mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 06:29:17 +00:00
Update cpmfiles
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
\ From: John Hayes S1I
\ Subject: core.fr
\ Date: Mon, 27 Nov 95 13:10
\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CR .( End of Core input word set tests) CR
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
\needs (type include extend.fb include multi.vid include dos.fb
include log2file.fb
logopen output.log
.( hello, world) cr
: test-hello ." hello, world, from test-hello" cr ;
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
\ Experimental code and test for text logs that can be closed
\ and reopened for appending.
\ Already integrated into log2file.fb/.fth
\ Yet to be done: A more permanent test for m+!
\ and an extension of logtest.fb/.fth to also cover the reopen feature.
\ Code +! ( 16b addr -- )
\ D W mov A pop A W ) add D pop Next end-code
Code m+! ( 16b addr -- )
D W mov W inc W inc A pop A W ) add
CS ?[ W dec W dec W ) inc ]?
D pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ log-type log-emit log-cr alsologtofile phz 04jan22
context @ dos also context !
\ vocabulary log dos also log definitions
file logfile
variable logfcb
variable logpos 0 ,
: log-type
dup logpos m+!
2dup (type ds@ -rot logfcb @ lfputs ;
: log-emit
1 logpos m+!
dup (emit logfcb @ fputc ;
: log-cr
2 logpos m+!
(cr #cr logfcb @ fputc #lf logfcb @ fputc ;
Output: alsologtofile
log-emit log-cr log-type (del (page (at (at? ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ logopen logclose phz 11jan22
: logopen ( -- )
isfile push logpos dup 2+ off off
logfile make isfile@ dup freset logfcb !
alsologtofile ;
: logclose ( -- ) display logfcb @ fclose ;
: logreopen ( -- )
logfcb @ freset logpos 2@ logfcb @ fseek
alsologtofile ;
logopen output.log
.( logtest started) cr
logpos @ cr u. cr
.( logtest interrupted) cr
create 2v 4 allot
12345. 2v 2!
1 2v m+!
2v 2@ d. cr
1ffff. 2v 2!
1 2v m+!
2v 2@ d. cr
.( logtest done) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ logfile phz 20aug23
Dos also Forth definitions
$18 constant fcb\nam
create logfile ," LOGFILE TXT" fcb\nam allot 1 logfile c!
create logdma b/rec allot
variable logoffset 0 logoffset !
: logflush logdma dma! logfile $15 bdos $80 dma! ;
: logc! ( c -- )
logoffset @ dup >r logdma + c! r> 1+
dup logoffset ! b/rec =
IF logflush 0 logoffset ! THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ log-emit log-type log-cr alsologtofile pphz 03sep23
: log-emit ( char -- )
dup (emit logc! ;
: log-type ( addr count -- )
0 ?DO count log-emit LOOP drop ;
: log-cr ( -- )
(cr #cr logc! #lf logc! ;
Output: alsologtofile
log-emit log-cr log-type (del noop 2drop (at? ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ logopen phz 20aug23
: logopen ( -- )
logfile filenamelen + 1+ fcb\nam erase
0 logoffset !
