ACME ...the ACME Crossassembler for Multiple Environments --- error messages --- Here's a sorted list of all error messages ACME can give, possible reasons and what you can do to sort it out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section: Errors on startup ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannot open toplevel file "FILENAME". Maybe you mistyped its name? Error in CLI arguments: ... There are several of these errors, but they should be quite self- explanatory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section: Warnings during assembly ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !warn: ... This is given when the pseudo opcode "!warn" is executed. The actual message varies according to the pseudo opcode's arguments. Assembling buggy JMP($xxff) instruction The original 6502 processor has a bug: When executing an indirect JMP instruction where the low byte of the argument equals $ff, it fetches the high byte of the jump target address not from memory location ARGUMENT + 1, but from ARGUMENT - 255. Therefore ACME issues this warning if you are about to generate such an instruction. Note that this warning is only given for some CPU types (6502, nmos6502/6510, c64dtv2) because later ones like 65c02 and 65816 have been fixed in this regard. Assembling unstable ANE #NONZERO instruction Assembling unstable LXA #NONZERO instruction These warnings are only ever given for CPU type nmos6502 (6510). ANE and LXA are undocumented ("illegal") opcodes of this CPU, and they only work reliably if the argument is zero or the accumulator contains 0xff. Therefore ACME issues these warnings if it is about to generate these instructions with a non-zero argument. Binary literal without any digits. Hex literal without any digits. A special literal was started, but then no digits followed. Expect this to become an error in future! Binary literal with strange number of digits. This warning is given if the number of digits in a binary literal is not a multiple of four. This is useful when you meant to write %#....... but actually wrote %#........ by mistake. See? :P You can disable this warning using the CLI switch "-Wno-bin-len". Bug in ACME, code follows A situation has been encountered implying there is a bug in ACME. See the last section in this file. C-style "==" comparison detected. To check for equality, use a single '=' character instead. Converted to integer for binary logic operator. Applying binary logic to float values does not make much sense, therefore floats will be converted to integer in such cases. "EOR" is deprecated; use "XOR" instead. This means the operator, not the mnemonic. Found old "!for" syntax. Please update your sources to use the new "!for" syntax. See AllPOs.txt for details. You can suppress this warning using the "--dialect" or the "-Wno-old-for" CLI switch. ("-Wno-old-for" does _exactly_ the same as "--dialect 0.94.8") Found new "!for" syntax. When using the "-Wno-old-for" switch to disable the warning about the older syntax, the new syntax will trigger this warning. Found SED instruction for CPU with known decimal SBC bug. This warning is only ever given for CPU types 65ce02 and 4502, because they are known to be buggy in decimal mode. Pavel Zima and Eric Smith found an example where $41 minus $08 gave $39 instead of $33. Label name not in leftmost column. A label definition has blanks before the label name. Imagine this source code: lda #00 imx rts Obviously, there's a typo in the middle line (imx instead of inx), but ACME does not recognize this: It looks just like a label definition! Therefore releases 0.89 and higher warn you when a label name does not start in column 1. Releases 0.94 and higher support a command line option to switch off this warning ("-Wno-label-indent"). Label name starts with a shift-space character. The name of a global label starts with a shift-space character. It is highly likely that this is a typing error, therefore this warning is issued. Memory already initialised. The "!initmem" command was given more than once (or in addition to the "--initmem" command line option). Only use it once. Output file already chosen. The "!to" command was given more than once (or in addition to the "--outfile" command line option). Only use it once. Segment reached another one, overwriting it. The program counter has just reached the start of another segment. Because some people might want to assemble "onto" a binary file that was loaded before, this warning can be inhibited using modifier keywords when changing the program counter via "*=". For extra safety you can also turn this warning into an error using the "--strict-segments" CLI switch. In future versions of ACME this might become the default. Segment starts inside another one, overwriting it. The given value in a "*=" command is located inside another segment. Because some people might want to assemble "onto" a binary file that was loaded before, this warning can be inhibited using modifier keywords when changing the program counter via "*=". For extra safety you can also turn this warning into an error using the "--strict-segments" CLI switch. In future versions of ACME this might become the default. Symbol list file name