Added "toacme" source code converter to "contrib" directory.

Do not compile it yet, I have more (newer) versions to commit... ;)

git-svn-id: 4df02467-bbd4-4a76-a152-e7ce94205b78
This commit is contained in:
marcobaye 2015-02-11 23:18:55 +00:00
parent 7c335b8828
commit 56ee1d304e
29 changed files with 2793 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall
#LIBS = -lm
CC = gcc
RM = rm
#SRC =
PROGS = toacme
BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
all: $(PROGS)
ab3.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h scr2iso.h ab3.c
ab.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h scr2iso.h ab.c
f8ab.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h scr2iso.h f8ab.c
giga.o: config.h acme.h gighyp.h io.h mnemo.h pet2iso.h giga.c
gighyp.o: config.h io.h pet2iso.h gighyp.h gighyp.c
hypra.o: config.h acme.h gighyp.h io.h pet2iso.h hypra.c
obj.o: config.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h obj.c
acme.o: config.h acme.h acme.c
main.o: config.h version.h main.c
mnemo.o: config.h mnemo.c
pet2iso.o: config.h pet2iso.h pet2iso.c
platform.o: config.h platform.h platform.c
scr2iso.o: config.h scr2iso.h scr2iso.c
version.o: config.h version.c
toacme: ab.o ab3.o acme.o f8ab.o giga.o gighyp.o hypra.o io.o main.o mnemo.o obj.o pet2iso.o platform.o scr2iso.o version.o
$(CC) $(LIBS) $(CFLAGS) -o toacme ab.o ab3.o acme.o f8ab.o giga.o gighyp.o hypra.o io.o main.o mnemo.o obj.o pet2iso.o platform.o scr2iso.o version.o
strip toacme
-$(RM) -f *.o $(PROGS) *~ core
install: all
install -d $(BINDIR)
install $(PROGS) $(BINDIR)
userinstall: all
install -d $(USERBIN)
install $(PROGS) $(USERBIN)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
CFLAGS = -Wall -s
#LIBS = -lm
CC = gcc
RM = rm
#SRC =
PROGS = toacme
#BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
#USERBIN = $(HOME)/bin
all: $(PROGS)
ab3.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h scr2iso.h ab3.c
ab.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h scr2iso.h ab.c
f8ab.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h scr2iso.h f8ab.c
giga.o: config.h acme.h gighyp.h io.h mnemo.h pet2iso.h giga.c
gighyp.o: config.h io.h pet2iso.h gighyp.h gighyp.c
hypra.o: config.h acme.h gighyp.h io.h pet2iso.h hypra.c
obj.o: config.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h obj.c
acme.o: config.h acme.h acme.c
main.o: config.h version.h main.c
mnemo.o: config.h mnemo.c
pet2iso.o: config.h pet2iso.h pet2iso.c
platform.o: config.h platform.h platform.c
scr2iso.o: config.h scr2iso.h scr2iso.c
version.o: config.h version.c
toacme: ab.o ab3.o acme.o f8ab.o giga.o gighyp.o hypra.o io.o main.o mnemo.o obj.o pet2iso.o platform.o scr2iso.o version.o
$(CC) $(LIBS) $(CFLAGS) -o toacme.out ab.o ab3.o acme.o f8ab.o giga.o gighyp.o hypra.o io.o main.o mnemo.o obj.o pet2iso.o platform.o scr2iso.o version.o
copy /b \djgpp\bin\pmodstub.exe + toacme.out toacme_p.exe
djp toacme.exe
djp toacme_p.exe
del *.o
# -$(RM) -f *.o $(PROGS) *~ core
#install: all
# install -d $(BINDIR)
# install $(PROGS) $(BINDIR)
#userinstall: all
# install -d $(USERBIN)
# install $(PROGS) $(USERBIN)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall -mthrowback -mlibscl -mno-poke-function-name
#LIBS = -lm
CC = gcc
RM = rm
#SRC =
PROGS = toacme
#BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
#USERBIN = $(HOME)/bin
all: $(PROGS)
ab3.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h scr2iso.h ab3.c
ab.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h scr2iso.h ab.c
f8ab.o: config.h ab.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h scr2iso.h f8ab.c
giga.o: config.h acme.h gighyp.h io.h mnemo.h pet2iso.h giga.c
gighyp.o: config.h io.h pet2iso.h gighyp.h gighyp.c
hypra.o: config.h acme.h gighyp.h io.h pet2iso.h hypra.c
obj.o: config.h acme.h io.h mnemo.h obj.c
acme.o: config.h acme.h acme.c
main.o: config.h version.h main.c
mnemo.o: config.h mnemo.c
pet2iso.o: config.h pet2iso.h pet2iso.c
platform.o: config.h platform.h platform.c
scr2iso.o: config.h scr2iso.h scr2iso.c
version.o: config.h version.c
toacme: ab.o ab3.o acme.o f8ab.o giga.o gighyp.o hypra.o io.o main.o mnemo.o obj.o pet2iso.o platform.o scr2iso.o version.o
$(CC) $(LIBS) $(CFLAGS) -o toacme ab.o ab3.o acme.o f8ab.o giga.o gighyp.o hypra.o io.o main.o mnemo.o obj.o pet2iso.o platform.o scr2iso.o version.o
Squeeze -f -v toacme
# -$(RM) -f *.o $(PROGS) *~ core
#install: all
# install -d $(BINDIR)
# install $(PROGS) $(BINDIR)
#userinstall: all
# install -d $(USERBIN)
# install $(PROGS) $(USERBIN)

