// ACME - a crossassembler for producing 6502/65c02/65816/65ce02 code. // Copyright (C) 1998-2020 Marco Baye // Have a look at "acme.c" for further info // // Arithmetic/logic unit // 11 Oct 2006 Improved float reading in parse_number_literal() // 24 Nov 2007 Now accepts floats starting with decimal point // 31 Jul 2009 Changed ASR again, just to be on the safe side. // 14 Jan 2014 Changed associativity of "power-of" operator, // so a^b^c now means a^(b^c). // 7 May 2014 C-style "==" operators are now recognized (but // give a warning). // 31 May 2014 Added "0b" binary number prefix as alternative to "%". // 28 Apr 2015 Added symbol name output to "value not defined" error. // 1 Feb 2019 Prepared to make "honor leading zeroes" optionally (now done) // the words "operand"/"operator"/"operation" are too similar, so: // "op" means operator/operation // "arg" means argument (used instead of "operand") #include "alu.h" #include #include // only for fp support #include // for memcpy() #include "platform.h" #include "dynabuf.h" #include "encoding.h" #include "global.h" #include "input.h" #include "output.h" #include "section.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "tree.h" // constants #define ERRORMSG_DYNABUF_INITIALSIZE 256 // ad hoc #define FUNCTION_DYNABUF_INITIALSIZE 8 // enough for "arctan" #define HALF_INITIAL_STACK_SIZE 8 static const char exception_div_by_zero[] = "Division by zero."; static const char exception_no_value[] = "No value given."; static const char exception_paren_open[] = "Too many '('."; static const char exception_not_number[] = "Expression did not return a number."; static const char exception_float_to_int[]= "Converted to integer for binary logic operator."; static const char exception_lengthnot1[] = "String length is not 1."; enum op_group { OPGROUP_SPECIAL, // start/end of expression, and parentheses OPGROUP_MONADIC, // {result} = {op} {arg} OPGROUP_DYADIC // {result} = {arg1} {op} {arg2} }; enum op_id { // special (pseudo) operators: OPID_TERMINATOR, // (preliminary) end of expression (quasi-dyadic) OPID_START_EXPRESSION, // start of expression OPID_SUBEXPR_PAREN, // (v '(' starts subexpression (quasi-monadic) OPID_START_LIST, // [1,2] '[' starts non-empty list literal (quasi-monadic, followed by dyadic OPID_LIST_APPEND) OPID_SUBEXPR_BRACKET, // v[ '[' starts subexpression (quasi-monadic, after dyadic OPID_ATINDEX) // monadic operators (including functions): OPID_NOT, // !v NOT v bit-wise NOT OPID_NEGATE, // -v negation OPID_LOWBYTEOF, // v high byte of OPID_BANKBYTEOF, // ^v bank byte of OPID_ADDRESS, // addr(v) FIXME - add nonaddr()? OPID_INT, // int(v) OPID_FLOAT, // float(v) OPID_SIN, // sin(v) OPID_COS, // cos(v) OPID_TAN, // tan(v) OPID_ARCSIN, // arcsin(v) OPID_ARCCOS, // arccos(v) OPID_ARCTAN, // arctan(v) OPID_LEN, // len(v) OPID_ISNUMBER, // is_number(v) OPID_ISLIST, // is_list(v) OPID_ISSTRING, // is_string(v) // add CHR function to create 1-byte string? or rather add \xAB escape sequence? // dyadic operators: OPID_POWEROF, // v^w OPID_MULTIPLY, // v*w OPID_DIVIDE, // v/w division OPID_INTDIV, // v/w v DIV w integer division OPID_MODULO, // v%w v MOD w remainder OPID_SHIFTLEFT, // v<>w v ASR w arithmetic shift right OPID_LSR, // v>>>w v LSR w logical shift right OPID_ADD, // v+w OPID_SUBTRACT, // v-w OPID_EQUALS, // v=w OPID_LESSOREQUAL, // v<=w OPID_LESSTHAN, // v< w OPID_GREATEROREQUAL, // v>=w OPID_GREATERTHAN, // v> w OPID_NOTEQUAL, // v!=w v<>w v>= opstack_size) \ enlarge_operator_stack(); \ } while (0) #define PUSH_INT_ARG(i, f, r) \ do { \ arg_stack[arg_sp].type = &type_number; \ arg_stack[arg_sp].u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_INT; \ arg_stack[arg_sp].u.number.flags = (f); \ arg_stack[arg_sp].u.number.val.intval = (i); \ arg_stack[arg_sp++].u.number.addr_refs = (r); \ } while (0) #define PUSH_FP_ARG(fp, f) \ do { \ arg_stack[arg_sp].type = &type_number; \ arg_stack[arg_sp].u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_FLOAT;\ arg_stack[arg_sp].u.number.flags = (f); \ arg_stack[arg_sp].u.number.val.fpval = (fp); \ arg_stack[arg_sp++].u.number.addr_refs = 0; \ } while (0) // double the size of the operator stack static void enlarge_operator_stack(void) { opstack_size *= 2; op_stack = realloc(op_stack, opstack_size * sizeof(*op_stack)); if (op_stack == NULL) Throw_serious_error(exception_no_memory_left); } // double the size of the argument stack static void enlarge_argument_stack(void) { argstack_size *= 2; arg_stack = realloc(arg_stack, argstack_size * sizeof(*arg_stack)); if (arg_stack == NULL) Throw_serious_error(exception_no_memory_left); } // create dynamic buffer, operator/function trees and operator/argument stacks void ALU_init(void) { errormsg_dyna_buf = DynaBuf_create(ERRORMSG_DYNABUF_INITIALSIZE); function_dyna_buf = DynaBuf_create(FUNCTION_DYNABUF_INITIALSIZE); Tree_add_table(&op_tree, op_list); Tree_add_table(&function_tree, function_list); enlarge_operator_stack(); enlarge_argument_stack(); } // not-so-braindead algorithm for calculating "to the power of" function for // integer arguments. // my_pow(whatever, 0) returns 1. // my_pow(0, whatever_but_zero) returns 0. static intval_t my_pow(intval_t mantissa, intval_t exponent) { intval_t result = 1; while (exponent) { // handle exponent's lowmost bit if (exponent & 1) result *= mantissa; // square the mantissa, halve the exponent mantissa *= mantissa; exponent >>= 1; } return result; } // arithmetic shift right (works even if C compiler does not support it) static intval_t my_asr(intval_t left, intval_t right) { // if first argument is positive or zero, ASR and LSR are equivalent, // so just do it and return the result: if (left >= 0) return left >> right; // However, if the first argument is negative, the result is // implementation-defined: While most compilers will do ASR, some others // might do LSR instead, and *theoretically*, it is even possible for a // compiler to define silly stuff like "shifting a negative value to the // right will always return -1". // Therefore, in case of a negative argument, we'll use this quick and // simple workaround: return ~((~left) >> right); } // if wanted, throw "Value not defined" error // This function is not allowed to change DynaBuf because the symbol's name // might be stored there! static void is_not_defined(struct symbol *optional_symbol, char optional_prefix_char, char *name, size_t length) { if (!pass.complain_about_undefined) return; // only complain once per symbol if (optional_symbol) { if (optional_symbol->has_been_reported) return; optional_symbol->has_been_reported = TRUE; } DYNABUF_CLEAR(errormsg_dyna_buf); DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, "Value not defined ("); length += errormsg_dyna_buf->size; if (optional_prefix_char) { DynaBuf_append(errormsg_dyna_buf, optional_prefix_char); ++length; } DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, name); if (errormsg_dyna_buf->size < length) { Bug_found("IllegalSymbolNameLength", errormsg_dyna_buf->size - length); } else { errormsg_dyna_buf->size = length; } DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, ")."); DynaBuf_append(errormsg_dyna_buf, '\0'); Throw_error(errormsg_dyna_buf->buffer); } // Lookup (and create, if necessary) symbol tree item and return its value. // DynaBuf holds the symbol's name and "scope" its scope. // The name length must be given explicitly because of anonymous forward labels; // their internal name is different (longer) than their displayed name. // This function is not allowed to change DynaBuf because that's where the // symbol name is stored! static void get_symbol_value(scope_t scope, char optional_prefix_char, size_t