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synced 2025-02-07 23:30:40 +00:00
Alternative implemenatations/updates of the MS-DOS editor
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Im volksFORTH rev.3.81.41 treten, bedingt durch die Vielfalt an
Grafik-Karten f<>r den PC, unter Umst„nden Probleme mit dem CURSOR
auf. Denn in dem meisten PCs verrichtet eine Hercules-Karte ihre
Dienste, auf die einige Worte im EDITOR und im Kommando-zeilen-
Editor CED zugeschnitten sind.
Die Worte CURON und CUROFF bestimmen das Erscheinungsbild des
Cursors durch Zahlenwerte f<>r CURSHAPE, die grafikkartenabh„ngig
sind. Hier bietet sich eine Žnderung mit Hilfe des Video-
Interrupts INT$10 an, dessen Funktion $3 im C-Register die
aktuelle Start- und End-Zeile des Cursors wiedergibt. Als
Warnung: Im Zuge meiner amateurhaften Versuche zur
Interruptprogrammierung hat, nach ungesichertem R-Register, ein V
(aktuellen Screen editieren) daf<61>r gesorgt, daá meine gesamte
freie Festplattenkapazit„t der Datei EDITOR.SCR zugeschlagen
Mit den neuen Varianten von CURON/OFF m<>áten auch EGA und andere
Karten einen Cursor auf dem Schirm anzeigen. Mit dem
Kommandozeilen-Editor CED h„ngt auch das zweite Problem zusammen:
Wie man in SHOWCUR sieht, wird der Einf<6E>ge- oder šberschreibmodus
durch das Erscheinungsbild des Cursors verdeutlicht. Da liegt es
auf der Hand, daá in (EXPECT die Wortfolge KEY DECODE SHOWCUR
nach jeder Zeicheneingabe das Aussehen des Cursor in Abh„ngigkeit
vom jeweiligen Modus festlegt und ein etwaiges ( top bot) CURSHAPE
unwirksam machen. Soll dem nicht so sein, k”nnte man eventuell
die jetzt gel”schte Cursor-Anfangszeile in einem der beiden Modi
INS/OVER beibehalten.
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ Commandline EDitor für volksFORTH rev. 3.80 UH 05feb89
Dieses File enthaelt Definitionen, die es ermöglichen die
Kommandozeile zu editieren.
Es gibt eine Commandline History, die es ermöglicht alte
Eingaben wiederzuholen. Diese werden zyklisch auf Screen 0
im File History gesichert und bleiben so auch über ein
SAVESYSTEM erhalten.
Cursor links/rechts
Zeichen löschen <del> und <-
Zeile löschen <esc>
Einfügen an aus <ins>
Zeile abschließen <enter>
Anfang/Ende der Zeile <pos1> <end>
alte Zeilen wiederholen
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ Commandline EDitor LOAD-Screen UH 20Nov87 jrg 14mär89
: curleft ( -- ) at? 1- at ;
: currite ( -- ) at? 1+ at ;
1 5 +thru \ Erweiterte Eingabe
.( Kommandozeilen Editor geladen ) cr
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ History -- Kommandogeschichte jrg 14mär89
makefile history 1 more
| Variable line# line# off
| Variable lastline# lastline# off
| : 'history ( n -- addr ) pushfile history
c/l * b/blk /mod block + ;
| : @line ( n -- addr len ) 'history c/l -trailing ;
| : !history ( addr line# -- )
'history dup c/l blank span @ c/l min cmove update ;
| : @history ( addr line# -- )
@line rot swap dup span ! cmove ;
| : +line ( n addr -- ) dup @ rot + l/s mod swap ! ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ Ende der Eingabe jrg 18dez89
| Variable maxchars | Variable cinsert cinsert on
| : -text ( a1 a2 l -- 0=equal ) bounds
?DO count I c@ - ?dup IF nip ENDLOOP exit THEN LOOP 0= ;
| : done ( a p1 -- a p2 ) 2dup
at? rot - span @ dup maxchars ! + at space blankline
line# @ @line span @ = IF span @ -text 0=exit 2dup THEN
drop lastline# @ !history 1 lastline# +line ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ Erweiterte Eingabe UH 08OCt87 jrg 19dez89
: redisplay ( addr pos -- )
at? 2swap span @ swap /string type blankline at ;