logfile killfile
logfile createfile
alsologtofile ;
: logclose ( -- )
cr display &26 logc! logflush logfile closefile ;
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
include extend2.fth
\needs drv : drv 2 ; \ showing C: if drv isn't defined
include multivid.fth
\ : .blk|tib
\ blk @ ?dup IF ." Blk " u. ?cr exit THEN
\ incfile @ IF tib #tib @ cr type THEN ;
\ ' .blk|tib Is .status
\ include dos2.fth
include dos3.fth
include log2file.fth
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ logtest.fb phz 04jan22
basic tests for log2file.fb
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ loadscreen phz 22jan22
include log2file.fb
logopen output.log
.( logtest done) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Dos definitions
: file-r/w ( buffer block fcb f -- f )
over 0= Abort" no Direct Disk IO supported! "
>r dup (open 2dup in-range r> (r/w ;
\ backup was made visible in vf-blk.fth so no need to peek its address
\ ' (save-buffers >body $0C + @ | Alias backup
| : filebuffer? ( fcb -- fcb bufaddr/flag )
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup 2+ @ = UNTIL ;
| : (flushfile ( fcb -- ) \ flush file buffers
BEGIN filebuffer? ?dup WHILE
dup backup emptybuf REPEAT drop ;
' (flushfile is flushfile
Forth definitions
: list ( n -- ) 3 spaces file? list ;
\ *** Block No. 15, Hexblock f
\ words for viewing UH 10Oct87
Forth definitions
| $200 Constant viewoffset \ max. %512 kB files
: (makeview ( -- n ) \ calc. view filed for a name
blk @ dup 0= ?exit
loadfile @ ?dup IF fileno @ viewoffset * + THEN ;
: (view ( blk -- blk' ) \ select file and leave block
dup 0=exit
viewoffset u/mod file-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup fileno @ = UNTIL
!files drop ; \ not found: direct access
\ *** Block No. 17, Hexblock 11
\ print a list of all buffers UH 20Oct86
: .buffers
prev BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE stop? abort" stopped"
cr dup u. dup 2+ @ dup 1+
IF ." Block: " over 4+ @ 5 .r
." File : " [ Dos ] .file
dup 6 + @ 0< IF ." updated" THEN
ELSE ." Buffer empty" drop THEN REPEAT ;
: loadfrom ( n -- )
isfile push fromfile push use load close ;
| : addblock ( n -- ) \ add block n to file
dup buffer under b/blk bl fill
isfile@ rec/blk over filesize +! false file-r/w
IF close Abort" disk full!" THEN ;
: more ( n -- ) open >fileend
capacity swap bounds ?DO I addblock LOOP close
open close ;
\ *** Block No. 22, Hexblock 16
\ Status UH 10OCt87
: .blk ( -- ) blk @ ?dup 0=exit
dup 1 = IF cr file? THEN base push hex ." Blk " . ?cr ;
' .blk Is .status
' (makeview Is makeview
' file-r/w Is r/w
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ CP/M 2.2 File-Interface (3.80a) UH 05Oct87
\ Dieses File enthaelt das File-Interface von volksFORTH zu CP/M.
\ Damit ist Zugriff auf normale CP/M-Files moeglich.
\ Wenn ein File mit USE benutzt wird, beziehen sich alle Worte,
\ die mit dem Massenspeicher arbeiten, auf dieses File.
\ Benutzung:
\ USE <name> \ benutze ein schon existierendes File
\ FILE <name> \ erzeuge ein Forthfile mit dem Namen <name>.
\ MAKE <name> \ Erzeuge ein File mit <name> und ordne
\ \ es dem aktuellen Forthfile zu.
\ MAKEFILE <name> \ Erzeuge ein File mit CP/M und FORTH-Namen
\ <name>.
\ INCLUDE <name> \ Lade File mit Forthnamen <name> ab Screen 1
\ DOS RESET \ zum Wechsel von Disketten. (Oh! CP/M)
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ CP/M 2.2 File-Interface load-Screen UH 18Feb88
\ 2 load \ view numbers for this file
\ 3 4 thru \ DOS File Functions
\ 5 $11 thru \ Forth File Functions
\ $12 $16 thru \ User Interface
\ File source.fb \ Define already existing Files
\ File fileint.fb File startup.fbr
\ ' (makeview Is makeview
\ ' remove-files Is custom-remove
\ ' file-r/w Is r/w
\ ' noop Is drvinit
\ include startup.fb \ load Standard System
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ File Control Blocks UH 18Feb88
Dos definitions also
| : Fcbyte ( n len -- len' ) Create over c, + does> c@ + ;
&11 Constant filenamelen
0 2 | Fcbyte nextfile immediate
1 Fcbyte drive ' drive | Alias >dosfcb
filenamelen 3 - Fcbyte filename
3 Fcbyte extension
&21 + \ ex, s1, s2, rc, d0, ... dn, cr
2 Fcbyte record \ r0, r1
1+ \ r2
2 Fcbyte opened
2 Fcbyte fileno
2 Fcbyte filesize \ in 128-Byte-Records
4 Fcbyte position
Constant b/fcb
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ dos primitives UH 10Oct87
' 2- | Alias body> ' 2- | Alias dosfcb>
: drive! ( drv -- ) $0E bdos ;
: search0 ( dosfcb -- dir ) $11 bdosa ;
: searchnext ( dosfcb -- dir ) $12 bdosa ;
: createfile ( dosfcb -- f ) $16 bdosa dos-error? ;
: size ( dos -- size ) dup $23 bdos dosfcb> record @ ;
: drive@ ( -- drv ) 0 $19 bdosa ;
: killfile ( dosfcb -- ) $13 bdos ;
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ File sizes UH 05Oct87
: (capacity ( fcb -- n ) \ filecapacity in blocks
filesize @ rec/blk u/mod swap 0= ?exit 1+ ;
: in-range ( block fcb -- )
(capacity u< not Abort" beyond capacity!" ;
Forth definitions
: capacity ( -- n ) isfile@ (capacity ;
Dos definitions
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ (open UH 18Feb88
: (open ( fcb -- )
dup opened @ IF drop exit THEN dup position 0. rot 2!
