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\ Commandline EDitor for volksFORTH rev. 3.80 cas 10nov05This File contains definitions to create an editable Forth command line with history. The commandline histroy allows older commands to be recalled. These older commands will be stored in Screen 0 in a file called"history" and will be preserved even when calling SAVE-SYSTEM. Keys: Cursor left/right Delete Char <del> und <- Delete Line <esc> toggle Insert <ins> finish line <enter> Jump to Beginning/End of Line <pos1> <end> recall older commands \ Commandline EDitor LOAD-Screen cas 10nov05 : curleft ( -- ) at? 1- at ; : currite ( -- ) at? 1+ at ; 1 5 +thru \ enhanced Input .( Commandline Editor loaded ) cr \ History -- Commandhistory cas 10nov05makefile history 1 more | Variable line# line# off | Variable lastline# lastline# off | : 'history ( n -- addr ) isfile push history c/l * b/blk /mod block + ; | : @line ( n -- addr len ) 'history c/l -trailing ; | : !history ( addr line# -- ) 'history dup c/l blank span @ c/l min cmove update ; | : @history ( addr line# -- ) @line rot swap dup span ! cmove ; | : +line ( n addr -- ) dup @ rot + l/s mod swap ! ; \ End of input cas 10nov05 | Variable maxchars | Variable insert insert on | : -text ( a1 a2 l -- 0=equal ) bounds ?DO count I c@ - ?dup IF nip ENDLOOP exit THEN LOOP 0= ; | : done ( a p1 -- a p2 ) 2dup at? rot - span @ dup maxchars ! + at space blankline line# @ @line span @ = IF span @ -text 0=exit 2dup THEN drop lastline# @ !history 1 lastline# +line ; \ enhanced input cas 10nov05| : redisplay ( addr pos -- ) at? 2swap span @ swap /string type blankline at ; | : del ( addr pos -- ) span @ 0=exit dup >r + dup 1+ swap span @ r> - cmove -1 span +! ; | : ins ( addr pos1 -- ) dup >r + dup dup 1+ span @ r> - cmove> bl swap c! 1 span +! ; | : delete ( a p1 -- a p2 ) 2dup del 2dup redisplay ; | : back ( a p1 -- a p2 ) 1- curleft delete ; | : recall ( a p1 -- a p2 ) at? rot - at dup line# @ @history dup 0 redisplay at? span @ + at span @ ; | : <start ( a1 p1 -- a2 p2 ) at? rot - at 0 ; \ Keyassignment for Commandline-Editor MS-DOS cas 10nov05 : (decode ( addr pos1 key -- addr pos2 ) -&77 case? IF dup span @ < 0=exit currite 1+ exit THEN -&75 case? IF dup 0=exit curleft 1- exit THEN -&82 case? IF insert @ 0= insert ! exit THEN #bs case? IF dup 0=exit back exit THEN -&83 case? IF span @ 2dup < and 0=exit delete exit THEN -&72 case? IF -1 line# +line recall exit THEN -&80 case? IF 1 line# +line recall exit THEN #cr case? IF done exit THEN #esc case? IF <start span off 2dup redisplay exit THEN -&71 case? IF <start exit THEN -&79 case? IF at? rot - span @ + at span @ exit THEN dup emit >r insert @ IF 2dup ins THEN 2dup + r> swap c! 1+ dup span @ max span ! 2dup redisplay ; \ Patch cas 10nov05 : showcur ( -- ) insert @ IF &11 ELSE &6 THEN &12 curshape ; : (expect ( addr len -- ) maxchars ! span off lastline# @ line# ! 0 BEGIN span @ maxchars @ u< WHILE key decode showcur REPEAT 2drop ; ' (decode ' keyboard 6 + ! ' (expect ' keyboard 8 + !