#+TITLE: VolksForth MS-DOS README #+AUTHOR: Carsten Strotmann #+DATE: <2020-06-19 Fri> * How to meta-compile a new kernel After making changes the the Forth kernel source in =kernel.fb=, restart =volksforth.com= to have a clean system and compile a new "minimal" kernel with =include kernel.fb=. This will create a new =FORTH.COM= executable. * creating a minimal system with a simple editor Execute =forth.com include minimal.sys= to generate the file =minimal.com= which contains a minimal VolksForth system with the Retro-Forth editor https://fossil.forth-ev.de/volksforth/wiki?name=Atari8bit-retrofortheditor This system can be used to edit the file =volksforth.sys= or other Forth source block files needed to create a full VolksForth system. * creating a full VolksForth system from the minimal kernel Execute =forth.com include volks4th.sys= to create a new fully equipped VolksForth executable =volks4th.com=.