Stripped file and block words, english translation

This commit is contained in:
Carsten Strotmann 2021-04-11 23:38:30 +02:00
parent e03e2f6abe
commit baabc46391

View File

@ -12,44 +12,43 @@ Port to C16 "ultraFORTH" by C.Vogt
Port to 8088/86 and MS-DOS by K.Schleisiek dez 87
( ----- 001 )
\ MS-DOS volksForth Load Screen ks cas 18jul20
warning off \ disable warnings during compilation
Onlyforth \needs Transient include meta.fb
2 loadfrom META.fb
new FORTH.COM Onlyforth Target definitions
4 &111 thru \ Standard 8088-System
warning on
flush \ close FORTH.COM
cr .( new kernel as "FORTH.COM" written) cr bell bye
cr .( new kernel as "FORTH.COM" written) cr bell ( bye )
( ----- 002 )
\\ Die Nutzung der 8088/86 Register ks 27 oct 86
\\ The use of the 8088/86 register ks 27 oct 86
Im Assembler sind Forthgemaesse Namen fuer die Register gewaehlt
Dabei ist die Zuordnung zu den Intel Namen folgendermassen:
The assembler uses forth style names for the register
The assiciation to the Intel register names:
A <=> AX A- <=> AL A+ <=> AH
C <=> CX C- <=> CL C+ <=> CH
Register A und C sind zur allgemeinen Benutzung frei
Register A and C are available for general use
D <=> DX D- <=> DL D+ <=> DH
das oberste Element des (Daten)-Stacks.
the Top of (Data-) Stack (TOS)
R <=> BX R- <=> RL R+ <=> RH
der Return_stack_pointer
the Return_stack_pointer
( ----- 003 )
\\ Die Nutzung der 8088/86 Register ks 27 oct 86
\\ The use of the 8088/86 register ks 27 oct 86
U <=> BP User_area_pointer
S <=> SP Daten_stack_pointer
I <=> SI Instruction_pointer
W <=> DI Word_pointer, im allgemeinen zur Benutzung frei.
W <=> DI Word_pointer, free for general use
D: <=> DS E: <=> ES S: <=> SS C: <=> CS
Alle Segmentregister werden beim booten auf den Wert des
Codesegments C: gesetzt und muessen, wenn sie "verstellt"
werden, wieder auf C: zurueckgesetzt werden.
All segment registers are set to the value of code-segment
C: and must be restored to the same if changed in the code
( ----- 004 )
\ FORTH Preamble and ID ks 11 m„r 89
@ -58,12 +57,12 @@ nop 5555 # jmp here 2- >label >cold
nop 5555 # jmp here 2- >label >restart
Create origin here origin! here $100 0 fill
\ Hier beginnen die Kaltstartwerte der Benutzervariablen
\ Coldstart valued for user variables
$E9 int end-code -4 , $FC allot
\ this is the multitasker initialization in the user area
| Create logo ," volksFORTH-83 rev. 3.81.41"
| Create logo ," volksFORTH-83 Version 3.9.3"
( ----- 005 )
\ Next ks 27 oct 86
@ -74,8 +73,8 @@ Create origin here origin! here $100 0 fill
: Next lods A W xchg W ) jmp
there tnext-link @ T , H tnext-link ! ;
\ Next ist in-line code. Fuer den debugger werden daher alle
\ "nexts" in einer Liste mit dem Anker NEXT-LINK verbunden.
\ Next is in-line code. All "nexts" are linked into a
\ list with the anchor NEXT-LINK for the debugger
: u' ( -- offset ) T ' 2+ c@ H ;
@ -99,9 +98,9 @@ Target
Code noop here 2- ! end-code
( ----- 007 )
\ User variables ks 16 sep 88
8 uallot drop \ Platz fuer Multitasker
\ Felder: entry link spare SPsave
\ Laenge kompatibel zum 68000, 6502 und 8080 volksFORTH
8 uallot drop \ Space for the multitasker
\ Fields: entry link spare SPsave
\ Length compatible to 68000, 6502 and 8080 volksFORTH
User s0
User r0
User dp
@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ Target
User errorhandler \ pointer for Abort" -code
User aborted \ code address of latest error
User voc-link
User file-link cr .( Wieso ist UDP Uservariable? )
User file-link ( TODO: Why is UDP a user variable? )
User udp \ points to next free addr in User_area
( ----- 008 )
\ manipulate system pointers ks 03 aug 87
@ -723,7 +722,7 @@ Label domove I W cmp moveup CS ?]