contrib/toacme/src/ab.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// stuff needed for both "AssBlaster 3.x" and "F8-AssBlaster"
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ab.h"
#include "acme.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "scr2iso.h"
// Constants
// replacement characters for problematic label names
#define AB_LABELSPECIAL_NUL ('O') // AssBlaster uses only lower case
#define AB_LABELSPECIAL_LEFT ('L') // characters for labels, so these
#define AB_LABELSPECIAL_BACK ('B') // shouldn't cause any clashes.
// meaning of input bytes
// 0x01-0x1f lower case screen codes (used for label names and comments)
#define AB_SPACE 0x20
// 0x20-0x3a special characters
#define AB_COMMENT 0x3b
// 0x3c-0x40 unused ?
// 0x41-0x5f upper case screen codes (used for comments)
// 0x60-0x7f unused ?
#define AB_FIRST_MNEMONIC 0x80
// 0x80-0xec differ between AssBlaster 3.x and F8-AssBlaster
// 0xed-0xfe unused ?
// 0xff end-of-line
#define AB_PSEUDOOFFSET_MACROCALL 7 // index in PO table is equal
#define AB_PSEUDOOFFSET_MACRODEF 5 // in AB3.x and F8-AB
// after mnemonic or pseudo opcode, numbers may follow:
#define AB_NUMVAL_FLAGBIT 0x80 // indicates packed number
// Pre- and postfixes for addressing modes
// Don't care whether argument is 8, 16 or 24 bits wide
const char* ab_address_modes[][2] = {
{"", "" }, // ($00=%.....) implicit
{" ", "" }, // ($01=%....1) absolute
{" ", ",x" }, // ($02=%...1.) absolute,x
{" ", ",y" }, // ($03=%...11) absolute,y
{" #", "" }, // ($04=%..1..) immediate
{NULL, NULL }, // ($05=%..1.1) unused (indirect-y)
{NULL, NULL }, // ($06=%..11.) unused (indirect-y)
{NULL, NULL }, // ($07=%..111) unused (indirect-y)
{" (", "),y" }, // ($08=%.1...) indirect-y
{" (", ",x)" }, // ($09=%.1..1) indirect-x
{" ", "" }, // ($0a=%.1.1.) relative (=absolute, actually)
{" (", ")" }, // ($0b=%.1.11) indirect
// above: used by both AB3 and F8AB (except $0a, which is no longer
// used by F8AB. But it's indistinguishable from $01 anyway).
// FIXME - what does AB3 with the other unused addressing modes?
// I think old AB3 sources may also use mode 0c!
// below: used by F8AB only
{NULL, NULL }, // ($0c=%.11..) unused (indirect-x)
{" [", "]" }, // ($0d=%.11.1) indirect long
{NULL, NULL }, // ($0e=%.111.) unused (absolute)
{NULL, NULL }, // ($0f=%.1111) unused (absolute-x)
{" ", "" }, // ($10=%1....) MVP/MVN in F8AB: arg1.arg2
{NULL, NULL }, // ($11=%1...1) unused (indirect)
{NULL, NULL }, // ($12=%1..1.) unused (indirect long)
{" [", "],y" }, // ($13=%1..11) indirect-y long
{NULL, NULL }, // ($14=%1.1..) unused (absolute)
{" ", ",s" }, // ($15=%1.1.1) stack-relative
{" (", ",s),y" }, // ($16=%1.11.) stack-relative-indirect-y
// from here on, unused (indirect-y)
// addressing mode $10 (for MVP/MVN) is displayed and stored by F8AB
// as "arg1.arg2" instead of "arg1,arg2". Therefore the following
// constant is used to fix it on-the-fly.
#define AB_MVP_MVN_ADDRMODE 0x10
// Variables
struct ab_t* conf;
// Functions
// Generate error/warning messages
const char error_unknown_addressing[] = "Conversion failed: AssBlaster file contains unknown addressing mode.\n";
const char error_unknown_compression[] = "Conversion failed: AssBlaster file contains unknown number compression.\n";
const char warning_unknown_number_format[] = "Warning: AssBlaster file uses unknown number format. Fallback to hexadecimal.\n";
void ab_generate_errors(int ErrBits) {
fputs(error_unknown_addressing, stderr);
fprintf(global_output_stream, "; ToACME: %s", error_unknown_addressing);
fputs(error_unknown_compression, stderr);
fprintf(global_output_stream, "; ToACME: %s", error_unknown_compression);
fputs(warning_unknown_number_format, stderr);
fprintf(global_output_stream, "; ToACME: %s", warning_unknown_number_format);
// Convert macro/label name character.
// AssBlaster allows '^', '[' and ']' in names, so replace these chars.
byte_t ab_conv_name_char(byte_t b) {
b = Scr2ISO_Table[b];
switch(b) {
case 0x40:
case '[':
case '\\':
case ']':
case '^':
// Output binary representation of value
void ab_output_binary(unsigned long int v) {
int m = 128;
if(v > 0xff)
ab_output_binary(v >> 8);
v &= 0xff;
while(m) {
PutByte((v & m) ? '1' : '0');
m >>= 1;
// Output hex representation of value
void ab_output_hexadecimal(unsigned long int v) {
if(v > 0xff)
ab_output_hexadecimal(v >> 8);
// Convert and send macro/label name (until illegal character comes along)
void ab_pipe_global_name(void) {
while((GotByte < 0x20) || ((GotByte >= '0') && (GotByte <= '9'))) {
// Convert and send label name (until illegal character comes along)
// Level 1
void ab_pipe_name(void) {
// Dieser kleine Hack macht alle lokalen ABL-Labels
// Auch unter ACME lokal. nur mit '^' global markierte
// Labels werden auch global übernommen ...
GetByte(); // global: ^witharrow => witharrow
PutByte('.'); // local: allothers => .allothers
ab_pipe_global_name(); // this does exactly what is needed
// Parse quoted strings
void ab_parse_quoted(void) {// now GotByte = unhandled opening quote
while((GotByte != AB_ENDOFLINE) && (GotByte != '"')) {
// Closing quote is handled, but EndOfLine must remain unhandled
if(GotByte == '"')
// Parse label names, quoted strings, operators, literal values etc.
// Read until AB_ENDOFLINE or AB_COMMENT. Returns error bits.
// Level 1
// AB uses a full stop character ('.') in some inconvenient places, for example
// after macro names (at definitions and calls) and in the MVP/MVN addressing
// mode. The kluge variable "dot_replacement" is used to replace the '.'
// character with the correct character for ACME.
int ab_parse_unspecified(char dot_replacement) {
int ErrBits = 0;
while((GotByte != AB_ENDOFLINE) && (GotByte != AB_COMMENT)) {
// kluge: replace '.' character with current replacement and
// remember not to replace anymore from now on.
if(GotByte == '.') {
GotByte = dot_replacement; // use replacement
dot_replacement = '.'; // in future, keep
ErrBits |= conf->number_parser();
else {
if(GotByte < 0x20)
else {
if(GotByte == '"')
else {
// Parse macro call or start of definition (beware of full stops).
// Returns error bits.
int ab_parse_macro_stuff(void) { // now GotByte = unhandled byte
// I guess local macros are useless, so don't
// do the scope fixing as for macro names!
return(ab_parse_unspecified(' ')); // output macro arguments
// Process mnemonics (real opcodes). Returns error bits.
// Level 1
int ab_parse_mnemo(int mnemonic_offset) {
char dot_replacement = '.';
int ErrBits = 0;
byte_t AddressingMode;
const char *mnemonic,
AddressingMode = GetByte(); // get addressing mode
GetByte(); // and fetch next (not handled here)
mnemonic = conf->mnemonics[mnemonic_offset];
if(mnemonic == NULL) {
fputs("Found unused mnemo code in input file.\n", stderr);
mnemonic = "!error \"ToACME found unused mnemo code in input file\":";
fprintf(global_output_stream, "\t\t%s", mnemonic);
// determine prefix and postfix of addressing mode
if(AddressingMode < conf->address_mode_count) {
pre = ab_address_modes[AddressingMode][0];
post = ab_address_modes[AddressingMode][1];
if(AddressingMode == AB_MVP_MVN_ADDRMODE)
dot_replacement = ','; // replace '.' with ','
} else {
pre = NULL;
post = NULL;
// if addressing mode is invalid, set error bit
// output prefix (or space if invalid)
if((pre == NULL) || (post == NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Found an unknown addressing mode bit pattern ($%x). Please tell my programmer.\n", AddressingMode);
fputs(pre, global_output_stream);
PutByte(' ');
ErrBits |= ab_parse_unspecified(dot_replacement); // output arg
if(post) {
fputs(post, global_output_stream);
// Process pseudo opcodes. Returns error bits.
// Level 1
int ab_parse_pseudo_opcode(int pseudo_offset) {
const char* String;
int ErrBits = 0;
GetByte(); // and fetch next (not handled here)
fputs("\t\t", global_output_stream);
String = conf->pseudo_opcodes[pseudo_offset];
fputs(String, global_output_stream);
// check for macro call/definition (need special handlers)
switch(pseudo_offset) {
// ACME does not like spaces after the macro call char
ErrBits |= ab_parse_macro_stuff();
case AB_PSEUDOOFFSET_MACRODEF: // macro definition
PutByte(' ');// but here a space looks good :)
ErrBits |= ab_parse_macro_stuff();
fputs(" {", global_output_stream);
default: // all other pseudo opcodes
&& (GotByte != AB_ENDOFLINE)
&& (GotByte != AB_COMMENT))
PutByte(' ');// but here a space looks good :)
ErrBits |= ab_parse_unspecified('.'); // output pseudo opcode's arg(s)
// Main routine for AssBlaster conversion (works for both AB3.x and F8-AB).
// Call with first byte of first line pre-read (in GotByte)!
void ab_main(struct ab_t* client_config) {
int ErrBits;
const char *comment_indent;
conf = client_config;
// convert lines until EndOfFile
while(!ReachedEOF) {
ErrBits = 0; // no errors yet (in this line)
comment_indent = "\t";
switch(GotByte) {
case 0: // empty line
GetByte(); // skip this byte
case AB_COMMENT: // early comment
comment_indent = "";
break; // ignore now, act later
case AB_SPACE: // empty line or late comment
comment_indent = "\t\t\t\t";
GetByte(); // skip this space
// output whatever found
ErrBits |= ab_parse_unspecified('.');
default: // implicit label definition
} else if(GotByte < conf->first_pseudo_opcode) {
ErrBits |= ab_parse_mnemo(GotByte - AB_FIRST_MNEMONIC);
} else if(GotByte < conf->first_unused_byte_value) {
ErrBits |= ab_parse_pseudo_opcode(GotByte - conf->first_pseudo_opcode);
} else if(GotByte != AB_ENDOFLINE) {
fprintf(global_output_stream, "; ToACME: AssBlaster file used unknown code ($%x). ", GotByte);
GetByte(); // fetch next
ErrBits |= ab_parse_unspecified('.'); // output remainder
// everything might be followed by a comment, so check
if(GotByte == AB_COMMENT) {
// skip empty comments by checking next byte
if(GetByte() != AB_ENDOFLINE) {
// something's there, so pipe until end of line
fputs(comment_indent, global_output_stream);
while(GetByte() != AB_ENDOFLINE);
// now check whether line generated any errors
// if not at end-of-line, something's fishy
if(GotByte != AB_ENDOFLINE) {
if(GotByte == '\0')
fputs("; ToACME: found $00 - looks like end-of-file marker.", global_output_stream);
else {
fputs("Found data instead of end-of-line indicator!?.\n", stderr);
fputs("; ToACME: Garbage at end-of-line:", global_output_stream);
while(GetByte() != AB_ENDOFLINE);
// read first byte of next line

contrib/toacme/src/ab.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// stuff needed for both "AssBlaster 3.x" and "F8-AssBlaster"
#ifndef ab_H
#define ab_H
// Includes
#include "config.h"
// Types
struct ab_t {
int (*number_parser)(void);
const char** pseudo_opcodes;
const char** mnemonics;
int address_mode_count;
int first_pseudo_opcode;
int first_unused_byte_value;
// Constants
#define AB_ENDOFLINE 0xff
// meaning of internal error word. errors are collected until *after* a line
// has been finished so the warning messages don't interfere with the generated
// source code.
#define AB_ERRBIT_UNKNOWN_NUMBER_COMPRESSION 0x02 // invalid contents of SIZEMASK
#define AB_ERRBIT_UNKNOWN_NUMBER_FORMAT 0x04 // invalid contents of FORMATMASK
// Prototypes
extern void ab_output_binary(unsigned long int v);
extern void ab_output_hexadecimal(unsigned long int v);
extern void ab_main(struct ab_t* client_config);

