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273 lines
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273 lines
17 KiB
\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
\\ *** Tools *** 25may86we
In diesem File sind die wichtigsten Debugging-Tools enthalten.
Dazu geh”ren ein einfacher Decompiler, ein Speicherdump und
der Tracer (s. Kapitel im Handbuch)
Vor allem der Tracer hat sich als sehr sinnvolles Werkzeug bei
der Fehlerbek„mpfung entwickelt. Normalerweise sind Fehlerquel-
len beim Tracen sofort auffindbar, manchmal allerdings auch
nicht ganz so schnell ...
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ Loadscreen for simple decompiler 26oct86we
Onlyforth Vocabulary Tools Tools also definitions
1 5 +thru
6 +load \ Tracer
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ Tools for decompiling 26oct86we
| : ?: dup 4 u.r ." :" ;
| : @? dup @ 6 u.r ;
| : c? dup c@ 3 .r ;
: s ( adr - adr+ )
?: space c? 3 spaces dup 1+ over c@ type
dup c@ + 1+ even ;
: n ( adr - adr+2 ) ?: @? 2 spaces dup @ >name .name 2+ ;
: k ( adr - adr+2 ) ?: 5 spaces @? 2+ ;
: b ( adr - adr+1) ?: @? dup @ over + 5 u.r 2+ ;
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ Tools for decompiling 26oct86we
: d ( adr n - adr+n)
2dup swap ?: swap 0 DO c? 1+ LOOP 2 spaces -rot type ;
: c ( adr - adr+1) 1 d ;
: dump ( adr n -) bounds ?DO cr I 10 d drop stop? IF LEAVE
\ dekompiliere String Name Konstant Char Branch Dump
\ = = = = = =
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ General Dump Utility - Output 26oct86we
| : .2 ( n -- ) 0 <# # # #> type space ;
| : .6 ( d -- ) <# # # # # # # #> type ;
| : d.2 ( addr len -- ) bounds ?DO I c@ .2 LOOP ;
| : emit. ( char -- ) $7F and
dup bl $7E uwithin not IF drop Ascii . THEN emit ;
| : dln ( addr --- )
cr dup 6 u.r 2 spaces 8 2dup d.2 space
over + 8 d.2 space $10 bounds ?DO I c@ EMIT. LOOP ;
| : ?.n ( n1 n2 -- n1 )
2dup = IF ." \/" drop ELSE 2 .r THEN space ;
| : ?.a ( n1 n2 -- n1 )
2dup = IF ." v" drop ELSE 1 .r THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ Longdump basics 24aug86we
| : ld.2 ( hiaddr loaddr len -- hiaddr )
bounds ?DO I over lc@ .2 LOOP ;
| : ldln ( hiaddr loaddr -- )
cr dup >r over .6 2 spaces
r@ 8 ld.2 space r@ 8 + 8 ld.2 space
r> $10 bounds ?DO I over lc@ emit. LOOP drop ;
| : .head ( addr len -- addr' len' )
swap dup -$10 and swap $0F and cr 8 spaces
8 0 DO I ?.n LOOP space $10 8 DO I ?.n LOOP
space $10 0 DO I ?.a LOOP rot + ;
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\ Dump and Fill Memory Utility 10sep86we
Forth definitions
: ldump ( laddr len -- )
base push hex >r swap r> .head
bounds ?DO dup I ldln stop? IF LEAVE THEN
I $FFF0 = IF 1+ THEN $10 +LOOP drop ;
: dump ( addr len -- )
base push hex .head
bounds ?DO I dln stop? IF LEAVE THEN $10 +LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ Trace Loadscreen 26oct86we
Onlyforth \needs Tools Vocabulary Tools
Tools also definitions
\needs cpush 1 +load
\needs >absaddr : >absaddr 0 forthstart d+ ;
2 8 +thru
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ throw status on Return-Stack 26oct86we
| Create: cpull
rp@ count 2dup + even rp! r> swap cmove ;
: cpush ( addr len --) r> -rot over >r
rp@ over 2+ - even dup rp! place cpull >r >r ;