A- W ) mov W inc C0= ?] ]? Next
\\ high level, ohne Umlaute
\\ high level definition, without umlauts
: capital ( char -- char')
dup Ascii a [ Ascii z 1+ ] Literal
@ -757,10 +756,9 @@ swap ]? C >in #) add
( ----- 054 )
\ source word parse name ks 03 aug 87
Variable loadfile loadfile off
: source ( -- addr len ) blk @ ?dup
IF loadfile @ (block b/blk exit THEN tib #tib @ exit ;
defer source
: (source ( -- addr len ) tib #tib @ exit ;
' source Is (source
: word ( char -- addr ) source (word ;
@ -911,10 +909,10 @@ swap ]? C >in #) add
: | ?head @ ?exit ?head on ;
\ no alignment required on x86
: even ( addr -- addr1 ) ; immediate
: align ( -- ) ; immediate
: halign ( -- ) ; immediate
\ machen nichts beim 8088. 8086 koennte etwas schneller werden
Variable warning warning on
@ -1154,7 +1152,7 @@ Target Forth also definitions
\ : ?stack sp@ here - $100 u< IF stackfull THEN
\ sp@ s0 @ u> Abort" stack empty" ;
( ----- 080 )
\ .status push load ks 29 oct 86
\ .status push ks 29 oct 86
| Create: pull r> r> ! ;
: push ( addr -- )
@ -1162,27 +1160,13 @@ Target Forth also definitions
Defer .status ' noop Is .status
: (load ( blk offset -- ) isfile@ >r
loadfile @ >r fromfile @ >r blk @ >r >in @ >r
>in ! blk ! isfile@ loadfile ! .status interpret
r> >in ! r> blk ! r> fromfile ! r> loadfile !
r> isfile ! ;
: load ( blk -- ) ?dup 0=exit 0 (load ;
( ----- 081 )
\ +load thru +thru --> rdepth depth ks 26 jul 87
: +load ( offset -- ) blk @ + load ;
: thru ( from to -- ) 1+ swap DO I load LOOP ;
: +thru ( off0 off1 -- ) 1+ swap DO I +load LOOP ;
: --> 1 blk +! >in off .status ; immediate
: rdepth ( -- +n ) r0 @ rp@ 2+ - 2/ ;
: depth ( -- +n ) sp@ s0 @ swap - 2/ ;
( ----- 082 )
\ prompt quit ks 16 sep 88
@ -1272,18 +1256,11 @@ Target Forth also definitions
: .s sp@ s0 @ over - $20 umin bounds ?DO I @ u. 2 +LOOP ;
( ----- 088 )
\ list c/l l/s ks 19 m„r 88
\ c/l l/s ks 19 m„r 88
&64 Constant c/l \ Screen line length
&16 Constant l/s \ lines per screen
: list ( scr -- ) dup capacity u<
IF scr ! ." Scr " scr @ .
." Dr " drv . isfile@ .file
l/s 0 DO cr I 2 .r space scr @ block
I c/l * + c/l -trailing type
LOOP cr exit
THEN 9 ?diskerror ;
( ----- 089 )
\ multitasker primitives ks 29 oct 86
@ -1302,140 +1279,28 @@ Target Forth also definitions
$E9 4 * >label >taskINT
( ----- 090 )
\\ Struktur der Blockpuffer ks 04 jul 87
0 : link zum naechsten Puffer
2 : file 0 = direct access
-1 = leer,
sonst adresse eines file control blocks
4 : blocknummer
6 : statusflags Vorzeichenbit kennzeichnet update
8 : Data ... 1 Kb ...