| : del ( addr pos -- ) span @ 0=exit dup >r + dup 1+ swap
span @ r> - cmove -1 span +! ;
| : ins ( addr pos1 -- ) dup >r + dup dup 1+
span @ r> - cmove> bl swap c! 1 span +! ;
| : delete ( a p1 -- a p2 ) 2dup del 2dup redisplay ;
| : back ( a p1 -- a p2 ) 1- curleft delete ;
| : recall ( a p1 -- a p2 ) at? rot - at dup line# @ @history
dup 0 redisplay at? span @ + at span @ ;
| : <start ( a1 p1 -- a2 p2 ) at? rot - at 0 ;
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ Tastenbelegung für Zeilen-Editor MS/DOS ks jrg 19dez89
: (decode ( addr pos1 key -- addr pos2 )
-&77 case? IF dup span @ < 0=exit currite 1+ exit THEN
-&75 case? IF dup 0=exit curleft 1- exit THEN
-&82 case? IF cinsert @ 0= cinsert ! exit THEN
#bs case? IF dup 0=exit back exit THEN
-&83 case? IF span @ 2dup < and 0=exit delete exit THEN
-&72 case? IF -1 line# +line recall exit THEN
-&80 case? IF 1 line# +line recall exit THEN
#cr case? IF done exit THEN
#esc case? IF <start span off 2dup redisplay exit THEN
-&71 case? IF <start exit THEN
-&79 case? IF at? rot - span @ + at span @ exit THEN
dup emit >r cinsert @ IF 2dup ins THEN 2dup +
r> swap c! 1+ dup span @ max span ! 2dup redisplay ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ Patch UH 08Oct87 jrg 19dez89
: showcur ( -- )
curshape? swap drop \ bot top
cinsert @ IF dup 2/ \ top = bot/2
ELSE dup 1-
THEN swap curshape ;
: (expect ( addr len -- ) maxchars ! span off
lastline# @ line# ! 0
BEGIN span @ maxchars @ u<
WHILE key decode showcur REPEAT 2drop ;
' (decode ' keyboard 6 + !
' (expect ' keyboard 8 + !
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
volksFORTH Full-Screen-Editor HELP Screen
Editor verlassen : flushed: ESC updated: ^E
Änderungen verwerfen: ^U (UNDO)
Cursor bewegen : Cursortasten (löschen mit DEL oder <- )
Einfügen : INS (an/aus), ^ENTER (Screen einfügen)
Tabs : TAB (nach rechts), SHIFT TAB (nach links)
Blättern : Pg Dn (nächster), Pg Up (voriger)
: F9 (alternate), SHIFT F9 (shadow)
mark alternate Scr. : F10
Zeile löschen/einf. : ^Y (löschen), ^N (einfügen)
Zeile teilen : ^PgDn (split), ^PgUp (join)
Suchen und Ersetzen : F2 (Break mit ESC, replace mit 'R' )
Zeilenpuffer : F3 (push&delete), F5 (push), F7 (pop)
Zeichenpuffer : F4 (push&delete), F6 (push), F8 (pop)
Sonstige : ^F (Fix), ^L (Showload), ^S (Screen #)
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
--> \ Full-Screen Editor ks 22 dez 87
Dieses File enthaelt den Full-Screen Editor fuer die IBM -
Er enthaelt Line- und Chararcter-Stacks, Find&Replace-Funktion
sowie Unterstuetzung des Shadow-Screen-Konzepts, der view-
Funktion und des sichtbaren Laden von Screens (showload).
Durch die integrierte Tastaturtabelle (keytable) laesst sich die
Kommandobelegung der Tasten auf einfache Art und Weise aendern.
Angepaßt für den IBM PC von K.Schleisiek am 22 dez 87
Anregungen, Kritik und Verbesserungsvorschlaege bitte an:
U. Hoffmann
Harmsstrasse 71
2300 Kiel
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ Load Screen for the Editor jrg 18dez89
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.scr
3 load \ PC adaption
\ &10 load \ ANSI display interface
\ &11 load \ BIOS display interface
\ &12 load \ MULTItasking display interface
&4 &40 thru \ Editor
Onlyforth .( Screen Editor geladen) cr
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ curshape? curon curoff jrg 20dez89
\ gleiches Konzept wie curat? , nur C nach D geschoben
\ da C die Cursor-Start & -End-Reihe enthält
Code curshape? ( -- top bot )
D push R push
$F # A+ mov $10 int \ in AL der Videomodus !!
