ Variables and Setup 23Oct86
Printer definitions
$00 | Constant logo | Variable pageno
| Create scr#s $0E allot \ enough room for 6 screens
| : header ( -- )
12cpi 4 spaces ." Page No " +dark pageno @ 2 .r
$0D spaces ." volksFORTH83 der FORTH-Gesellschaft eV "
5 spaces file? -dark 1 pageno +! 17cpi ;
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ Print 2 screens across on a page 03dec85
| : text? ( scr# -- f) block dup c@ printable?
IF b/blk -trailing nip 0= THEN 0= ;
| : pr ( scr# --) dup capacity 1- u> IF drop logo THEN
1 scr#s +! scr#s dup @ 2* + ! ;
| : 2pr ( scr#1 scr#2 line# --) cr dup 2 .r space c/l * >r
pad $101 bl fill swap block r@ + pad c/l cmove
block r> + pad c/l + 1+ c/l cmove pad $101 -trailing type ;
| : 2scr ( scr#1 scr#2 --) cr cr $1E spaces
+wide +dark over 4 .r $1C spaces dup 4 .r -wide -dark
cr l/s 0 DO 2dup I 2pr LOOP 2drop ;
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ Printer 6 screens on a page 03dec85
| : pr-start ( --) scr#s off 1 pageno ! ;
| : pagepr ( --) header scr#s off scr#s 2+
3 0 DO dup @ over 6 + @ 2scr 2+ LOOP drop page ;
| : shadowpr ( --) header scr#s off scr#s 2+
3 0 DO dup @ over 2+ @ 2scr 4 + LOOP drop page ;
| : pr-flush ( -- f) scr#s @ dup \ any screens left over?
IF BEGIN scr#s @ 5 < WHILE -1 pr REPEAT logo pr THEN
0<> ;
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ Printer 6 screens on a page 23Nov86
Forth definitions
: pthru ( first last --)
printsem lock output push print pr-start 1+ swap
?DO I text? IF I pr THEN scr#s @ 6 = IF pagepr THEN
LOOP pr-flush IF pagepr THEN printsem unlock ;
: document ( first last --)
isfile@ IF capacity 2/ shadow ! THEN
printsem lock output push print pr-start 1+ swap
?DO I text? IF I pr I shadow @ + pr THEN
scr#s @ 6 = IF shadowpr THEN LOOP
pr-flush IF shadowpr THEN printsem unlock ;
: listing ( --) 0 capacity 2/ 1- document ;
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ Printerspool 03Nov86
\needs Task \\
| Input: noinput 0 false drop 2drop ;
$100 $200 noinput Task spooler
: spool ( from to -- )
isfile@ spooler 3 pass isfile ! pthru stop ;
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F