\ Additional tests on the the ANS Forth Core word set \ This program was written by Gerry Jackson in 2007, with contributions from \ others where indicated, and is in the public domain - it can be distributed \ and/or modified in any way but please retain this notice. \ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \ The tests are not claimed to be comprehensive or correct \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ The tests are based on John Hayes test program for the core word set \ \ This file provides some more tests on Core words where the original Hayes \ tests are thought to be incomplete \ \ Words tested in this file are: \ DO I +LOOP RECURSE ELSE >IN IMMEDIATE FIND IF...BEGIN...REPEAT ALLOT DOES> \ and \ Parsing behaviour \ Number prefixes # $ % and 'A' character input \ Definition names \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ Assumptions and dependencies: \ - tester.fr or ttester.fs has been loaded prior to this file \ - core.fr has been loaded so that constants MAX-INT, MIN-INT and \ MAX-UINT are defined \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DECIMAL TESTING DO +LOOP with run-time increment, negative increment, infinite loop \ Contributed by Reinhold Straub VARIABLE ITERATIONS VARIABLE INCREMENT : GD7 ( LIMIT START INCREMENT -- ) INCREMENT ! 0 ITERATIONS ! DO 1 ITERATIONS +! I ITERATIONS @ 6 = IF LEAVE THEN INCREMENT @ +LOOP ITERATIONS @ ; T{ 4 4 -1 GD7 -> 4 1 }T T{ 1 4 -1 GD7 -> 4 3 2 1 4 }T T{ 4 1 -1 GD7 -> 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 6 }T T{ 4 1 0 GD7 -> 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 }T T{ 0 0 0 GD7 -> 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 }T T{ 1 4 0 GD7 -> 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 }T T{ 1 4 1 GD7 -> 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 }T T{ 4 1 1 GD7 -> 1 2 3 3 }T T{ 4 4 1 GD7 -> 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 }T T{ 2 -1 -1 GD7 -> -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 6 }T T{ -1 2 -1 GD7 -> 2 1 0 -1 4 }T T{ 2 -1 0 GD7 -> -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 6 }T T{ -1 2 0 GD7 -> 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 }T T{ -1 2 1 GD7 -> 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 }T T{ 2 -1 1 GD7 -> -1 0 1 3 }T T{ -20 30 -10 GD7 -> 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 6 }T T{ -20 31 -10 GD7 -> 31 21 11 1 -9 -19 6 }T T{ -20 29 -10 GD7 -> 29 19 9 -1 -11 5 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING DO +LOOP with large and small increments \ Contributed by Andrew Haley MAX-UINT 8 RSHIFT 1+ CONSTANT USTEP USTEP NEGATE CONSTANT -USTEP MAX-INT 7 RSHIFT 1+ CONSTANT STEP STEP NEGATE CONSTANT -STEP VARIABLE BUMP T{ : GD8 BUMP ! DO 1+ BUMP @ +LOOP ; -> }T T{ 0 MAX-UINT 0 USTEP GD8 -> 256 }T T{ 0 0 MAX-UINT -USTEP GD8 -> 256 }T T{ 0 MAX-INT MIN-INT STEP GD8 -> 256 }T T{ 0 MIN-INT MAX-INT -STEP GD8 -> 256 }T \ Two's complement arithmetic, wraps around modulo wordsize \ Only tested if the Forth system does wrap around, use of conditional \ compilation deliberately avoided MAX-INT 1+ MIN-INT = CONSTANT +WRAP? MIN-INT 1- MAX-INT = CONSTANT -WRAP? MAX-UINT 1+ 0= CONSTANT +UWRAP? 0 1- MAX-UINT = CONSTANT -UWRAP? : GD9 ( n limit start step f result -- ) >R IF GD8 ELSE 2DROP 2DROP R@ THEN -> R> }T ; T{ 0 0 0 USTEP +UWRAP? 256 GD9 T{ 0 0 0 -USTEP -UWRAP? 