3 # A+ mov $10 int
R pop
C D mov
0 # A mov
D+ A- xchg
A push Next end-code
: curon curshape? curshape ;
\ VGA hat max. 15 Reihen!
: curoff &16 dup curshape ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ BIM adaption jrg 18dez89
| : ?range ( n -- n )
isfile@ 0=exit
( n) dup 0< 9 and ?diskerror
dup capacity - 1+ 0 max
?dup 0=exit more ;
| : block ( n -- adr ) ?range block ;
$1B Constant #esc
Variable caps caps off
Label ?capital 1 # caps #) byte test
0= ?[ (capital # jmp ]? ret end-code
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ search delete insert replace ks 20 dez 87
| : delete ( buffer size count -- )
over min >r r@ - ( left over ) dup 0>
IF 2dup swap dup r@ + -rot swap cmove THEN
+ r> bl fill ;
| : insert ( string length buffer size -- )
rot over min >r r@ - ( left over )
over dup r@ + rot cmove> r> cmove ;
| : replace ( string length buffer size -- )
rot min cmove ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ usefull definitions and Editor vocabulary UH 11mai88
Vocabulary Editor
' Forth | Alias [F] immediate
' Editor | Alias [E] immediate
Editor also definitions
| : c ( n --) \ moves cyclic thru the screen
r# @ + b/blk mod r# ! ;
| Variable r#' r#' off
| Variable scr' scr' off
' fromfile | Alias isfile'
| Variable lastfile | Variable lastscr | Variable lastr#
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\\ move cursor with position-checking ks 18 dez 87
\ different versions of cursor positioning error reporting
| : c ( n --) \ checks the cursor position
r# @ + dup 0 b/blk uwithin not
Abort" There is a border!" r# ! ;
| : c ( n --) \ goes thru the screens
r# @ + dup b/blk 1- > IF 1 scr +! THEN
dup 0< IF -1 scr +! THEN b/blk mod r# ! ;
| : c ( n --) \ moves cyclic thru the screen
r# @ + b/blk mod r# ! ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ calculate addresses ks 20 dez 87
| : *line ( l -- adr ) c/l * ;
| : /line ( n -- c l ) c/l /mod ;
| : top ( -- ) r# off ;
| : cursor ( -- n ) r# @ ;
| : 'start ( -- adr ) scr @ block ;
| : 'end ( -- adr ) 'start b/blk + ;
| : 'cursor ( -- adr ) 'start cursor + ;
| : position ( -- c l ) cursor /line ;
| : line# ( -- l ) position nip ;
| : col# ( -- c ) position drop ;
| : 'line ( -- adr ) 'start line# *line + ;
| : 'line-end ( -- adr ) 'line c/l + 1- ;
| : #after ( -- n ) c/l col# - ;
| : #remaining ( -- n ) b/blk cursor - ;
| : #end ( -- n ) b/blk line# *line - ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ move cursor directed UH 11dez88
| Create >at 0 , 0 ,
| : curup c/l negate c ;
| : curdown c/l c ;
| : curleft -1 c ;
| : curright 1 c ;
| : +tab ( 1/4 -> ) cursor $10 / 1+ $10 * cursor - c ;
| : -tab ( 1/8 <- ) cursor 8 mod negate dup 0= 8 * + c ;
| : >last ( adr len -- ) -trailing nip b/blk min r# ! ;
| : <cr> #after c ;
| : <line ( -- ) col# negate c 'line c/l -trailing nip 0=exit
BEGIN 'cursor c@ bl = WHILE curright REPEAT ;
| : line> ( -- ) 'start line# 1+ *line 1- >last ;
| : >""end ( -- ) 'start b/blk >last ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ show border UH 29Sep87
&14 | Constant dx 1 | Constant dy
| : horizontal ( row eck1 eck2 -- row' )
rot dup >r dx 1- at swap emit
c/l 0 DO Ascii ─ emit LOOP emit r> 1+ ;
| : vertical ( row -- row' )
l/s 0 DO dup dx 1- at Ascii │ emit
row dx c/l + at Ascii │ emit 1+ LOOP ;
| : border dy 1- Ascii ┌ Ascii ┐ horizontal
vertical Ascii └ Ascii ┘ horizontal drop ;
| : edit-at ( -- ) position swap dy dx d+ at ;
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\\ ANSI display interface ksjrg 18dez89
| : redisplay ( line# -- )
dup dy + dx at *line 'start + c/l type ;
| : (done ( -- ) ; immediate
| : install-screen ( -- ) l/s 6 + 0 >at 2! page ;
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\\ BIOS-display interface ksjrg 18dez89
| Code (.line ( line addr videoseg -- )
A pop W pop I push E: push D E: mov
$0E # W add W W add A I xchg c/l # C mov
attribut #) A+ mov [[ byte lods stos C0= ?]
