
715 lines
44 KiB
Raw Normal View History

\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
volksFORTH Full-Screen-Editor HELP Screen cas 11nov05
Quit Editor : flushed: ESC updated: ^E
discard changes : ^U (UNDO)
move cursor : Cursorkeys (delete with DEL or <- )
insert : INS (toggle), ^ENTER (insert Screen)
Tabs : TAB (to right), SHIFT TAB (to left)
paging : Pg Dn (next screen), Pg Up (previous scr)
: F9 (alternate), SHIFT F9 (shadow scr)
mark alternate Scr. : F10
delete/insert line : ^Y (delete), ^N (insert)
split line : ^PgDn (split), ^PgUp (join)
search and replace : F2 (stop with ESC, replace with 'R' )
linebuffer : F3 (push&delete), F5 (push), F7 (pop)
charbuffer : F4 (push&delete), F6 (push), F8 (pop)
misc : ^F (Fix), ^L (Showload), ^S (Screen #)
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
--> \ Full-Screen Editor cas 10nov05
This is the Full-Screen Editor for MS-DOS volksFORTH
Features: Line- and Char-Buffer, Find- and Replace, Support for
"Shadow-Screens", View Function and loading of screens with
visual feedback (showload)
The Keybinding can be easily changed by using the integrated
Ported to the MS-DOS volksFORTH by K.Schleisiek on 22 dez 87
Original design by Ullrich Hoffmann
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ Load Screen for the Editor cas 10nov05
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.scr
3 load \ PC adaption
4 9 thru \ Editor
\ &10 load \ ANSI display interface
\ &11 load \ BIOS display interface
&12 load \ MULTItasking display interface
&13 &39 thru \ Editor
Onlyforth .( Screen Editor loaded ) cr
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ BIM adaption UH 11dez88
| : ?range ( n -- n ) isfile@ 0=exit dup 0< 9 and ?diskerror
dup capacity - 1+ 0 max ?dup 0=exit more ;
| : block ( n -- adr ) ?range block ;
$1B Constant #esc
: curon &11 &12 curshape ;
: curoff &14 dup curshape ;
Variable caps caps off
Label ?capital 1 # caps #) byte test
0= ?[ (capital # jmp ]? ret end-code
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ search delete insert replace ks 20 dez 87
| : delete ( buffer size count -- )
over min >r r@ - ( left over ) dup 0>
IF 2dup swap dup r@ + -rot swap cmove THEN
+ r> bl fill ;
| : insert ( string length buffer size -- )
rot over min >r r@ - ( left over )
over dup r@ + rot cmove> r> cmove ;
| : replace ( string length buffer size -- )
rot min cmove ;
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ usefull definitions and Editor vocabulary UH 11mai88
Vocabulary Editor
' Forth | Alias [F] immediate
' Editor | Alias [E] immediate
Editor also definitions
| : c ( n --) \ moves cyclic thru the screen
r# @ + b/blk mod r# ! ;
| Variable r#' r#' off
| Variable scr' scr' off
' fromfile | Alias isfile'
| Variable lastfile | Variable lastscr | Variable lastr#
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\\ move cursor with position-checking ks 18 dez 87
\ different versions of cursor positioning error reporting
| : c ( n --) \ checks the cursor position
r# @ + dup 0 b/blk uwithin not
Abort" There is a border!" r# ! ;
| : c ( n --) \ goes thru the screens
r# @ + dup b/blk 1- > IF 1 scr +! THEN
dup 0< IF -1 scr +! THEN b/blk mod r# ! ;
| : c ( n --) \ moves cyclic thru the screen
r# @ + b/blk mod r# ! ;
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ calculate addresses ks 20 dez 87
| : *line ( l -- adr ) c/l * ;
| : /line ( n -- c l ) c/l /mod ;
| : top ( -- ) r# off ;
| : cursor ( -- n ) r# @ ;
| : 'start ( -- adr ) scr @ block ;
| : 'end ( -- adr ) 'start b/blk + ;
| : 'cursor ( -- adr ) 'start cursor + ;
| : position ( -- c l ) cursor /line ;
| : line# ( -- l ) position nip ;
| : col# ( -- c ) position drop ;
| : 'line ( -- adr ) 'start line# *line + ;
| : 'line-end ( -- adr ) 'line c/l + 1- ;
| : #after ( -- n ) c/l col# - ;
| : #remaining ( -- n ) b/blk cursor - ;
| : #end ( -- n ) b/blk line# *line - ;