name_length, unsigned int unpseudo_count) { struct symbol *symbol; struct object *arg; symbol = symbol_find(scope); symbol->has_been_read = TRUE; if (symbol->object.type == NULL) { // finish symbol item by making it an undefined number symbol->object.type = &type_number; symbol->object.u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED; symbol->object.u.number.flags = NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED; // reading undefined taints it symbol->object.u.number.addr_refs = 0; symbol->object.u.number.val.intval = 0; // FIXME - should not be needed! } else { // FIXME - add sanity check for UNDEFINED where EVER_UNDEFINED is false -> Bug_found()! // (because the only way to have UNDEFINED is the block above, and EVER_UNDEFINED taints everything it touches) } // first push on arg stack, so we have a local copy we can "unpseudopc" arg = &arg_stack[arg_sp++]; *arg = symbol->object; if (unpseudo_count) { if (arg->type == &type_number) { pseudopc_unpseudo(&arg->u.number, symbol->pseudopc, unpseudo_count); } else { Throw_error("Un-pseudopc operator '&' can only be applied to labels."); } } // if needed, output "value not defined" error // FIXME - in case of unpseudopc, error message should include the correct number of '&' characters if (!(arg->type->is_defined(arg))) is_not_defined(symbol, optional_prefix_char, GLOBALDYNABUF_CURRENT, name_length); // FIXME - if arg is list, increment ref count! } // Parse program counter ('*') static void parse_program_counter(unsigned int unpseudo_count) // Now GotByte = "*" { struct number pc; GetByte(); vcpu_read_pc(&pc); // if needed, output "value not defined" error if (pc.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) is_not_defined(NULL, 0, "*", 1); if (unpseudo_count) pseudopc_unpseudo(&pc, pseudopc_get_context(), unpseudo_count); PUSH_INT_ARG(pc.val.intval, pc.flags, pc.addr_refs); // FIXME - when undefined pc is allowed, this must be changed for numtype! } // make new string object static void string_prepare_string(struct object *self, int len) { self->type = &type_string; self->u.string = safe_malloc(sizeof(*(self->u.string)) + len); self->u.string->payload[len] = 0; // terminate, to facilitate string_print() self->u.string->length = len; // length does not include the added terminator self->u.string->refs = 1; } // parse string or character // characters will be converted using the current encoding, strings are kept as-is. static void parse_quoted(char closing_quote) { intval_t value; DYNABUF_CLEAR(GlobalDynaBuf); if (Input_quoted_to_dynabuf(closing_quote)) goto fail; // unterminated or escaping error // eat closing quote GetByte(); // now convert to unescaped version if (Input_unescape_dynabuf(0)) goto fail; // escaping error // without backslash escaping, both ' and " are used for single // characters. // with backslash escaping, ' is for characters and " is for strings: if ((closing_quote == '"') && (config.wanted_version >= VER_BACKSLASHESCAPING)) { // string ////////////////////////////////// string_prepare_string(&arg_stack[arg_sp], GlobalDynaBuf->size); // create string object and put on arg stack memcpy(arg_stack[arg_sp].u.string->payload, GLOBALDYNABUF_CURRENT, GlobalDynaBuf->size); // copy payload ++arg_sp; } else { // single character //////////////////////// // too short? if (GlobalDynaBuf->size == 0) { Throw_error(exception_missing_string); goto fail; } // too long? if (GlobalDynaBuf->size != 1) Throw_error("There's more than one character."); // parse character value = (intval_t) (unsigned char) encoding_encode_char(GLOBALDYNABUF_CURRENT[0]); PUSH_INT_ARG(value, NUMBER_FITS_BYTE, 0); // FIXME - why set FITS_BYTE? it's only really useful for undefined values! } // Now GotByte = char following closing quote (or CHAR_EOS on error) return; fail: PUSH_INT_ARG(0, NUMBER_FITS_BYTE, 0); // dummy alu_state = STATE_ERROR; } // Parse binary value. Apart from '0' and '1', it also accepts the characters // '.' and '#', this is much more readable. The current value is stored as soon // as a character is read that is none of those given above. static void parse_binary_literal(void) // Now GotByte = "%" or "b" { intval_t value = 0; bits flags = 0; int digits = -1; // digit counter for (;;) { ++digits; switch (GetByte()) { case '0': case '.': value <<= 1; continue; case '1': case '#': value = (value << 1) | 1; continue; } break; // found illegal character } if (!digits) Throw_warning("Binary literal without any digits."); // FIXME - make into error! // set force bits if (config.honor_leading_zeroes) { if (digits > 8) { if (digits > 16) { if (value < 65536) flags |= NUMBER_FORCES_24; } else { if (value < 256) flags |= NUMBER_FORCES_16; } } } PUSH_INT_ARG(value, flags, 0); // Now GotByte = non-binary char } // Parse hexadecimal value. It accepts "0" to "9", "a" to "f" and "A" to "F". // The current value is stored as soon as a character is read that is none of // those given above. static void parse_hex_literal(void) // Now GotByte = "$" or "x" { char byte; int digits = -1; // digit counter bits flags = 0; intval_t value = 0; for (;;) { ++digits; byte = GetByte(); // if digit or legal character, add value if ((byte >= '0') && (byte <= '9')) { value = (value << 4) + (byte - '0'); continue; } if ((byte >= 'a') && (byte <= 'f')) { value = (value << 4) + (byte - 'a') + 10; continue; } if ((byte >= 'A') && (byte <= 'F')) { value = (value << 4) + (byte - 'A') + 10; continue; } break; // found illegal character } if (!digits) Throw_warning("Hex literal without any digits."); // FIXME - make into error! // set force bits if (config.honor_leading_zeroes) { if (digits > 2) { if (digits > 4) { if (value < 65536) flags |= NUMBER_FORCES_24; } else { if (value < 256) flags |= NUMBER_FORCES_16; } } } PUSH_INT_ARG(value, flags, 0); // Now GotByte = non-hexadecimal char } // parse fractional part of a floating-point value static void parse_frac_part(int integer_part) // Now GotByte = first digit after decimal point { double denominator = 1, fpval = integer_part; // parse digits until no more while ((GotByte >= '0') && (GotByte <= '9')) { fpval = 10 * fpval + (GotByte & 15); // this works. it's ASCII. denominator *= 10; GetByte(); } // FIXME - add possibility to read 'e' and exponent! PUSH_FP_ARG(fpval / denominator, 0); } // Parse a decimal value. As decimal values don't use any prefixes, this // function expects the first digit to be read already. // If the first two digits are "0x", this function branches to the one for // parsing hexadecimal values. // If the first two digits are "0b", this function branches to the one for // parsing binary values. // If a decimal point is read, this function branches to the one for parsing // floating-point values. // This function accepts '0' through '9' and one dot ('.') as the decimal // point. The current value is stored as soon as a character is read that is // none of those given above. Float usage is only activated when a decimal // point has been found, so don't expect "100000000000000000000" to work. // CAUTION: "100000000000000000000.0" won't work either, because when the // decimal point gets parsed, the integer value will have overflown already. static void parse_number_literal(void) // Now GotByte = first digit { intval_t intval = (GotByte & 15); // this works. it's ASCII. GetByte(); // check for "0b" (binary) and "0x" (hexadecimal) prefixes if (intval == 0) { if (GotByte == 'b') { parse_binary_literal(); return; } if (GotByte == 'x') { parse_hex_literal(); return; } } // parse digits until no more while ((GotByte >= '0') && (GotByte <= '9')) { intval = 10 * intval + (GotByte & 15); // ASCII, see above GetByte(); } // check whether it's a float if (GotByte == '.') { // read fractional part GetByte(); parse_frac_part(intval); } else { PUSH_INT_ARG(intval, 0, 0); } // Now GotByte = non-decimal char } // Parse octal value. It accepts "0" to "7". The current value is stored as // soon as a character is read that is none of those given above. static void parse_octal_literal(void) // Now GotByte = first octal digit { intval_t value = 0; bits flags = 0; int digits = 0; // digit counter while ((GotByte >= '0') && (GotByte <= '7')) { value = (value << 3) + (GotByte & 7); // this works. it's ASCII. ++digits; GetByte(); } // set force bits if (config.honor_leading_zeroes) { if (digits > 3) { if (digits > 6) { if (value < 65536) flags |= NUMBER_FORCES_24; } else { if (value < 256) flags |= NUMBER_FORCES_16; } } } PUSH_INT_ARG(value, flags, 0); // Now GotByte = non-octal char } // Parse function call (sin(), cos(), arctan(), ...) static void parse_function_call(void) { void *node_body; // make lower case version of name in local dynamic buffer DynaBuf_to_lower(function_dyna_buf, GlobalDynaBuf); // search for tree item if (Tree_easy_scan(function_tree, &node_body, function_dyna_buf)) { PUSH_OP((struct op *) node_body); } else { Throw_error("Unknown function."); alu_state = STATE_ERROR; } } // make empty list static void list_init_list(struct object *self) { self->type = &type_list; self->u.listhead = safe_malloc(sizeof(*(self->u.listhead))); self->u.listhead->next = self->u.listhead; self->u.listhead->prev = self->u.listhead; self->u.listhead->u.listinfo.length = 0; self->u.listhead->u.listinfo.refs = 1; } // extend list by appending a single object static void list_append_object(struct listitem *head, const struct object *obj) { struct listitem *item; item = safe_malloc(sizeof(*item)); item->u.payload = *obj; item->next = head; item->prev = head->prev; item->next->prev = item; item->prev->next = item; head->u.listinfo.length++; } // extend list by appending all items of a list static void list_append_list(struct listitem *selfhead, struct listitem *otherhead) { struct listitem *item; if (selfhead == otherhead) Bug_found("ExtendingListWithItself", 0); item = otherhead->next; while (item != otherhead) { list_append_object(selfhead, &item->u.payload); item = item->next; } } // helper function for "monadic &" (either octal value or "unpseudo" operator) // returns nonzero on error static int parse_octal_or_unpseudo(void) // now GotByte = '&' { unsigned int unpseudo_count = 1; while (GetByte() == '&') ++unpseudo_count; if ((unpseudo_count == 1) && (GotByte >= '0') & (GotByte <= '7')) { parse_octal_literal(); // now GotByte = non-octal char return 0; // ok } // TODO - support anonymous labels as well? if (GotByte == '*') { parse_program_counter(unpseudo_count); } else if (GotByte == '.') { GetByte(); if (Input_read_keyword() == 0) // now GotByte = illegal char return 1; // error (no string given) get_symbol_value(section_now->local_scope, LOCAL_PREFIX, GlobalDynaBuf->size - 1, unpseudo_count); // -1 to not count terminator } else if (GotByte == CHEAP_PREFIX) { GetByte(); if (Input_read_keyword() == 0) // now GotByte = illegal char return 1; // error (no string given) get_symbol_value(section_now->cheap_scope, CHEAP_PREFIX, GlobalDynaBuf->size - 1, unpseudo_count); // -1 to not count terminator } else if (BYTE_STARTS_KEYWORD(GotByte)) { Input_read_keyword(); // now GotByte = illegal char get_symbol_value(SCOPE_GLOBAL, '\0', GlobalDynaBuf->size - 1, unpseudo_count); // no prefix, -1 to not count terminator } else { Throw_error(exception_missing_string); return 1; // error } return 0; // ok } // expression parser // handler for special operators like parentheses and start/end of expression: // returns whether caller can remove "previous" operator from stack static boolean handle_special_operator(struct expression *expression, enum op_id previous) { // when this gets called, "current" operator is OPID_TERMINATOR switch (previous) { case OPID_START_EXPRESSION: // therefore we know we are done. // don't touch "is_parenthesized", because start/end are obviously not "real" operators alu_state = STATE_END; // done return TRUE; // caller can remove this operator (we are done, so not really needed, but there are sanity checks for stack pointers) case OPID_SUBEXPR_PAREN: expression->is_parenthesized = TRUE; // found parentheses. if this is not the outermost level, the outermost level will fix this flag later on. if (GotByte == ')') { // matching parenthesis GetByte(); // eat char op_sp -= 2; // remove both SUBEXPR_PAREN and TERMINATOR alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_DYADIC_OP; return FALSE; // we fixed the stack ourselves, so caller shouldn't touch it } // unmatched parenthesis, as in "lda ($80,x)" ++(expression->open_parentheses); // count return TRUE; // caller can remove "SUBEXPR_PAREN" operator from stack case OPID_START_LIST: if (GotByte == ',') { GetByte(); // eat ',' op_stack[op_sp - 1] = &ops_list_append; // change "end of expression" to "append" alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_ARG_OR_MONADIC_OP; return FALSE; // stack remains, so caller shouldn't touch it } if (GotByte == ']') { GetByte(); // eat ']' op_sp -= 2; // remove both START_LIST and TERMINATOR alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_DYADIC_OP; return FALSE; // we fixed the stack ourselves, so caller shouldn't touch it } Throw_error("Unterminated list."); alu_state = STATE_ERROR; return TRUE; // caller can remove START_LIST operator from stack case OPID_SUBEXPR_BRACKET: if (GotByte == ']') { GetByte(); // eat ']' op_sp -= 2; // remove both SUBEXPR_BRACKET and TERMINATOR alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_DYADIC_OP; return FALSE; // we fixed the stack ourselves, so caller shouldn't touch it } Throw_error("Unterminated index spec."); alu_state = STATE_ERROR; return TRUE; // caller can remove SUBEXPR_BRACKET operator from stack default: Bug_found("IllegalOperatorId", previous); } // this is unreachable return FALSE; // stack is done, so caller shouldn't touch it } // Try to reduce stacks by performing high-priority operations // (if the previous operator has a higher priority than the current one, do it) static void push_dyadic_and_check(struct expression *expression, struct op *op) { struct op *previous_op; struct op *current_op; PUSH_OP(op); if (alu_state < STATE_MAX_GO_ON) alu_state = STATE_TRY_TO_REDUCE_STACKS; while (alu_state == STATE_TRY_TO_REDUCE_STACKS) { if (op_sp < 2) { // we only have one operator, which must be "start of expression", // so there isn't anything left to do, so go on trying to parse the expression alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_ARG_OR_MONADIC_OP; return; } previous_op = op_stack[op_sp - 2]; current_op = op_stack[op_sp - 1]; // previous operator has lower piority than current one? then do nothing. if (previous_op->priority < current_op->priority) { alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_ARG_OR_MONADIC_OP; return; } // previous operator has same priority as current one? then check associativity if ((previous_op->priority == current_op->priority) && (current_op->priority == PRIO_POWEROF) && (config.wanted_version >= VER_RIGHTASSOCIATIVEPOWEROF)) { alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_ARG_OR_MONADIC_OP; return; } // we now know that either // - the previous operator has higher priority, or // - it has the same priority and is left-associative, // so perform that operation! #define ARG_PREV (arg_stack[arg_sp - 2]) #define ARG_NOW (arg_stack[arg_sp - 1]) switch (previous_op->group) { case OPGROUP_MONADIC: // monadic operators if (arg_sp < 