1 GD9 T{ 0 MIN-INT MAX-INT STEP +WRAP? 1 GD9 T{ 0 MAX-INT MIN-INT -STEP -WRAP? 1 GD9 \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING DO +LOOP with maximum and minimum increments : (-MI) MAX-INT DUP NEGATE + 0= IF MAX-INT NEGATE ELSE -32767 THEN ; (-MI) CONSTANT -MAX-INT T{ 0 1 0 MAX-INT GD8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 -MAX-INT NEGATE -MAX-INT OVER GD8 -> 2 }T T{ 0 MAX-INT 0 MAX-INT GD8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 MAX-INT 1 MAX-INT GD8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 MAX-INT -1 MAX-INT GD8 -> 2 }T T{ 0 MAX-INT DUP 1- MAX-INT GD8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 MIN-INT 1+ 0 MIN-INT GD8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 MIN-INT 1+ -1 MIN-INT GD8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 MIN-INT 1+ 1 MIN-INT GD8 -> 2 }T T{ 0 MIN-INT 1+ DUP MIN-INT GD8 -> 1 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ TESTING +LOOP setting I to an arbitrary value \ The specification for +LOOP permits the loop index I to be set to any value \ including a value outside the range given to the corresponding DO. \ SET-I is a helper to set I in a DO ... +LOOP to a given value \ n2 is the value of I in a DO ... +LOOP \ n3 is a test value \ If n2=n3 then return n1-n2 else return 1 : SET-I ( n1 n2 n3 -- n1-n2 | 1 ) OVER = IF - ELSE 2DROP 1 THEN ; : -SET-I ( n1 n2 n3 -- n1-n2 | -1 ) SET-I DUP 1 = IF NEGATE THEN ; : PL1 20 1 DO I 18 I 3 SET-I +LOOP ; T{ PL1 -> 1 2 3 18 19 }T : PL2 20 1 DO I 20 I 2 SET-I +LOOP ; T{ PL2 -> 1 2 }T : PL3 20 5 DO I 19 I 2 SET-I DUP 1 = IF DROP 0 I 6 SET-I THEN +LOOP ; T{ PL3 -> 5 6 0 1 2 19 }T : PL4 20 1 DO I MAX-INT I 4 SET-I +LOOP ; T{ PL4 -> 1 2 3 4 }T : PL5 -20 -1 DO I -19 I -3 -SET-I +LOOP ; T{ PL5 -> -1 -2 -3 -19 -20 }T : PL6 -20 -1 DO I -21 I -4 -SET-I +LOOP ; T{ PL6 -> -1 -2 -3 -4 }T : PL7 -20 -1 DO I MIN-INT I -5 -SET-I +LOOP ; T{ PL7 -> -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 }T : PL8 -20 -5 DO I -20 I -2 -SET-I DUP -1 = IF DROP 0 I -6 -SET-I THEN +LOOP ; T{ PL8 -> -5 -6 0 -1 -2 -20 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING multiple RECURSEs in one colon definition : ACK ( m n -- u ) \ Ackermann function, from Rosetta Code OVER 0= IF NIP 1+ EXIT THEN \ ack(0, n) = n+1 SWAP 1- SWAP ( -- m-1 n ) DUP 0= IF 1+ RECURSE EXIT THEN \ ack(m, 0) = ack(m-1, 1) 1- OVER 1+ SWAP RECURSE RECURSE \ ack(m, n) = ack(m-1, ack(m,n-1)) ; T{ 0 0 ACK -> 1 }T T{ 3 0 ACK -> 5 }T T{ 2 4 ACK -> 11 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \vf TESTING multiple ELSE's in an IF statement \ Discussed on comp.lang.forth and accepted as valid ANS Forth \vf : MELSE IF 1 ELSE 2 ELSE 3 ELSE 4 ELSE 5 THEN ; \vf T{ 0 MELSE -> 2 4 }T \vf T{ -1 MELSE -> 1 3 5 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING manipulation of >IN in interpreter mode T{ 12345 DEPTH OVER 9 < 34 AND + 3 + >IN ! -> 12345 2345 345 45 5 }T T{ 14145 8115 ?DUP 0= 34 AND >IN +! TUCK MOD 14 >IN ! GCD CALCULATION -> 15 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING IMMEDIATE with CONSTANT VARIABLE and CREATE [ ... DOES> ] T{ 123 CONSTANT IW1 IMMEDIATE IW1 -> 123 }T T{ : IW2 IW1 LITERAL ; IW2 -> 123 }T T{ VARIABLE IW3 IMMEDIATE 234 IW3 ! IW3 @ -> 234 }T T{ : IW4 IW3 [ @ ] LITERAL ; IW4 -> 234 }T T{ :NONAME [ 345 ] IW3 [ ! ] ; DROP IW3 @ -> 345 }T T{ CREATE IW5 456 , IMMEDIATE -> }T T{ :NONAME IW5 [ @ IW3 ! ] ; DROP IW3 @ -> 456 }T T{ : IW6 CREATE , IMMEDIATE DOES> @ 1+ ; -> }T T{ 111 IW6 IW7 IW7 -> 112 }T T{ : IW8 IW7 LITERAL 1+ ; IW8 -> 113 }T T{ : IW9 CREATE , DOES> @ 2 + IMMEDIATE ; -> }T : FIND-IW BL WORD FIND NIP ; ( -- 0 | 1 | -1 ) T{ 222 IW9 IW10 FIND-IW IW10 -> -1 }T \ IW10 is not