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\\ Terminalprogramm mit Blockinterface ( 08.03.91/KK ) Autor: Klaus Kohl, 30.01.89 aus FG-FORTH des RTX entnommen Beschreibung: Kleines Beispiel zur Implementation eines Fileinterfaces <20>ber die serielle Schnittstelle (Achtung: immer 8 Datenbits) Die Schnittstellenbefehle stammen aus dem PC-volksFORTH 3.81 von Klaus Schleisiek. Sie wurden weitgehend unver„ndert <20>ber- nommen, sind aber auf 4KByte-Puffer erweitert. File: SERIAL.SCR Umstellung des Ports durch Ausmaskierung der entsprechenden Zeilen in Screen 2 (momentan COM1 aktiviert). \ LOADSCREEN cas 28jun20 Onlyforth \ Suchreihenfolge: FORTH FORTH ONLY \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb \ Assembler nachladen FROM source.img ( File for SAVESYSTEM ) $20 >label I_ctrl \ 8259-Register $21 >label I_mask \ 8259-Mask &02 &11 THRU ( SIO-Terminalroutines ) &12 &17 THRU ( extended command words ) &18 LOAD ( Terminalprogram ) \ Addresses and Constants cas 28jun20 | $C 4 * Constant SINT@ \ SIO-Interuptvector COM 1/3 \ $B 4 * Constant SINT@ \ SIO-Interuptvector COM 2/4 | $10 Constant I_level \ 8259-Interuptlevel COM 1/3 \ $08 Constant I_level \ 8259-Interuptlevel COM 2/4 ( Port address) | $3F8 >label Portadr \ Portaddress COM1: \ $2F8 >label Portadr \ Portaddress COM2: \ $3E8 >label Portadr \ Portaddress COM3: \ $2E8 >label Portadr \ Portaddress COM4: ( Selection of Baud rate ) \ &96 >label baud .( 1200 Baud ) \ &48 >label baud .( 2400 Baud ) | &12 >label baud .( 9600 Baud ) \ &02 >label baud .( 57600 Baud ) \ Queue and required commands cas 28jun20 ( Dataqueue with 128 bytes and two pointer for IRQ service ) ( Queue+0: Number of saved characters ) ( Queue+1: offset to next char to be send ) Create Queue 0 , 0 , $1000 allot \ send byte to port address ( b adr -- ) \needs pc! Code pc! A pop D byte out D pop Next \ Read Byte from port address ( adr -- b ) \needs pc@ Code pc@ D byte in A- D- mov D+ D+ xor Next \ tx? = Request status for sending char cas 28jun20 ( test if a char cn be send ) Code tx? ( -- f ) \ f=-1, ready to send D push \ TOS to datastack (TOS=Top Of Stack) Portadr 5 + # D mov \ move status address into D reg D in \ get port into register A D D xor \ set D register to 0 $1020 # A and \ mask % 0001 0000 0010 0000 $1020 # A cmp \ tes if these bits are set 0= ?[ D dec ]? \ char output permitted ? Next \ compiling "Next" wurg macro end-code \ (tx tx = transmit cas 28jun20 ( unconditional send byte directly to 8250-Port ) Code (tx ( char -- ) D- A- xchg \ load char into AL-register Portadr # D mov \ load port address in D-register D byte out \ transmit AL D pop \ load next stack value into D-register Next \ compiling "Next" end-code ( wait until last char has been send ) : tx ( char -- ) BEGIN tx? UNTIL \ wait until SIO ready (tx ; \ now write to port \ -DTR +DTR = Data Terminal Ready on/off cas 28jun20( DTR-Line to +12 V = logical zero ) Code -DTR ( -- ) D push \ save TOS Portadr 4 + # D mov \ get Address of Port Controllregister D byte in \ move content to AL register $1C # A- and \ DTR and RTS to 0 = +12 V D byte out \ write AL back into port register D pop \ restore TOS Next \ next FORTH words end-code ( set DTR and RTS back to 1 = -12 V ) Code +DTR ( -- ) D push Portadr 4 + # D mov D byte in 3 # A- or D byte out D pop Next end-code \ receive queue and interrupt service routine ( 21.02.89/KK ) | Label S_INT D push I push A push Queue # I mov C: seg I ) A mov A D mov A inc $FFF # A and C: seg A I ) mov D I ADD Portadr # D mov D byte in C: seg A- 4 I D) mov $20 # A- mov I_ctrl #) byte out \ EOI for 8259 A pop I pop D pop iret end-code \ rx? = request status for reading from Queue cas 28jun20| Code rx? ( -- f ) D push Queue #) D mov Queue 2+ #) D XOR Next end-code \\ Query if a char can be read from the queue Code rx? ( -- f ) ( f<>0, if char ready ) D push \ TOS to datastack D D xor \ D-register to 0 Queue #) D- mov \ get number if DL and D- D- or \ test for 0 0= ?