Philip Zembrod cae5f7c94d Get v4th-x16 to work with r41 of x16emu and x16 ROM.
Main change is that c64key? and getkey are implemented through new
Kernal API calls instead of direct reading the keyboard buffer.
A separate intermediate test target for r41 is introduced.
But also the main x16 target is switched to r41 now.
Also, the KEEPEMU env var is introduced to run-in-x16emu.sh
for debugging that has proved its usefulness in cc64 emulator scripts.
2022-07-31 21:56:33 +02:00

121 lines
2.4 KiB

include vf-lbls-cbm.fth
7f fthpage
\ X16 labels
0ffd2 >label ConOut
0febd >label KbdbufPeek
0289 >label IOStatus
028c >label MsgFlg
028e >label OutDev
028d >label InDev
09f2c >label BrdCol
0266 >label BkgCol
0284 >label PenCol
8a >label PrgEnd \ aka eal; seems unused
0292 >label IOBeg \ aka stal; seems unused
0381 >label CurFlg \ aka qtsw
0385 >label InsCnt \ aka insrt
\ TODO(issues/33): Remove the R?mBank38 labels.
09f60 >label RomBank38
09f61 >label RamBank38
1 >label RomBank
0 >label RamBank
0a000 >label KeyD \ keyboard buffer
0a00a >label Ndx \ #keys in keyboard buffer
037B >label blnsw \ C64: $cc
\ 037C >label blnct \ C64: $cd
\ 037D >label gdbln \ C64: $ce
\ 037E >label blnon \ C64: $cf
\ 0262 >label pnt \ C64: $d1
\ 0380 >label pntr \ C64: $d3
\ 0373 >label gdcol
\ C64 labels that X16 doesn't have:
\ 028a >label KeyRep \ aka rptflg
\ *** Block No. 129, Hexblock 81
81 fthpage
\ X16 c64key? getkey
Code c64key? ( -- flag)
KbdbufPeek jsr
txa pha
Push jmp end-code
Code getkey ( -- 8b)
Push0A jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 130, Hexblock 82
82 fthpage
\ X16 curon curoff
Code curon ( --)
blnsw stx Next jmp end-code
Code curoff ( --)
blnsw sty Next jmp end-code
include vf-sys-cbm.fth
\ *** Block No. 143, Hexblock 8f
\ ... continued
8f fthpage
Create ink-pot
\ border bkgnd pen 0
6 c, 6 c, 3 c, 0 c, \ Forth
0E c, 6 c, 3 c, 0 c, \ Edi
6 c, 6 c, 3 c, 0 c, \ User
\ *** Block No. 144, Hexblock 90
90 fthpage
\ X16 restore
Label restore pha txa pha tya pha cld
\ TODO: Replace with phx phy once 65c02 asm is available
$ffe1 jsr ( stop ) 0<> ?[ $e01f jmp ( prend ) ]?
' restart @ jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 145, Hexblock 91
91 fthpage
\ X16:Init
: init-system \ TODO(pzembrod): Check if this works and is needed
[ restore ] Literal $318 ! ; \ NMI-Vector
Label first-init
sei cld
RomBank lda $f8 # and RomBank sta \ map in KERNAL ROM
\ TODO(issues/33): Remove this line accessing RomBank38.
RomBank38 lda $f8 # and RomBank38 sta \ map in KERNAL ROM for R38
IOINIT jsr CINT jsr RESTOR jsr \ init. and set I/O-Vectors
ink-pot lda BrdCol sta \ border
ink-pot 1+ lda BkgCol sta \ backgrnd
ink-pot 2+ lda PenCol sta \ pen
$0e # lda ConOut jsr \ lower/uppercase
cli rts end-code
first-init dup bootsystem 1+ !
warmboot 1+ !
Code c64init first-init jsr
xyNext jmp end-code
| CODE (bye $FFFC ) jmp end-code