dup >dosfcb openfile Abort" not found!" dup opened on
dup >dosfcb size swap filesize ! ;
: (make ( fcb -- )
dup >dosfcb killfile
dup >dosfcb createfile Abort" directory full!"
dup position 0. rot 2!
dup filesize off opened on offset off ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ Print Filenames UH 10Oct87
: .file ( fcb -- ) 0 case? IF ." DIRECT" exit THEN
fcb dosfcb> case? IF ." DEFAULT" exit THEN
body> >name .name ;
: .drive ( fcb -- ) drive c@ ?dup 0=exit
[ Ascii A 1- ] Literal + emit Ascii : emit ;
: .dosfile ( fcb -- ) dup filename 8 -trailing type
Ascii . emit extension 3 type ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ Print Filenames UH 10Oct87
: tab ( -- ) col &59 > IF cr exit THEN
&20 col &20 mod - 0 max spaces ;
: .fcb ( fcb -- ) dup fileno @ 3 u.r tab
dup .file tab dup .drive dup .dosfile
tab dup opened @ IF ." opened" ELSE ." closed" THEN
3 spaces base push decimal (capacity 3 u.r ." kB" ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ Filenames UH 05Oct87
: !name ( addr len fcb -- )
dup >r filename filenamelen bl fill
over 1+ c@ Ascii : =
IF over c@ [ Ascii A 1- ] Literal - >r 2 /string r>
ELSE 0 THEN r@ drive c! r> dup filename 2swap
filenamelen 1+ min bounds
?DO I c@ Ascii . =
IF drop dup extension ELSE I c@ over c! 1+ THEN
LOOP 2drop ;
: !fcb ( fcb -- ) dup opened off name count rot !name ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ Print Directory UH 18Nov87
| Create dirbuf b/rec allot dirbuf b/rec erase
| Create fcb0 b/fcb allot fcb0 b/fcb erase
| : wildchard? ( f c -- f' ) Ascii * = IF drop Ascii ? THEN ;
| : (expand ( addr len -- ) false -rot bounds
?DO I c@ wildchard? dup ?dup IF I c! THEN LOOP drop ;
| : expand ( fcb -- ) \ expand * to ???
dup filename 8 (expand extension 3 (expand ;
: (dir ( addr len -- )
fcb0 !name fcb0 expand dirbuf dma! fcb0 >dosfcb search0
BEGIN dup dos-error? not
WHILE $20 * dirbuf + dosfcb> tab .dosfile
fcb0 >dosfcb searchnext stop? UNTIL drop ;
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ File List UH 10Oct87
User file-link file-link off
| : #file ( -- n ) file-link @ dup IF fileno c@ THEN 1+ ;
Forth definitions
: forthfiles ( -- )
file-link @
BEGIN dup WHILE cr dup .fcb @ stop? UNTIL drop ;
Dos definitions
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ Close a file UH 10Oct87
Defer flushfile ' noop is flushfile
: (close ( fcb -- ) \ close file in fcb
dup flushfile
dup opened dup @ 0= IF 2drop exit THEN off
>dosfcb closefile Abort" not found!" ;
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ Create fcbs UH 10Oct87
: !files ( fcb -- ) dup isfile ! fromfile ! ;
' r@ | Alias newfcb
Forth definitions
: File ( -- )
Create here >r b/fcb allot newfcb b/fcb erase
last @ count $1F and newfcb !name
#file newfcb fileno !
file-link @ newfcb nextfile ! r> file-link !