already chosen. The "!sl" command was given more than once (or in addition to the "--symbollist" command line option). Only use it once. Used "!to" without file format indicator. Defaulting to "cbm". Now that "!to" can be given a file format keyword (either "plain" or "cbm"), using "cbm" as default seems inappropriate. It still works though. Using oversized addressing mode. ACME just assembled a command using an addressing mode that was larger than needed. This only happens if ACME could not work out the argument's value in the first pass, therefore assuming a 16- bit addressing mode. If, in a later pass, ACME finds out that the argument is small enough to fit in 8 bits, then this warning is shown. If you define all your zeropage symbols *before* they are first used, this shouldn't happen. If you know that a specific argument fits in 8 bits, you can force ACME to use 8 bits addressing by postfixing the command with "+1". Example: lda+1 label ACME will then use an 8-bit addressing mode, regardless of whether the label is known or not. If the label value happens to be too large to fit in 8 bits, ACME will show an error of course (To always truncate a value to 8 bits, use the '<' operator). More about the postfixing method can be found in "AddrModes.txt". Wrong type - expected address. Wrong type - expected integer. Wrong type for loop's END value - must match type of START value. These warnings are only given when type checking has been enabled using the "-Wtype-mismatch" switch. Make sure the argument type matches the instruction's addressing mode. In "!for" loops, START and END must have the same type, which then gets used for the loop counter. Zeropage pointer wraps around from $ff to $00 A zeropage-indirect addressing mode uses $ff as the argument. The 6502 will then fetch the second pointer byte from $00 instead of $0100, therefore this warning is issued. ...called from here. If warnings and/or errors are output during a macro call, messages with this text are added to display the call stack (because you might need to fix the call instead of the macro itself). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section: Errors during assembly ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "ACME" environment variable not found. This will be shown if the source code references any files from the library, but the library location variable wasn't set. This can only be given on systems using the said variable. "!cbm" is obsolete; use "!ct pet" instead. This is given when the now obsolete "!cbm" pseudo opcode is encountered. If you want to assemble an old source code without first updating it, you can use the "--dialect" CLI switch to make ACME mimic an older version. "!pseudopc/!realpc" is obsolete; use "!pseudopc {}" instead. This is given when one of the now obsolete !pseudopc/!realpc pseudo opcodes is encountered. If you want to assemble an old source code without first updating it, you can use the "--dialect" CLI switch to make ACME mimic an older version. "!subzone {}" is obsolete; use "!zone {}" instead. This is given when the now obsolete "!subzone" pseudo opcode is encountered. If you want to assemble an old source code without first updating it, you can use the "--dialect" CLI switch to make ACME mimic an older version. !error: ... This is given when the pseudo opcode "!error" is executed. The actual message varies according to the pseudo opcode's arguments. After ELSE, expected block or IF/IFDEF/IFNDEF. There is something strange after ELSE: It must be "if", "ifdef", "ifndef" or an opening brace. Argument out of range. You called arcsin/arccos with something not in the [-1, 1] range. Cannot open input file. ACME had problems opening an input file ("!bin", "!convtab" or "!src"). Maybe you mistyped its name. Conversion table incomplete. The conversion table file is too small. It needs to be exactly 256 bytes in size. Division by zero. Guess what - you attempted to divide by zero. Expected ELSE or end-of-statement. There is something after the closing brace of an IF block that is not an ELSE. Expected end-of-statement after ELSE block. There is something after the closing brace of an ELSE block. Exponent is negative. Using negative exponents only give sensible results when using floating point maths. Expression did not return a number. An expression returned a string or a list but a number (integer or float) was expected. File name quotes not found ("" or <>). File names have to be given in quotes. Either "" quoting for files located in the current directory or <> quoting for library files. Force bits can only be given to numbers. You tried to give a force bit to a symbol and then assign a string or list to it. Found '}' instead of end-of-file. ACME encountered a '}' character when it expected the file to end instead (because no blocks were open). Garbage data at end of statement (unexpected 'CHAR'). There are still arguments when there should not be any more. The given character is the one where end-of-line was expected. Hex digits are not given in pairs. The two digits of a hex byte are separated by another character, or there is an odd number of digits. Illegal combination of command and addressing mode. The given command cannot be