contrib/toacme/src/ab3.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// AssBlaster 3.x stuff
// Includes
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "ab.h"
#include "acme.h"
#include "mnemo.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "scr2iso.h"
// Constants
// Mnemonic table in AssBlaster 3.x order
const char* ab3_mnemonics[] = {
NULL, // $80 unused
MnemonicCPX, // $81
MnemonicCPY, // $82
MnemonicLDX, // $83
MnemonicLDY, // $84
MnemonicSTX, // $85
MnemonicSTY, // $86
"!illegal aax", // $87 illegal aax (sta+stx) this is broken in AB3!
"!illegal asr", // $88 illegal asr (?)
"!illegal arr", // $89 illegal arr (?)
"!illegal axs", // $8a illegal axs (x=(a&x)-#)
"!illegal dcp", // $8b illegal dcp (dec+cmp)
"!illegal dop", // $8c illegal dop (double nop, skip next byte)
"!illegal isc", // $8d illegal isc (inc+sbc) aka isb
"!illegal kil", // $8e illegal kil (kill/crash/halt)
"!illegal lar", // $8f illegal lar (allocated, but never used in AB3?)
"!illegal lax", // $90 illegal lax (lda+ldx)
"!illegal rla", // $91 illegal rla (rol+and)
"!illegal rra", // $92 illegal rra (ror+adc)
"!illegal slo", // $93 illegal slo (asl+ora)
"!illegal sre", // $94 illegal sre (lsr+eor)
"!illegal top", // $95 illegal top (triple nop, skip next word)
MnemonicADC, // $96
MnemonicAND, // $97
MnemonicASL, // $98
MnemonicBIT, // $99
MnemonicBCS, MnemonicBEQ, MnemonicBCC, MnemonicBMI, // $9a-$9d
MnemonicBNE, MnemonicBPL, MnemonicBVS, MnemonicBVC, // $9e-$a1
MnemonicBRK, // $a2
MnemonicCLC, MnemonicCLD, MnemonicCLI, MnemonicCLV, // $a3-$a6
MnemonicCMP, // $a7
MnemonicDEC, MnemonicDEX, MnemonicDEY, // $a8-$aa
MnemonicEOR, // $ab
MnemonicINC, MnemonicINX, MnemonicINY, // $ac-$ae
MnemonicJMP, MnemonicJSR, // $af-$b0
MnemonicLDA, // $b1
MnemonicLSR, // $b2
MnemonicNOP, // $b3
MnemonicORA, // $b4
MnemonicPHA, MnemonicPHP, MnemonicPLA, MnemonicPLP, // $b5-$b8
MnemonicROL, MnemonicROR, // $b9-$ba
MnemonicRTI, MnemonicRTS, // ($bf-$c0 in F8-AB) $bb-$bc
MnemonicSBC, // $bd
MnemonicSEC, MnemonicSED, MnemonicSEI, // $bc-$c0
MnemonicSTA, // $c1
MnemonicTAX, MnemonicTAY, MnemonicTSX, // $c2-$c4
MnemonicTXA, MnemonicTXS, MnemonicTYA, // $c5-$c7
// PseudoOpcode table in AssBlaster 3.x order
const char* ab3_pseudo_opcodes[] = {
NULL, // (la) $c8
// NULL because ACME does not need a pseudo opcode for label defs
PseudoOp_SetPC, // (ba) $c9
PseudoOp_Byte, // (by) $ca
PseudoOp_Fill, // (br) $cb
PseudoOp_PetTxt, // (tx) $cc
PseudoOp_MacroDef, // (md) $cd index 5 in this table
PseudoOp_EndMacroDef, // (me) $ce
PseudoOp_MacroCall, // (ma) $cf index 7 in this table
PseudoOp_EOF, // (st) $d0
PseudoOp_ScrTxt, // (ts) $d1
PseudoOp_ToFile, // (to) $d2
PseudoOp_Word, // (wo) $d3
"; ToACME: Cannot convert \\kc.\n",
// (kc) $d4
// Parse AssBlaster's packed number format. Returns error bits.
//#define AB_NUMVAL_FLAGBIT 0x80 // 10000000 indicates packed number
#define AB3_NUMVAL_ADD_1 0x40 // 01000000
#define AB3_NUMVAL_ADD_256 0x20 // 00100000
#define AB3_NUMVAL_FORMATMASK 0x1a // 00011010
#define AB3_NUMVAL__FORMAT_HEX 0x10 // 00010000=16 (oh my god, the base is
#define AB3_NUMVAL__FORMAT_DEC 0x0a // 00001010=10 given directly, without
#define AB3_NUMVAL__FORMAT_BIN 0x02 // 00000010= 2 any encoding... :))
#define AB3_NUMVAL_SIZEMASK 0x05 // 00000101
#define AB3_NUMVAL__SIZE_0 0x01 // 00000001
#define AB3_NUMVAL__SIZE_1 0x04 // 00000100
#define AB3_NUMVAL__SIZE_2 0x00 // 00000000
int ab3_parse_number(void) { // now GotByte = first byte of packed number
int Flags = GotByte,
ErrBits = 0;
unsigned long int Value = 0,
Add = 0;
// decode value
if(Flags & AB3_NUMVAL_ADD_1)
Add += 1;
if(Flags & AB3_NUMVAL_ADD_256)
Add += 256;
switch(Flags & AB3_NUMVAL_SIZEMASK) {
case AB3_NUMVAL__SIZE_0:// no bytes follow (0, 1, 256, 257)
Value = Add;
case AB3_NUMVAL__SIZE_1:// one byte follows (2 to 511)
Value = Add + GetByte();
case AB3_NUMVAL__SIZE_2:// two bytes follow (512 to 65535)
Value = Add + GetLE16();
default: // unknown number compression
// remember to generate error
// continue parsing on next byte
// decode output format
switch(Flags & AB3_NUMVAL_FORMATMASK) {
fprintf(global_output_stream, "%lu", Value);
hex_fallback: PutByte('$');
default: // unknown output format
// remember to warn
goto hex_fallback;
// config struct for shared ab code
struct ab_t ab3_conf = {
12, // number of addressing modes
// meaning of input bytes (0x80-0xec differ between AB 3.x and F8-AB)
// 0x80 unused, then 56 legals + 15 illegals = 71
0xc8, // first pseudo opcode
0xd5, // first unused byte value
// 0xd5-0xfe are unused in AB 3.x
// main
void ab3_main(void) {
// first byte after load address should be AB_ENDOFLINE in AB3 sources
if(GetByte() == AB_ENDOFLINE) {
GetByte(); // skip it and pre-read first valid byte
fputs("Input has AB3 header.\n", stderr);
} else
fputs("Input does not have any known AB3 header.\n", stderr);

contrib/toacme/src/acme.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// ACME syntax
// Includes
#include "acme.h"
#include "io.h"
// Constants
// Pseudo opcodes
const char PseudoOp_Byte[] = "!byte";
const char PseudoOp_Else[] = "} else {";
const char PseudoOp_EndIf[] = "}; (end of conditional assembly)\n";
const char PseudoOp_EndMacroDef[] = "}; (end of macro definition)\n";
const char PseudoOp_EOF[] = "!eof";
const char PseudoOp_Fill[] = "!fill";
const char PseudoOp_If[] = "!if";
const char PseudoOp_LabelDump[] = "!sl";
const char PseudoOp_MacroCall[] = "+";
const char PseudoOp_MacroDef[] = "!macro";
const char PseudoOp_PetTxt[] = "!pet";
const char PseudoOp_ScrTxt[] = "!scr";
const char PseudoOp_SetPC[] = "*=";
const char PseudoOp_Source[] = "!src";
const char PseudoOp_ToFile[] = "!to";
const char PseudoOp_Word[] = "!word";
// Pseudo opcodes for 65816 (used by F8-AssBlaster)
const char PseudoOp_al[] = "!al";
const char PseudoOp_as[] = "!as";
const char PseudoOp_rl[] = "!rl";
const char PseudoOp_rs[] = "!rs";
// Functions
// Output pseudo opcode to make ACME use PetSCII encoding
void acme_SwitchToPet(void) {
"; ToACME: Adding pseudo opcode to use PetSCII encoding by default:\n"
"!convtab pet\n"
, global_output_stream);

contrib/toacme/src/acme.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// ACME syntax
#ifndef acme_H
#define acme_H
// Constants
// pseudo opcodes
extern const char PseudoOp_Byte[];
extern const char PseudoOp_Else[];
extern const char PseudoOp_EndIf[];
extern const char PseudoOp_EndMacroDef[];
extern const char PseudoOp_EOF[];
extern const char PseudoOp_Fill[];
extern const char PseudoOp_If[];
extern const char PseudoOp_LabelDump[];
extern const char PseudoOp_MacroCall[];
extern const char PseudoOp_MacroDef[];
extern const char PseudoOp_PetTxt[];
extern const char PseudoOp_ScrTxt[];
extern const char PseudoOp_SetPC[];
extern const char PseudoOp_Source[];
extern const char PseudoOp_ToFile[];
extern const char PseudoOp_Word[];
// pseudo opcodes for 65816 cpu
extern const char PseudoOp_al[];
extern const char PseudoOp_as[];
extern const char PseudoOp_rl[];
extern const char PseudoOp_rs[];
// Prototypes
extern void acme_SwitchToPet(void);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Configurable stuff
// ...this file gets included by almost all others, even *.h files
#ifndef config_H
#define config_H
// Types
typedef unsigned char byte_t;
// Constants
#ifndef FALSE
typedef int bool;
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