( ----- 091 )
\ buffer mechanism ks 04 okt 87
Variable isfile isfile off \ addr of file control block
Variable fromfile fromfile off \ fcb in kopieroperationen
Variable prev prev off \ Listhead
| Variable buffers buffers off \ Semaphor
$10000 Constant limit Variable first
$408 Constant b/buf \ physikalische Groesse
$400 Constant b/blk \ bytes/block
Defer r/w \ physikalischer Diskzugriff
Variable error# error# off \ Nummer des letzten Fehlers
Defer ?diskerror \ Fehlerbehandlung
( ----- 092 )
\ (core? ks 28 mai 87
Code (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
A pop A push D D or 0= ?[ u' offset U D) A add ]?
prev #) W mov 2 W D) D cmp 0=
?[ 4 W D) A cmp 0=
?[ 8 W D) D lea A pop ' exit @ # jmp ]? ]?
[[ [[ W ) C mov C C or 0= ?[ Next ]?
C W xchg 4 W D) A cmp 0= ?] 2 W D) D cmp 0= ?]
W ) A mov prev #) D mov D W ) mov W prev #) mov
8 W D) D lea C W mov A W ) mov A pop
' exit @ # jmp
( ----- 093 )
\\ (core? ks 31 oct 86
| : this? ( blk file bufadr -- flag )
dup 4+ @ swap 2+ @ d= ;
.( (core?: offset is handled differently in code! )
| : (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
BEGIN over offset @ + over prev @ this?
IF rdrop 2drop prev @ 8 + exit THEN
2dup >r offset @ + >r prev @
BEGIN dup @ ?dup 0= IF rdrop rdrop drop exit THEN
dup r> r> 2dup >r >r rot this? 0=
dup @ rot ! prev @ over ! prev ! rdrop rdrop
( ----- 094 )
\ backup emptybuf readblk ks 23 jul 87
| : backup ( bufaddr -- ) dup 6+ @ 0<
IF 2+ dup @ 1+ \ buffer empty if file = -1
IF BEGIN dup 6+ over 2+ @ 2 pick @ 0 r/w
WHILE 1 ?diskerror REPEAT
THEN 4+ dup @ $7FFF and over ! THEN
drop ;
: emptybuf ( bufaddr -- ) 2+ dup on 4+ off ;
| : readblk ( blk file addr -- blk file addr )
dup emptybuf >r
BEGIN 2dup 0= offset @ and +
over r@ 8 + -rot 1 r/w
WHILE 2 ?diskerror REPEAT r> ;
( ----- 095 )
\ take mark updates? full? core? ks 04 jul 87
| : take ( -- bufaddr) prev
BEGIN dup @ WHILE @ dup 2+ @ -1 = UNTIL
buffers lock dup backup ;
| : mark ( blk file bufaddr -- blk file ) 2+ >r
2dup r@ ! over 0= offset @ and + r@ 2+ !
r> 4+ off buffers unlock ;
| : updates? ( -- bufaddr / flag)
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE dup 6+ @ 0< UNTIL ;
: core? ( blk file -- addr /false ) (core? 2drop false ;
( ----- 096 )
\ block & buffer manipulation ks 01 okt 87
: (buffer ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take mark REPEAT ;
: (block ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take readblk mark REPEAT ;
Code isfile@ ( -- addr )
D push isfile #) D mov Next end-code
\ : isfile@ ( -- addr ) isfile @ ;
: buffer ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (buffer ;
: block ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (block ;
( ----- 097 )
\ block & buffer manipulation ks 02 okt 87
: update $80 prev @ 6+ 1+ ( Byte-Order! ) c! ;
: save-buffers buffers lock
BEGIN updates? ?dup WHILE backup REPEAT buffers unlock ;
: empty-buffers buffers lock prev
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup emptybuf REPEAT buffers unlock ;
: flush file-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup fclose REPEAT