used with the given addressing mode on the CPU you have chosen. Illegal combination of command and postfix. The given command cannot be used with the addressing mode indicated by the given postfix. Illegal postfix. You used a postfix other than "+1", "+2" or "+3". Index is undefined. You attempted an indexing operation with some undefined symbol. Index out of range. The value for an indexing operation wasn't in the allowed range. Macro already defined. Macros can only be defined once. If you define a macro twice, ACME will help you find the definitions by giving a warning for the first definition and a serious error (stopping assembly) for the second definition. Macro not defined (or wrong signature). You tried to call a macro that either wasn't defined yet (always define macros before using them) or was called with an illegal argument list. There must be a 1:1 match between the definition's formal parameters and the call's actual arguments. Macro parameter twice. The same symbol name is used two (or more) times in the same macro parameter list. Negative size argument. The size argument of "!bin" or "!skip" must be zero or positive, but cannot be negative. Negative value - cannot choose addressing mode. Because the argument is a negative value, ACME does not know what addressing mode (8 bits, 16 bits, on a 65816 even 24 bits) to use. You can overcome this problem using the postfix method. Or correct your program to use positive addresses instead. No string given. ACME expects a string but doesn't find it, or the string is empty. Number out of range. A value is too high or too low. This can also mean the desired addressing mode is not available, as in "sty $e000, x". Operation not supported: Cannot apply "OP" to "TYPE". Operation not supported: Cannot apply "OP" to "TYPE" and "TYPE". You tried to use an operator on the wrong type(s) of argument(s), like indexing a float or negating a string. Program counter is unset. You didn't set the program counter, so ACME didn't know where to start. Quotes still open at end of line. You forgot the closing quotes. Source file contains illegal character. Your source code file contained a null byte. String length is not 1. You tried something like LDA#"X" with an illegal string length. Symbol already defined. You defined a symbol that already had a different type or value. To change a symbol's type or value, use the "!set" pseudo opcode. Syntax error. Guess what - there's a syntax error. Target not in bank (0xTARGET). You tried to branch to an address not in the 0x0000..0xffff range. Relative addressing (branch commands or PER) cannot leave the current code bank of 64 KiB. Target out of range (N; M too far). Branch commands use relative addressing, which only has a limited range. You exceeded it. N is the attempted offset, M is the difference to the limit - so if you succeed in optimizing M bytes away, the code would assemble. The chosen CPU uses opcode 0xXY as a prefix code, do not use this mnemonic! The mnemonic is valid, but should not be used on this CPU. If you know better, you can get around this error like this: !cpu ANY_OTHER_CPU { PROBLEMATIC_MNEMONIC } There's more than one character. You used a text string containing more than one character in a situation where only a string with length one is allowed. Too late for postfix. You can only postfix symbols at the start, before they are used for the first time. Too many '('. A formula ends before all parentheses were closed. Un-pseudopc operator '&' can only be applied to labels. You tried to apply the operator '&' to something that is not a label. This operator only works on labels and on '*' (the program counter), it cannot be used on other objects. Un-pseudopc operator '&' has no !pseudopc context. You either tried to apply the operator '&' to something that is not an implicitly defined label, but the result of an explicit symbol assignment (like the result of a calculation). Or you applied the operator to a label that was defined outside of a !pseudopc block, or, more generally, the number of '&' characters used was larger than the number of !pseudopc blocks around the definition. Unknown encoding. You used the "!convtab" command with a keyword ACME does not know. Unknown function. You used a mathematical function ACME does not know. Unknown operator. You used an arithmetic/logical operator ACME does not know. Unknown output format. You used the "!to" command with a keyword ACME does not know. Unknown processor. You used the "!cpu" command with a keyword ACME does not know. Unknown pseudo opcode. You have mistyped a "!" command. Unknown "*=" segment modifier. You used a modifier keyword ACME does not know. Unsupported backslash sequence. The character following the backslash was not one of the allowed ones. Backslash escaping was added in release 0.97 of ACME. If you want to assemble an old source code without first updating it, you can use the "--dialect" CLI switch to make ACME mimic an older version. Unterminated index spec. An index was started with '[' but did not end with ']'. Unterminated list. A list was started with '[' but did not end with ']'. Value not defined (SYMBOL NAME). A value could not be worked out. Maybe you mistyped a symbol