E: pop I pop D pop Next end-code
| : redisplay ( line# -- )
dup 1+ c/row * swap c/l * 'start + video@ (.line ;
| : (done ( -- ) ; immediate
| : install-screen ( -- ) l/s 6 + 0 >at 2! page ;
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ MULTI-display interface ks UH 10Sep87
| Code (.line ( line addr videoseg -- )
C pop W pop I push E: push D E: mov
$0E # W add W W add u' area U D) I mov
u' catt I D) A+ mov C I mov
c/l # C mov [[ byte lods stos C0= ?]
E: pop I pop D pop Next end-code
| : redisplay ( line# -- )
dup 1+ c/row * swap c/l * 'start + video@ (.line ;
| : (done ( -- ) line# 2+ c/col 2- window ;
| : cleartop ( -- ) 0 l/s 5 + window (page ;
| : install-screen ( -- ) row l/s 6 + u<
IF l/s 6 + 0 full page ELSE at? cleartop THEN >at 2! ;
\ *** Block No. 14, Hexblock e
\ display screen jrg 18dez89
Forth definitions
: updated? ( -- f) 'start 2- @ 0< ;
Editor definitions
| : .updated ( -- ) 9 0 at
updated? IF 4 spaces ELSE ." not " THEN ." updated" ;
| : .screen l/s 0 DO I redisplay LOOP ;
\ | : .file ( fcb -- )
\ ?dup IF body> >name .name exit THEN ." direct" ;
| : .title [ DOS ] 1 0 at isfile@ invers .file normal dx 1- tab
2 0 at drv (.drv scr @ 6 .r
4 0 at fromfile @ underline .file normal dx 1- tab
5 0 at fswap drv (.drv scr' @ 6 .r fswap .updated ;
| : .all .title .screen ;
\ *** Block No. 15, Hexblock f
\ check errors UH 02Nov86
| : ?bottom ( -- ) 'end c/l - c/l -trailing nip
Abort" You would lose a line" ;
| : ?fit ( n -- ) 'line c/l -trailing nip + c/l >
IF line# redisplay
true Abort" You would lose a char" THEN ;
| : ?end 1 ?fit ;
\ *** Block No. 16, Hexblock 10
\ programmer's id ks jrg 24nov89
$12 | Constant id-len
Create id id-len allot id id-len erase
| : stamp ( -- ) id 1+ count 'start c/l + over - swap cmove ;
| : ?stamp ( -- ) updated? IF stamp THEN ;
| : ## ( n -- ) base push decimal 0 <# # # #> id 1+ attach ;
| : get-id ( -- ) id c@ ?exit ID on
cr ." Enter your ID : " at? 3 0 DO Ascii . emit LOOP at
id 2+ 3 expect span @ dup id 1+ c! 0=exit
bl id 1+ append date@ rot ## swap >months id 1+ attach ## ;
\ *** Block No. 17, Hexblock 11
\ update screen-display UH 28Aug87
| : emptybuf prev @ 2+ dup on 4+ off ;
| : undo emptybuf .all ;
| : modified updated? ?exit update .updated ;
| : linemodified modified line# redisplay ;
| : screenmodified modified
l/s line# ?DO I redisplay LOOP ;
| : .modified ( -- ) >at 2@ at space scr @ .