Does> !files ;
: direct 0 !files ;
\ *** Block No. 14, Hexblock e
\ flush buffers & misc. UH 10Oct87 UH 28Nov87
Dos definitions
: save-files ( -- ) file-link BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE
dup opened @ IF dup >dosfcb closefile drop THEN REPEAT ;
' save-files Is save-dos-buffers
\ : close-files ( -- ) file-link
\ BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup (close REPEAT ;
Forth definitions
: file? isfile@ .file ; \ print current file
\ *** Block No. 16, Hexblock 10
\ FORGETing files UH 10Oct87
| : remove? ( dic symb addr -- dic symb addr f )
dup heap? IF 2dup u> exit THEN 2 pick over 1+ u< ;
| : remove-files ( dic symb -- dic symb ) \ flush files !
isfile@ remove? nip IF direct THEN
fromfile @ remove? nip IF fromfile off THEN
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE remove? IF dup (close THEN REPEAT
file-link remove ;
\ *** Block No. 18, Hexblock 12
\ File Interface User words UH 11Oct87
| : same ( addr -- ) >in ! ;
: open isfile@ (open offset off ;
: close isfile@ (close ;
: assign close isfile@ !fcb open ;
: make isfile@ dup !fcb (make ;
| : isfile? ( addr -- addr f ) \ is adr a fcb?
file-link BEGIN @ dup 0=exit 2dup body> = UNTIL drop true ;
: use >in @ name find \ create a fcb if not present
IF isfile? IF execute drop exit THEN THEN drop
dup same File same ' execute open ;
\ *** Block No. 19, Hexblock 13
\ File Interface User words UH 25May88
: makefile >in @ File dup same ' execute same make ;
: emptyfile isfile@ >dosfcb createfile ;
: from isfile push use ;
: include ( -- )
increc-offset push isfile push fromfile push
use cr file?
incfile @
IF increc @ incfile @ cr+ex!
incfile @ increadrec Abort" error re-reading after include"
: eof ( -- f ) isfile@ dup filesize @ swap record @ = ;
: files " *.*" count (dir ;
: files" Ascii " word count 2dup upper (dir ;
' files Alias dir ' files" Alias dir"
\ *** Block No. 20, Hexblock 14
\ extend Files UH 20Nov87
| : >fileend isfile@ >dosfcb size drop ;
: Drive: ( n -- n' ) dup Constant 1+ Does> @ drive! ;
0 Drive: a: Drive: b: Drive: c: Drive: d:
5 + Drive: j: drop
\ *** Block No. 21, Hexblock 15
\ save memory-image as disk-file UH 29Nov86
Forth definitions
: savefile ( from count -- ) \ filename
isfile push makefile bounds
?DO I dma! isfile@ >dosfcb write-seq Abort" disk full!"
b/rec +LOOP close ;
' remove-files Is custom-remove
' noop Is drvinit
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
include log2file.fb
include logfile.fth
' noop Is .status
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
include log2file.fb
include ans-shim.fth
: \vf [compile] \ ; immediate
include prelim.fth
include tester.fth
\ 1 verbose !
include core.fr
include coreplus.fth
include util.fth
include errorrep.fth
include coreext.fth
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
include log2file.fb
include logfile.fth
include ans-shim.fth
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
\ blk @ ?dup IF ." Blk " u. ?cr exit THEN
\ incfile @ IF tib #tib @ cr type THEN ;
include log2file.fb
include logfile.fth
include ans-shim.fth
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ include file to bundle what test-*.fth need phz 30jan22
\ on top of kernel.com
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ loadscreen to prepare kernel.com for test-*.fth phz 30jan22
include extend.fb
include multi.vid
include dos.fb
include include.fb
include log2file.fb
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
$9000 displace !
$8000 displace !
Target definitions $100 here!
include vf-core.fth
include vf-io.fth
include vf-bufs.fth
include vf-sys.fth
include vf-bdos.fth
include vf-file.fth
include vf-end.fth
cr .( unresolved: ) .unresolved ( ' .blk is .status )
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
$8000 displace !