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ move cursor directed UH 11dez88
| Create >at 0 , 0 ,
| : curup c/l negate c ;
| : curdown c/l c ;
| : curleft -1 c ;
| : curright 1 c ;
| : +tab ( 1/4 -> ) cursor $10 / 1+ $10 * cursor - c ;
| : -tab ( 1/8 <- ) cursor 8 mod negate dup 0= 8 * + c ;
| : >last ( adr len -- ) -trailing nip b/blk min r# ! ;
| : <cr> #after c ;
| : <line ( -- ) col# negate c 'line c/l -trailing nip 0=exit
BEGIN 'cursor c@ bl = WHILE curright REPEAT ;
| : line> ( -- ) 'start line# 1+ *line 1- >last ;
| : >""end ( -- ) 'start b/blk >last ;
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ show border UH 29Sep87
&14 | Constant dx 1 | Constant dy
| : horizontal ( row eck1 eck2 -- row' )
rot dup >r dx 1- at swap emit
c/l 0 DO Ascii - emit LOOP emit r> 1+ ;
| : vertical ( row -- row' )
l/s 0 DO dup dx 1- at Ascii | emit
row dx c/l + at Ascii | emit 1+ LOOP ;
| : border dy 1- Ascii / Ascii \ horizontal
vertical Ascii \ Ascii / horizontal drop ;
| : edit-at ( -- ) position swap dy dx d+ at ;
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ ANSI display interface ks 03 feb 88
| : redisplay ( line# -- )
dup dy + dx at *line 'start + c/l type ;
| : (done ( -- ) ; immediate
| : install-screen ( -- ) l/s 6 + 0 >at 2! page ;
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ BIOS-display interface ks 03 feb 88
| Code (.line ( line addr videoseg -- )
A pop W pop I push E: push D E: mov
$0E # W add W W add A I xchg c/l # C mov
attribut #) A+ mov [[ byte lods stos C0= ?]
E: pop I pop D pop Next end-code
| : redisplay ( line# -- )
dup 1+ c/row * swap c/l * 'start + video@ (.line ;
| : (done ( -- ) ; immediate
| : install-screen ( -- ) l/s 6 + 0 >at 2! page ;
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ MULTI-display interface ks UH 10Sep87
| Code (.line ( line addr videoseg -- )
C pop W pop I push E: push D E: mov
$0E # W add W W add u' area U D) I mov
u' catt I D) A+ mov C I mov
c/l # C mov [[ byte lods stos C0= ?]
E: pop I pop D pop Next end-code
| : redisplay ( line# -- )
dup 1+ c/row * swap c/l * 'start + video@ (.line ;
| : (done ( -- ) line# 2+ c/col 2- window ;
| : cleartop ( -- ) 0 l/s 5 + window (page ;
| : install-screen ( -- ) row l/s 6 + u<
IF l/s 6 + 0 full page ELSE at? cleartop THEN >at 2! ;
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ display screen UH 11mai88
Forth definitions
: updated? ( -- f) 'start 2- @ 0< ;
Editor definitions
| : .updated ( -- ) 9 0 at
updated? IF 4 spaces ELSE ." not " THEN ." updated" ;
| : .screen l/s 0 DO I redisplay LOOP ;
\ | : .file ( fcb -- )
\ ?dup IF body> >name .name exit THEN ." direct" ;
| : .title [ DOS ] 1 0 at isfile@ .file dx 1- tab
2 0 at drv (.drv scr @ 6 .r
4 0 at fromfile @ .file dx 1- tab
5 0 at fswap drv (.drv scr' @ 6 .r fswap .updated ;
| : .all .title .screen ;
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ check errors UH 02Nov86
| : ?bottom ( -- ) 'end c/l - c/l -trailing nip
Abort" You would lose a line" ;
| : ?fit ( n -- ) 'line c/l -trailing nip + c/l >
IF line# redisplay
true Abort" You would lose a char" THEN ;
| : ?end 1 ?fit ;
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F
\ programmer's id ks 18 dez 87
$12 | Constant id-len
Create id id-len allot id id-len erase
| : stamp ( -- ) id 1+ count 'start c/l + over - swap cmove ;
| : ?stamp ( -- ) updated? IF stamp THEN ;
| : ## ( n -- ) base push decimal 0 <# # # #> id 1+ attach ;
| : get-id ( -- ) id c@ ?exit ID on
cr ." Enter your ID : " at? 3 0 DO Ascii . emit LOOP at
id 2+ 3 expect normal span @ dup id 1+ c! 0=exit
bl id 1+ append date@ rot ## swap >months id 1+ attach ## ;
\ *** Block No. 16 Hexblock 10
\ update screen-display UH 28Aug87
| : emptybuf prev @ 2+ dup on 4+ off ;
| : undo emptybuf .all ;
| : modified updated? ?exit update .updated ;
| : linemodified modified line# redisplay ;
| : screenmodified modified
l/s line# ?DO I redisplay LOOP ;
| : .modified ( -- ) >at 2@ at space scr @ .