updated? not IF ." un" THEN ." modified" ?stamp ;
\ *** Block No. 18, Hexblock 12
\ leave editor jrg 04jul88
| Variable (pad (pad off
| : memtop ( -- adr) sp@ $100 - ;
| Create char 1 allot
| Variable imode imode off
| : .imode at? 7 0 at
imode @ IF ." insert "
ELSE bright ." overwrite" normal THEN at ;
| : setimode imode on .imode ;
| : clrimode imode off .imode ;
| : done ( -- ) (done
['] (quit is 'quit ['] (error errorhandler ! quit ;
| : update-exit ( -- ) .modified done ;
| : flushed-exit ( -- ) .modified save-buffers done ;
\ *** Block No. 19, Hexblock 13
\ handle screens UH 21jan89
| : insert-screen ( scr -- ) \ before scr
1 more fromfile push isfile@ fromfile !
capacity 2- over 1+ convey ;
| : wipe-screen ( -- ) 'start b/blk blank ;
| : new-screen ( -- )
scr @ insert-screen wipe-screen top screenmodified ;
\ *** Block No. 20, Hexblock 14
\ handle lines UH 01Nov86
| : (clear-line 'line c/l blank ;
| : clear-line (clear-line linemodified ;
| : clear> 'cursor #after blank linemodified ;
| : delete-line 'line #end c/l delete screenmodified ;
| : backline curup delete-line ;
| : (insert-line
?bottom 'line c/l over #end insert (clear-line ;
| : insert-line (insert-line screenmodified ;
\ *** Block No. 21, Hexblock 15
\ join and split lines UH 11dez88
| : insert-spaces ( n -- ) 'cursor swap
2dup over #remaining insert blank ;
| : split ( -- ) ?bottom cursor col# <cr> insert-spaces r# !
#after insert-spaces screenmodified ;
| : delete-characters ( n -- ) 'cursor #remaining rot delete ;
| : join ( -- ) cursor <cr> line> col# <line col# under -
rot r# ! #after > Abort" next line will not fit!"
#after + dup delete-characters
cursor <cr> c/l rot - dup 0<
IF negate insert-spaces ELSE delete-characters THEN r# !
screenmodified ;
\ *** Block No. 22, Hexblock 16
\ handle characters UH 01Nov86
| : delete-char 'cursor #after 1 delete linemodified ;
| : backspace curleft delete-char ;
| : (insert-char ?end 'cursor 1 over #after insert ;
| : insert-char (insert-char bl 'cursor c! linemodified ;
| : putchar ( --) char c@
imode @ IF (insert-char THEN
'cursor c! linemodified curright ;
\ *** Block No. 23, Hexblock 17
\ stack lines UH 31Oct86
| Create lines 4 allot \ { 2+pointer | 2base }
| : 'lines ( -- adr) lines 2@ + ;
| : @line 'lines memtop u> Abort" line buffer full"
'line 'lines c/l cmove c/l lines +! ;
| : copyline @line curdown ;
| : line>buf @line delete-line ;
| : !line c/l negate lines +! 'lines 'line c/l cmove ;
| : buf>line lines @ 0= Abort" line buffer empty"
?bottom (insert-line !line screenmodified ;
\ *** Block No. 24, Hexblock 18
\ stack characters UH 01Nov86
| Create chars 4 allot \ { 2+pointer | 2base }
| : 'chars ( -- adr) chars 2@ + ;
| : @char 'chars 1- lines 2+ @ u> Abort" char buffer full"
'cursor c@ 'chars c! 1 chars +! ;
| : copychar @char curright ;
| : char>buf @char delete-char ;
| : !char -1 chars +! 'chars c@ 'cursor c! ;
| : buf>char chars @ 0= Abort" char buffer empty"
?end (insert-char !char linemodified ;
\ *** Block No. 25, Hexblock 19
\ switch screens UH 11mai88
| : imprint ( -- ) \ remember valid file
isfile@ lastfile ! scr @ lastscr ! r# @ lastr# ! ;
| : remember ( -- )
lastfile @ isfile ! lastscr @ scr ! lastr# @ r# ! ;
| : associate \ switch to alternate screen
isfile' @ isfile@ isfile' ! isfile !
