2022-03-23 22:13:51 +01:00

554 lines
14 KiB

Forth definitions
Defer save-buffers ' noop IS save-buffers
Defer init-buffers ' noop IS init-buffers
Defer empty-buffers ' noop IS empty-buffers
Defer flush-file-buffers ( fcb -- )
' drop IS flush-file-buffers
Variable isfile isfile off \ addr of file control block
Variable fromfile fromfile off \ fcb in kopieroperationen
Code isfile@ ( -- addr )
D push isfile #) D mov Next end-code
\ : isfile@ ( -- addr ) isfile @ ;
Variable error# error# off \ Nummer des letzten Fehlers
Defer ?diskerror \ Fehlerbehandlung
\ *** Block No. 112, Hexblock 70
\ lc@ lc! l@ l! special 8088 operators ks 27 oct 86
Code lc@ ( seg:addr -- 8b ) D: pop D W mov
W ) D- mov 0 # D+ mov C: A mov A D: mov Next
Code lc! ( 8b seg:addr -- ) D: pop A pop D W mov
A- W ) mov C: A mov A D: mov D pop Next end-code
Code l@ ( seg:addr -- 16b ) D: pop D W mov
W ) D mov C: A mov A D: mov Next end-code
Code l! ( 16b seg:addr -- ) D: pop A pop D W mov
A W ) mov C: A mov A D: mov D pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 113, Hexblock 71
\ ltype lmove special 8088 operators ks 11 dez 87
: ltype ( seg:addr len -- )
0 ?DO 2dup I + lc@ emit LOOP 2drop ;
Code lmove ( from.seg:addr to.seg:addr quan -- )
A I xchg D C mov W pop E: pop
I pop D: pop I W cmp CS
?[ rep byte movs
][ C dec C W add C I add C inc
std rep byte movs cld
]? A I xchg C: A mov A E: mov
A D: mov D pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 114, Hexblock 72
\ BDOS keyboard input ks 16 sep 88
\ es muss wirklich so kompliziert sein, da sonst kein ^C und ^P
| Variable newkey newkey off
Code (key@ ( -- 8b ) D push newkey #) D mov D+ D+ or
0= ?[ $7 # A+ mov $21 int A- D- mov ]?
0 # D+ mov D+ newkey 1+ #) mov Next
Code (key? ( -- f ) D push newkey #) D mov D+ D+ or
0= ?[ -1 # D- mov 6 # A+ mov $21 int 0=
?[ 0 # D+ mov
][ -1 # A+ mov A newkey #) mov -1 # D+ mov
]? ]? D+ D- mov Next
\ *** Block No. 115, Hexblock 73
\ empty-keys (key ks 16 sep 88
Code empty-keys $C00 # A mov $21 int
0 # newkey 1+ #) byte mov Next end-code
: (key ( -- 16b ) BEGIN pause (key? UNTIL
(key@ ?dup ?exit (key? IF (key@ negate exit THEN 0 ;
\ *** Block No. 116, Hexblock 74
\ BIOS keyboard input ks 16 sep 88
\ Code (key@ ( -- 8b ) D push A+ A+ xor $16 int
\ A- D- xchg 0 # D+ mov Next end-code
\ Code (key? ( -- f ) D push 1 # A+ mov D D xor
\ $16 int 0= not ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
\ Code empty-keys $C00 # A mov $21 int Next end-code
\ : (key ( -- 8b ) BEGIN pause (key? UNTIL (key@ ;
\ mit diesen Keytreibern sind die Funktionstasten nicht
\ mehr durch ANSI.SYS Sequenzen vorbelegt.
\ *** Block No. 117, Hexblock 75
\ (decode expect ks 16 sep 88
7 Constant #bel 8 Constant #bs
9 Constant #tab $A Constant #lf
$D Constant #cr
: (decode ( addr pos1 key -- addr pos2 )
#bs case? IF dup 0=exit del 1- exit THEN
#cr case? IF dup span ! space exit THEN
>r 2dup + r@ swap c! r> emit 1+ ;
: (expect ( addr len1 -- ) span ! 0
BEGIN dup span @ u< WHILE key decode REPEAT 2drop ;
Input: keyboard [ here input ! ]
(key (key? (decode (expect [ drop
\ *** Block No. 118, Hexblock 76
\ MSDOS character output ks 29 jun 87
Code charout ( char -- ) $FF # D- cmp 0= ?[ D- dec ]?