Target definitions $100 here!
include vf-core.fth
include vf-io.fth
include vf-bufs.fth
include vf-sys.fth
include vf-bdos.fth
include vf-file.fth
include vf-end.fth
cr .( unresolved: ) .unresolved ( ' .blk is .status )
save-target V4THBLK.COM
@ -83,12 +83,14 @@ Input: keyboard [ here input ! ]
Dos definitions
' 2- | Alias dosfcb> ' 2+ | Alias >dosfcb
: dos-error? ( n -- f ) $FF = ;
: dos-error? ( n -- f ) 0<> ;
$5C Constant fcb
: reset ( -- ) 0 &13 bdos ;
: openfile ( fcb -- f ) &15 bdosa dos-error? ;
: closefile ( fcb -- f ) &16 bdosa dos-error? ;
: read-seq ( fcb -- f ) $14 bdosa dos-error? ;
: write-seq ( fcb -- f ) $15 bdosa dos-error? ;
: dma! ( dma -- ) &26 bdos ;
: rec@ ( fcb -- f ) &33 bdosa ;
: rec! ( fcb -- f ) &34 bdosa ;
@ -97,7 +99,9 @@ $5C Constant fcb
\ Default Disk Interface: open and close 20Nov87
Target Dos also Defer drvinit Dos definitions
Target Dos also Defer drvinit
Dos definitions
| Variable opened
: default ( -- ) opened off
@ -106,35 +110,20 @@ Target Dos also Defer drvinit Dos definitions
openfile Abort" default file not found!" opened on ;
' default Is drvinit
Defer save-dos-buffers
: close-default ( -- ) opened @ not ?exit
fcb closefile Abort" can't close default-file!" ;
' close-default Is save-dos-buffers
\ *** Block No. 125, Hexblock 7d
\ Default Disk Interface: read/write 14Feb88
Target Dos also
| : rec# ( 'dosfcb -- 'rec# ) &33 + ;
: (r/w ( adr blk file r/wf -- flag ) >r
dup 0= Abort" no Direct Disk IO supported! " >dosfcb
swap rec/blk * over rec# 0 over 2+ c! !
r> rot b/blk bounds
DO I dma! 2dup IF rec@ drop
ELSE rec! IF 2drop true endloop exit THEN THEN
over rec# 0 over 2+ c! 1 swap +!
b/rec +LOOP 2drop false ;
' (r/w Is r/w
\ *** Block No. 126, Hexblock 7e
\ Postlude 20Nov87
Target Dos also
Defer postlude
| : (bye ( -- ) postlude 0 0 bdos ;
@ -2,12 +2,9 @@
\ buffer mechanism 20Oct86 07Oct87
User isfile 0 isfile ! \ addr of file control block
Variable fromfile 0 fromfile !
Variable prev 0 prev ! \ Listhead
| Variable buffers 0 buffers ! \ Semaphor
$408 Constant b/buf \ physikalische Groesse
$400 Constant b/blk
\ \\ Struktur eines Buffers: 0 : link
\ 2 : file
\ 4 : blocknummer
@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ Defer r/w
\ backup emptybuf readblk 20Oct86
| : backup ( bufaddr -- ) dup 6+ @ 0<
: backup ( bufaddr -- ) dup 6+ @ 0<
IF 2+ dup @ 1+ \ buffer empty if file = -1
IF input push output push standardi/o
BEGIN dup 6+ over 2+ @ 2 pick @ 0 r/w
@ -141,13 +138,16 @@ Defer r/w
: (block ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take readblk mark REPEAT ;
Code isfile@ ( -- addr ) user' isfile D lxi
UP lhld D dad fetch jmp end-code
: buffer ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (buffer ;
: block ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (block ;
: (blk-source ( -- addr len)
blk @ ?dup IF loadfile @ (block b/blk exit THEN
tib #tib @ ;
' (blk-source IS source
\ : isfile@ ( -- addr ) isfile @ ;
\ *** Block No. 102, Hexblock 66
@ -156,11 +156,10 @@ Code isfile@ ( -- addr ) user' isfile D lxi
: update $80 prev @ 6+ 1+ ( Byte-Order! ) c! ;
Defer save-dos-buffers
: save-buffers ( -- ) buffers lock
: (save-buffers ( -- ) buffers lock
BEGIN updates? ?dup WHILE backup REPEAT save-dos-buffers
buffers unlock ;
' (save-buffers IS save-buffers
: empty-buffers ( -- ) buffers lock prev
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup emptybuf REPEAT buffers unlock ;
@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ Defer save-dos-buffers
\ *** Block No. 103, Hexblock 67
\ Allocating buffers 10Oct87
$10000 Constant limit Variable first
Variable first
: allotbuffer ( -- )
first @ r0 @ - b/buf 2+ u< ?exit
@ -186,5 +185,30 @@ $10000 Constant limit Variable first
: all-buffers BEGIN first @ allotbuffer first @ = UNTIL ;
| : init-buffers prev off limit first ! all-buffers ;
| : (init-buffers prev off limit first ! all-buffers flush ;
' (init-buffers IS init-buffers
\ *** Block No. 125, Hexblock 7d
\ Default Disk Interface: read/write 14Feb88
Target Dos also
| : rec# ( 'dosfcb -- 'rec# ) &33 + ;
: (r/w ( adr blk file r/wf -- flag ) >r
dup 0= Abort" no Direct Disk IO supported! " >dosfcb
swap rec/blk * over rec# 0 over 2+ c! !
