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// ACME - a crossassembler for producing 6502/65c02/65816/65ce02 code.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2020 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "acme.c" for further info
// Dynamic buffer stuff
#ifndef dynabuf_H
#define dynabuf_H
#include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h> // for size_t
// macros
#define DYNABUF_APPEND(db, byte) \
do { \
if (db->size == db->reserved) \
dynabuf_enlarge(db); \
db->buffer[(db->size)++] = byte;\
} while (0)
// the next one is dangerous - the buffer location can change when a character
// is appended. So after calling this, don't change the buffer as long as you
// use the address.
#define GLOBALDYNABUF_CURRENT (GlobalDynaBuf->buffer)
// dynamic buffer structure
struct dynabuf {
char *buffer; // pointer to buffer
size_t size; // size of buffer's used portion
size_t reserved; // total size of buffer
// new way of declaration/definition:
// the small struct above is static, only the buffer itself gets malloc'd (on
// first "clear").
#define STRUCT_DYNABUF_REF(name, size) struct dynabuf name[1] = {{NULL, 0, size}}
// the "[1]" makes sure the name refers to the address and not the struct
// itself, so existing code where the name referred to a pointer does not need
// to be changed.
// variables
extern struct dynabuf GlobalDynaBuf[1]; // global dynamic buffer
// TODO - get rid of this, or move to global.c
// (ensure buffer is ready to use, then) clear dynamic buffer
#define DYNABUF_CLEAR(db) dynabuf_clear(db) // TODO - remove old macro
extern void dynabuf_clear(struct dynabuf *db);
// call whenever buffer is too small
extern void dynabuf_enlarge(struct dynabuf *db);
// return malloc'd copy of buffer contents
extern char *DynaBuf_get_copy(struct dynabuf *db);
// copy string to buffer (without terminator)
extern void DynaBuf_add_string(struct dynabuf *db, const char *);
// converts buffer contents to lower case
extern void DynaBuf_to_lower(struct dynabuf *target, struct dynabuf *source);
// add char to buffer
extern void DynaBuf_append(struct dynabuf *db, char);