contrib/toacme/src/f8ab.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// F8-AssBlaster stuff
// Includes
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "ab.h"
#include "acme.h"
#include "mnemo.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "scr2iso.h"
// Constants
// Mnemonic table in F8-AssBlaster order (without: MnemonicJML, MnemonicWDM)
const char* f8ab_mnemonics[] = {
MnemonicADC, // $80 6502
MnemonicAND, // $81 6502
MnemonicASL, // $82 6502
MnemonicBCC, // $83 6502
MnemonicBCS, // $84 6502
MnemonicBEQ, // $85 6502
MnemonicBIT, // $86 6502
MnemonicBMI, // $87 6502
MnemonicBNE, // $88 6502
MnemonicBPL, // $89 6502
MnemonicBRA, // $8a 65c02
MnemonicBRK, // $8b 6502
MnemonicBRL, // $8c 65816
MnemonicBVC, // $8d 6502
MnemonicBVS, // $8e 6502
MnemonicCLC, // $8f 6502
MnemonicCLD, // $90 6502
MnemonicCLI, // $91 6502
MnemonicCLV, // $92 6502
MnemonicCMP, // $93 6502
MnemonicCOP, // $94 65816
MnemonicCPX, // $95 6502
MnemonicCPY, // $96 6502
MnemonicDEC, // $97 F8AB uses DEA as the 65816's "DEC-implicit"
MnemonicDEC, // $98 6502
MnemonicDEX, // $99 6502
MnemonicDEY, // $9a 6502
MnemonicEOR, // $9b 6502
MnemonicINC, // $9c F8AB uses INA as the 65816's "INC-implicit"
MnemonicINC, // $9d 6502
MnemonicINX, // $9e 6502
// seems as if F8AB does not know MnemonicJML (65816)...
MnemonicINY, // $9f 6502
MnemonicJMP, // $a0 6502
MnemonicJSL, // $a1 65816 ...but it *does* know JSL? Strange.
MnemonicJSR, // $a2 6502
MnemonicLDA, // $a3 6502
MnemonicLDX, // $a4 6502
MnemonicLDY, // $a5 6502
MnemonicLSR, // $a6 6502
"+F8AB_BROKEN_MVN", // $a7 65816 F8AB uses non-standard argument
"+F8AB_BROKEN_MVP", // $a8 65816 ordering with MVP/MVN
MnemonicNOP, // $a9 6502
MnemonicORA, // $aa 6502
MnemonicPEA, // $ab 65816
MnemonicPEI, // $ac 65816
MnemonicPER, // $ad 65816
MnemonicPHA, // $ae 6502
MnemonicPHB, // $af 65816
MnemonicPHD, // $b0 65816
MnemonicPHK, // $b1 65816
MnemonicPHP, // $b2 6502
MnemonicPHX, // $b3 65c02
MnemonicPHY, // $b4 65c02
MnemonicPLA, // $b5 6502
MnemonicPLB, // $b6 65816
MnemonicPLD, // $b7 65816
MnemonicPLP, // $b8 6502
MnemonicPLX, // $b9 65c02
MnemonicPLY, // $ba 65c02
MnemonicREP, // $bb 65816
MnemonicROL, // $bc 6502
MnemonicROR, // $bd 6502
MnemonicRTI, // $be 6502
MnemonicRTL, // $bf 65816
MnemonicRTS, // $c0 6502
MnemonicSBC, // $c1 6502
MnemonicSED, // $c2 6502 strange order - SED before SEC?
MnemonicSEC, // $c3 6502
MnemonicSEI, // $c4 6502
MnemonicSEP, // $c5 65816
MnemonicSTA, // $c6 6502
MnemonicSTP, // $c7 65816
MnemonicSTX, // $c8 6502
MnemonicSTY, // $c9 6502
MnemonicSTZ, // $ca 65c02
MnemonicTAX, // $cb 6502
MnemonicTAY, // $cc 6502
MnemonicTCD, // $cd 65816
MnemonicTCS, // $ce 65816
MnemonicTDC, // $cf 65816
MnemonicTRB, // $d0 65c02
MnemonicTSB, // $d1 65c02
MnemonicTSC, // $d2 65816
MnemonicTSX, // $d3 6502
MnemonicTXA, // $d4 6502
MnemonicTXS, // $d5 6502
MnemonicTXY, // $d6 65816
MnemonicTYA, // $d7 6502
MnemonicTYX, // $d8 65816
MnemonicWAI, // $d9 65816
// seems as if F8AB does not know MnemonicWDM (65816)
MnemonicXBA, // $da 65816
MnemonicXCE, // $db 65816
// PseudoOpcode table in F8-AssBlaster order
const char* f8ab_pseudo_opcodes[] = {
NULL, // (la) $dc
// NULL because ACME does not need a pseudo opcode for label defs
PseudoOp_SetPC, // (ba) $dd
PseudoOp_Byte, // (by) $de
PseudoOp_Fill, // (br) $df
PseudoOp_PetTxt, // (tx) $e0
PseudoOp_MacroDef, // (md) $e1 index 5 in this table
PseudoOp_EndMacroDef, // (de) $e2
PseudoOp_MacroCall, // (ma) $e3 index 7 in this table
PseudoOp_EOF, // (st) $e4
// PseudoOp_ScrTxt is not available in F8AB. Huh?!
"; ToACME: Cannot convert \\wa.\n",
// (wa) $e5
PseudoOp_ToFile, // (on) $e6
PseudoOp_Word, // (wo) $e7
"; ToACME: Cannot convert \\kc.\n",
// (kc) $e8
PseudoOp_rl, // (rl) $e9
PseudoOp_rs, // (rs) $ea
PseudoOp_al, // (al) $eb
PseudoOp_as, // (as) $ec
// Parse AssBlaster's packed number format. Returns error bits.
//#define AB_NUMVAL_FLAGBIT 0x80 // 10000000 indicates packed number
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_65536 0x40 // 01000000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_256 0x20 // 00100000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_1 0x10 // 00010000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_FORMATMASK 0x0c // 00001100
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__FORMAT_BIN 0x00 // 00000000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__FORMAT_DEC 0x04 // 00000100
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__FORMAT_HEX 0x08 // 00001000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__FORMAT_ILL 0x0c // 00001100 never used by F8AB
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_SIZEMASK 0x03 // 00000011
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_0 0x00 // 00000000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_1 0x01 // 00000001
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_2 0x02 // 00000010
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_3 0x03 // 00000011
int f8ab_parse_number(void) { // now GotByte = first byte of packed number
int Flags = GotByte,
ErrBits = 0;
unsigned long int Value = 0,
Add = 0;
// decode value
if(Flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_65536)
Add += 65536;
if(Flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_256)
Add += 256;
if(Flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_1)
Add += 1;
switch(Flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_SIZEMASK) {
case F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_0:// no bytes follow (0, 1, 256, 257)
Value = Add;
case F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_1:// one byte follows (2 to 511)
Value = Add + GetByte();
case F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_2:// two bytes follow (512 to 65535)
Value = Add + GetLE16();
case F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_3:// three bytes follow (anything else)
Value = Add + GetByte() + (GetLE16() << 8);
default: // unknown number compression
// this is actually dead code for the F8-AB converter, as
// there are only four possible bit combinations... :)
// remember to generate error
// continue parsing on next byte
// decode output format
switch(Flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_FORMATMASK) {
fprintf(global_output_stream, "%lu", Value);
hex_fallback: PutByte('$');
default: // unknown output format
// remember to warn
goto hex_fallback;
// config struct for shared ab code
struct ab_t f8ab_conf = {
23, // number of addressing modes (FIXME - check back later!)
// meaning of input bytes (0x80-0xec differ between AB 3.x and F8-AB)
// 0x80: mnemos (56 6502 + 8 65c02 + 26 65816 + jml/jsl = 92)
0xdc, // first pseudo opcode
0xed, // first unused byte value
// 0xed-0xfe are unused in F8-AB (FIXME - true? I only checked 0xed)
// main
void f8ab_main(void) {
const char* header_message;
header_message = "Input does not have any known F8AB header.\n";
"; ToACME: Adding pseudo opcode to enable 65816 opcodes:\n"
"!cpu 65816\n"
"; ToACME: Adding two macros to fix F8AB's non-standard argument order\n"
"; ToACME: concerning MVP/MVN. While the commands are assembled with\n"
"; ToACME: the destination bank byte first, the WDC docs say that in\n"
"; ToACME: source codes, the source bank byte is given first.\n"
"!macro F8AB_BROKEN_MVP .dest,.source {mvp .source,.dest}\n"
"!macro F8AB_BROKEN_MVN .dest,.source {mvn .source,.dest}\n"
, global_output_stream);
// most AB files have this format:
// load_address_low, load_address_high, AB_ENDOFLINE, actual content
// newer versions of F8AB seem to use this:
// $ff, $00, $00, $03, AB_ENDOFLINE, actual content
if(GetByte() == AB_ENDOFLINE) {
GetByte(); // skip it and pre-read first valid byte
header_message = "Input has F8AB 1.0 header.\n";
} else {
if((GotByte == 0)
&& (GetByte() == 3)
&& (GetByte() == AB_ENDOFLINE)) {
GetByte();// skip and pre-read first valid byte
header_message = "Input has F8AB 1.2 header.\n";
fputs(header_message, stderr);