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ Variables do-trace 10sep86we
| Variable (W \ Variable for saving W
| Variable <ip \ start of trace trap range
| Variable ip> \ end of trace trap range
| Variable nest? \ True if NEST shall performed
| Variable newnext \ Address of new Next for tracing
| Variable last' \ holds adr of position in traced word
| Variable #spaces \ for indenting nested trace
| Variable trap? \ True if trace is allowed
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ install Tracer 11sep86we
Label trnext 0 # D6 move .l 0 D6 FP DI) jmp end-code
Label (do-trace newnext R#) D0 move D0 trnext 2+ R#) move
.w trnext # D6 move .l D6 reg) A0 lea A0 D5 move
.w UP R#) D6 move
.l ' next-link >body c@ D6 FP DI) D6 .w move
BEGIN .l D6 reg) A1 lea .w D6 tst 0<>
WHILE .w &10 # A1 suba .l D5 A0 move
A0 )+ A1 )+ move A0 )+ A1 )+ move
.w 2 A1 addq A1 ) D6 move
REPEAT rts end-code
Code do-trace \ opposite of end-trace
(do-trace bsr Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ reenter tracer 04sep86we
| : oneline .status space query interpret -&82 allot
rdrop ( delete quit from tracenext ) ;
| Code (step
RP )+ D7 move .l D7 IP lmove FP IP adda
.w (W R#) D7 move -1 # trap? R#) move
Label fnext
D7 reg) D6 move D6 reg) jmp end-code
| Create: nextstep (step ;
: (debug ( addr -- ) \ start tracing at addr
dup <ip ! BEGIN 1+ dup @ ['] unnest = UNTIL 2+ ip> ! ;
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ check trace conditions 10sep86we
Label tracenext tracenext newnext !
IP )+ D7 move
trap? R#) tst fnext beq
.b nest? R#) D0 move \ byte order!!
0= IF .l IP D0 move FP D0 sub
.w <ip R#) D0 cmp fnext bcs
ip> R#) D0 cmp fnext bhi
ELSE .b 0 # nest? R#) move THEN \ low byte still set
\ one trace condition satisfied
.w D7 (W R#) move trap? R#) clr
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ tracer display 26oct86we
;c: nest? @
IF nest? off r> ip> push <ip push dup 2- (debug
#spaces push 1 #spaces +! >r THEN
r@ nextstep >r input push output push standardi/o
2- dup last' !
cr #spaces @ spaces dup 5 u.r @ dup 6 u.r 2 spaces
>name .name $1C col - 0 max spaces .s
state push blk push >in push ['] 'quit >body push
[ ' >interpret >body ] Literal push
#tib push tib #tib @ cpush r0 push rp@ r0 !
&82 allot ['] oneline Is 'quit quit ;
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ DEBUG with errorchecking 11sep86we
| : traceable ( cfa -- adr)
recursive dup @
['] : @ case? ?exit
['] key @ case? IF >body c@ Input @ + @ traceable exit THEN
['] type @ case? IF >body c@ Output @ + @ traceable exit THEN
['] r/w @ case? IF >body @ traceable exit THEN
drop dup @ @ $4EAB = IF @ 4+ exit THEN \ 68000 voodoo code
>name .name ." can't be DEBUGged" quit ;
: nest \ trace next high-level word executed
last' @ @ traceable drop nest? on ;
: unnest \ ends tracing of actual word
<ip on ip> off ; \ clears trap range
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F
\ misc. words for tracing bp 9Mar86
: endloop \ sets trap range next current word
last' @ 4+ <ip ! ; \ used to skip LOOPs, REPEATs, ...
' end-trace Alias unbug
Forth definitions
: debug ( --) \ reads a word
' traceable Tools (debug
nest? off trap? on #spaces off do-trace ;
: trace' ( --) \ traces fol. word
debug <ip perform end-trace ;