save-buffers empty-buffers ;
( ----- 098 )
\ Allocating buffers ks 31 oct 86
$10000 Constant limit Variable first
: allotbuffer ( -- )
first @ r0 @ - b/buf 2+ u< ?exit
b/buf negate first +! first @ dup emptybuf
prev @ over ! prev ! ;
: freebuffer ( -- ) first @ limit b/buf - u<
IF first @ backup prev
BEGIN dup @ first @ - WHILE @ REPEAT
first @ @ swap ! b/buf first +! THEN ;
: all-buffers BEGIN first @ allotbuffer first @ = UNTIL ;
| : init-buffers prev off limit first ! all-buffers ;
( ----- 099 )
\ endpoints of forget uh 27 apr 88
@ -1483,7 +1348,7 @@ Target Forth also definitions
Defer custom-remove ' noop Is custom-remove
: trim ( dic symb -- ) next-link remove
over remove-tasks remove-vocs remove-words remove-files
over remove-tasks remove-vocs remove-words
custom-remove heap swap - hallot dp ! last off ;
( ----- 102 )
\ deleting words from dict. ks 02 okt 87
@ -1557,7 +1422,7 @@ Target Forth also definitions
| : (cold origin up@ $100 cmove $80 count
$50 umin >r tib r@ move r> #tib ! >in off blk off
init-vocabularys init-buffers flush 'cold
init-vocabularys 'cold
Onlyforth page &24 spaces logo count type cr (restart ;
( ----- 107 )
\ (boot ks 11 m„r 89
@ -1599,7 +1464,7 @@ Target Forth also definitions
$21 int warmboot # call
: bye flush empty page (bye ;
: bye empty page (bye ;
( ----- 110 )
\ cold ks 09 m„r 89
@ -1616,7 +1481,7 @@ Target Forth also definitions
( ----- 111 )
\ System patchup ks 16 sep 88
1 &35 +thru \ MS-DOS interface
1 &9 +thru \ MS-DOS interface
: forth-83 ; \ last word in Dictionary
@ -1660,10 +1525,10 @@ Target Forth also definitions
A D: mov D pop Next end-code
( ----- 114 )
\ BDOS keyboard input ks 16 sep 88
\ es muss wirklich so kompliziert sein, da sonst kein ^C und ^P
\ it really needs to be this complicated, else ^C und ^P would
\ not work
| Variable newkey newkey off
Code (key@ ( -- 8b ) D push newkey #) D mov D+ D+ or
0= ?[ $7 # A+ mov $21 int A- D- mov ]?
0 # D+ mov D+ newkey 1+ #) mov Next
@ -1739,407 +1604,5 @@ Target Forth also definitions
Output: display [ here output ! ]
(emit (cr tipp (del (page (at (at? [ drop
( ----- 120 )
\ MSDOS printer I/O Port access ks 09 aug 87
Code lst! ( 8b -- ) $5 # A+ mov $21 int D pop Next
Code pc@ ( port -- 8b )
D byte in A- D- mov D+ D+ xor Next
Code pc! ( 8b port -- )
A pop D byte out D pop Next
( ----- 121 )
\ zero terminated strings ks 09 aug 87
: counted ( asciz -- addr len )
dup -1 0 scan drop over - ;
: >asciz ( string addr -- asciz ) 2dup >r -
IF count r@ place r@ THEN 0 r> count + c! 1+ ;
: asciz ( -- asciz ) name here >asciz ;
( ----- 122 )
\ Disk capacities ks 08 aug 88
Vocabulary Dos Dos also definitions
6 Constant #drives
Create capacities $4B0 , $4B0 , $1B31 , $1B31 , $1B0F , 0 ,
| Code ?capacity ( +n -- cap ) D shl capacities # W mov
D W add W ) D mov Next end-code
( ----- 123 )
\ MS-dos disk handlers direct access ks 31 jul 87
| Code block@ ( addr blk drv -- ff )
D- A- mov D pop C pop R push U push
I push C R mov 2 # C mov D shl $25 int