name. Whether this is given as a "normal" or as a serious error depends on the currently parsed pseudo opcode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section: Serious errors (stopping assembly) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !serious: ... This is given when the pseudo opcode "!serious" is executed. The actual message varies according to the pseudo opcode's arguments. Found end-of-file instead of '}'. The file ended when ACME expected the block to be closed instead (because there was at least one block left open). Loop count is negative. You used the "!for" command with a negative loop count (getting this error is only possible when using the now deprecated syntax). Macro already defined. Macros can only be defined once. If you define a macro twice, ACME will help you find both definitions by giving a warning for the first definition and a serious error (stopping assembly) for the second definition. Missing '{'. ACME didn't find the expected '{' character. Remember that '{' characters must be given on the same line as the command they belong to. Out of memory. When ACME runs out of memory, it stops assembly, giving this error. Free some memory and try again. It's highly unlikely anyone will ever see this error, though. ;) Produced too much code. The program counter reached address $10000, leaving the output buffer. At the moment, ACME can only produce a maximum of 64 KB. Syntax error. This is only given as a _serious_ error if it's in a "!do" loop condition. Too deeply nested. Recursive macro calls? The only reason for ACME to have a limit on macro call nesting at all is to find infinite recursions. The default limit is 64, this can be changed using the "--maxdepth" CLI switch. Too deeply nested. Recursive "!source"? The only reason for ACME to still have a limit on "!source" nesting at all is to find infinite recursions. The default limit is 64, this can be changed using the "--maxdepth" CLI switch. Value not defined. A value could not be worked out. Maybe you mistyped a symbol name. Whether this is given as a "normal" or as a serious error depends on the currently parsed pseudo opcode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section: Errors on closedown ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannot open symbol list file "FILENAME". Cannot open output file "FILENAME". Make sure the name doesn't contain wildcard characters and you have write access to the directory. No output file specified (use the "-o" option or the "!to" pseudo opcode). You didn't specify the output file, so ACME did not create one. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section: Bugs in ACME ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The warning "Bug in ACME, code follows" is always followed by a serious error message, stopping assembly. The second message actually gives a hint about the bug's location in the source code. If you ever get this combination of warning and serious error, please send me an e-mail and tell me about it. If possible, include a piece of source code that triggers it. Please don't get this wrong - there are no known bugs. I just left some debugging code in place in case there is a bug I failed to notice during testing. In practice, this warning is not expected to be given at all. That's the reason why I want to be notified if it *does* decide to show up. The hint messages are of no real interest to the end user, but here they are for completeness' sake: ArgStackEmpty There was no data for a monadic operator to work on. ArgStackNotEmpty The expression parser has finished though there are still arguments left to process. ExtendingListWithItself There were multiple references to the same list. ForceBitZero The function to handle force bits was called without a force bit. IllegalBlockTerminator A RAM block (macro or loop) was terminated incorrectly. IllegalGroupIndex The mnemonic tree contains a group that I didn't add. IllegalIfMode A sanity check in the if/ifdef/ifndef/else code failed. IllegalImmediateMode The mnemonic tree contains invalid info about the size of immediate arguments. IllegalInputSource Input is taken neither from a file nor from a RAM block. IllegalNumberTypeX A number was neither INT nor FLOAT nor UNDEFINED. IllegalObjectType A symbol is used that is neither number nor list nor string. IllegalOperatorId IllegalOperatorGroup The expression parser found an operator that does not exist. IllegalSymbolNameLength A sanity check on string lengths failed. NotEnoughArgs There was not enough data for a dyadic operator to work on. NullTypeObject ObjectHasNullType A symbol is used that does not have a type (number/list/string) associated with it. OperatorIsNotDyadic OperatorIsNotMonadic A function was passed the wrong type of operator. OperatorStackNotEmpty The expression parser has finished though there are still operators left to process. PartialEscapeSequence Buffered data ended on a backslash, which shouldn't be possible. SecondArgIsNotAnInt A sanity check failed: An argument should have been converted to integer but wasn't. StrangeInputMode The input state machine has reached a state that does not exist. StrangeOperator The expression parser found a non-existing operator.