Merge pull request #23 from pzembrod/master

Make C64/C16 tracer and 6502 assembler available as separate .fth files
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Strotmann 2020-08-11 06:43:48 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 8d1016d373
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 463 additions and 0 deletions

6502/C64/src/6502asm.fth Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ Forth-6502 Assembler clv10oct87
\ Basis: Forth Dimensions VOL III No. 5)
Onlyforth Assembler also definitions
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ Forth-83 6502-Assembler 20oct87re
: end-code context 2- @ context ! ;
Create index
$0909 , $1505 , $0115 , $8011 ,
$8009 , $1D0D , $8019 , $8080 ,
$0080 , $1404 , $8014 , $8080 ,
$8080 , $1C0C , $801C , $2C80 ,
| Variable mode
: Mode: ( n -) Create c,
Does> ( -) c@ mode ! ;
0 Mode: .A 1 Mode: #
2 | Mode: mem 3 Mode: ,X
4 Mode: ,Y 5 Mode: X)
6 Mode: )Y $F Mode: )
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ upmode cpu 20oct87re
| : upmode ( addr0 f0 - addr1 f1)
IF mode @ 8 or mode ! THEN
1 mode @ $F and ?dup IF
0 DO dup + LOOP THEN
over 1+ @ and 0= ;
: cpu ( 8b -) Create c,
Does> ( -) c@ c, mem ;
00 cpu brk $18 cpu clc $D8 cpu cld
$58 cpu cli $B8 cpu clv $CA cpu dex
$88 cpu dey $E8 cpu inx $C8 cpu iny
$EA cpu nop $48 cpu pha $08 cpu php
$68 cpu pla $28 cpu plp $40 cpu rti
$60 cpu rts $38 cpu sec $F8 cpu sed
$78 cpu sei $AA cpu tax $A8 cpu tay
$BA cpu tsx $8A cpu txa $9A cpu txs
$98 cpu tya
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ m/cpu 20oct87re
: m/cpu ( mode opcode -) Create c, ,
dup 1+ @ $80 and IF $10 mode +! THEN
over $FF00 and upmode upmode
IF mem true Abort" invalid" THEN
c@ mode @ index + c@ + c, mode @ 7 and
IF mode @ $F and 7 <
IF c, ELSE , THEN THEN mem ;
$1C6E $60 m/cpu adc $1C6E $20 m/cpu and
$1C6E $C0 m/cpu cmp $1C6E $40 m/cpu eor
$1C6E $A0 m/cpu lda $1C6E $00 m/cpu ora
$1C6E $E0 m/cpu sbc $1C6C $80 m/cpu sta
$0D0D $01 m/cpu asl $0C0C $C1 m/cpu dec
$0C0C $E1 m/cpu inc $0D0D $41 m/cpu lsr
$0D0D $21 m/cpu rol $0D0D $61 m/cpu ror
$0414 $81 m/cpu stx $0486 $E0 m/cpu cpx
$0486 $C0 m/cpu cpy $1496 $A2 m/cpu ldx
$0C8E $A0 m/cpu ldy $048C $80 m/cpu sty
$0480 $14 m/cpu jsr $8480 $40 m/cpu jmp
$0484 $20 m/cpu bit
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ Assembler conditionals 20oct87re
| : range? ( branch -- branch )
dup abs $7F u> Abort" out of range " ;
: [[ ( BEGIN) here ;
: ?] ( UNTIL) c, here 1+ - range? c, ;
: ?[ ( IF) c, here 0 c, ;
: ?[[ ( WHILE) ?[ swap ;
: ]? ( THEN) here over c@ IF swap !