[ [[ D push \ if queue empty Portadr 4 + # D mov \ activate S8 again D byte in $B # A- or D byte out \ without changing D pop \ D register swap ]? Next end-code \ (rx rx = receive char from queue cas 28jun20 ( get char from queue, adjust pointer ) Code (rx ( -- char ) D push I push Queue 2+ # I mov C: seg I ) A mov A D mov A inc $FFF # A and C: seg A I ) mov D I ADD C: seg 2 I D) A- mov 0 # A+ mov A D mov I pop Next end-code ( get char, wait for char available ) : rx ( -- char ) BEGIN rx? UNTIL (rx ; \ S_init = initialize serial interface cas 28jun20| Code S_init ( -- ) D push D: push \ save TOS and DS register A A xor A D: mov C: A mov \ 0 -> DS ; CS -> A SINT@ # W mov S_INT # W ) mov \ set IRQ vector A 2 W D) mov D: pop \ and restore DS register Portadr 3 + # D mov $80 # A- mov D byte out \ enable Baud-rate register 2 # D sub baud # A mov A- A+ xchg D byte out \ set the D dec A- A+ xchg D byte out \ BAUD rate 3 # D add $A07 # A mov D out \ 8bit, noP, +RTS +OUT 2 # D sub 1 # A- mov D byte out \ enable RX IRQ I_mask #) byte in I_level Forth not Assembler # A- and \ activate 8259 I_mask #) byte out D pop Next end-code \ init -init = Initialization / Reset cas 28jun20 \needs init | : init ; ( clear queue pointer and initialize port and interrupt ) : init ( -- ) init Queue off Queue 2+ off S_init ; ( block IRQ, disable RTS and DTR ) : -init ( -- ) 0 [ Portadr 1+ ] Literal pc! \ disable 8259 IRQ 0 [ Portadr 4 + ] Literal pc! \ -RTS/-rts/-out2 I_mask pc@ I_level or I_mask pc! ; \ block 8259 \ rxto rxwto = receive char with timeout cas 28jun20 | &1000 Constant Timeout \ exit after 1000 iterations ( get a char ) | : rxto ( -- char 0 | f ) ( f=-1 signals error ) Timeout \ number iterations BEGIN rx? IF drop (rx 0 exit THEN \ char available? 1- DUP 0= \ Timeout ? UNTIL DROP -1 ; ( get a word, Highbyte first ) | : rxwto ( -- n 0 | f ) rxto ?dup ?exit \ exit when Timeout in 1st byte &256 * rxto \ move to highbyte, get lowbyte if drop -1 else OR 0 then ; \ Timeout -> error flag \ info. blk>sio sio>blk = Forth Block I/O cas 28jun20: info. ." Block: " dup . cr ; : blk>sio ( b -- f ) ( Block to target machine ) dup capacity u< if cr ." HOST -> TA -" info. block 0 tx &1024 0 DO dup c@ tx 1+ LOOP drop else drop 9 tx then 0 ; : sio>blk ( b -- f ) ( Block from Target ) dup capacity u< if cr ." TA -> HOST -" info. flush block 0 tx &1024 0 do rxto if drop &1234 leave else over c! 1+ then loop &1234 = if empty-buffers -1 else update flush 0 then else drop 9 tx 0 then ; \ Extension for img>file cas 28jun20 VARIABLE TSEG TSEG OFF ( Segment-Address of Target-RAM ) : TINIT ( len -- ) 0 B/SEG UM/MOD SWAP IF 1+ THEN ( number of blocks ) LALLOCATE ABORT" No RAM" ( reserve ) TSEG ! ; ( save address ) : TFREE ( -- ) ( release memory ) TSEG @ LFREE ABORT" RAM allocated" ; : TC! ( c addr -- ) ( write byte ) TSEG @ SWAP LC! ; : <TMOVE ( taddr addr n -- ) ( data from target ) >R >R TSEG @ SWAP DS@ R> R> LMOVE ; \ Terminal part for SAVESYSTEM cas 28jun20 : img>file ( len -- f ) ( save image file ) DUP TINIT DUP 0 0 tx ?DO rxto ABORT" Savesystem-Error" I TC! LOOP PUSHFILE SOURCE.IMG CAPACITY 1- 0 DO I BLOCK &1024 -1 FILL UPDATE LOOP 0 $400 UM/MOD DUP 0 ?DO I $400 * I BLOCK $400 <TMOVE UPDATE LOOP SWAP ?DUP IF OVER DUP $400 * SWAP BLOCK ROT <TMOVE UPDATE THEN DROP FLUSH CLOSE TFREE 0 ; \ tbu = command interpreter cas 28jun20 ( command interpreter for escape codes ) | : tbu ( -- f ) ( Terminal block transmission ) rxto ?dup ?exit \ get code 1 case? if rxwto ?dup ?exit blk>sio exit then \ Transmit 2 case? if rxwto ?dup ?exit sio>blk exit then \ Receive 3 case? if rxwto ?dup ?exit img>file exit then \ ROM 4 case? if rxwto ?dup ?exit drop page 0 exit then \ PAGE 5 case? if rxto ?dup ?exit rxto ?dup if nip exit then swap at 0 exit then \ AT $1B case? if $1B tx 0 exit then \ ESCAPE drop -1 ; \ error unknown command \ ?rx = char from terminal cas 28jun20 ( receive and interpret char ) | : ?rx ( -- ) pause rx? 0=exit (rx \ return if no char wainting dup $20 u< \ is control char? if $1B case? if tbu abort" Command-Error" exit THEN \ ESCAPE #LF case? IF cr exit THEN \ CRLF #CR case? IF Row 0 at exit THEN \ only CR #BS case? IF del exit THEN \ Backspace drop \ better ignore these else Col &78 u> if cr then \ next line? emit \ directly emit char then ; \ T - Main Terminal command cas 28jun20 ( send char if possible ) | : ?tx ( c -- ) BEGIN ?rx tx? UNTIL \ receive unil SIO is free tx ; \ then transmit ( Terminal Interpreter Loop ) | : (T ( -- ) BEGIN BEGIN ?rx key? UNTIL \ receive until key pressed key $1B case? IF -DTR exit THEN ?tx \ exit on ESC REPEAT ; ( Main program, en-/disables interrupt ) : T ( -- ) CR ." TA-Terminal (Exit with ESC)" CR INIT (T -INIT CR ." VolksForth " ; |