contrib/toacme/src/giga.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// "GigaAss" stuff
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "acme.h"
#include "gighyp.h"
#include "mnemo.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "pet2iso.h"
// Constants
// token-to-(pseudo)opcode conversion table (FIXME)
const char* giga_token[] = {
"FIXME-CALL", // $a0 .CALL
PseudoOp_MacroDef, // $a1 .MACRO
PseudoOp_EndMacroDef, // $a2 .ENDMACRO
NULL, // $a3 .GLOBAL (ACME does not need a pseudo
NULL, // $a4 .EQUATE opcode for label definitions)
// bis hier wird nicht eingerückt
// ab hier wird eingerückt
PseudoOp_Byte, // $a5 .BYTE
PseudoOp_Word, // $a6 .WORD
PseudoOp_Fill, // $a7 .DS
PseudoOp_PetTxt, // $a8 .TEXT
// bis hier wird eingerückt
// ab hier wird nicht eingerückt
PseudoOp_ToFile, // $a9 .OBJECT
PseudoOp_SetPC, // $aa .BASE
"FIXME-CODE", // $ab .CODE
"FIXME-ON", // $ac .ON
"FIXME-GOTO", // $ad .GOTO
PseudoOp_If, // $ae .IF
PseudoOp_Else, // $af .ELSE
PseudoOp_EndIf, // $b0 .ENDIF
PseudoOp_LabelDump, // $b1 .SYMBOLS
PseudoOp_EOF, // $b3 .END
"FIXME-STOP", // $b4 .STOP
"FIXME-PAGE", // $b5 .PAGE
"FIXME-$b9", // $b9
"FIXME-$ba", // $ba
"FIXME-$bb", // $bb
"FIXME-$bc", // $bc
"FIXME-$bd", // $bd
"FIXME-$be", // $be
"FIXME-$bf", // $bf
// bis hier wird nicht eingerückt
// ab hier wird eingerückt
MnemonicCPX, // $c0
MnemonicCPY, // $c1
MnemonicLDX, // $c2
MnemonicLDY, // $c3
MnemonicCMP, // $c4
MnemonicADC, // $c5
MnemonicAND, // $c6
MnemonicDEC, // $c7
MnemonicEOR, // $c8
MnemonicINC, // $c9
MnemonicLDA, // $ca
MnemonicASL, // $cb
MnemonicBIT, // $cc
MnemonicLSR, // $cd
MnemonicORA, // $ce
MnemonicROL, // $cf
MnemonicROR, // $d0
MnemonicSBC, // $d1
MnemonicSTA, // $d2
MnemonicSTX, // $d3
MnemonicSTY, // $d4
MnemonicJMP, // $d5
MnemonicJSR, // $d6
MnemonicTXA, // $d7
MnemonicTAX, // $d8
MnemonicTYA, // $d9
MnemonicTAY, // $da
MnemonicTSX, // $db
MnemonicTXS, // $dc
MnemonicPHP, // $dd
MnemonicPLP, // $de
MnemonicPHA, // $df
MnemonicPLA, // $e0
MnemonicBRK, // $e1
MnemonicRTI, // $e2
MnemonicRTS, // $e3
MnemonicNOP, // $e4
MnemonicCLC, // $e5
MnemonicSEC, // $e6
MnemonicCLI, // $e7
MnemonicSEI, // $e8
MnemonicCLV, // $e9
MnemonicCLD, // $ea
MnemonicSED, // $eb
MnemonicDEY, // $ec
MnemonicINY, // $ed
MnemonicDEX, // $ee
MnemonicINX, // $ef
MnemonicBPL, // $f0
MnemonicBMI, // $f1
MnemonicBVC, // $f2
MnemonicBVS, // $f3
MnemonicBCC, // $f4
MnemonicBCS, // $f5
MnemonicBNE, // $f6
MnemonicBEQ, // $f7
// bis hier wird eingerückt
// ab hier wird nicht eingerückt
"FIXME-$f8", // $f8
"FIXME-$f9", // $f9
"FIXME-$fa", // $fa
"FIXME-$fb", // $fb
"FIXME-$fc", // $fc
"FIXME-$fd", // $fd
"FIXME-$fe", // $fe
"FIXME-$ff", // $ff
// Functions
// I don't know whether it's correct, but I had to start somewhere
#define FIRST_TOKEN 0xa0
// Process opcode or pseudo opcode (tokenized)
int giga_Tokenized(void) {
const char* token;
if(GotByte < FIRST_TOKEN)
fprintf(global_output_stream, "small value:$%x", GotByte);
else {
token = giga_token[GotByte-FIRST_TOKEN];
if(token != NULL)
fputs(token, global_output_stream);
// When tokens are known, maybe use the PseudoOpcode function from hypra?
// ...for now deleted
// [...]
// Main routine for GigaAss conversion
void giga_main(void) {
int indent;
// loop: once for every line in the file
while(!ReachedEOF) {
// skip link pointer (if it's zero, report as end marker)
if(GetLE16() == 0)
fputs("; ToACME: Found BASIC end marker.\n", global_output_stream);
GetLE16(); // skip line number
// process line
if((GotByte == ' ') || (GotByte == ';') || (GotByte == '\0') ||(GotByte>0x7f))
indent = 0;
indent = gigahypra_LabelDef();
// skip spaces
while(GotByte == ' ')
// if there is an opcode, process it
if((GotByte != ';') && (GotByte != '\0')) {
// skip comment, if there is one
if(GotByte == ';')
// end of line

contrib/toacme/src/gighyp.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// stuff needed for both "Hypra-Ass" and "Giga-Ass"
// Includes
#include "gighyp.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "pet2iso.h"
// Process comment (GotByte == ';')
void gigahypra_ConvComment(void) {
// check whether anything follows (empty comments => empty lines)
if(GetByte()) {
// Process operator
void gigahypra_Operator(void) {// '!' was last read
byte_t Middle;
Middle = Pet2ISO_Table[GetByte()];
if((Middle != ';') && (Middle != 0)) {
if(GetByte() == '!') {
switch(Middle) {
case 'n':
case 'o':
case 'a':
case '=':
case '<':
fputs(" < ", global_output_stream);
case '>':
fputs(" > ", global_output_stream);
} else {
} else
// exit with unused byte pre-read
// output one or two TABs
void gigahypra_Indent(int indent) {
if(indent < 8)
// Process opcode and arguments
void gigahypra_Opcode(int Flags) {
int NowOpen = 0;// number of parentheses to close
// if needed, add separating space between opcode and argument
if(((Flags & FLAGS_NOSPACE) == 0) && (GotByte != ' ') && (GotByte != ';') && (GotByte != '\0'))
PutByte(' ');
// character loop
while((GotByte != ';') && (GotByte != 0)) {
if(GotByte == '!')
if(GotByte == '"') {
// don't parse inside quotes
while((GotByte != 0) && (GotByte != '"')) {
if(GotByte == '"') GetByte();
} else {
// most characters go here
switch(GotByte) {
case '(':
} else {
case ')':
if((Flags&FLAGS_STRIPCLOSING) && (NowOpen==0))
else {
// Convert and send label name.
// Returns length (for proper indentation).
int gigahypra_LabelDef(void) {
int count = 0;
do {
} while((GotByte != ' ') && (GotByte != ';') && (GotByte != 0));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// stuff needed for both "Hypra-Ass" and "Giga-Ass"
#ifndef gigahypra_H
#define gigahypra_H
// Includes
#include "config.h"
// Constants
#define FLAGS_NOSPACE (1u << 0)
#define FLAGS_ADDLEFTBRACE (1u << 1)
#define FLAGS_STRIPOPENING (1u << 2)
#define FLAGS_STRIPCLOSING (1u << 3)
// Prototypes
extern void gigahypra_ConvComment(void);
extern void gigahypra_Operator(void);
extern void gigahypra_Indent(int indent);
extern void gigahypra_Opcode(int Flags);
extern int gigahypra_LabelDef(void);

contrib/toacme/src/hypra.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// "HypraAss" stuff
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "acme.h"
#include "gighyp.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "pet2iso.h"
// Functions
// Process pseudo opcode
int hypra_PseudoOpcode(void) {// '.' was last read
byte_t a,
b = '\0';
bool fBlah = TRUE;
int Flags = 0;
a = Pet2ISO_Table[GetByte()];
if((a != ' ') && (a != ';') && (a != '\0')) {
b = Pet2ISO_Table[GetByte()];
if((b != ' ') && (b != ';') && (b != '\0')) {
switch(a) {
case '.':
if(b == '.') { // "..." = macro call
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_MacroCall, global_output_stream);
case 'a':
if(b == 'p') { // ".ap" = append source file
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_Source, global_output_stream);
case 'b':
if(b == 'a') { // ".ba" = set base address
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_SetPC, global_output_stream);
if(b == 'y') { // ".by" = insert bytes
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_Byte, global_output_stream);
case 'e':
switch(b) {
case 'i': // ".ei" = endif
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_EndIf, global_output_stream);
case 'l': // ".el" = else
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_Else, global_output_stream);
case 'n': // ".en" = end
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_EOF, global_output_stream);
case 'q': // ".eq" = label def
fBlah = FALSE;
case 'g':
if(b == 'l') // ".gl" = global label def
fBlah = FALSE;
case 'i':
if(b == 'f') { // ".if" = conditional assembly
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_If, global_output_stream);
case 'm':
if(b == 'a') { // ".ma" = macro definition
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_MacroDef, global_output_stream);
case 'o':
if(b == 'b') { // ".ob" = output to file
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_ToFile, global_output_stream);
case 'r':
if(b == 't') { // ".rt" = end of macro def
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_EndMacroDef, global_output_stream);
case 's':
if(b == 'y') { // ".sy" = symbol dump
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_LabelDump, global_output_stream);
fputs("\"symboldump.txt\";", global_output_stream);
case 't':
if(b == 'x') { // ".tx" = insert string
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_PetTxt, global_output_stream);
if(b == 's') { // ".ts" = screen code string
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_ScrTxt, global_output_stream);
case 'w':
if(b == 'o') { // ".wo" = insert words
fBlah = FALSE;
fputs(PseudoOp_Word, global_output_stream);
GetByte();// exit with unused byte pre-read
} else
fBlah = TRUE;
} else
fBlah = TRUE;
if(fBlah) {
fputs("; ToACME: .", global_output_stream);
fputs(" cannot be converted\n", global_output_stream);
// Process ocpode
int hypra_RealOpcode(void) {// character was last read
if((GotByte == ' ') || (GotByte == ';') || (GotByte == 0))
if((GotByte == ' ') || (GotByte == ';') || (GotByte == 0))
GetByte();// exit with unused byte pre-read
// Main routine for HypraAss conversion
void hypra_main(void) {
int indent;
// loop: once for every line in the file
while(!ReachedEOF) {
// skip link pointer (if it's zero, report as end marker)
if(GetLE16() == 0)
fputs("; ToACME: Found BASIC end marker.\n", global_output_stream);
GetLE16(); // skip line number
// process line
indent = 0;
if((GotByte != ' ') && (GotByte != ';') && (GotByte != '\0'))
indent = gigahypra_LabelDef();
// skip spaces
while(GotByte == ' ')
// if there is an opcode, process it
if((GotByte != ';') && (GotByte != '\0')) {
// branch to relevant routine
if(GotByte == '.')
// skip comment, if there is one
if(GotByte == ';')
// end of line