6 # A+ mov $21 int D pop ' pause # W mov W ) jmp
&80 Constant c/row &25 Constant c/col
: (emit ( char -- ) dup bl u< IF $80 or THEN charout ;
: (cr #cr charout #lf charout ;
: (del #bs charout bl charout #bs charout ;
: (at 2drop ;
: (at? 0 0 ;
: (page c/col 0 DO cr LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 119, Hexblock 77
\ MSDOS character output ks 7 may 85
: bell #bel charout ;
: tipp ( addr len -- ) bounds ?DO I c@ emit LOOP ;
Output: display [ here output ! ]
(emit (cr tipp (del (page (at (at? [ drop
\ *** Block No. 120, Hexblock 78
\ MSDOS printer I/O Port access ks 09 aug 87
Code lst! ( 8b -- ) $5 # A+ mov $21 int D pop Next
Code pc@ ( port -- 8b )
D byte in A- D- mov D+ D+ xor Next
Code pc! ( 8b port -- )
A pop D byte out D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 121, Hexblock 79
\ zero terminated strings ks 09 aug 87
: counted ( asciz -- addr len )
dup -1 0 scan drop over - ;
: >asciz ( string addr -- asciz ) 2dup >r -
IF count r@ place r@ THEN 0 r> count + c! 1+ ;
: asciz ( -- asciz ) name here >asciz ;
\ *** Block No. 125, Hexblock 7d
\ MS-DOS file access ks 18 mär 88
Vocabulary Dos Dos also definitions
| Variable fcb fcb off \ last fcb accessed
| Variable prevfile \ previous active file
&30 Constant fnamelen \ default length in FCB
Create filename &62 allot \ max 60 + count + null
Variable attribut 7 attribut ! \ read-only, hidden, system
\ *** Block No. 126, Hexblock 7e
\ MS-DOS disk errors ks cas 18jul20
| : .error# ." error # " base push decimal error# @ . ;
| : .ferrors error# @ &18 case? IF 2 THEN
1 case? Abort" file exists"
2 case? Abort" file not found"
3 case? Abort" path not found"
4 case? Abort" too many open files"
5 case? Abort" no access"
9 case? Abort" beyond end of file"
&15 case? Abort" illegal drive"
&16 case? Abort" current directory"
&17 case? Abort" wrong drive"
drop ." Disk" .error# abort ;
\ *** Block No. 127, Hexblock 7f
\ MS-DOS disk errors ks cas 18jul20
: (diskerror ( *f -- ) ?dup 0=exit
fcb @ IF error# ! .ferrors exit THEN
input push output push standardi/o 1-
IF ." read" ELSE ." write" THEN
.error# ." retry? (y/n)"
key cr capital Ascii Y = not Abort" aborted" ;
' (diskerror Is ?diskerror
\ *** Block No. 128, Hexblock 80
\ ~open ~creat ~close ks 04 aug 87
Code ~open ( asciz mode -- handle ff / err# )
A D xchg $3D # A+ mov
Label >open D pop $21 int A D xchg
CS not ?[ D push 0 # D mov ]? Next
Code ~creat ( asciz attribut -- handle ff / err# )
D C mov $3C # A+ mov >open ]] end-code
Code ~close ( handle -- ) D R xchg
$3E # A+ mov $21 int R D xchg D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 129, Hexblock 81
\ ~first ~unlink ~select ~disk? ks 04 aug 87
Code ~first ( asciz attr -- err# )
D C mov D pop $4E # A+ mov
[[ $21 int 0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
Code ~unlink ( asciz -- err# ) $41 # A+ mov ]] end-code
Code ~select ( n -- )
$E # A+ mov $21 int D pop Next end-code
Code ~disk? ( -- n ) D push $19 # A+ mov
$21 int A- D- mov 0 # D+ mov Next
\ *** Block No. 130, Hexblock 82
\ ~next ~dir ks 04 aug 87
Code ~next ( -- err# ) D push $4F # A+ mov
$21 int 0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
Code ~dir ( addr drive -- err# ) I W mov
I pop $47 # A+ mov $21 int W I mov
0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
\ *** Block No. 131, Hexblock 83
\ MS-DOS file control Block cas 19jun20
\ | : Fcbytes ( n1 len -- n2 ) Create over c, +
\ Does> ( fcbaddr -- fcbfield ) c@ + ;
| : Fcbytes Create over c, + Does> c@ + ;
\ first field for file-link
2 1 Fcbytes f.no \ must be first field
2 Fcbytes f.handle
2 Fcbytes f.date
2 Fcbytes f.time
4 Fcbytes f.size
fnamelen Fcbytes f.name Constant b/fcb
b/fcb Host ' tb/fcb >body !
Target Forth also Dos also definitions
\ *** Block No. 132, Hexblock 84
\ (.file fname fname! ks 10 okt 87
: fname! ( string fcb -- ) f.name >r count
dup fnamelen < not Abort" file name too long" r> place ;
: fclose ( fcb -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup f.handle @ ?dup 0= IF drop exit THEN
over flush-file-buffers ~close f.handle off ;
\ *** Block No. 133, Hexblock 85
\ (.file fname fname! ks 18 mär 88
| : getsize ( -- d ) [ $80 &26 + ] Literal 2@ swap ;
: (fsearch ( string -- asciz *f )
filename >asciz dup attribut @ ~first ;
Defer fsearch ( string -- asciz *f )
' (fsearch Is fsearch
\ graceful behaviour if file does not exist
| : ?notfound ( f* -- ) ?dup 0=exit last' @ [fcb] =
IF hide file-link @ @ file-link ! prevfile @ setfiles
last @ 4 - dp ! last off filename count here place
THEN ?diskerror ;
\ *** Block No. 134, Hexblock 86
\ freset fseek ks 19 mär 88
: freset ( fcb -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup f.handle @ ?dup IF ~close THEN dup >r
f.name fsearch ?notfound getsize r@ f.size 2!