r> rot b/blk bounds
DO I dma! 2dup IF rec@ drop
ELSE rec! IF 2drop true endloop exit THEN THEN
over rec# 0 over 2+ c! 1 swap +!
b/rec +LOOP 2drop false ;
' (r/w Is r/w
: list ( blk -- )
scr ! ." Scr " scr @ u.
l/s 0 DO
cr I 2 .r space scr @ block I c/l * + c/l -trailing type
LOOP cr ;
@ -1010,10 +1010,11 @@ Code (word ( char adr0 len0 -- addr )
\ source word parse name 20Oct86UH 25Jan88
Variable loadfile
defer source
: source ( -- addr len ) blk @ ?dup
IF loadfile @ (block b/blk exit THEN tib #tib @ ;
: (source ( -- addr len) tib #tib @ ;
' (source IS source
: word ( char -- addr ) source (word ;
@ -1054,7 +1055,9 @@ Code "lit RP lhld M E mov H inx M D mov H dcx
: ( ascii ) parse 2drop ; immediate
: .( ascii ) parse type ; immediate
: \ >in @ negate c/l mod >in +! ; immediate
: \ blk @ IF >in @ negate c/l mod >in +!
ELSE #tib @ >in ! THEN ; immediate
: \\ b/blk >in ! ; immediate
: \needs name find nip 0=exit [compile] \ ;
@ -1,52 +1,13 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ include for stream sources for cp/m phz 30aug23
cr .( order) order cr
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ load screen phz 02sep23
\ onlyforth dos also forth definitions
: idos-error? ( n -- f ) 0<> ;
: iread-seq ( dosfcb -- f ) $14 bdosa idos-error? ;
: cr+ex@ ( fcb -- cr+256*ex )
dup &34 + c@ swap &14 + c@ $100 * + ;
: cr+ex! ( cr+256*ex fcb -- )
>r $100 u/mod r@ &14 + c! r> &34 + c! ;
\ 1 7 +thru
| variable tibeof tibeof off
| $1a constant ctrl-z
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ fib /fib #fib eolf? phz 09okt24
\ context @ dos also context !
\ $50 constant /tib
variable tibeof tibeof off
$1a constant ctrl-z
: eolf? ( c -- f )
| : eolf? ( c -- f )
\ f=-1: not yet eol; store c and continue
\ f=0: eol but not yet eof; return line and flag continue
\ f=1: eof: return line and flag eof
@ -54,32 +15,22 @@ cr .( order) order cr
dup #lf = IF drop 0 exit THEN
ctrl-z = IF tibeof on 1 ELSE -1 THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ incfile incpos inc-fgetc phz 02sep23
variable incfile
variable increc
variable rec-offset
$80 constant dmabuf | $ff constant dmabuf-last
variable increc-offset
| $80 constant dmabuf
| $ff constant dmabuf-last
: readrec ( fcb -- f )
: increadrec ( fcb -- f )
dup cr+ex@ increc !
rec-offset off dmabuf dma! drive iread-seq ;
increc-offset off dmabuf dma! >dosfcb read-seq ;
: inc-fgetc ( -- c )
rec-offset @ b/rec u< 0=
IF incfile @ readrec IF ctrl-z exit THEN THEN
rec-offset @ dmabuf + c@ 1 rec-offset +! ;
| : inc-fgetc ( -- c )
increc-offset @ b/rec u< 0=
IF incfile @ increadrec IF ctrl-z exit THEN THEN
increc-offset @ dmabuf + c@ 1 increc-offset +! ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ freadline probe-for-fb phz 25aug23
: freadline ( -- eof )
| : freadline ( -- eof )
tib /tib bounds DO
inc-fgetc dup eolf? under 0< IF I c! ELSE drop THEN
0< 0= IF I tib - #tib ! ENDLOOP tibeof @ exit THEN
@ -92,80 +43,28 @@ cr .( order) order cr
dmabuf BEGIN dup c@ #lf = IF drop 0 exit THEN
1+ dup dmabuf-last u> UNTIL drop 1 ;
| $50 constant /stash
| create stash[ /stash allot here | constant ]stash
| variable stash> stash[ stash> !
| : clear-tibstash stash[ stash> ! ;
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ save/restoretib phz 06okt22
$50 constant /stash
create stash[ /stash allot here constant ]stash
variable stash> stash[ stash> !