immediate T{ IW10 FIND-IW IW10 -> 224 1 }T \ IW10 becomes immediate \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING that IMMEDIATE doesn't toggle a flag VARIABLE IT1 0 IT1 ! : IT2 1234 IT1 ! ; IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE T{ : IT3 IT2 ; IT1 @ -> 1234 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING parsing behaviour of S" ." and ( \ which should parse to just beyond the terminating character no space needed T{ : GC5 S" A string"2DROP ; GC5 -> }T T{ ( A comment)1234 -> 1234 }T T{ : PB1 CR ." You should see 2345: "." 2345"( A comment) CR ; PB1 -> }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING number prefixes # $ % and 'c' character input \ Adapted from the Forth 200X Draft 14.5 document VARIABLE OLD-BASE DECIMAL BASE @ OLD-BASE ! T{ &1289 -> 1289 }T \ vf: s/#/&/ T{ -&1289 -> -1289 }T \ vf: s/#-/-&/ T{ $12eF -> 4847 }T T{ -$12eF -> -4847 }T \ vf: s/$-/-$/ T{ %10010110 -> 150 }T T{ -%10010110 -> -150 }T \ vf: s/%-/-%/ \vf T{ 'z' -> 122 }T \vf T{ 'Z' -> 90 }T \ Check BASE is unchanged T{ BASE @ OLD-BASE @ = -> }T \ Repeat in Hex mode 16 OLD-BASE ! 16 BASE ! T{ &1289 -> 509 }T \ vf: s/#/&/ T{ -&1289 -> -509 }T \ vf: s/#/&/ T{ $12eF -> 12EF }T T{ -$12eF -> -12EF }T \ vf: s/$-/-$/ T{ %10010110 -> 96 }T T{ -%10010110 -> -96 }T \ vf: s/%-/-%/ \vf T{ 'z' -> 7a }T \vf T{ 'Z' -> 5a }T \ Check BASE is unchanged T{ BASE @ OLD-BASE @ = -> }T \ 2 DECIMAL \ Check number prefixes in compile mode \ vf: s/#/&/ s/$-/-$/ s/'''/ascii '/ T{ : nmp &8327 -$2cbe %011010111 ascii ' ; nmp -> 8327 -11454 215 39 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING definition names \ should support {1..31} graphical characters : !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 1 ; T{ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? -> 1 }T : @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ 2 ; T{ @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ -> 2 }T : _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|} 3 ; T{ _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|} -> 3 }T : _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~ 4 ; \ Last character different T{ _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~ -> 4 }T T{ _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|} -> 3 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING FIND with a zero length string and a non-existent word CREATE EMPTYSTRING 0 C, : EMPTYSTRING-FIND-CHECK ( c-addr 0 | xt 1 | xt -1 -- t|f ) DUP IF ." FIND returns a TRUE value for an empty string!" CR THEN 0= SWAP EMPTYSTRING = = ; T{ EMPTYSTRING FIND EMPTYSTRING-FIND-CHECK -> }T CREATE NON-EXISTENT-WORD \ Same as in exceptiontest.fth 15 C, CHAR $ C, CHAR $ C, CHAR Q C, CHAR W C, CHAR E C, CHAR Q C, CHAR W C, CHAR E C, CHAR Q C, CHAR W C, CHAR E C, CHAR R C, CHAR T C, CHAR $ C, CHAR $ C, T{ NON-EXISTENT-WORD FIND -> NON-EXISTENT-WORD 0 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \vf TESTING IF ... BEGIN ... REPEAT (unstructured) \vf T{ : UNS1 DUP 0 > IF 9 SWAP BEGIN 1+ DUP 3 > IF EXIT THEN REPEAT ; -> }T \vf T{ -6 UNS1 -> -6 }T \vf T{ 1 UNS1 -> 9 4 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING DOES> doesn't cause a problem with a CREATEd address : MAKE-2CONST DOES> 2@ ; T{ CREATE 2K 3 , 2K , MAKE-2CONST 2K -> ' 2K >BODY 3 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING ALLOT ( n -- ) where n <= 0 T{ HERE 5 ALLOT -5 ALLOT HERE = -> }T T{ HERE 0 ALLOT HERE = -> }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CR .( End of additional Core tests) CR