scr' @ scr @ scr' ! scr ! r#' @ r# @ r#' ! r# ! ;
| : mark isfile@ isfile' ! scr @ scr' ! r# @ r#' ! .all ;
| : n ?stamp 1 scr +! .all ;
| : b ?stamp -1 scr +! .all ;
| : a ?stamp associate .all ;
\ *** Block No. 26, Hexblock 1a
\ shadow screens UH 03Nov86
Variable shadow shadow off
| : (shadow isfile@ IF capacity 2/ exit THEN shadow @ ;
| : >shadow ?stamp \ switch to shadow screen
(shadow dup scr @ u> not IF negate THEN scr +! .all ;
\ *** Block No. 27, Hexblock 1b
\ load and show screens ks 02 mär 88
| : showoff ['] exit 'name ! normal ;
| : show ( -- ) blk @ 0= IF showoff exit THEN
>in @ 1- r# ! edit-at imprint blk @ scr @ - 0=exit
blk @ scr ! normal curoff .all invers curon ;
| : showload ( -- ) ?stamp save-buffers
['] show 'name ! curon invers
adr .status push ['] noop is .status
scr @ scr push scr off r# push r# @ (load showoff ;
\ *** Block No. 28, Hexblock 1c
\ find strings ks 20 dez 87
| Variable insert-buffer
| Variable find-buffer
| : 'insert ( -- addr ) insert-buffer @ ;
| : 'find ( -- addr ) find-buffer @ ;
| : .buf ( addr -- ) count type ." │" &80 col - spaces ;
| : get ( addr -- ) >r at? r@ .buf
2dup at r@ 1+ c/l expect span @ ?dup IF r@ c! THEN
at r> .buf ;
| : get-buffers dy l/s + 2+ dx 1- 2dup at
." find: │" 'find get swap 1+ swap 2- at
." ? replace: │" 'insert get ;
\ *** Block No. 29, Hexblock 1d
\ ks 20 dez 87
Code match ( addr1 len1 string -- addr2 len2 )
D W mov W ) D- mov $FF # D and 0= ?[ D pop Next ]?
W inc D dec C pop I A mov I pop A push
W ) A- mov W inc ?capital # call A- A+ mov D C sub
>= ?[ I inc Label done I dec
A pop I push A I mov C D add Next ]?
[[ byte lods ?capital # call A+ A- cmp 0=
?[ D D or done 0= not ?]
I push W push C push A push D C mov
[[ byte lods ?capital # call A+ A- xchg
W ) A- mov W inc ?capital # call A+ A- cmp
0= ?[[ C0= ?] A pop C pop
W pop I pop done ]]
]? A pop C pop W pop I pop
]? C0= ?] I inc done ]] end-code
\ *** Block No. 30, Hexblock 1e
\ search for string UH 11mai88
| : skip ( addr -- addr' ) 'find c@ + ;
| : search ( buf len string -- offset flag )
>r stash r@ match r> c@ <
IF drop 0= false exit THEN swap - true ;
| : find? ( -- r# f ) 'cursor #remaining 'find search ;
| : searchthru ( -- r# scr )
find? IF skip cursor + scr @ exit THEN drop
capacity scr @ 1+
?DO I 2 3 at 6 .r I block b/blk 'find search
IF skip I endloop exit THEN stop? Abort" Break!"
LOOP true Abort" not found!" ;
\ *** Block No. 31, Hexblock 1f
\ replace strings UH 14mai88
| : replace? ( -- f ) dy l/s + 3+ dx 3 - at
key dup #cr = IF line# redisplay true Abort" Break!" THEN
capital Ascii R = ;
| : "mark ( -- ) r# push
'find count dup negate c edit-at invers type normal ;
| : (replace 'insert c@ 'find c@ - ?fit
r# push 'find c@ negate c
'cursor #after 'find c@ delete
'insert count 'cursor #after insert modified ;
| : "replace get-buffers BEGIN searchthru
scr @ - ?dup IF ?stamp scr +! .all THEN r# ! imprint
"mark replace? IF (replace THEN line# redisplay REPEAT ;
\ *** Block No. 32, Hexblock 20
\ Display Help-Screen, misc commands jrg 24nov89
| : helpfile ( -- ) fromfile push editor.scr ;
| : .help ( --)
isfile push scr push helpfile scr off .screen ;
| : help ( -- ) .help key drop .screen ;
| : screen# ( -- scr ) scr @ ;
| Defer (fix-word
| : fix-word ( -- ) isfile@ loadfile !