: savetib ( -- n )
| : savetib ( -- n )
#tib @ >in @ - dup stash> @ + ]stash u>
abort" tib stash overflow" >r
tib >in @ + stash> @ r@ cmove
r@ stash> +! r> ;
: restoretib ( n -- )
| : restoretib ( n -- )
dup >r negate stash> +! stash> @ tib r@ cmove
r> #tib ! >in off ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ interpret-via-tib inner-include phz 02sep23
: interpret-via-tib
| : interpret-via-tib
BEGIN freadline >r .status >in off interpret r> UNTIL ;
: include-inner ( -- )
: include-isfile ( -- )
increc push 0 isfile@ cr+ex!
isfile@ readrec Abort" can't read start of file"
isfile@ increadrec Abort" can't read start of file"
probe-for-fb IF 1 load exit THEN
incfile push isfile@ incfile !
savetib >r interpret-via-tib close r> restoretib ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ include phz 02sep23
: include ( -- )
rec-offset push isfile push fromfile push
use cr file?
incfile @
IF increc @ incfile @ cr+ex!
incfile @ readrec Abort" error re-reading after include"
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ \ phz 02sep23
: (stashquit stash[ stash> ! incfile off increc off
(quit ;
: stashrestore ['] (stashquit IS 'quit ;
' stashrestore IS 'restart
: \ blk @ IF >in @ negate c/l mod >in +!
ELSE #tib @ >in ! THEN ; immediate
\ : \needs have 0=exit
\ blk @ IF >in @ negate c/l mod >in +!
\ ELSE #tib @ >in ! THEN ;
savetib >r interpret-via-tib r> restoretib
incfile @ 2+ closefile Abort" error closing file" ;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Defer .status ' noop Is .status
: push ( addr -- ) r> swap dup >r @ >r pull >r >r ;
Variable loadfile
: (load ( blk offset -- )
isfile push loadfile push fromfile push blk push >in push
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ Defer .status ' noop Is .status
Defer prompt ' (prompt Is prompt
: (quit BEGIN prompt query interpret REPEAT ;
: (quit clear-tibstash BEGIN prompt query interpret REPEAT ;
Defer 'quit ' (quit Is 'quit
: quit r0 @ rp! level off [compile] [ 'quit ;
@ -159,11 +160,6 @@ $20 Constant bl
$40 Constant c/l \ Screen line length
$10 Constant l/s \ lines per screen
: list ( blk -- )
scr ! ." Scr " scr @ u.
l/s 0 DO
cr I 2 .r space scr @ block I c/l * + c/l -trailing type
LOOP cr ;
@ -187,3 +183,18 @@ Code pause >next here 2- ! end-code
Label wake H pop H dcx UP shld
6 D lxi D dad M A mov H inx M H mov A L mov sphl
H pop RP shld IP pop Next end-code
\ file related definitions moved here from vf-bufs.fth
User isfile 0 isfile ! \ addr of file control block
Variable fromfile 0 fromfile !
Code isfile@ ( -- addr ) user' isfile D lxi
UP lhld D dad fetch jmp end-code
$FF00 Constant limit
Defer save-buffers ' noop IS save-buffers
Defer init-buffers ' noop IS init-buffers
$400 Constant b/blk
@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ Defer custom-remove ' noop Is custom-remove
voc-link @ BEGIN dup 4- @ over 2- ! @ ?dup 0= UNTIL
up@ origin $100 cmove ;
: bye flush empty (bye ;
: bye save-buffers (bye ;
\ : bye flush empty (bye ;
| : end? key #cr = IF true rdrop THEN ;
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ Defer 'cold ' noop Is 'cold
| : (cold origin up@ $100 cmove $80 count
$50 umin >r tib r@ move r> #tib ! >in off blk off
init-vocabularys init-buffers flush 'cold
init-vocabularys init-buffers 'cold
Onlyforth page &24 spaces logo count type cr (restart ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user