ELSE over 1+ - range? swap c! THEN ;
: ][ ( ELSE) here 1+ 1 jmp
swap here over 1+ - range? swap c! ;
: ]] ( AGAIN) jmp ;
: ]]? ( REPEAT) jmp ]? ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ Assembler conditionals 20oct87re
$90 Constant CS $B0 Constant CC
$D0 Constant 0= $F0 Constant 0<>
$10 Constant 0< $30 Constant 0>=
$50 Constant VS $70 Constant VC
: not $20 [ Forth ] xor ;
: beq 0<> ?] ; : bmi 0>= ?] ;
: bne 0= ?] ; : bpl 0< ?] ;
: bcc CS ?] ; : bvc VS ?] ;
: bcs CC ?] ; : bvs VC ?] ;
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ 2inc/2dec winc/wdec 20oct87re
: 2inc ( adr -- )
dup lda clc 2 # adc
dup sta CS ?[ swap 1+ inc ]? ;
: 2dec ( adr -- )
dup lda sec 2 # sbc
dup sta CC ?[ swap 1+ dec ]? ;
: winc ( adr -- )
dup inc 0= ?[ swap 1+ inc ]? ;
: wdec ( adr -- )
dup lda 0= ?[ over 1+ dec ]? dec ;
: ;c:
recover jsr end-code ] 0 last ! 0 ;
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ ;code Code code> bp/re03feb85
: Assembler
Assembler [ Assembler ] mem ;
: ;Code
[compile] Does> -3 allot
[compile] ; -2 allot Assembler ;
: Code Create here dup 2- ! Assembler ;
: >label ( adr -)
here | Create immediate swap ,
4 hallot heap 1 and hallot ( 6502-alig)
here 4 - heap 4 cmove
heap last @ count $1F and + ! dp !
Does> ( - adr) @
state @ IF [compile] Literal THEN ;
: Label
[ Assembler ] here >label Assembler ;
\ TODO(pzembrod): enable once rom-ram-sys.fth works with include
\ include rom-ram-sys.fth \ Makros: rom ram sys

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ rom ram sys cas16aug06
\ Shadow with Ctrl+W--->
\ needed for jumps
\ in the ROM Area
Assembler also definitions
(16 \ Switch Bank 8000-FFFF
: rom here 9 + $8000 u> abort" not here"
$ff3e sta ;
: ram $ff3f sta ;
: sys rom jsr ram ;
\ if suffering from abort" not here"
\ see next screen Screen --> C)
(64 \ Switch Bank A000-BFFF
: rom here 9 + $A000 u> abort" not here"
$37 # lda 1 sta ;
: ram $36 # lda 1 sta ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ sysMacro Long cas16aug06
(64 .( not for C64 !) \\ C)
\ for advanced users, use macros
here $8000 $20 - u> ?exit \ not possible
' 0 | Alias ???
Label long ROM
Label long1 ??? jsr RAM rts end-code
| : sysMacro ( adr -- )
$100 u/mod pha # lda long1 2+ sta
# lda long1 1+ sta pla long jsr ;
: sys ( adr -- ) \ for Jsr to ROM
here 9 + $8000 u>
IF sysMacro ELSE sys THEN ;

6502/C64/src/tracer.fth Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
\ *** Block No. 47, Hexblock 2f
\ tracer: loadscreen cas16aug06
\needs Code include trns6502asm.fth
\needs Tools Vocabulary Tools
Tools also definitions
\ This nice Forth Tracer has been
\ developed by B. Pennemann and co
\ for Atari ST. CL Vogt has ported it
\ back to the volksForth 6502 C-16 and
\ C-64
\ *** Block No. 48, Hexblock 30
\ tracer: wcmp variables clv04aug87
Assembler also definitions
: wcmp ( adr1 adr2--) \ Assembler-Macro
over lda dup cmp swap \ compares word
1+ lda 1+ sbc ;
Only Forth also Tools also definitions
| Variable (W
| Variable <ip | Variable ip>
| Variable nest? | Variable trap?
| Variable last' | Variable #spaces
\ *** Block No. 49, Hexblock 31
\ tracer:cpush oneline cas16aug06
| Create cpull 0 ]
rp@ count 2dup + rp! r> swap cmove ;
: cpush ( addr len -)
r> -rot over >r
rp@ over 1+ - dup rp! place
cpull >r >r ;
| : oneline &82 allot keyboard display
.status space query interpret
-&82 allot rdrop
( delete quit from tnext ) ;
: range ( adr--) \ gets <ip ip>
ip> off dup <ip !
