;ACME 0.96.4 !ifdef lib_cbm_264_petscii_a !eof lib_cbm_264_petscii_a = 1 !source ; the sixteen predefined color/luma combinations available via petscii: petscii_BLACK = 144 ; $00 here's the actual bits given to TED petscii_WHITE = 5 ; $71 (first digit is luma bits, petscii_RED = 28 ; $32 second digit is color nibble) petscii_CYAN = 159 ; $63 petscii_PURPLE = 156 ; $44 petscii_GREEN = 30 ; $35 petscii_BLUE = 31 ; $46 petscii_YELLOW = 158 ; $77 petscii_ORANGE = 129 ; $48 petscii_BROWN = 149 ; $29 petscii_YELLOWGREEN = 150 ; $5a petscii_PINK = 151 ; $6b petscii_BLUEGREEN = 152 ; $5c petscii_LIGHTBLUE = 153 ; $6d petscii_DARKBLUE = 154 ; $2e petscii_LIGHTGREEN = 155 ; $5f ; switching character set (same as C64) petscii_LOCK = 8 ; forbid CBM-shift (C128 uses 11 instead) petscii_UNLOCK = 9 ; allow CBM-shift (C128 uses 12 instead) petscii_LOWERCASE = 14 ; switch to lowercase/uppercase character set petscii_UPPERCASE = 142 ; switch to uppercase/graphics character set ; 264-specific stuff petscii_FLASHON = 130 ; (C128 uses 15 instead) petscii_FLASHOFF = 131 ; (C128 uses 143 instead) ; function keys petscii_F1 = 133 petscii_F3 = 134 petscii_F5 = 135 petscii_F7 = 136 petscii_F2 = 137 petscii_F4 = 138 petscii_F6 = 139 petscii_HELP = 140 ; (C128 uses 132 instead) petscii_ESCAPE = 27