Label end-r/w I pop I pop U pop R pop 0 # D mov
CS ?[ D+ A+ mov A error# #) mov D dec ]? Next
| Code block! ( addr blk drv -- ff ) D- A- mov D pop
C pop R push U push I push C R mov 2 # C mov
D shl $26 int end-r/w # jmp
( ----- 124 )
\ MS-dos disk handlers direct access ks cas 18jul20
| : ?drive ( +n -- +n ) dup #drives u< ?exit
Error" beyond drive capacity" ;
: /drive ( blk1 -- blk2 drive ) 0 swap #drives 0
DO dup I ?capacity under u< IF drop LEAVE THEN
- swap 1+ swap LOOP swap ;
: blk/drv ( -- capacity ) drv ?capacity ;
Forth definitions
: >drive ( blk1 +n -- blk2 ) ?drive
0 swap drv 2dup u> dup >r 0= IF swap THEN
?DO I ?capacity + LOOP r> IF negate THEN - ;
( ----- 125 )
\ MS-DOS file access ks 18 m„r 88
Dos definitions
| Variable fcb fcb off \ last fcb accessed
| Variable prevfile \ previous active file
&30 Constant fnamelen \ default length in FCB
Create filename &62 allot \ max 60 + count + null
Variable attribut 7 attribut ! \ read-only, hidden, system
( ----- 126 )
\ MS-DOS disk errors ks cas 18jul20
| : .error# ." error # " base push decimal error# @ . ;
| : .ferrors error# @ &18 case? IF 2 THEN
1 case? Abort" file exists"
2 case? Abort" file not found"
3 case? Abort" path not found"
4 case? Abort" too many open files"
5 case? Abort" no access"
9 case? Abort" beyond end of file"
&15 case? Abort" illegal drive"
&16 case? Abort" current directory"
&17 case? Abort" wrong drive"
drop ." Disk" .error# abort ;
( ----- 127 )
\ MS-DOS disk errors ks cas 18jul20
: (diskerror ( *f -- ) ?dup 0=exit
fcb @ IF error# ! .ferrors exit THEN
input push output push standardi/o 1-
IF ." read" ELSE ." write" THEN
.error# ." retry? (y/n)"
key cr capital Ascii Y = not Abort" aborted" ;
' (diskerror Is ?diskerror
( ----- 128 )
\ ~open ~creat ~close ks 04 aug 87
Code ~open ( asciz mode -- handle ff / err# )
A D xchg $3D # A+ mov
Label >open D pop $21 int A D xchg
CS not ?[ D push 0 # D mov ]? Next
Code ~creat ( asciz attribut -- handle ff / err# )
D C mov $3C # A+ mov >open ]] end-code
Code ~close ( handle -- ) D R xchg
$3E # A+ mov $21 int R D xchg D pop Next
( ----- 129 )
\ ~first ~unlink ~select ~disk? ks 04 aug 87
Code ~first ( asciz attr -- err# )
D C mov D pop $4E # A+ mov
[[ $21 int 0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
Code ~unlink ( asciz -- err# ) $41 # A+ mov ]] end-code
Code ~select ( n -- )
$E # A+ mov $21 int D pop Next end-code
Code ~disk? ( -- n ) D push $19 # A+ mov
$21 int A- D- mov 0 # D+ mov Next
( ----- 130 )
\ ~next ~dir ks 04 aug 87
Code ~next ( -- err# ) D push $4F # A+ mov
$21 int 0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
Code ~dir ( addr drive -- err# ) I W mov
I pop $47 # A+ mov $21 int W I mov
0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
( ----- 131 )
\ MS-DOS file control Block cas 19jun20
| : Fcbytes ( n1 len -- n2 ) Create over c, +
Does> ( fcbaddr -- fcbfield ) c@ + ;
\ first field for file-link
2 1 Fcbytes \ must be first field
2 Fcbytes f.handle
2 Fcbytes
2 Fcbytes f.time
4 Fcbytes f.size
fnamelen Fcbytes Constant b/fcb
b/fcb Host ' tb/fcb >body !
