Philip Zembrod f3376268f8 Make v4th.com tests independent of .fb sources:
Provide .fth variants of asm.fb, extend.fb, dos.fb, multi.vid
Also add detection of unresolved symbols to v4th.com make rule
2022-03-21 00:50:22 +01:00

193 lines
5.5 KiB

\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ This file is a pure .fth-version of multi.vid.
\ This display interface uses BIOS call $10 functions for a fast
\ display interface. A couple of state variables is contained
\ in a vector that is task specific such that different tasks
\ may use different windows. For simplicity windows always
\ span the whole width of the screen. They can be defined by
\ top and bottom line. This mechanism is used for a convenient
\ status display line on the bottom of the screen.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ Multitsking display interface loadscreen ks phz 31jan22
Onlyforth \needs Assembler include t86asm.fth
User area area off \ points at active window
Variable status \ to switch status on/off
| Variable cursor \ points at area with active cursor
\ 1 8 +thru .( Multitasking display driver loaded ) cr
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ Multitsking display interface ks 6 sep 86
: Area: Create 0 , 0 , 7 c, Does> area ! ;
\ | col | row | top | bot | att |
Area: terminal terminal area @ cursor !
: (area Create dup c, 1+ Does> c@ area @ + ;
0 | (area ccol | (area crow | (area ctop
| (area cbot (area catt drop
: window ( topline botline -- ) cbot c! ctop c! ;
: full 0 c/col 2- window ; full
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ Multitask (type (emit ks 20 dez 87
Code (type ( addr len -- ) W pop I push R push
u' area U D) I mov U push D U mov
$F # A+ mov $10 int u' catt I D) R- mov
3 # A+ mov $10 int C push D push $E0E # C mov
1 # A+ mov $10 int I ) D mov 1 # C mov
U inc [[ U dec 0= not ?[[ 2 # A+ mov $10 int
D- inc ' c/row >body #) D- cmp 0= not
?[[ W ) A- mov W inc 9 # A+ mov $10 int ]]? ]?
D I ) mov D pop cursor #) I cmp 0= ?[ I ) D mov ]?
2 # A+ mov $10 int C pop 1 # A+ mov $10 int U pop
R pop I pop D pop ' pause #) jmp end-code
: (emit ( char -- ) sp@ 1 (type drop ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ Multitask (at (at? ks 04 aug 87
Code (at ( row col -- ) A pop A- D+ mov
u' area U D) W mov D W ) mov cursor #) W cmp 0=
?[ R push U push $F # A+ mov $10 int
2 # A+ mov $10 int U pop R pop
]? D pop Next end-code
Code (at? ( -- row col )
D push u' area U D) W mov W ) D mov
D+ A- mov 0 # A+ mov A+ D+ mov A push Next
Code curat? ( -- row col ) D push R push
$F # A+ mov $10 int 3 # A+ mov $10 int
R pop 0 # A mov D+ A- xchg A push Next
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ cur! curshape setpage ks 28 jun 87
: cur! \ set cursor into current task's window
area @ cursor ! (at? (at ; cur!
Code curshape ( top bot -- ) D C mov D pop
D- C+ mov 1 # A+ mov $10 int D pop Next
Code setpage ( n -- )
$503 # A mov D- A- and $10 int D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ Multitask normal invers blankline ks 01 nov 88
: normal 7 catt c! ; : invers $70 catt c! ;
: underline 1 catt c! ; : bright $F catt c! ;
Code blankline D push R push U push $F # A+ mov
$10 int u' area U D) W mov u' catt W D) R- mov
3 # A+ mov $10 int C push D push
$E0E # C mov 1 # A+ mov $10 int W ) D mov
2 # A+ mov $10 int ' c/row >body #) C mov
D- C- sub bl # A- mov 9 # A+ mov
C- C- or 0= not ?[ $10 int ]?
D pop 2 # A+ mov $10 int \ set cursor back
C pop 1 # A+ mov $10 int \ cursor visible again
U pop R pop D pop ' pause #) jmp end-code
| : lineerase ( line# -- ) 0 (at blankline ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ Multitask (del scroll (cr (page ks 04 okt 87
: (del (at? ?dup
IF 1- 2dup (at bl (emit (at exit THEN drop ;
Code scroll D push R push U push
u' area U D) W mov u' catt W D) R+ mov
u' ctop W D) D mov D- C+ mov 0 # C- mov
' c/row >body #) D- mov D- dec $601 # A mov
$10 int U pop R pop D pop Next
: (cr (at? drop 1+ dup cbot c@ u>
IF scroll drop cbot c@ THEN lineerase ;
: (page ctop c@ cbot c@ DO I lineerase -1 +LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ Multitask status display ks 10 okt 87
' (emit ' display 2 + ! ' (cr ' display 4 + !
' (type ' display 6 + ! ' (del ' display 8 + !
' (page ' display &10 + !
' (at ' display &12 + ! ' (at? ' display &14 + !
: .base base @ decimal dup 2 .r base ! ;
: .sp ( n -- ) ." s" depth swap 1+ - 2 .r ;
: (.drv ( n -- ) Ascii A + emit ." : " ;
: .dr ." " drv (.drv ;
: .scr blk @ IF ." Blk" blk ELSE ." Scr" scr THEN
@ 5 .r ;
: .space ." Dic" s0 @ here $100 + - 6 u.r ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ statuszeile ks ks 04 aug 87
| : fstat ( n -- ) .base .sp
.space .scr .dr file? 2 spaces order ;
| Area: statusline
statusline c/col 1- dup window page invers terminal
: (.status output @ display area @ statusline
status @ IF (at? drop 0 (at 2 fstat blankline
ELSE normal page invers
THEN area ! output ! ;
' (.status Is .status
: bye status off .status bye ;
.( Multitasking display driver loaded ) cr