[ $80 &22 + ] Literal @ r@ f.time !
[ $80 &24 + ] Literal @ r@ f.date !
2 ~open ?diskerror r> f.handle ! ;
Code fseek ( dfaddr fcb -- )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov W W or 0=
?[ ;c: dup freset fseek ; Assembler ]? R W xchg
C pop D pop $4200 # A mov $21 int W R mov
CS not ?[ D pop Next ]? A D xchg ;c: ?diskerror ;
\ *** Block No. 135, Hexblock 87
\ lfgets fgetc file@ ks 07 jul 88
\ Code ~read ( seg:addr quan handle -- #read ) D W mov
Assembler [[ W R xchg C pop D pop
D: pop $3F # A+ mov $21 int C: C mov C D: mov
W R mov A D xchg CS not ?[ Next ]? ;c: ?diskerror ;
Code lfgets ( seg:addr quan fcb -- #read )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov ]] end-code
true Constant eof
: fgetc ( fcb -- 8b / eof )
>r 0 sp@ ds@ swap 1 r> lfgets ?exit 0= ;
: file@ ( dfaddr fcb -- 8b / eof ) dup >r fseek r> fgetc ;
\ *** Block No. 136, Hexblock 88
\ lfputs fputc file! ks 24 jul 87
| Code ~write ( seg:addr quan handle -- ) D W mov
[[ W R xchg C pop D pop
D: pop $40 # A+ mov $21 int W R mov A D xchg
C: W mov W D: mov CS ?[ ;c: ?diskerror ; Assembler ]?
C D sub 0= ?[ D pop Next ]? ;c: Abort" Disk voll" ;
Code lfputs ( seg:addr quan fcb -- )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov ]] end-code
: fputc ( 8b fcb -- ) >r sp@ ds@ swap 1 r> lfputs drop ;
: file! ( 8b dfaddr fcb -- ) dup >r fseek r> fputc ;
Forth definitions
| : setfiles ( fcb -- ) isfile@ prevfile !
dup isfile ! fromfile ! ;
: direct 0 setfiles ;
: flush file-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup fclose REPEAT
save-buffers empty-buffers ;
\ *** Block No. 140, Hexblock 8c
\ File >file ks 23 mär 88
: File Create file-link @ here file-link ! ,
here [ b/fcb 2 - ] Literal dup allot erase
file-link @ dup @ f.no c@ 1+ over f.no c!
last @ count $1F and rot f.name place
Does> setfiles ;
File kernel.scr ' kernel.scr @ Constant [fcb]
Dos definitions
: .file ( fcb -- )
?dup IF body> >name .name exit THEN ." direct" ;
\ *** Block No. 141, Hexblock 8d
\ .file pushfile close open ks 12 mai 88
Forth definitions
: file? isfile@ .file ;
: pushfile r> isfile push fromfile push >r ; restrict
: close isfile@ fclose ;
: open isfile@ freset ;
: assign isfile@ dup fclose name swap fname! open ;
\ *** Block No. 142, Hexblock 8e
\ use from loadfrom include ks 18 mär 88
: use >in @ name find
0= IF swap >in ! File last' THEN nip
dup @ [fcb] = over ['] direct = or
0= Abort" not a file" execute open ;
: from isfile push use ;
\ Old pure-block-file include:
\ : include 1 loadfrom ;
\ *** Block No. 144, Hexblock 90
\ lfsave savefile savesystem ks 10 okt 87
: lfsave ( seg:addr quan string -- )
filename >asciz 0 ~creat ?diskerror
dup >r ~write r> ~close ;
: savefile ( addr len -- ) ds@ -rot
name nullstring? Abort" needs name" lfsave ;
: savesystem save flush $100 here savefile ;
\ *** Block No. 145, Hexblock 91
\ viewing ks 19 mär 88
Dos definitions
| $400 Constant viewoffset
: (makeview ( -- n )
blk @ dup 0=exit loadfile @ ?dup 0=exit f.no c@ ?dup
IF viewoffset * + $8000 or exit THEN 0= ;
' (makeview Is makeview
: @view ( acf -- blk fno ) >name 4 - @ dup 0<
IF $7FFF and viewoffset u/mod exit THEN
?dup 0= Error" eingetippt" 0 ;
: >file ( fno -- fcb ) dup 0=exit file-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup f.no c@ = UNTIL nip ;
\ *** Block No. 146, Hexblock 92
\ forget FCB's ks 23 okt 88
Forth definitions
| : 'file ( -- scr ) r> scr push isfile push >r
[ Dos ] ' @view >file isfile ! ;
| : remove? ( dic symb addr -- dic symb addr f )
2 pick over 1+ u< ;
| : remove-files ( dic symb -- dic symb ) file-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE remove? IF dup fclose THEN REPEAT
file-link remove
isfile@ remove? nip IF file-link @ isfile ! THEN
fromfile @ remove? nip 0=exit isfile@ fromfile ! ;