updated? not IF ." un" THEN ." modified" ?stamp ;
\ *** Block No. 17 Hexblock 11
\ leave editor UH 10Sep87
| Variable (pad (pad off
| : memtop ( -- adr) sp@ $100 - ;
| Create char 1 allot
| Variable imode imode off
| : .imode at? 7 0 at
imode @ IF ." insert " ELSE ." overwrite" THEN at ;
| : setimode imode on .imode ;
| : clrimode imode off .imode ;
| : done ( -- ) (done
['] (quit is 'quit ['] (error errorhandler ! quit ;
| : update-exit ( -- ) .modified done ;
| : flushed-exit ( -- ) .modified save-buffers done ;
\ *** Block No. 18 Hexblock 12
\ handle screens UH 21jan89
| : insert-screen ( scr -- ) \ before scr
1 more fromfile push isfile@ fromfile !
capacity 2- over 1+ convey ;
| : wipe-screen ( -- ) 'start b/blk blank ;
| : new-screen ( -- )
scr @ insert-screen wipe-screen top screenmodified ;
\ *** Block No. 19 Hexblock 13
\ handle lines UH 01Nov86
| : (clear-line 'line c/l blank ;
| : clear-line (clear-line linemodified ;
| : clear> 'cursor #after blank linemodified ;
| : delete-line 'line #end c/l delete screenmodified ;
| : backline curup delete-line ;
| : (insert-line
?bottom 'line c/l over #end insert (clear-line ;
| : insert-line (insert-line screenmodified ;
\ *** Block No. 20 Hexblock 14
\ join and split lines UH 11dez88
| : insert-spaces ( n -- ) 'cursor swap
2dup over #remaining insert blank ;
| : split ( -- ) ?bottom cursor col# <cr> insert-spaces r# !
#after insert-spaces screenmodified ;
| : delete-characters ( n -- ) 'cursor #remaining rot delete ;
| : join ( -- ) cursor <cr> line> col# <line col# under -
rot r# ! #after > Abort" next line will not fit!"
#after + dup delete-characters
cursor <cr> c/l rot - dup 0<
IF negate insert-spaces ELSE delete-characters THEN r# !
screenmodified ;
\ *** Block No. 21 Hexblock 15
\ handle characters UH 01Nov86
| : delete-char 'cursor #after 1 delete linemodified ;
| : backspace curleft delete-char ;
| : (insert-char ?end 'cursor 1 over #after insert ;
| : insert-char (insert-char bl 'cursor c! linemodified ;
| : putchar ( --) char c@
imode @ IF (insert-char THEN
'cursor c! linemodified curright ;
\ *** Block No. 22 Hexblock 16
\ stack lines UH 31Oct86
| Create lines 4 allot \ { 2+pointer | 2base }
| : 'lines ( -- adr) lines 2@ + ;
| : @line 'lines memtop u> Abort" line buffer full"
'line 'lines c/l cmove c/l lines +! ;
| : copyline @line curdown ;
| : line>buf @line delete-line ;
| : !line c/l negate lines +! 'lines 'line c/l cmove ;
| : buf>line lines @ 0= Abort" line buffer empty"
?bottom (insert-line !line screenmodified ;
\ *** Block No. 23 Hexblock 17
\ stack characters UH 01Nov86
| Create chars 4 allot \ { 2+pointer | 2base }
| : 'chars ( -- adr) chars 2@ + ;
| : @char 'chars 1- lines 2+ @ u> Abort" char buffer full"
'cursor c@ 'chars c! 1 chars +! ;
| : copychar @char curright ;
| : char>buf @char delete-char ;
| : !char -1 chars +! 'chars c@ 'cursor c! ;
| : buf>char chars @ 0= Abort" char buffer empty"
?end (insert-char !char linemodified ;
\ *** Block No. 24 Hexblock 18
\ switch screens UH 11mai88
| : imprint ( -- ) \ remember valid file
isfile@ lastfile ! scr @ lastscr ! r# @ lastr# ! ;
| : remember ( -- )
lastfile @ isfile ! lastscr @ scr ! lastr# @ r# ! ;
| : associate \ switch to alternate screen
isfile' @ isfile@ isfile' ! isfile !