Target Forth also Dos also definitions
( ----- 132 )
\ (.file fname fname! ks 10 okt 87
: fname! ( string fcb -- ) >r count
dup fnamelen < not Abort" file name too long" r> place ;
| : filebuffer? ( fcb -- fcb bufaddr / fcb ff )
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup 2+ @ = UNTIL ;
| : flushfile ( fcb -- )
BEGIN filebuffer? ?dup
WHILE dup backup emptybuf REPEAT drop ;
: fclose ( fcb -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup f.handle @ ?dup 0= IF drop exit THEN
over flushfile ~close f.handle off ;
( ----- 133 )
\ (.file fname fname! ks 18 m„r 88
| : getsize ( -- d ) [ $80 &26 + ] Literal 2@ swap ;
: (fsearch ( string -- asciz *f )
filename >asciz dup attribut @ ~first ;
Defer fsearch ( string -- asciz *f )
' (fsearch Is fsearch
\ graceful behaviour if file does not exist
| : ?notfound ( f* -- ) ?dup 0=exit last' @ [fcb] =
IF hide file-link @ @ file-link ! prevfile @ setfiles
last @ 4 - dp ! last off filename count here place
THEN ?diskerror ;
( ----- 134 )
\ freset fseek ks 19 m„r 88
: freset ( fcb -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup f.handle @ ?dup IF ~close THEN dup >r fsearch ?notfound getsize r@ f.size 2!
[ $80 &22 + ] Literal @ r@ f.time !
[ $80 &24 + ] Literal @ r@ !
2 ~open ?diskerror r> f.handle ! ;
Code fseek ( dfaddr fcb -- )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov W W or 0=
?[ ;c: dup freset fseek ; Assembler ]? R W xchg
C pop D pop $4200 # A mov $21 int W R mov
CS not ?[ D pop Next ]? A D xchg ;c: ?diskerror ;
( ----- 135 )
\ lfgets fgetc file@ ks 07 jul 88
\ Code ~read ( seg:addr quan handle -- #read ) D W mov
Assembler [[ W R xchg C pop D pop
D: pop $3F # A+ mov $21 int C: C mov C D: mov
W R mov A D xchg CS not ?[ Next ]? ;c: ?diskerror ;
Code lfgets ( seg:addr quan fcb -- #read )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov ]] end-code
true Constant eof
: fgetc ( fcb -- 8b / eof )
>r 0 sp@ ds@ swap 1 r> lfgets ?exit 0= ;
: file@ ( dfaddr fcb -- 8b / eof ) dup >r fseek r> fgetc ;
( ----- 136 )
\ lfputs fputc file! ks 24 jul 87
| Code ~write ( seg:addr quan handle -- ) D W mov
[[ W R xchg C pop D pop
D: pop $40 # A+ mov $21 int W R mov A D xchg
C: W mov W D: mov CS ?[ ;c: ?diskerror ; Assembler ]?
C D sub 0= ?[ D pop Next ]? ;c: Abort" Disk voll" ;
Code lfputs ( seg:addr quan fcb -- )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov ]] end-code
: fputc ( 8b fcb -- ) >r sp@ ds@ swap 1 r> lfputs drop ;
: file! ( 8b dfaddr fcb -- ) dup >r fseek r> fputc ;
( ----- 137 )
\ /block *block ks 02 okt 87
Code /block ( d -- rest blk ) A D xchg C pop
C D mov A shr D rcr A shr D rcr D+ D- mov
A- D+ xchg $3FF # C and C push Next
\ : /block ( d -- rest blk ) b/blk um/mod ;
Code *block ( blk -- d ) A A xor D+ D- xchg D+ A+ xchg
A+ sal D rcl A+ sal D rcl A push Next
\ : *block ( blk -- d ) b/blk um* ;
( ----- 138 )
\ fblock@ fblock! ks 19 m„r 88
Dos definitions
| : ?beyond ( blk -- blk ) dup 0< 0=exit 9 ?diskerror ;
| : fblock ( addr blk fcb -- seg:addr quan fcb )
fcb ! ?beyond dup *block fcb @ fseek ds@ -rot
fcb @ f.size 2@ /block rot - ?beyond
IF drop b/blk THEN fcb @ ;
: fblock@ ( addr blk fcb -- ) fblock lfgets drop ;
: fblock! ( addr blk fcb -- ) fblock lfputs ;
( ----- 139 )
\ (r/w flush ks 18 m„r 88
Forth definitions
: (r/w ( addr blk fcb r/wf -- *f ) over fcb ! over
IF IF fblock@ false exit THEN fblock! false exit
THEN >r drop /drive ?drive
r> IF block@ exit THEN block! ;
' (r/w Is r/w
| : setfiles ( fcb -- ) isfile@ prevfile !