1) Bug_found("ArgStackEmpty", arg_sp); ARG_NOW.type->monadic_op(&ARG_NOW, previous_op); // operation was something other than parentheses expression->is_parenthesized = FALSE; break; case OPGROUP_DYADIC: // dyadic operators if (arg_sp < 2) Bug_found("NotEnoughArgs", arg_sp); ARG_PREV.type->dyadic_op(&ARG_PREV, previous_op, &ARG_NOW); // decrement argument stack pointer because dyadic operator merged two arguments into one --arg_sp; // operation was something other than parentheses expression->is_parenthesized = FALSE; break; case OPGROUP_SPECIAL: // special (pseudo) operators if (current_op->id != OPID_TERMINATOR) Bug_found("StrangeOperator", current_op->id); if (!handle_special_operator(expression, previous_op->id)) continue; // called fn has fixed the stack, so we don't touch it // both monadics and dyadics clear "is_parenthesized", but here we don't touch it! break; default: Bug_found("IllegalOperatorGroup", previous_op->group); } // shared endings for "we did the operation indicated by previous operator": // fix stack: // remove previous operator and shift down current one // CAUTION - fiddling with our local copies like "previous_op = current_op" is not enough... ;) op_stack[op_sp - 2] = op_stack[op_sp - 1]; --op_sp; // decrement operator stack pointer } } // Expect argument or monadic operator (hopefully inlined) // returns TRUE if it ate any non-space (-> so expression isn't empty) // returns FALSE if first non-space is delimiter (-> end of expression) static boolean expect_argument_or_monadic_operator(struct expression *expression) { struct op *op; int ugly_length_kluge; boolean perform_negation; SKIPSPACE(); switch (GotByte) { case '+': // anonymous forward label // count plus signs to build name of anonymous label DYNABUF_CLEAR(GlobalDynaBuf); do DYNABUF_APPEND(GlobalDynaBuf, '+'); while (GetByte() == '+'); ugly_length_kluge = GlobalDynaBuf->size; // FIXME - get rid of this! symbol_fix_forward_anon_name(FALSE); // FALSE: do not increment counter get_symbol_value(section_now->local_scope, '\0', ugly_length_kluge, 0); // no prefix, no unpseudo goto now_expect_dyadic_op; case '-': // NEGATION operator or anonymous backward label // count minus signs in case it's an anonymous backward label perform_negation = FALSE; DYNABUF_CLEAR(GlobalDynaBuf); do { DYNABUF_APPEND(GlobalDynaBuf, '-'); perform_negation = !perform_negation; } while (GetByte() == '-'); SKIPSPACE(); if (BYTE_FOLLOWS_ANON(GotByte)) { DynaBuf_append(GlobalDynaBuf, '\0'); get_symbol_value(section_now->local_scope, '\0', GlobalDynaBuf->size - 1, 0); // no prefix, -1 to not count terminator, no unpseudo goto now_expect_dyadic_op; } if (perform_negation) PUSH_OP(&ops_negate); // State doesn't change break;//goto done; // Real monadic operators (state doesn't change, still ExpectMonadic) case '!': // NOT operator op = &ops_not; goto get_byte_and_push_monadic; case '<': // LOWBYTE operator op = &ops_low_byte_of; goto get_byte_and_push_monadic; case '>': // HIGHBYTE operator op = &ops_high_byte_of; goto get_byte_and_push_monadic; case '^': // BANKBYTE operator op = &ops_bank_byte_of; goto get_byte_and_push_monadic; // special operators case '[': // start of list literal list_init_list(&arg_stack[arg_sp++]); // put empty list on arg stack NEXTANDSKIPSPACE(); if (GotByte == ']') { // list literal is empty, so we're basically done GetByte(); goto now_expect_dyadic_op; } else { // non-empty list literal PUSH_OP(&ops_start_list); // quasi-monadic "start of list", makes sure earlier ops do not process empty list push_dyadic_and_check(expression, &ops_list_append); // dyadic "append to list", so next arg will be appended to list //now we're back in STATE_EXPECT_ARG_OR_MONADIC_OP } break;//goto done; case '(': // left parenthesis op = &ops_subexpr_paren; goto get_byte_and_push_monadic; // arguments (state changes to ExpectDyadic) case '"': // character (old) or string (new) case '\'': // character // Character will be converted using current encoding parse_quoted(GotByte); // Now GotByte = char following closing quote goto now_expect_dyadic_op; case '%': // Binary value parse_binary_literal(); // Now GotByte = non-binary char goto now_expect_dyadic_op; case '&': // octal value or "unpseudo" operator applied to label if (parse_octal_or_unpseudo() == 0) goto now_expect_dyadic_op; // if we're here, there was an error (like "no string given"): alu_state = STATE_ERROR; break;//goto done; case '$': // Hexadecimal value parse_hex_literal(); // Now GotByte = non-hexadecimal char goto now_expect_dyadic_op; case '*': // Program counter parse_program_counter(0); // Now GotByte = char after closing quote goto now_expect_dyadic_op; // FIXME - find a way to tell decimal point and LOCAL_PREFIX apart! case '.': // local symbol or fractional part of float value GetByte(); // start after '.' // check for fractional part of float value if ((GotByte >= '0') && (GotByte <= '9')) { parse_frac_part(0); // now GotByte = non-decimal char goto now_expect_dyadic_op; } if (Input_read_keyword()) { // now GotByte = illegal char get_symbol_value(section_now->local_scope, LOCAL_PREFIX, GlobalDynaBuf->size - 1, 0); // -1 to not count terminator, no unpseudo goto now_expect_dyadic_op; // ok } // if we're here, Input_read_keyword() will have thrown an error (like "no string given"): alu_state = STATE_ERROR; break;//goto done; case CHEAP_PREFIX: // cheap local symbol //printf("looking in cheap scope %d\n", section_now->cheap_scope); GetByte(); // start after '@' if (Input_read_keyword()) { // now GotByte = illegal char get_symbol_value(section_now->cheap_scope, CHEAP_PREFIX, GlobalDynaBuf->size - 1, 0); // -1 to not count terminator, no unpseudo goto now_expect_dyadic_op; // ok } // if we're here, Input_read_keyword() will have thrown an error (like "no string given"): alu_state = STATE_ERROR; break;//goto done; // decimal values and global symbols default: // all other characters if ((GotByte >= '0') && (GotByte <= '9')) { parse_number_literal(); // Now GotByte = non-decimal char goto now_expect_dyadic_op; } if (BYTE_STARTS_KEYWORD(GotByte)) { register int length; // Read global label (or "NOT") length = Input_read_keyword(); // Now GotByte = illegal char // Check for NOT. Okay, it's hardcoded, // but so what? Sue me... if ((length == 3) && ((GlobalDynaBuf->buffer[0] | 32) == 'n') && ((GlobalDynaBuf->buffer[1] | 32) == 'o') && ((GlobalDynaBuf->buffer[2] | 32) == 't')) { PUSH_OP(&ops_not); // state doesn't change } else { if (GotByte == '(') { parse_function_call(); // i thought about making the parentheses optional, so you can write "a = sin b" // just like "a = not b". but then each new function name would have to be made // a reserved keyword, otherwise stuff like "a = sin * < b" would be ambiguous: // it could mean either "compare sine of PC to b" or "multiply 'sin' by low byte // of b". // however, apart from that check above, function calls have nothing to do with // parentheses: "sin(x+y)" gets parsed just like "not(x+y)". } else { get_symbol_value(SCOPE_GLOBAL, '\0', GlobalDynaBuf->size - 1, 0); // no prefix, -1 to not count terminator, no unpseudo goto now_expect_dyadic_op; } } } else { // illegal character read - so don't go on // we found end-of-expression instead of an argument, // that's either an empty expression or an erroneous one! PUSH_INT_ARG(0, 0, 0); // push dummy argument so stack checking code won't bark FIXME - use undefined? if (op_stack[op_sp - 1] == &ops_start_expression) { push_dyadic_and_check(expression, &ops_terminating_char); } else { Throw_error(exception_syntax); alu_state = STATE_ERROR; } return FALSE; // found delimiter } break;//goto done; // no other possibilities, so here are the shared endings get_byte_and_push_monadic: GetByte(); PUSH_OP(op); // State doesn't change break; now_expect_dyadic_op: // bugfix: if in error state, do not change state back to valid one if (alu_state < STATE_MAX_GO_ON) alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_DYADIC_OP; break; } //done: return TRUE; // parsed something } // Expect dyadic operator (hopefully inlined) static void expect_dyadic_operator(struct expression *expression) { void *node_body; struct op *op; SKIPSPACE(); switch (GotByte) { // Single-character dyadic operators case '^': // "to the power of" op = &ops_powerof; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '+': // add op = &ops_add; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '-': // subtract op = &ops_subtract; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '*': // multiply op = &ops_multiply; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '/': // divide op = &ops_divide; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '%': // modulo op = &ops_modulo; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '&': // bitwise AND op = &ops_and; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '|': // bitwise OR op = &ops_or; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; // This part is commented out because there is no XOR character defined // case ???: // bitwise exclusive OR // op = &ops_xor; // goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '=': // is equal op = &ops_equals; // if it's "==", accept but warn if (GetByte() == '=') { Throw_first_pass_warning("C-style \"==\" comparison detected."); goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; } goto push_dyadic_op; case '[': // indexing operator GetByte(); // eat char // first put high-priority dyadic on stack, // then low-priority special ops_subexpr_bracket push_dyadic_and_check(expression, &ops_atindex); // now we're in STATE_EXPECT_ARG_OR_MONADIC_OP PUSH_OP(&ops_subexpr_bracket); return; // Multi-character dyadic operators case '!': // "!=" if (GetByte() == '=') { op = &ops_not_equal; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; } Throw_error(exception_syntax); alu_state = STATE_ERROR; break;//goto end; case '<': // "<", "<=", "<<" and "<>" switch (GetByte()) { case '=': // "<=", less or equal op = &ops_less_or_equal; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '<': // "<<", shift left op = &ops_shift_left; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '>': // "<>", not equal op = &ops_not_equal; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; default: // "<", less than op = &ops_less_than; goto push_dyadic_op; } //break; unreachable case '>': // ">", ">=", ">>", ">>>" and "><" switch (GetByte()) { case '=': // ">=", greater or equal op = &ops_greater_or_equal; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '<': // "><", not equal op = &ops_not_equal; goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; case '>': // ">>" or ">>>", shift right op = &ops_asr; // arithmetic shift right if (GetByte() != '>') goto push_dyadic_op; op = &ops_lsr; // logical shift right goto get_byte_and_push_dyadic; default: // ">", greater than op = &ops_greater_than; goto push_dyadic_op; } //break; unreachable // end of expression or text version of dyadic operator default: // check string versions of operators if (BYTE_STARTS_KEYWORD(GotByte)) { Input_read_and_lower_keyword(); // Now GotByte = illegal char // search for tree item if (Tree_easy_scan(op_tree, &node_body, GlobalDynaBuf)) { op = node_body; goto push_dyadic_op; } Throw_error("Unknown operator."); alu_state = STATE_ERROR; //goto end; } else { // we found end-of-expression when expecting an operator, that's ok. op = &ops_terminating_char; goto push_dyadic_op; } } //end: return; // TODO - change the two points that go here and add a Bug_found() instead // shared endings get_byte_and_push_dyadic: GetByte(); push_dyadic_op: push_dyadic_and_check(expression, op); } // helper function: create and output error message about (argument/)operator/argument combination static void unsupported_operation(const struct object *optional, const struct op *op, const struct object *arg) { if (optional) { if (op->group != OPGROUP_DYADIC) Bug_found("OperatorIsNotDyadic", op->id); } else { if (op->group != OPGROUP_MONADIC) Bug_found("OperatorIsNotMonadic", op->id); } DYNABUF_CLEAR(errormsg_dyna_buf); DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, "Operation not supported: Cannot apply \""); DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, op->text_version); DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, "\" to \""); if (optional) { DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, optional->type->name); DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, "\" and \""); } DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, arg->type->name); DynaBuf_add_string(errormsg_dyna_buf, "\"."); DynaBuf_append(errormsg_dyna_buf, '\0'); Throw_error(errormsg_dyna_buf->buffer); } // int/float // int: // create byte-sized int object (for comparison results, converted characters, ...) static void int_create_byte(struct object *self, intval_t byte) { self->type = &type_number; self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_INT; self->u.number.flags = NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; // FIXME - if DEFINED anyway, what use is there for FITS_BYTE? self->u.number.val.intval = byte; self->u.number.addr_refs = 0; } // int: // convert to float inline static void int_to_float(struct object *self) { self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_FLOAT; self->u.number.val.fpval = self->u.number.val.intval; } // float: // convert to int inline static void float_to_int(struct object *self) { self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_INT; self->u.number.val.intval = self->u.number.val.fpval; } // string: // replace with char at index static void string_to_byte(struct object *self, int index) { intval_t byte; byte = (intval_t) (unsigned char) encoding_encode_char(self->u.string->payload[index]); self->u.string->refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... int_create_byte(self, byte); } // int/float: // return DEFINED flag static boolean number_is_defined(const struct object *self) { return self->u.number.ntype != NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED; } // list/string: // ...are always considered "defined" static boolean object_return_true(const struct object *self) { return TRUE; } // int/float: // check if new value differs from old // returns FALSE in case of undefined value(s), because undefined is not necessarily different! static boolean number_differs(const struct object *self, const struct object *other) { if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) return FALSE; if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) return FALSE; if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) { if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) return self->u.number.val.intval != other->u.number.val.intval; else return self->u.number.val.intval != other->u.number.val.fpval; } else { if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) return self->u.number.val.fpval != other->u.number.val.intval; else return self->u.number.val.fpval != other->u.number.val.fpval; } } // list: // check if new value differs from old static boolean list_differs(const struct object *self, const struct object *other) { struct listitem *arthur, *ford; if (self->u.listhead->u.listinfo.length != other->u.listhead->u.listinfo.length) return TRUE; // lengths differ // same length, so iterate over lists and check items arthur = self->u.listhead->next; ford = other->u.listhead->next; while (arthur != self->u.listhead) { if (ford == other->u.listhead) Bug_found("ListLengthError", 0); if (arthur->u.payload.type != ford->u.payload.type) return TRUE; // item types differ if (arthur->u.payload.type->differs(&arthur->u.payload, &ford->u.payload)) return TRUE; // item values differ arthur = arthur->next; ford = ford->next; } if (ford != other->u.listhead) Bug_found("ListLengthError", 1); return FALSE; // no difference found } // string: // check if new value differs from old static boolean string_differs(const struct object *self, const struct object *other) { if (self->u.string->length != other->u.string->length) return TRUE; return !!memcmp(self->u.string->payload, other->u.string->payload, self->u.string->length); } // int/float: // assign new value static void number_assign(struct object *self, const struct object *new_value, boolean accept_change) { bits own_flags = self->u.number.flags, other_flags = new_value->u.number.flags; // local copies of the flags are used because // self->...flags might get overwritten when copying struct over, and // new_value-> is const so shouldn't be touched. // accepting a different value is easily done by just forgetting the old one: if (accept_change) { self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED; own_flags &= ~(NUMBER_FITS_BYTE); } // copy struct over? if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) { // symbol is undefined OR redefinitions are allowed, so use new value: *self = *new_value; // copy type and flags/value/addr_refs // flags will be fixed, see below } else { // symbol is already defined, so compare new and old values // if values differ, complain and return if (number_differs(self, new_value)) { Throw_error(exception_symbol_defined); return; } // values are the same, so only fiddle with flags } // if symbol has no force bits of its own, use the ones from new value: if ((own_flags & NUMBER_FORCEBITS) == 0) own_flags = (own_flags & ~NUMBER_FORCEBITS) | (other_flags & NUMBER_FORCEBITS); // tainted symbols without "fits byte" flag must never get that flag if ((own_flags & (NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED | NUMBER_FITS_BYTE)) == NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED) other_flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; // now OR together "fits byte", "defined" and "tainted" // (any hypothetical problems about "new value is later found out to // _not_ fit byte" would be detected when assigning a different value // raises an error in a later pass) own_flags |= other_flags & (NUMBER_FITS_BYTE | NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED); self->u.number.flags = own_flags; } // list: // assign new value static void list_assign(struct object *self, const struct object *new_value, boolean accept_change) { if ((!accept_change) && list_differs(self, new_value)) { Throw_error(exception_symbol_defined); return; } *self = *new_value; } // string: // assign new value static void string_assign(struct object *self, const struct object *new_value, boolean accept_change) { if ((!accept_change) && string_differs(self, new_value)) { Throw_error(exception_symbol_defined); return; } *self = *new_value; } // undefined: // handle monadic operator (includes functions) static void undef_handle_monadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op) { switch (op->id) { case OPID_INT: case OPID_FLOAT: self->u.number.addr_refs = 0; break; case OPID_SIN: case OPID_COS: case OPID_TAN: case OPID_ARCSIN: case OPID_ARCCOS: case OPID_ARCTAN: self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; self->u.number.addr_refs = 0; break; case OPID_NOT: case OPID_NEGATE: self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; self->u.number.addr_refs = -(self->u.number.addr_refs); // negate address ref count break; case OPID_LOWBYTEOF: case OPID_HIGHBYTEOF: case OPID_BANKBYTEOF: self->u.number.flags |= NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FORCEBITS; self->u.number.addr_refs = 0; break; // add new monadic operators here // case OPID_: // break; default: unsupported_operation(NULL, op, self); } self->u.number.val.intval = 0; // FIXME - should not be needed... } // prototype for int/float passing static void float_handle_monadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op); // int: // handle monadic operator (includes functions) static void int_handle_monadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op) { int refs = 0; // default for "addr_refs", shortens this fn switch (op->id) { case OPID_INT: break; case OPID_FLOAT: int_to_float(self); break; case OPID_SIN: case OPID_COS: case OPID_TAN: case OPID_ARCSIN: case OPID_ARCCOS: case OPID_ARCTAN: // convert int to fp and ask fp handler to do the work int_to_float(self); float_handle_monadic_operator(self, op); // TODO - put recursion check around this? return; // float handler has done everything case OPID_NOT: self->u.number.val.intval = ~(self->u.number.val.intval); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; refs = -(self->u.number.addr_refs); // negate address ref count break; case OPID_NEGATE: self->u.number.val.intval = -(self->u.number.val.intval); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; refs = -(self->u.number.addr_refs); // negate address ref count as well break; case OPID_LOWBYTEOF: self->u.number.val.intval = (self->u.number.val.intval) & 255; self->u.number.flags |= NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FORCEBITS; break; case OPID_HIGHBYTEOF: self->u.number.val.intval = ((self->u.number.val.intval) >> 8) & 255; self->u.number.flags |= NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FORCEBITS; break; case OPID_BANKBYTEOF: self->u.number.val.intval = ((self->u.number.val.intval) >> 16) & 255; self->u.number.flags |= NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FORCEBITS; break; // add new monadic operators here // case OPID_: // break; default: unsupported_operation(NULL, op, self); } self->u.number.addr_refs = refs; // update address refs with local copy } // float: // helper function for asin/acos: // make sure arg is in [-1, 1] range before calling function static void float_ranged_fn(double (*fn)(double), struct object *self) { if ((self->u.number.val.fpval >= -1) && (self->u.number.val.fpval <= 1)) { self->u.number.val.fpval = fn(self->u.number.val.fpval); } else { Throw_error("Argument out of range."); // TODO - add number output to error message self->u.number.val.fpval = 0; } } // float: // handle monadic operator (includes functions) static void float_handle_monadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op) { int refs = 0; // default for "addr_refs", shortens this fn switch (op->id) { case OPID_INT: float_to_int(self); break; case OPID_FLOAT: break; case OPID_SIN: self->u.number.val.fpval = sin(self->u.number.val.fpval); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; break; case OPID_COS: self->u.number.val.fpval = cos(self->u.number.val.fpval); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; break; case OPID_TAN: self->u.number.val.fpval = tan(self->u.number.val.fpval); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; break; case OPID_ARCSIN: float_ranged_fn(asin, self); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; break; case OPID_ARCCOS: float_ranged_fn(acos, self); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; break; case OPID_ARCTAN: self->u.number.val.fpval = atan(self->u.number.val.fpval); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; break; case OPID_NEGATE: self->u.number.val.fpval = -(self->u.number.val.fpval); self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; refs = -(self->u.number.addr_refs); // negate