scr' @ scr @ scr' ! scr ! r#' @ r# @ r#' ! r# ! ;
| : mark isfile@ isfile' ! scr @ scr' ! r# @ r#' ! .all ;
| : n ?stamp 1 scr +! .all ;
| : b ?stamp -1 scr +! .all ;
| : a ?stamp associate .all ;
\ *** Block No. 25 Hexblock 19
\ shadow screens UH 03Nov86
Variable shadow shadow off
| : (shadow isfile@ IF capacity 2/ exit THEN shadow @ ;
| : >shadow ?stamp \ switch to shadow screen
(shadow dup scr @ u> not IF negate THEN scr +! .all ;
\ *** Block No. 26 Hexblock 1A
\ load and show screens ks 02 mar 88
| : showoff ['] exit 'name ! normal ;
| : show ( -- ) blk @ 0= IF showoff exit THEN
>in @ 1- r# ! edit-at imprint blk @ scr @ - 0=exit
blk @ scr ! normal curoff .all invers curon ;
| : showload ( -- ) ?stamp save-buffers
['] show 'name ! curon invers
adr .status push ['] noop is .status
scr @ scr push scr off r# push r# @ (load showoff ;
\ *** Block No. 27 Hexblock 1B
\ find strings ks 20 dez 87
| Variable insert-buffer
| Variable find-buffer
| : 'insert ( -- addr ) insert-buffer @ ;
| : 'find ( -- addr ) find-buffer @ ;
| : .buf ( addr -- ) count type ." |" &80 col - spaces ;
| : get ( addr -- ) >r at? r@ .buf
2dup at r@ 1+ c/l expect span @ ?dup IF r@ c! THEN
at r> .buf ;
| : get-buffers dy l/s + 2+ dx 1- 2dup at
." find: |" 'find get swap 1+ swap 2- at
." ? replace: |" 'insert get ;
\ *** Block No. 28 Hexblock 1C
\ ks 20 dez 87
Code match ( addr1 len1 string -- addr2 len2 )
D W mov W ) D- mov $FF # D and 0= ?[ D pop Next ]?
W inc D dec C pop I A mov I pop A push
W ) A- mov W inc ?capital # call A- A+ mov D C sub
>= ?[ I inc Label done I dec
A pop I push A I mov C D add Next ]?
[[ byte lods ?capital # call A+ A- cmp 0=
?[ D D or done 0= not ?]
I push W push C push A push D C mov
[[ byte lods ?capital # call A+ A- xchg
W ) A- mov W inc ?capital # call A+ A- cmp
0= ?[[ C0= ?] A pop C pop
W pop I pop done ]]
]? A pop C pop W pop I pop
]? C0= ?] I inc done ]] end-code
\ *** Block No. 29 Hexblock 1D
\ search for string UH 11mai88
| : skip ( addr -- addr' ) 'find c@ + ;
| : search ( buf len string -- offset flag )
>r stash r@ match r> c@ <
IF drop 0= false exit THEN swap - true ;
| : find? ( -- r# f ) 'cursor #remaining 'find search ;
| : searchthru ( -- r# scr )
find? IF skip cursor + scr @ exit THEN drop
capacity scr @ 1+
?DO I 2 3 at 6 .r I block b/blk 'find search
IF skip I endloop exit THEN stop? Abort" Break!"
LOOP true Abort" not found!" ;
\ *** Block No. 30 Hexblock 1E
\ replace strings UH 14mai88
| : replace? ( -- f ) dy l/s + 3+ dx 3 - at
key dup #cr = IF line# redisplay true Abort" Break!" THEN
capital Ascii R = ;
| : "mark ( -- ) r# push
'find count dup negate c edit-at invers type normal ;
| : (replace 'insert c@ 'find c@ - ?fit
r# push 'find c@ negate c
'cursor #after 'find c@ delete
'insert count 'cursor #after insert modified ;
| : "replace get-buffers BEGIN searchthru
scr @ - ?dup IF ?stamp scr +! .all THEN r# ! imprint
"mark replace? IF (replace THEN line# redisplay REPEAT ;
\ *** Block No. 31 Hexblock 1F
\ Display Help-Screen, misc commands cas 11nov05
| : helpfile ( -- ) fromfile push editor.fb ;
| : .help ( --)
isfile push scr push helpfile scr off .screen ;
| : help ( -- ) .help key drop .screen ;
| : screen# ( -- scr ) scr @ ;
| Defer (fix-word
| : fix-word ( -- ) isfile@ loadfile !