scr @ blk ! cursor >in ! (fix-word ;
\ *** Block No. 33, Hexblock 21
\ Control-Characters IBM-PC Functionkeys UH 10Sep87
Forth definitions
: Ctrl ( -- c )
name 1+ c@ $1F and state @ IF [compile] Literal THEN ;
\needs #del $7F Constant #del
Editor definitions
| : flipimode imode @ 0= imode ! .imode ;
| : F ( # -- 16b ) $FFC6 swap - ;
| : shift ( n -- n' ) dup 0< + &24 - ;
\ *** Block No. 34, Hexblock 22
\ Control-Characters IBM-PC Functionkeys UH 11dez88
Create keytable
-&72 , -&75 , -&80 , -&77 ,
3 F , 4 F , 7 F , 8 F ,
Ctrl F , Ctrl S , 5 F , 6 F ,
1 F , Ctrl H , #del , -&83 ,
Ctrl Y , Ctrl N ,
-&82 ,
#cr , #tab , #tab shift ,
-&119 , -&117 , 2 F , Ctrl U ,
Ctrl E , #esc , Ctrl L , 9 F shift ,
-&81 , -&73 , 9 F , &10 F ,
-&71 , -&79 , -&118 , -&132 ,
#lf ,
here keytable - 2/ Constant #keys
\ *** Block No. 35, Hexblock 23
\ Try a screen Editor UH 11dez88
Create: actiontable
curup curleft curdown curright
line>buf char>buf buf>line buf>char
fix-word screen# copyline copychar
help backspace backspace delete-char
( insert-char ) delete-line insert-line
flipimode ( clear-line clear> )
<cr> +tab -tab
top >""end "replace undo
update-exit flushed-exit showload >shadow
n b a mark
<line line> split join
new-screen ;
here actiontable - 2/ 1- #keys - abort( # of actions)
\ *** Block No. 36, Hexblock 24
\ find keys ks 20 dez 87
| : findkey ( key -- adr/default )
#keys 0 DO dup keytable [F] I 2* + @ =
IF drop [E] actiontable [F] I 2* + @ endloop exit THEN
LOOP drop ['] putchar ;
\ *** Block No. 37, Hexblock 25
\ allocate buffers UH 01Nov86
c/l 2* | Constant cstack-size
| : nextbuf ( adr -- adr' ) cstack-size + ;
| : ?clearbuffer pad (pad @ = ?exit
pad dup (pad !
nextbuf dup find-buffer ! 'find off
nextbuf dup insert-buffer ! 'insert off
nextbuf dup 0 chars 2!
nextbuf 0 lines 2! ;
\ *** Block No. 38, Hexblock 26
\ enter and exit the editor, editor's loop UH 11mai88
| Variable jingle jingle on | : bell 07 charout jingle off ;
| : clear-error ( -- )
jingle @ ?exit dy l/s + 1+ dx at c/l spaces jingle on ;
| : fullquit ( -- ) BEGIN ?clearbuffer edit-at key dup char c!
findkey imprint execute ( .status ) clear-error REPEAT ;
| : fullerror ( string -- ) jingle @ IF bell THEN count
dy l/s + 1+ over 2/ dx $20 + swap - at invers type normal
&80 col - spaces remember .all quit ;
| : install ( -- )
['] fullquit Is 'quit ['] fullerror errorhandler ! ;
\ *** Block No. 39, Hexblock 27
\ enter and exit the Editor jrg 30mär89
Forth definitions
: v ( -- )
[E] 'start drop get-id install-screen
install ?clearbuffer
border .all .imode .status quit ;
\ ' v Alias ed
: l ( scr -- ) 1 arguments scr ! [E] top [F] v ;
' l Alias edit
\ *** Block No. 40, Hexblock 28
\ savesystem enhanced view UH 24jun88
: savesystem [E] id off (pad off savesystem ;
Editor definitions
| : >find ?clearbuffer >in push
name dup c@ 2+ >r bl over c! r> 'find place ;
Forth definitions
: fix [ Dos ] >find ' @view >file
isfile ! scr ! [E] top curdown
find? IF skip 1- THEN c v ;
' fix Is (fix-word
\ *** Block No. 41, Hexblock 29
\\ Ecken und Macken jrg 18dez89
Das Problem für einige GrafikKarten, keinen Cursor zu haben,
wird im CED.scr verursacht, denn SHOWCUR macht ein konstantes,
GrafikKarten-abhängiges CURSHAPE.
Ein zweites Problem ist das sinnlose Arbeiten des Wortes
CURSHAPE selbst: Die Cursorgröße wird neu eingestellt, dann aber
von einem der Ausgabeworte (welchem?) gelöscht.
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