
103 lines
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\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
bp 19Jul86
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ gem definition macros 30oct86we
$600 hallot heap dp !
: #def Constant immediate Does> @
state @ IF [compile] Literal THEN ;
: #defs ( start no. -- )
bounds ?DO I #def LOOP ;
1 3 +thru
dp !
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ window parts and messages bp 19Jul86
\ ---- Window attributes for WIND_CREATE ----------------
$01 #def :name $02 #def :close
$04 #def :full $08 #def :move
$10 #def :info $20 #def :size
$40 #def :uparrow $80 #def :dnarrow
$100 #def :vslide $200 #def :lfarrow
$400 #def :rtarrow $800 #def :hslide
\ ------ window attribute inquire flags for WIND_GET ------
1 &17 #defs :wf_kind :wf_name
:wf_info :wf_workxywh :wf_currxywh :wf_prevxywh
:wf_fullxywh :wf_hslide :wf_vslide :wf_top
:wf_firstxywh :wf_nextxywh :wf_resvd :wf_newdesk
:wf_hslize :wf_vslize :wf_screen
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ messages and events bp 19Jul86
\ ----- WIND_CALC flags --------------------------------
0 #def wc_border: 1 #def wc_work:
\ ------- Messages, send by Message event : --------------
&10 #def :mn_selected
&20 &10 #defs
:wm_redraw :wm_topped :wm_closed :wm_fulled
:wm_arrowed :wm_hslid :wm_vslid :wm_sized
:wm_moved :wm_newtop
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ misc. bp 19Jul86
\ --------- MULTI_EVENT flags -------------------------
$01 #def :mu_keybd $02 #def :mu_button
$04 #def :mu_m1 $08 #def :mu_m2
$10 #def :mu_mesag $20 #def :mu_timer
\ --------- Form Manager definitions -------------------
0 4 #defs
:fmd_start :fmd_grow :fmd_shrink :fmd_finish
\ --------- Mouse forms --------------------------------
0 8 #defs
:arrow :text_crsr :honey_bee :point_hand
:flat_hand :thin_cross :thick_cross :outln_cross
&255 3 #defs :user_def :m_off :m_on
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5