\ Mini OOF Example \needs class INCLUDE" D:MINIOOF.F" CR .( loading OOF Example ) CR .( creating object class "animal" ) object class 2 var sound 2 var color 2 var kind method init method say method present end-class animal CR .( Implementing Methods ) : m-say ( o -- ) cr ." it says " sound @ COUNT TYPE ; ' m-say animal defines say : m-present ( o -- ) cr ." This animal is a " DUP color @ COUNT TYPE BL EMIT kind @ COUNT TYPE ." !" ; ' m-present animal defines present : m-init ( say color kind o -- ) >R R@ SOUND ! R@ COLOR ! R> KIND ! ; ' m-init animal defines init CR .( creating animal objects ) animal new constant dog animal new constant cat animal new constant eagle CR .( initializing objects ) : S>A DROP 1- ; ( convert string to address ) S" MAMAL" S>A S" BLACK" S>A S" BARK BARK" S>A dog init S" MAMAL" S>A S" SILVER" S>A S" MEOW MEOW" S>A cat init S" BIRD" S>A S" BROWN" S>A S" ARK ARK" S>A eagle init CR .( now lets the objects speak ) CR dog present dog say cat present cat say eagle present eagle say CR .( Finish! ) CR