contrib/toacme/src/io.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// input/output
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "io.h"
// Variables
byte_t PaddingValue;
FILE *global_input_stream;
FILE *global_output_stream;
byte_t GotByte = 0;
bool ReachedEOF = FALSE;
// Input functions
// Set byte sent after EOF
inline void input_set_padding(byte_t pad) {
PaddingValue = pad;
// Fetch and buffer byte
byte_t GetByte(void) {
int w;
GotByte = PaddingValue;
else {
w = getc(global_input_stream);
if(w == EOF)
ReachedEOF = TRUE;
GotByte = (byte_t) w;
// Read little-endian 16-bit value
unsigned int GetLE16(void) {
return(GetByte() | (GetByte() << 8));
// Output functions
// Write byte to output file
inline void PutByte(const char b) {
putc(b, global_output_stream);
// output low nibble of argument as hexadecimal digit
void put_low_nibble_hex(int v) {
putc("0123456789abcdef"[v & 15], global_output_stream);
// output low byte of argument as two hexadecimal digits
void io_put_low_byte_hex(int v) {
put_low_nibble_hex(v >> 4);
// output low 16 bits of arg as four hexadecimal digits
void io_put_low_16b_hex(int w) {
io_put_low_byte_hex(w >> 8);
// read load address from input file and write as comment to output file
void io_process_load_address(void) {
int load_address;
load_address = GetLE16();
fputs("; ToACME: Original source code file had load address $", global_output_stream);

contrib/toacme/src/io.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// input/output
#ifndef io_H
#define io_H
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
// Variables
extern byte_t GotByte;
extern bool ReachedEOF;
extern FILE *global_input_stream;
extern FILE *global_output_stream;
// Prototypes
extern void input_set_padding(const byte_t);
extern byte_t GetByte(void);
extern unsigned int GetLE16(void); // get little-endian 16-bit value
extern void PutByte(const char b);
extern void io_put_low_byte_hex(int v);
extern void io_put_low_16b_hex(int w);
extern void io_process_load_address(void);

contrib/toacme/src/main.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "acme.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "version.h"
// Main program
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// handle "toacme -h" and "toacme --help" just like "toacme"
if(argc == 2) {
if((strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == NULL)
|| (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == NULL))
argc = 1;
// "toacme" without any switches gives info and exits successfully
if(argc == 1) {
// check argument count
if(argc != 4) {
fputs("Wrong number of arguments.\n", stderr);
// check format id
if(version_parse_id(argv[1])) {
fputs("Unknown format id.\n", stderr);
// be nice and ensure input and output are different
if(strcmp(argv[2], argv[3]) == NULL) {
fputs("Input and output files must be different.\n", stderr);
// try to open input file
global_input_stream = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
if(global_input_stream == NULL) {
fputs("Cannot open input file.\n", stderr);
// try to open output file
global_output_stream = fopen(argv[3], "w");
if(global_output_stream == NULL) {
fputs("Cannot open output file.\n", stderr);
// do the actual work
// and then tidy up and exit

contrib/toacme/src/mnemo.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// assembler mnemonics
// Mnemonics of legal 6502 instructions
const char MnemonicADC[] = "adc";
const char MnemonicAND[] = "and";
const char MnemonicASL[] = "asl";
const char MnemonicBCC[] = "bcc";
const char MnemonicBCS[] = "bcs";
const char MnemonicBEQ[] = "beq";
const char MnemonicBIT[] = "bit";
const char MnemonicBMI[] = "bmi";
const char MnemonicBNE[] = "bne";
const char MnemonicBPL[] = "bpl";
const char MnemonicBRK[] = "brk";
const char MnemonicBVC[] = "bvc";
const char MnemonicBVS[] = "bvs";
const char MnemonicCLC[] = "clc";
const char MnemonicCLD[] = "cld";
const char MnemonicCLI[] = "cli";
const char MnemonicCLV[] = "clv";
const char MnemonicCMP[] = "cmp";
const char MnemonicCPX[] = "cpx";
const char MnemonicCPY[] = "cpy";
const char MnemonicDEC[] = "dec";
const char MnemonicDEX[] = "dex";
const char MnemonicDEY[] = "dey";
const char MnemonicEOR[] = "eor";
const char MnemonicINC[] = "inc";
const char MnemonicINX[] = "inx";
const char MnemonicINY[] = "iny";
const char MnemonicJMP[] = "jmp";
const char MnemonicJSR[] = "jsr";
const char MnemonicLDA[] = "lda";
const char MnemonicLDX[] = "ldx";
const char MnemonicLDY[] = "ldy";
const char MnemonicLSR[] = "lsr";
const char MnemonicNOP[] = "nop";
const char MnemonicORA[] = "ora";
const char MnemonicPHA[] = "pha";
const char MnemonicPHP[] = "php";
const char MnemonicPLA[] = "pla";
const char MnemonicPLP[] = "plp";
const char MnemonicROL[] = "rol";
const char MnemonicROR[] = "ror";
const char MnemonicRTI[] = "rti";
const char MnemonicRTS[] = "rts";
const char MnemonicSBC[] = "sbc";
const char MnemonicSEC[] = "sec";
const char MnemonicSED[] = "sed";
const char MnemonicSEI[] = "sei";
const char MnemonicSTA[] = "sta";
const char MnemonicSTX[] = "stx";
const char MnemonicSTY[] = "sty";
const char MnemonicTAX[] = "tax";
const char MnemonicTAY[] = "tay";
const char MnemonicTSX[] = "tsx";
const char MnemonicTXA[] = "txa";
const char MnemonicTXS[] = "txs";
const char MnemonicTYA[] = "tya";
// Mnemonics of 65c02 instructions
const char MnemonicBRA[] = "bra";
const char MnemonicPHX[] = "phx";
const char MnemonicPHY[] = "phy";
const char MnemonicPLX[] = "plx";
const char MnemonicPLY[] = "ply";
const char MnemonicSTZ[] = "stz";
const char MnemonicTRB[] = "trb";
const char MnemonicTSB[] = "tsb";
// Mnemonics of 65816 instructions
const char MnemonicJML[] = "jml";
const char MnemonicJSL[] = "jsl";
const char MnemonicMVN[] = "mvn";
const char MnemonicMVP[] = "mvp";
const char MnemonicPEI[] = "pei";
const char MnemonicBRL[] = "brl";
const char MnemonicPER[] = "per";
const char MnemonicCOP[] = "cop";
const char MnemonicPEA[] = "pea";
const char MnemonicREP[] = "rep";
const char MnemonicSEP[] = "sep";
const char MnemonicPHB[] = "phb";
const char MnemonicPHD[] = "phd";
const char MnemonicPHK[] = "phk";
const char MnemonicPLB[] = "plb";
const char MnemonicPLD[] = "pld";
const char MnemonicRTL[] = "rtl";
const char MnemonicSTP[] = "stp";
const char MnemonicTCD[] = "tcd";
const char MnemonicTCS[] = "tcs";
const char MnemonicTDC[] = "tdc";
const char MnemonicTSC[] = "tsc";
const char MnemonicTXY[] = "txy";
const char MnemonicTYX[] = "tyx";
const char MnemonicWAI[] = "wai";
const char MnemonicWDM[] = "wdm";
const char MnemonicXBA[] = "xba";
const char MnemonicXCE[] = "xce";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// 6502 mnemonics
#ifndef mnemo_H
#define mnemo_H
// Mnemonics of legal 6502 instructions
extern const char MnemonicADC[], MnemonicSBC[];
extern const char MnemonicAND[], MnemonicEOR[], MnemonicORA[];
extern const char MnemonicASL[], MnemonicLSR[];
extern const char MnemonicBCC[], MnemonicBCS[];
extern const char MnemonicBEQ[], MnemonicBNE[];
extern const char MnemonicBMI[], MnemonicBPL[];
extern const char MnemonicBRK[], MnemonicRTI[];
extern const char MnemonicBVC[], MnemonicBVS[];
extern const char MnemonicCLC[], MnemonicSEC[];
extern const char MnemonicCLD[], MnemonicSED[];
extern const char MnemonicCLI[], MnemonicSEI[];
extern const char MnemonicBIT[], MnemonicCLV[], MnemonicNOP[];
extern const char MnemonicCMP[], MnemonicCPX[], MnemonicCPY[];
extern const char MnemonicDEC[], MnemonicDEX[], MnemonicDEY[];
extern const char MnemonicINC[], MnemonicINX[], MnemonicINY[];
extern const char MnemonicJMP[], MnemonicJSR[], MnemonicRTS[];
extern const char MnemonicLDA[], MnemonicLDX[], MnemonicLDY[];
extern const char MnemonicPHA[], MnemonicPLA[];
extern const char MnemonicPHP[], MnemonicPLP[];
extern const char MnemonicROL[], MnemonicROR[];
extern const char MnemonicSTA[], MnemonicSTX[], MnemonicSTY[];
extern const char MnemonicTSX[], MnemonicTXA[], MnemonicTAY[];
extern const char MnemonicTYA[], MnemonicTAX[], MnemonicTXS[];
// Mnemonics of 65c02 instructions
extern const char MnemonicBRA[];
extern const char MnemonicPHX[], MnemonicPHY[];
extern const char MnemonicPLX[], MnemonicPLY[];
extern const char MnemonicSTZ[];
extern const char MnemonicTRB[], MnemonicTSB[];
// Mnemonics of 65816 instructions
extern const char MnemonicJML[], MnemonicJSL[];
extern const char MnemonicMVN[], MnemonicMVP[];
extern const char MnemonicPEI[];
extern const char MnemonicBRL[];
extern const char MnemonicPER[];
extern const char MnemonicCOP[];
extern const char MnemonicPEA[];
extern const char MnemonicREP[], MnemonicSEP[];
extern const char MnemonicPHB[];
extern const char MnemonicPHD[];
extern const char MnemonicPHK[];
extern const char MnemonicPLB[];
extern const char MnemonicPLD[];
extern const char MnemonicRTL[];
extern const char MnemonicSTP[];
extern const char MnemonicTCD[], MnemonicTCS[];
extern const char MnemonicTDC[], MnemonicTSC[];
extern const char MnemonicTXY[], MnemonicTYX[];
extern const char MnemonicWAI[];
extern const char MnemonicWDM[];
extern const char MnemonicXBA[], MnemonicXCE[];

