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synced 2025-03-13 19:34:28 +00:00
375 lines
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375 lines
23 KiB
\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
\ Serial interface for IBM-PC using 8250 chip cas 11nov05
INCLUDE SERIAL.FB will load code for COM1,
Bytes recieved will be buffered in a 128 Byte deep Queue
by an interrupt Routine.
The DTR Line will be used to signal that new bytes can be
The Sender will recognize CTS, a full Handshake is implemented
Xon/Xoff Protocoll using ^S/^Q is _not_ implemented.
Sender: TX? ( -- f ) TX ( -- char )
Empf„nger: RX? ( -- f ) RX ( char -- )
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ Driver for IBM-PC Serial card using 8250 cas 11nov05
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb
cr .( COM1: )
| $C 4 * Constant SINT@ \ absolute loc. of serial interrupt
$3F8 >label Portadr
| $10 Constant I_level \ 8259 priority
2 7 +thru
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ Driver for IBM-PC Serial card using 8250 cas 11nov05
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb
cr .( COM2: )
| $B 4 * Constant SINT@ \ absolute loc. of serial interrupt
$2F8 >label Portadr
| 8 Constant I_level \ 8259 priority
1 6 +thru
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ Driver for IBM-PC Serial card using 8250 ks 11 mai 88
\ 3 .( 38.4 kbaud )
\ &6 .( 19.2 kbaud )
&12 .( 9.6 kbaud )
\ &24 .( 4.8 kbaud )
\ &96 .( 1200 baud )
>label baud
$20 >label I_ctrl $21 >label I_mask \ 8259 addresses
Create Queue 0 , $80 allot
\ 0 1 2 130 byte address
\ | len | out |<-- 128 byte Queue -->|
\ len ::= number of characters queued
\ out ::= relativ address of next output character
\ (len+out)mod(128) ::= relative address of first empty byte
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ transmit to 8250 ks 11 dez 87
Code tx? ( -- f ) D push Portadr 5 + # D mov
D in D D xor $1020 # A and $1020 # A cmp
0= ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
Code tx ( c -- ) D- A- xchg Portadr # D mov
D byte out D pop Next end-code
Code -dtr D push Portadr 4 + # D mov
D byte in $1E # A- and D byte out D pop Next
Code +dtr D push Portadr 4 + # D mov
D byte in 1 # A- or D byte out D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ receive queue and interrupt service routine ks 11 dez 87
Label S_INT D push I push A push
Portadr # D mov D byte in A- D+ mov
Queue # I mov C: seg I ) A mov A- D- mov D- inc
C: seg D- I ) mov A+ A- add $7F # A and A I add
C: seg D+ 2 I D) mov $68 # D- cmp CS not
?[ Portadr 4 + # D mov
D byte in $1E # A- and D byte out ]? \ -DTR
$20 # A- mov I_ctrl #) byte out \ EOI for 8259
A pop I pop D pop iret
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\ rx? rx ks 30 dez 87
Code rx? ( -- f ) D push D D xor
Queue #) D- mov D- D- or 0=
?[ [[ D push Portadr 4 + # D mov \ +DTR
D byte in 9 # A- or D byte out D pop
swap ]? Next end-code
Code rx ( -- 8b ) I W mov Queue # I mov
D push D D xor cli lods A- A- or 0= not
?[ A+ C- mov A- dec A+ inc $7F # A+ and
A -2 I D) mov D- C+ mov C I add I ) D- mov
]? sti W I mov $18 # A- cmp CS not ?] Next
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ Serial initialization ks 25 apr 86
| Code S_init D push D: push A A xor A D: mov C: A mov
SINT@ # W mov S_INT # W ) mov A 2 W D) mov D: pop
Portadr 3 + # D mov $80 # A- mov D byte out \ DLAB = 1
2 # D sub baud # A mov A- A+ xchg D byte out
D dec A- A+ xchg D byte out \ baudrate
3 # D add $A07 # A mov D out \ 8bit, noP, +RTS +OUT
2 # D sub 1 # A- mov D byte out \ +rxINT
I_mask #) byte in I_level Forth not Assembler # A- and
I_mask #) byte out D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ init bye ks 11 dez 87
\needs init : init ;
: init init Queue off S_init ; init
: bye 0 [ Portadr 1+ ] Literal pc! \ -rxINT
0 [ Portadr 4 + ] Literal pc! \ -dtr/-rts/-out2
I_mask pc@ I_level or I_mask pc! bye ;
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ dumb terminal via 8250 ks 11 dez 87
Variable Fkeys Fkeys on
| : ?rx ( -- ) pause rx? 0=exit rx
Fkeys @ 0= IF emit ?cr exit THEN
#LF case? IF cr exit THEN
#CR case? IF Row 0 at exit THEN
#BS case? IF del exit THEN emit ;
| : ?tx ( c -- ) BEGIN ?rx tx? UNTIL tx ;
: dumb BEGIN BEGIN ?rx key? UNTIL key
$1B case? IF -dtr exit THEN ?tx REPEAT ;
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F
\ *** Block No. 16 Hexblock 10
\ *** Block No. 17 Hexblock 11
\ *** Block No. 18 Hexblock 12
\ *** Block No. 19 Hexblock 13
\ *** Block No. 20 Hexblock 14
\ *** Block No. 21 Hexblock 15