BEGIN 1+ dup @
[ Forth ] ['] unnest = UNTIL
3+ ip> ! ;
\ *** Block No. 50, Hexblock 32
\ tracer:step tnext clv04aug87
| Code step
$ff # lda trap? sta trap? 1+ sta
RP X) lda IP sta
RP )Y lda IP 1+ sta RP 2inc
(W lda W sta (W 1+ lda W 1+ sta
Label W1- W 1- jmp end-code
| Create: nextstep step ;
Label tnext IP 2inc
trap? lda W1- beq
nest? lda 0= \ low(!)Byte test
?[ IP <ip wcmp W1- bcc
IP ip> wcmp W1- bcs
][ nest? stx \ low(!)Byte clear
trap? dup stx 1+ stx \ disable tracer
W lda (W sta W 1+ lda (W 1+ sta
\ *** Block No. 51, Hexblock 33
\ tracer:..tnext clv12oct87
;c: nest? @
IF nest? off r> ip> push <ip push
dup 2- range
#spaces push 1 #spaces +! >r THEN
r@ nextstep >r
input push output push
2- dup last' !
cr #spaces @ spaces
dup 4 u.r @ dup 5 u.r space
>name .name $10 col - 0 max spaces .s
state push blk push >in push
[ ' 'quit >body ] Literal push
[ ' >interpret >body ] Literal push
#tib push tib #tib @ cpush r0 push
rp@ r0 !
['] oneline Is 'quit quit ;
\ *** Block No. 52, Hexblock 34
\ tracer:do-trace traceable cas16aug06
| Code do-trace \ installs TNEXT
tnext 0 $100 m/mod
# lda Next $c + sta
# lda Next $b + sta
$4C # lda Next $a + sta Next jmp
| : traceable ( cfa--<IP ) recursive
dup @
['] : @ case? IF >body exit THEN
['] key @ case? IF >body c@ Input @ +
@ traceable exit THEN
['] type @ case? IF >body c@ Output @ +
@ traceable exit THEN
['] r/w @ case? IF >body
@ traceable exit THEN
@ [ ' Forth @ @ ] Literal =
IF @ 3 + exit THEN
\ for defining words with DOES>
>name .name ." can't be DEBUGged"
quit ;
\ *** Block No. 53, Hexblock 35
\ tracer:User-Words cas16aug06
: nest \ trace into current word
last' @ @ traceable drop nest? on ;
: unnest \ proceeds at calling word
<ip on ip> off ; \ clears trap range
: endloop last' @ 4 + <ip ! ;
\ no trace of next word to skip LOOP..
' end-trace Alias unbug \ cont. execut.
: (debug ( cfa-- )
traceable range
nest? off trap? on #spaces off
Tools do-trace ;
Forth definitions
: debug ' (debug ; \ word follows
: trace' \ word follows
' dup (debug execute end-trace ;
\ *** Block No. 54, Hexblock 36
\ tools for decompiling, clv12oct87
( interactive use )
Onlyforth Tools also definitions
| : ?: ?cr dup 4 u.r ." :" ;
| : @? dup @ 6 u.r ;
| : c? dup c@ 3 .r ;
| : bl $24 col - 0 max spaces ;
: s ( adr - adr+)
( print literal string)
?: space c? 4 spaces dup count type
dup c@ + 1+ bl ; ( count + re)
: n ( adr - adr+2)
( print name of next word by its cfa)
?: @? 2 spaces
dup @ >name .name 2+ bl ;
: k ( adr - adr+2)
( print literal value)
?: @? 2+ bl ;
\ *** Block No. 55, Hexblock 37
( tools for decompiling, interactive )
: d ( adr n - adr+n) ( dump n bytes)
2dup swap ?: 3 spaces swap 0
DO c? 1+ LOOP
4 spaces -rot type bl ;
: c ( adr - adr+1)
( print byte as unsigned value)
1 d ;
: b ( adr - adr+2)
( print branch target location )
?: @? dup @ over + 6 u.r 2+ bl ;
( used for : )
( Name String Literal Dump Clit Branch )
( - - - - - - )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ transient Assembler clv10oct87
\ Basis: Forth Dimensions VOL III No. 5)
\ internal loading 04may85BP/re)
here $800 hallot heap dp !
include 6502asm.fth
dp !