contrib/toacme/src/obj.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// disassembly stuff
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "acme.h"
#include "mnemo.h"
#include "io.h"
// Constants
// 6502 code table (mnemonics only)
const char* mnemo_of_code[] = {
MnemonicBRK, MnemonicORA, NULL, NULL, // $00-$03
NULL, MnemonicORA, MnemonicASL, NULL, // $04-$07
MnemonicPHP, MnemonicORA, MnemonicASL, NULL, // $08-$0b
NULL, MnemonicORA, MnemonicASL, NULL, // $0c-$0f
MnemonicBPL, MnemonicORA, NULL, NULL, // $10-$13
NULL, MnemonicORA, MnemonicASL, NULL, // $14-$17
MnemonicCLC, MnemonicORA, NULL, NULL, // $18-$1b
NULL, MnemonicORA, MnemonicASL, NULL, // $1c-$1f
MnemonicJSR, MnemonicAND, NULL, NULL, // $20-$23
MnemonicBIT, MnemonicAND, MnemonicROL, NULL, // $24-$27
MnemonicPLP, MnemonicAND, MnemonicROL, NULL, // $28-$2b
MnemonicBIT, MnemonicAND, MnemonicROL, NULL, // $2c-$2f
MnemonicBMI, MnemonicAND, NULL, NULL, // $30-$33
NULL, MnemonicAND, MnemonicROL, NULL, // $34-$37
MnemonicSEC, MnemonicAND, NULL, NULL, // $38-$3b
NULL, MnemonicAND, MnemonicROL, NULL, // $3c-$3f
MnemonicRTI, MnemonicEOR, NULL, NULL, // $40-$43
NULL, MnemonicEOR, MnemonicLSR, NULL, // $44-$47
MnemonicPHA, MnemonicEOR, MnemonicLSR, NULL, // $48-$4b
MnemonicJMP, MnemonicEOR, MnemonicLSR, NULL, // $4c-$4f
MnemonicBVC, MnemonicEOR, NULL, NULL, // $50-$53
NULL, MnemonicEOR, MnemonicLSR, NULL, // $54-$57
MnemonicCLI, MnemonicEOR, NULL, NULL, // $58-$5b
NULL, MnemonicEOR, MnemonicLSR, NULL, // $5c-$5f
MnemonicRTS, MnemonicADC, NULL, NULL, // $60-$63
NULL, MnemonicADC, MnemonicROR, NULL, // $64-$67
MnemonicPLA, MnemonicADC, MnemonicROR, NULL, // $68-$6b
MnemonicJMP, MnemonicADC, MnemonicROR, NULL, // $6c-$6f
MnemonicBVS, MnemonicADC, NULL, NULL, // $70-$73
NULL, MnemonicADC, MnemonicROR, NULL, // $74-$77
MnemonicSEI, MnemonicADC, NULL, NULL, // $78-$7b
NULL, MnemonicADC, MnemonicROR, NULL, // $7c-$7f
NULL, MnemonicSTA, NULL, NULL, // $80-$83
MnemonicSTY, MnemonicSTA, MnemonicSTX, NULL, // $84-$87
MnemonicDEY, NULL, MnemonicTXA, NULL, // $88-$8b
MnemonicSTY, MnemonicSTA, MnemonicSTX, NULL, // $8c-$8f
MnemonicBCC, MnemonicSTA, NULL, NULL, // $90-$93
MnemonicSTY, MnemonicSTA, MnemonicSTX, NULL, // $94-$97
MnemonicTYA, MnemonicSTA, MnemonicTXS, NULL, // $98-$9b
NULL, MnemonicSTA, NULL, NULL, // $9c-$9f
MnemonicLDY, MnemonicLDA, MnemonicLDX, NULL, // $a0-$a3
MnemonicLDY, MnemonicLDA, MnemonicLDX, NULL, // $a4-$a7
MnemonicTAY, MnemonicLDA, MnemonicTAX, NULL, // $a8-$ab
MnemonicLDY, MnemonicLDA, MnemonicLDX, NULL, // $ac-$af
MnemonicBCS, MnemonicLDA, NULL, NULL, // $b0-$b3
MnemonicLDY, MnemonicLDA, MnemonicLDX, NULL, // $b4-$b7
MnemonicCLV, MnemonicLDA, MnemonicTSX, NULL, // $b8-$bb
MnemonicLDY, MnemonicLDA, MnemonicLDX, NULL, // $bc-$bf
MnemonicCPY, MnemonicCMP, NULL, NULL, // $c0-$c3
MnemonicCPY, MnemonicCMP, MnemonicDEC, NULL, // $c4-$c7
MnemonicINY, MnemonicCMP, MnemonicDEX, NULL, // $c8-$cb
MnemonicCPY, MnemonicCMP, MnemonicDEC, NULL, // $cc-$cf
MnemonicBNE, MnemonicCMP, NULL, NULL, // $d0-$d3
NULL, MnemonicCMP, MnemonicDEC, NULL, // $d4-$d7
MnemonicCLD, MnemonicCMP, NULL, NULL, // $d8-$db
NULL, MnemonicCMP, MnemonicDEC, NULL, // $dc-$df
MnemonicCPX, MnemonicSBC, NULL, NULL, // $e0-$e3
MnemonicCPX, MnemonicSBC, MnemonicINC, NULL, // $e4-$e7
MnemonicINX, MnemonicSBC, MnemonicNOP, NULL, // $e8-$eb
MnemonicCPX, MnemonicSBC, MnemonicINC, NULL, // $ec-$ef
MnemonicBEQ, MnemonicSBC, NULL, NULL, // $f0-$f3
NULL, MnemonicSBC, MnemonicINC, NULL, // $f4-$f7
MnemonicSED, MnemonicSBC, NULL, NULL, // $f8-$fb
NULL, MnemonicSBC, MnemonicINC, NULL, // $fc-$ff
// output 2-digit hex argument with correct addressing mode
static void put_argument2(const char pre[], int byte, const char post[]) {
fputs(pre, global_output_stream);
fputs(post, global_output_stream);
// output 4-digit hex argument with correct addressing mode
static void put_argument4(const char pre[], int word, const char post[]) {
fputs(pre, global_output_stream);
fputs(post, global_output_stream);
static int pc; // needed by "relative" addressing mode handler
// addressing mode handler functions
// all of these output the opcode's argument and return the number to add
// to the program counter
// addressing mode handler function for 1-byte-instructions
static int am_implicit(void) {
// addressing mode handler functions for 2-byte-instructions
static int am_immediate(void) {
put_argument2(" #$", GetByte(), "");
if(GotByte > 15) {
fprintf(global_output_stream, " ; (= %d", GotByte);
if((GotByte > 31) && (GotByte != 127))
fprintf(global_output_stream, " = '%c'", GotByte);
static int am_absolute8(void) {
put_argument2(" $", GetByte(), "");
static int am_abs_x8(void) {
put_argument2(" $", GetByte(), ",x");
static int am_abs_y8(void) {
put_argument2(" $", GetByte(), ",y");
static int am_indirect_x(void) {
put_argument2(" ($", GetByte(), ",x)");
static int am_indirect_y(void) {
put_argument2(" ($", GetByte(), "),y");
static int am_relative(void) {
put_argument4(" L", pc + 2 + (signed char) GetByte(), "");
// addressing mode handler functions for 3-byte-instructions
static int am_absolute16(void) {
put_argument4(" L", GetLE16(), "");
static int am_abs_x16(void) {
put_argument4(" L", GetLE16(), ",x");
static int am_abs_y16(void) {
put_argument4(" L", GetLE16(), ",y");
static int am_indirect16(void) {
put_argument4(" (L", GetLE16(), ")");
// 6502 code table (addressing mode handler functions)
int (*addressing_mode_of_code[])(void) = {
am_implicit, am_indirect_x, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $00-$03
am_implicit, am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_implicit, // $04-$07
am_implicit, am_immediate, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $08-$0b
am_implicit, am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_implicit, // $0c-$0f
am_relative, am_indirect_y, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $10-$13
am_implicit, am_abs_x8, am_abs_x8, am_implicit, // $14-$17
am_implicit, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $18-$1b
am_implicit, am_abs_x16, am_abs_x16, am_implicit, // $1c-$1f
am_absolute16, am_indirect_x, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $20-$23
am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_implicit, // $24-$27
am_implicit, am_immediate, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $28-$2b
am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_implicit, // $2c-$2f
am_relative, am_indirect_y, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $30-$33
am_implicit, am_abs_x8, am_abs_x8, am_implicit, // $34-$37
am_implicit, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $38-$3b
am_implicit, am_abs_x16, am_abs_x16, am_implicit, // $3c-$3f
am_implicit, am_indirect_x, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $40-$43
am_implicit, am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_implicit, // $44-$47
am_implicit, am_immediate, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $48-$4b
am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_implicit, // $4c-$4f
am_relative, am_indirect_y, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $50-$53
am_implicit, am_abs_x8, am_abs_x8, am_implicit, // $54-$57
am_implicit, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $58-$5b
am_implicit, am_abs_x16, am_abs_x16, am_implicit, // $5c-$5f
am_implicit, am_indirect_x, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $60-$63
am_implicit, am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_implicit, // $64-$67
am_implicit, am_immediate, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $68-$6b
am_indirect16, am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_implicit, // $6c-$6f
am_relative, am_indirect_y, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $70-$73
am_implicit, am_abs_x8, am_abs_x8, am_implicit, // $74-$77
am_implicit, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $78-$7b
am_implicit, am_abs_x16, am_abs_x16, am_implicit, // $7c-$7f
am_implicit, am_indirect_x, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $80-$83
am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_implicit, // $84-$87
am_implicit, am_implicit, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $88-$8b
am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_implicit, // $8c-$8f
am_relative, am_indirect_y, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $90-$93
am_abs_x8, am_abs_x8, am_abs_y8, am_implicit, // $94-$97
am_implicit, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $98-$9b
am_implicit, am_abs_x16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $9c-$9f
am_immediate, am_indirect_x, am_immediate, am_implicit, // $a0-$a3
am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_implicit, // $a4-$a7
am_implicit, am_immediate, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $a8-$ab
am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_implicit, // $ac-$af
am_relative, am_indirect_y, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $b0-$b3
am_abs_x8, am_abs_x8, am_abs_y8, am_implicit, // $b4-$b7
am_implicit, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $b8-$bb
am_abs_x16, am_abs_x16, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, // $bc-$bf
am_immediate, am_indirect_x, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $c0-$c3
am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_implicit, // $c4-$c7
am_implicit, am_immediate, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $c8-$cb
am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_implicit, // $cc-$cf
am_relative, am_indirect_y, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $d0-$d3
am_implicit, am_abs_x8, am_abs_x8, am_implicit, // $d4-$d7
am_implicit, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $d8-$db
am_implicit, am_abs_x16, am_abs_x16, am_implicit, // $dc-$df
am_immediate, am_indirect_x, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $e0-$e3
am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_absolute8, am_implicit, // $e4-$e7
am_implicit, am_immediate, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $e8-$eb
am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_absolute16, am_implicit, // $ec-$ef
am_relative, am_indirect_y, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $f0-$f3
am_implicit, am_abs_x8, am_abs_x8, am_implicit, // $f4-$f7
am_implicit, am_abs_y16, am_implicit, am_implicit, // $f8-$fb
am_implicit, am_abs_x16, am_abs_x16, am_implicit, // $fc-$ff
// output mnemonic of given byte
void output_mnemonic(int byte) {
const char* mnemo = mnemo_of_code[byte];
fputs(mnemo, global_output_stream);
put_argument2("$", byte, "");
// Main routine for disassembly
void obj_main(void) {
// process load address
pc = GetLE16();
put_argument4("\t\t*=$", pc, "\n");
while(!ReachedEOF) {
put_argument4("L", pc, "\t\t");
pc += addressing_mode_of_code[GotByte]();
// report end-of-file
fputs("; ToACME: Reached end-of-file.\n", global_output_stream);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Converting CBM PetSCII code to ISO 8859/1
// Includes
#include "pet2iso.h"
// Constants
// Conversion table
const byte_t Pet2ISO_Table[256] = {
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f,
0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27,
0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f,
0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37,
0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f,
0x40, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67,
0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f,
0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77,
0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f,
0x60, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,
0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f,
0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57,
0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f,
0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87,
0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f,
0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97,
0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f,
0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7,
0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf,
0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7,
0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf,
0x60, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,
0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f,
0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57,
0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf,
0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7,
0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef,
0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7,
0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Converting CBM PetSCII code to ISO 8859/1
#ifndef pet2iso_H
#define pet2iso_H
// Includes
#include "config.h"
// Constants
extern const byte_t Pet2ISO_Table[256]; // Conversion table