dup isfile ! fromfile ! ;
: direct 0 setfiles ;
( ----- 140 )
\ File >file ks 23 m„r 88
: File Create file-link @ here file-link ! ,
here [ b/fcb 2 - ] Literal dup allot erase
file-link @ dup @ c@ 1+ over c!
last @ count $1F and rot place
Does> setfiles ;
File kernel.scr ' kernel.scr @ Constant [fcb]
Dos definitions
: .file ( fcb -- )
?dup IF body> >name .name exit THEN ." direct" ;
( ----- 141 )
\ .file pushfile close open ks 12 mai 88
Forth definitions
: file? isfile@ .file ;
: pushfile r> isfile push fromfile push >r ; restrict
: close isfile@ fclose ;
: open isfile@ freset ;
: assign isfile@ dup fclose name swap fname! open ;
( ----- 142 )
\ use from loadfrom include ks 18 m„r 88
: use >in @ name find
0= IF swap >in ! File last' THEN nip
dup @ [fcb] = over ['] direct = or
0= Abort" not a file" execute open ;
: from isfile push use ;
: loadfrom ( n -- ) pushfile use load close ;
: include 1 loadfrom ;
( ----- 143 )
\ drive drv capacity drivenames ks 18 m„r 88
: drive ( n -- ) isfile@ IF ~select exit THEN
?drive offset off 0 ?DO I ?capacity offset +! LOOP ;
: drv ( -- n )
isfile@ IF ~disk? exit THEN offset @ /drive nip ;
: capacity ( -- n ) isfile@ ?dup
IF dup f.handle @ 0= IF dup freset THEN
f.size 2@ /block swap 0<> - exit THEN blk/drv ;
| : Drv: Create c, Does> c@ drive ;
0 Drv: A: 1 Drv: B: 2 Drv: C: 3 Drv: D:
4 Drv: E: 5 Drv: F: 6 Drv: G: 7 Drv: H:
( ----- 144 )
\ lfsave savefile savesystem ks 10 okt 87
: lfsave ( seg:addr quan string -- )
filename >asciz 0 ~creat ?diskerror
dup >r ~write r> ~close ;
: savefile ( addr len -- ) ds@ -rot
name nullstring? Abort" needs name" lfsave ;
: savesystem save flush $100 here savefile ;
( ----- 145 )
\ viewing ks 19 m„r 88
Dos definitions
| $400 Constant viewoffset
: (makeview ( -- n )
blk @ dup 0=exit loadfile @ ?dup 0=exit c@ ?dup
IF viewoffset * + $8000 or exit THEN 0= ;
' (makeview Is makeview
: @view ( acf -- blk fno ) >name 4 - @ dup 0<
IF $7FFF and viewoffset u/mod exit THEN
?dup 0= Error" eingetippt" 0 ;
: >file ( fno -- fcb ) dup 0=exit file-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup c@ = UNTIL nip ;
( ----- 146 )
\ forget FCB's ks 23 okt 88
Forth definitions
| : 'file ( -- scr ) r> scr push isfile push >r
[ Dos ] ' @view >file isfile ! ;
: view 'file list ;
: help 'file capacity 2/ + list ;
| : remove? ( dic symb addr -- dic symb addr f )
2 pick over 1+ u< ;
| : remove-files ( dic symb -- dic symb ) file-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE remove? IF dup fclose THEN REPEAT
file-link remove
isfile@ remove? nip IF file-link @ isfile ! THEN
fromfile @ remove? nip 0=exit isfile@ fromfile ! ;
( ----- 147 )
\ BIOS keyboard input ks 16 sep 88
Code (key@ ( -- 8b ) D push A+ A+ xor $16 int
0 # D+ mov A- D- mov A- A- or
0= ?[ A+ D- mov D+ com ]? Next end-code
: test BEGIN (key@ #esc case? ?exit
cr dup emit 5 .r key 5 .r REPEAT ;
Code (key? ( -- f ) D push 1 # A+ mov D D xor
$16 int 0= not ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
Code empty-keys $C00 # A mov $21 int Next end-code
: (key ( -- 8b ) BEGIN pause (key? UNTIL (key@ ;