2023-12-03 14:13:54 +01:00

259 lines
7.2 KiB

# This Makefile and the build scripts in the emulator/ subdir require
# the file format conversion tools from the tools/ subdir of
# https://github.com/pzembrod/cc64 to be installed.
vf_blk_d64_files = $(wildcard disks/*.d64)
vf_blk_fth_files = $(patsubst %.d64, %.fth, $(vf_blk_d64_files))
vf_fth_files = $(wildcard src/vf-*.fth src/v4th*.fth)
vf_fth_files_petscii = $(patsubst src/%, cbmfiles/%, $(vf_fth_files))
vf_flavours = \
v4thblk-c64 v4thblk-c16+ v4thblk-c16- \
v4th-c64 v4th-c16+ v4th-c16- v4th-x16 v4th-x16e
vf_binaries = $(patsubst %, cbmfiles/%, $(vf_flavours))
all_src_files = $(wildcard src/*.fth)
all_src_files_petscii = $(patsubst src/%, cbmfiles/%, $(all_src_files))
test_files = $(wildcard tests/*.f*)
test_files_petscii = $(patsubst tests/%, cbmfiles/%, $(test_files))
test_logs = $(patsubst %, test-%.log, $(vf_flavours))
test_resuls = $(patsubst %, test-%.result, $(vf_flavours))
release_zipfile = volksforth-6502-c64-release.zip
# Target to convert all .d64 images into .fth files for easier reading,
# and to update all PETSCII files in cbmfiles to the latest state of
# the corresponding ASCII files in src.
update: $(vf_blk_fth_files) $(vf_fth_files_petscii)
rm -f cbmfiles/*.fr cbmfiles/*.fth cbmfiles/*.log
rm -rf tmp/* release
rm -f *.log *.result *.golden
rm -f cbmfiles/c??-testbase
rm -f disks/scratch.d64 emulator/sdcard.img
# Convenience targets
binaries: $(vf_binaries)
test: $(test_resuls)
test64: std64 blk64
blk64: test-v4thblk-c64.result
std64: test-v4th-c64.result
debug-64: emulator/tcbase.T64 emulator/build-vf.sh \
disks/vforth4_2.d64 disks/tc38q.d64 $(vf_fth_files_petscii)
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-c64 nosave
run-devenv: emulator/devenv.T64
emulator/run-in-vice.sh devenv
run-testbase: emulator/testbase.T64
emulator/run-in-vice.sh testbase
run-testbase16: emulator/testbase16.T64
VICE=xplus4 emulator/run-in-vice.sh testbase16
release: tmp/$(release_zipfile) COPYING RELEASE_NOTES.md
rm -rf release
mkdir release
cp -p $^ release/
tmp/$(release_zipfile): $(vf_binaries) \
$(all_src_files) $(all_src_files_petscii) \
$(test_files) $(test_files_petscii) COPYING RELEASE_NOTES.md
rm -rf tmp
mkdir tmp
mkdir tmp/binaries
mkdir tmp/src
mkdir tmp/src_petscii
mkdir tmp/tests
mkdir tmp/tests_petscii
cp -p $(vf_binaries) tmp/binaries/
cp -p $(all_src_files) tmp/src/
cp -p $(all_src_files_petscii) tmp/src_petscii/
cp -p $(test_files) tmp/tests/
cp -p $(test_files_petscii) tmp/tests_petscii/
(cd tmp && zip -r $(release_zipfile) COPYING RELEASE_NOTES.md \
binaries src src_petscii tests tests_petscii)
# Targetcompiler targets
cbmfiles/tcbase: emulator/v4th-c64-4tc.T64 emulator/build-tcbase.sh \
disks/tc38q.d64 disks/file-words.d64 cbmfiles/tc-base.fth
$(vf_binaries): $(vf_fth_files_petscii) emulator/build-vf.sh \
emulator/tcbase.T64 disks/tc38q.d64 cbmfiles/logtofile.fth
emulator/build-vf.sh v4thblk-c64
emulator/build-vf.sh v4thblk-c16+
emulator/build-vf.sh v4thblk-c16-
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-c64
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-c16+
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-c16-
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-x16
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-x16e
# Core test targets
$(test_logs): $(test_files_petscii) emulator/run-in-vice.sh
test-v4thblk-c64.log: emulator/v4thblk-c64.T64 disks/empty.d64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log disks/scratch.d64
cp disks/empty.d64 disks/scratch.d64
DISK9=scratch emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4thblk-c64 \
"include run-blk-tests.fth\n1234567890"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-c64.log: emulator/v4th-c64.T64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4th-c64 \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4thblk-c16+.log: emulator/v4thblk-c16+.T64 disks/empty.d64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log disks/scratch.d64
cp disks/empty.d64 disks/scratch.d64
VICE=xplus4 DISK9=scratch emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4thblk-c16+ \
"include run-blk-tests.fth\n1234567890"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-c16+.log: emulator/v4th-c16+.T64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
VICE=xplus4 emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4th-c16+ \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4thblk-c16-.log: emulator/v4thblk-c16-.T64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
VICE=xplus4 emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4thblk-c16- \
"include run-min-tests.fth\n1234567890"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-c16-.log: emulator/v4th-c16-.T64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
VICE=xplus4 emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4th-c16- \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-x16.log: cbmfiles/v4th-x16 emulator/sdcard.img
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
emulator/run-in-x16emu.sh v4th-x16 \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890"
mcopy -i emulator/sdcard.img ::TEST.LOG cbmfiles/test.log
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-x16e.log: cbmfiles/v4th-x16e emulator/sdcard.img
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
emulator/run-in-x16emu.sh v4th-x16e \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890"
mcopy -i emulator/sdcard.img ::TEST.LOG cbmfiles/test.log
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-%.result: test-%.log test-%.golden tests/evaluate-test.sh
rm -f $@
tests/evaluate-test.sh $(basename $@)
emulator/sdcard.img: emulator/sdcard.sfdisk
rm -f $@ $@.tmp
dd if=/dev/zero of=$@.tmp count=64 bs=1M
sfdisk -w always -W always $@.tmp < $<
mformat -i $@.tmp -F
mv $@.tmp $@
test-v4thblk-c64.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double block report-blk)
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-c64.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $^ > $@
test-v4thblk-c16+.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double block report-blk)
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-c16+.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $^ > $@
test-v4thblk-c16-.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core)
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-c16-.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-x16.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-x16e.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $^ > $@
# Rules for building Forth binaries on top of the plain vanilla
# c64-volksforth83.
cbmfiles/devenv: emulator/run-in-vice.sh emulator/build-devenv.sh \
emulator/c64-volksforth83.T64 \
disks/vforth4_1.d64 disks/vforth4_3.d64 disks/file-words.d64
# Generic T64 tape image rule
emulator/%.T64: cbmfiles/%
bin2t64 $< $@
touch -m -r $< $@
# Generic rule for populating cbmfiles/ with PETSCII text files
cbmfiles/%.fth: src/%.fth
ascii2petscii $< $@
touch -m -r $< $@
cbmfiles/%.fth: tests/%.fth
ascii2petscii $< $@
touch -m -r $< $@
cbmfiles/%.fr: tests/%.fr
ascii2petscii $< $@
touch -m -r $< $@
# Generic rule for converting .d64 blk sources into .fth files.
disks/%.fth: disks/%.d64
ufscr2file $< $@