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Platform specific stuff
// Includes
#include "platform.h"
#ifdef __riscos__
#include <kernel.h> // defines _kernel_swi_regs
#define OS_FILE 0x00008 // constant to call relevant SWI
// Setting the created files' types
void Platform_SetFileType(const char *Filename, int Filetype) {
_kernel_swi_regs RegSet;
RegSet.r[0] = 18;// = SetFileType
RegSet.r[1] = (int) Filename;
RegSet.r[2] = Filetype;
_kernel_swi(OS_FILE, &RegSet, &RegSet);
// other OS (not that much here)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Platform specific stuff
#ifndef platform_H
#define platform_H
// check for RISC OS
#ifdef __riscos__
#define PLATFORM_VERSION "Ported to RISC OS by Marco Baye."
extern void Platform_SetFileType(const char *Filename, int Filetype);
#define PLATFORM_SETFILETYPE(a, b) Platform_SetFileType(a, b);
#define FILETYPE_TEXT 0xfff // File types used
// all other platforms
#define PLATFORM_VERSION "Platform independent version."
// fix umlaut for DOS version
#ifdef __DJGPP__
#define STEFAN "Stefan H<>bner"
#define STEFAN "Stefan Hübner"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Converting CBM screen code to ISO 8859/1
// Includes
#include "scr2iso.h"
// Constants
// Conversion table
const byte_t Scr2ISO_Table[256] = {
0x40, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67,
0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f,
0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77,
0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f,
0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27,
0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f,
0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37,
0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f,
0x60, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,
0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f,
0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57,
0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f,
0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7,
0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef,
0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7,
0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff,
0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87,
0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f,
0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97,
0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f,
0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7,
0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf,
0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7,
0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf,
0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7,
0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf,
0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7,
0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf,
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Converting CBM screen code to ISO 8859/1
#ifndef scr2iso_H
#define scr2iso_H
// Includes
#include "config.h"
// Constants
extern const byte_t Scr2ISO_Table[256]; // Conversion table

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Version
#define RELEASE_NUMBER "0.8" // change before release (FIXME)
#define CHANGE_DATE "16 Jun" // change before release
#define CHANGE_YEAR "2005" // change before release
#define HOME_PAGE ""
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "io.h"
#include "platform.h"
// Variables
void (*client_main)(void) = NULL;
// Functions
// show version info and usage
void version_show_info(const char program_name[]) {
"ToACME - converts other assemblers' source codes to ACME format.\n"
"Release "RELEASE_NUMBER" ("CHANGE_DATE" "CHANGE_YEAR"), Copyright (C) 1999-"CHANGE_YEAR" Marco Baye.\n"
"Fixes for AssBlaster macro conversion done by "STEFAN".\n"
"Token table for Giga-Assembler supplied by Andreas Paul.\n"
"The newest version can be found at the ACME homepage:\n"
"ToACME comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details read the help file.\n"
"This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under\n"
"certain conditions; as outlined in the GNU General Public License.\n"
"Syntax: %s <format_id> <input_file> <output_file>\n"
"format_id source file format quality\n"
"ab3 C64: AssBlaster 3.0 to 3.2 good\n"
"f8ab C64: Flash8-AssBlaster ok\n"
"giga C64: Giga-Assembler needs testing\n"
"hypra C64: Hypra-Assembler ok\n"
"object object code files poor\n"
, program_name);
// Check id string. Returns whether illegal.
extern void ab3_main(void);
extern void f8ab_main(void);
extern void giga_main(void);
extern void hypra_main(void);
extern void obj_main(void);
int version_parse_id(const char id[]) {
if(strcmp(id, "ab3") == NULL)
client_main = ab3_main;
else if(strcmp(id, "f8ab") == NULL)
client_main = f8ab_main;
else if(strcmp(id, "giga") == NULL)
client_main = giga_main;
else if(strcmp(id, "hypra") == NULL)
client_main = hypra_main;
else if(strcmp(id, "object") == NULL)
client_main = obj_main;
return(client_main ? 0 : 1);
// do the actual work
void version_main(void) {
";ACME 0.85\n"
"; ToACME: Converted by ToACME, release " RELEASE_NUMBER ".\n"
, global_output_stream);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// version
#ifndef version_H
#define version_H
// Prototypes
extern void version_show_info(const char[]);
extern int version_parse_id(const char[]);
extern void version_main(void);

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// Have a look at "acme.c" for further info
// Output stuff
// 24 Nov 2007 Added possibility to suppress segment overlap warnings
// 24 Nov 2007 Added possibility to suppress segment overlap warnings
// 25 Sep 2011 Fixed bug in !to (colons in filename could be interpreted as EOS)
// 5 Mar 2014 Fixed bug where setting *>0xffff resulted in hangups.
// 19 Nov 2014 Merged Johann Klasek's report listing generator patch
@ -344,10 +344,10 @@ void Output_save_file(FILE *fd)
// output 16-bit load address in little-endian byte order
putc(start & 255, fd);
putc(start >> 8, fd);
putc(start >> 8, fd);
// output 16-bit length in little-endian byte order
putc(amount & 255, fd);
putc(amount >> 8, fd);
putc(amount >> 8, fd);
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ void Output_save_file(FILE *fd)
// output 16-bit load address in little-endian byte order
putc(start & 255, fd);
putc(start >> 8, fd);
putc(start >> 8, fd);
// dump output buffer to file
fwrite(out->buffer + start, amount, 1, fd);