scr @ blk ! cursor >in ! (fix-word ;
\ *** Block No. 32 Hexblock 20
\ Control-Characters IBM-PC Functionkeys UH 10Sep87
Forth definitions
: Ctrl ( -- c )
name 1+ c@ $1F and state @ IF [compile] Literal THEN ;
\needs #del $7F Constant #del
Editor definitions
| : flipimode imode @ 0= imode ! .imode ;
| : F ( # -- 16b ) $FFC6 swap - ;
| : shift ( n -- n' ) dup 0< + &24 - ;
\ *** Block No. 33 Hexblock 21
\ Control-Characters IBM-PC Functionkeys UH 11dez88
Create keytable
-&72 , -&75 , -&80 , -&77 ,
3 F , 4 F , 7 F , 8 F ,
Ctrl F , Ctrl S , 5 F , 6 F ,
1 F , Ctrl H , #del , -&83 ,
Ctrl Y , Ctrl N ,
-&82 ,
#cr , #tab , #tab shift ,
-&119 , -&117 , 2 F , Ctrl U ,
Ctrl E , #esc , Ctrl L , 9 F shift ,
-&81 , -&73 , 9 F , &10 F ,
-&71 , -&79 , -&118 , -&132 ,
#lf ,
here keytable - 2/ Constant #keys
\ *** Block No. 34 Hexblock 22
\ Try a screen Editor UH 11dez88
Create: actiontable
curup curleft curdown curright
line>buf char>buf buf>line buf>char
fix-word screen# copyline copychar
help backspace backspace delete-char
( insert-char ) delete-line insert-line
flipimode ( clear-line clear> )
<cr> +tab -tab
top >""end "replace undo
update-exit flushed-exit showload >shadow
n b a mark
<line line> split join
new-screen ;
here actiontable - 2/ 1- #keys - abort( # of actions)
\ *** Block No. 35 Hexblock 23
\ find keys ks 20 dez 87
| : findkey ( key -- adr/default )
#keys 0 DO dup keytable [F] I 2* + @ =
IF drop [E] actiontable [F] I 2* + @ endloop exit THEN
LOOP drop ['] putchar ;
\ *** Block No. 36 Hexblock 24
\ allocate buffers UH 01Nov86
c/l 2* | Constant cstack-size
| : nextbuf ( adr -- adr' ) cstack-size + ;
| : ?clearbuffer pad (pad @ = ?exit
pad dup (pad !
nextbuf dup find-buffer ! 'find off
nextbuf dup insert-buffer ! 'insert off
nextbuf dup 0 chars 2!
nextbuf 0 lines 2! ;
\ *** Block No. 37 Hexblock 25
\ enter and exit the editor, editor's loop UH 11mai88
| Variable jingle jingle on | : bell 07 charout jingle off ;
| : clear-error ( -- )
jingle @ ?exit dy l/s + 1+ dx at c/l spaces jingle on ;
| : fullquit ( -- ) BEGIN ?clearbuffer edit-at key dup char c!
findkey imprint execute ( .status ) clear-error REPEAT ;
| : fullerror ( string -- ) jingle @ IF bell THEN count
dy l/s + 1+ over 2/ dx $20 + swap - at invers type normal
&80 col - spaces remember .all quit ;
| : install ( -- )
['] fullquit Is 'quit ['] fullerror errorhandler ! ;
\ *** Block No. 38 Hexblock 26
\ enter and exit the Editor UH 11mai88
Forth definitions
: v ( -- )
[E] 'start drop get-id install-screen
install ?clearbuffer
border .all .imode .status quit ;
' v Alias ed
: l ( scr -- ) 1 arguments scr ! [E] top [F] v ;
' l Alias edit
\ *** Block No. 39 Hexblock 27
\ savesystem enhanced view UH 24jun88
: savesystem [E] id off (pad off savesystem ;
Editor definitions
| : >find ?clearbuffer >in push
name dup c@ 2+ >r bl over c! r> 'find place ;
Forth definitions
: fix [ Dos ] >find ' @view >file
isfile ! scr ! [E] top curdown
find? IF skip 1- THEN c v ;
' fix Is (fix-word
\ *** Block No. 40 Hexblock 28
\ *** Block No. 41 Hexblock 29