address ref count as well break; case OPID_NOT: case OPID_LOWBYTEOF: case OPID_HIGHBYTEOF: case OPID_BANKBYTEOF: // convert fp to int and ask int handler to do the work float_to_int(self); int_handle_monadic_operator(self, op); // TODO - put recursion check around this? return; // int handler has done everything // add new monadic operators here // case OPID_: // break; default: unsupported_operation(NULL, op, self); } self->u.number.addr_refs = refs; // update address refs with local copy } // num: // handle monadic operator (includes functions) static void number_handle_monadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op) { // first check operators where we don't care about number type or value switch (op->id) { case OPID_ADDRESS: self->u.number.addr_refs = 1; // result now is an address return; case OPID_ISNUMBER: int_create_byte(self, TRUE); return; case OPID_ISLIST: case OPID_ISSTRING: int_create_byte(self, FALSE); return; default: break; } // it's none of those, so split according to number type switch (self->u.number.ntype) { case NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED: undef_handle_monadic_operator(self, op); break; case NUMTYPE_INT: int_handle_monadic_operator(self, op); break; case NUMTYPE_FLOAT: float_handle_monadic_operator(self, op); break; default: Bug_found("IllegalNumberType1", self->u.number.ntype); } } // list: // handle monadic operator (includes functions) static void list_handle_monadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op) { int length; switch (op->id) { case OPID_LEN: length = self->u.listhead->u.listinfo.length; self->u.listhead->u.listinfo.refs--; // FIXME - call some list_decrement_refs() instead... self->type = &type_number; self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_INT; self->u.number.flags = 0; self->u.number.val.intval = length; self->u.number.addr_refs = 0; break; case OPID_ISLIST: int_create_byte(self, TRUE); break; case OPID_ISNUMBER: case OPID_ISSTRING: int_create_byte(self, FALSE); break; default: unsupported_operation(NULL, op, self); } } // string: // handle monadic operator (includes functions) static void string_handle_monadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op) { int length; switch (op->id) { case OPID_LEN: length = self->u.string->length; self->u.string->refs--; // FIXME - call some string_decrement_refs() instead... self->type = &type_number; self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_INT; self->u.number.flags = 0; self->u.number.val.intval = length; self->u.number.addr_refs = 0; break; case OPID_ISNUMBER: case OPID_ISLIST: int_create_byte(self, FALSE); break; case OPID_ISSTRING: int_create_byte(self, TRUE); break; default: unsupported_operation(NULL, op, self); } } // int/float: // merge result flags // (used by both int and float handlers for comparison operators) static void intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(struct object *self, const struct object *other, intval_t result) { bits flags; self->type = &type_number; self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_INT; self->u.number.val.intval = result; self->u.number.addr_refs = 0; flags = (self->u.number.flags | other->u.number.flags) & NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED; // EVER_UNDEFINED flags are ORd together flags |= NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; // FITS_BYTE gets set // (FORCEBITS are cleared) self->u.number.flags = flags; } // (used by both int and float handlers for all other dyadic operators) static void intfloat_fix_result_after_dyadic(struct object *self, const struct object *other) { self->u.number.flags |= other->u.number.flags & (NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED | NUMBER_FORCEBITS); // EVER_UNDEFINED and FORCEBITs are ORd together self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; // FITS_BYTE is cleared } // undefined/int/float: // handle dyadic operator // (both args are numbers, but at least one of them is undefined!) static void undef_handle_dyadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op, struct object *other) { int refs = 0; // default for "addr_refs", shortens this fn switch (op->id) { case OPID_POWEROF: case OPID_MULTIPLY: case OPID_DIVIDE: case OPID_INTDIV: case OPID_MODULO: case OPID_SHIFTLEFT: case OPID_ASR: case OPID_LSR: break; case OPID_SUBTRACT: refs = self->u.number.addr_refs - other->u.number.addr_refs; // subtract address references break; case OPID_LESSOREQUAL: case OPID_LESSTHAN: case OPID_GREATEROREQUAL: case OPID_GREATERTHAN: case OPID_NOTEQUAL: case OPID_EQUALS: // only for comparisons: self->u.number.flags |= NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; // FITS_BYTE gets set self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FORCEBITS; // FORCEBITS are cleared goto shared; case OPID_EOR: Throw_first_pass_warning("\"EOR\" is deprecated; use \"XOR\" instead."); /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case OPID_XOR: case OPID_AND: case OPID_OR: case OPID_ADD: refs = self->u.number.addr_refs + other->u.number.addr_refs; // add address references break; // add new dyadic operators here // case OPID_: // break; default: unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return; } // CAUTION: comparisons goto label below instead of jumping here self->u.number.flags |= (other->u.number.flags & NUMBER_FORCEBITS); // FORCEBITs are ORd together self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; // FITS_BYTE is cleared shared: self->u.number.flags |= (other->u.number.flags & NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED); // EVER_UNDEFINED flags are ORd together self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED; self->u.number.val.intval = 0; // FIXME - should not be needed... self->u.number.addr_refs = refs; // update address refs with local copy } // prototype for int/float passing static void float_handle_dyadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op, struct object *other); // int: // handle dyadic operator static void int_handle_dyadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op, struct object *other) { int refs = 0; // default for "addr_refs", shortens this fn // first check type of second arg: if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) { // ok } else if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) { // handle according to operation switch (op->id) { case OPID_POWEROF: case OPID_MULTIPLY: case OPID_DIVIDE: case OPID_INTDIV: case OPID_ADD: case OPID_SUBTRACT: case OPID_EQUALS: case OPID_LESSOREQUAL: case OPID_LESSTHAN: case OPID_GREATEROREQUAL: case OPID_GREATERTHAN: case OPID_NOTEQUAL: // become float, delegate to float handler int_to_float(self); float_handle_dyadic_operator(self, op, other); // TODO - put recursion check around this? return; // float handler has done everything case OPID_LSR: case OPID_AND: case OPID_OR: case OPID_EOR: case OPID_XOR: // convert other to int, warning user Throw_first_pass_warning(exception_float_to_int); // FIXME - warning is never seen if arguments are undefined in first pass! /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case OPID_MODULO: case OPID_SHIFTLEFT: case OPID_ASR: // convert other to int float_to_int(other); break; // add new dyadic operators here: // case OPID_: // break; default: unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return; } // add new types here: // } else if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_) { // ... } else { unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return; } // maybe put this into an extra "int_dyadic_int" function? // sanity check, now "other" must be an int if (other->u.number.ntype != NUMTYPE_INT) Bug_found("SecondArgIsNotAnInt", op->id); // part 2: now we got rid of non-ints, perform actual operation: switch (op->id) { case OPID_POWEROF: if (other->u.number.val.intval >= 0) { self->u.number.val.intval = my_pow(self->u.number.val.intval, other->u.number.val.intval); } else { Throw_error("Exponent is negative."); self->u.number.val.intval = 0; } break; case OPID_MULTIPLY: self->u.number.val.intval *= other->u.number.val.intval; break; case OPID_DIVIDE: case OPID_INTDIV: if (other->u.number.val.intval) { self->u.number.val.intval /= other->u.number.val.intval; break; } // "division by zero" output is below /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case OPID_MODULO: if (other->u.number.val.intval) { self->u.number.val.intval %= other->u.number.val.intval; } else { Throw_error(exception_div_by_zero); self->u.number.val.intval = 0; } break; case OPID_ADD: self->u.number.val.intval += other->u.number.val.intval; refs = self->u.number.addr_refs + other->u.number.addr_refs; // add address references break; case OPID_SUBTRACT: self->u.number.val.intval -= other->u.number.val.intval; refs = self->u.number.addr_refs - other->u.number.addr_refs; // subtract address references break; case OPID_SHIFTLEFT: self->u.number.val.intval <<= other->u.number.val.intval; break; case OPID_ASR: self->u.number.val.intval = my_asr(self->u.number.val.intval, other->u.number.val.intval); break; case OPID_LSR: self->u.number.val.intval = ((uintval_t) (self->u.number.val.intval)) >> other->u.number.val.intval; break; case OPID_LESSOREQUAL: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.intval <= other->u.number.val.intval); case OPID_LESSTHAN: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.intval < other->u.number.val.intval); case OPID_GREATEROREQUAL: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.intval >= other->u.number.val.intval); case OPID_GREATERTHAN: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.intval > other->u.number.val.intval); case OPID_NOTEQUAL: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.intval != other->u.number.val.intval); case OPID_EQUALS: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.intval == other->u.number.val.intval); case OPID_AND: self->u.number.val.intval &= other->u.number.val.intval; refs = self->u.number.addr_refs + other->u.number.addr_refs; // add address references break; case OPID_OR: self->u.number.val.intval |= other->u.number.val.intval; refs = self->u.number.addr_refs + other->u.number.addr_refs; // add address references break; case OPID_EOR: Throw_first_pass_warning("\"EOR\" is deprecated; use \"XOR\" instead."); /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case OPID_XOR: self->u.number.val.intval ^= other->u.number.val.intval; refs = self->u.number.addr_refs + other->u.number.addr_refs; // add address references break; // add new dyadic operators here // case OPID_: // break; default: unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return; } // CAUTION: comparisons call intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison instead of jumping here self->u.number.addr_refs = refs; // update address refs with local copy intfloat_fix_result_after_dyadic(self, other); // fix result flags } // float: // handle dyadic operator static void float_handle_dyadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op, struct object *other) { int refs = 0; // default for "addr_refs", shortens this fn // first check type of second arg: if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) { // ok } else if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) { // handle according to operation switch (op->id) { // these want two floats case OPID_POWEROF: case OPID_MULTIPLY: case OPID_DIVIDE: case OPID_INTDIV: case OPID_ADD: case OPID_SUBTRACT: case OPID_LESSOREQUAL: case OPID_LESSTHAN: case OPID_GREATEROREQUAL: case OPID_GREATERTHAN: case OPID_NOTEQUAL: case OPID_EQUALS: // convert other to float int_to_float(other); break; // these jump to int handler anyway case OPID_MODULO: case OPID_LSR: case OPID_AND: case OPID_OR: case OPID_EOR: case OPID_XOR: // these actually want a float and an int case OPID_SHIFTLEFT: case OPID_ASR: break; // add new dyadic operators here // case OPID_: // break; default: unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return; } // add new types here // } else if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_) { // ... } else { unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return; } switch (op->id) { case OPID_POWEROF: self->u.number.val.fpval = pow(self->u.number.val.fpval, other->u.number.val.fpval); break; case OPID_MULTIPLY: self->u.number.val.fpval *= other->u.number.val.fpval; break; case OPID_DIVIDE: if (other->u.number.val.fpval) { self->u.number.val.fpval /= other->u.number.val.fpval; } else { Throw_error(exception_div_by_zero); self->u.number.val.fpval = 0; } break; case OPID_INTDIV: if (other->u.number.val.fpval) { self->u.number.val.intval = self->u.number.val.fpval / other->u.number.val.fpval; // fp becomes int! } else { Throw_error(exception_div_by_zero); self->u.number.val.intval = 0; } self->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_INT; // result is int break; case OPID_LSR: case OPID_AND: case OPID_OR: case OPID_EOR: case OPID_XOR: Throw_first_pass_warning(exception_float_to_int); // FIXME - warning is never seen if arguments are undefined in first pass! /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case OPID_MODULO: float_to_int(self); // int handler will check other and, if needed, convert to int int_handle_dyadic_operator(self, op, other); // TODO - put recursion check around this? return; // int handler has done everything case OPID_ADD: self->u.number.val.fpval += other->u.number.val.fpval; refs = self->u.number.addr_refs + other->u.number.addr_refs; // add address references break; case OPID_SUBTRACT: self->u.number.val.fpval -= other->u.number.val.fpval; refs = self->u.number.addr_refs - other->u.number.addr_refs; // subtract address references break; case OPID_SHIFTLEFT: if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) float_to_int(other); self->u.number.val.fpval *= pow(2.0, other->u.number.val.intval); break; case OPID_ASR: if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) float_to_int(other); self->u.number.val.fpval /= (1 << other->u.number.val.intval); // FIXME - why not use pow() as in SL above? break; case OPID_LESSOREQUAL: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.fpval <= other->u.number.val.fpval); case OPID_LESSTHAN: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.fpval < other->u.number.val.fpval); case OPID_GREATEROREQUAL: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.fpval >= other->u.number.val.fpval); case OPID_GREATERTHAN: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.fpval > other->u.number.val.fpval); case OPID_NOTEQUAL: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.fpval != other->u.number.val.fpval); case OPID_EQUALS: return intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison(self, other, self->u.number.val.fpval == other->u.number.val.fpval); // add new dyadic operators here // case OPID_: // break; default: unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return; } // CAUTION: comparisons call intfloat_fix_result_after_comparison instead of jumping here self->u.number.addr_refs = refs; // update address refs with local copy intfloat_fix_result_after_dyadic(self, other); // fix result flags } // num: // handle dyadic operator static void number_handle_dyadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op, struct object *other) { // first check type of second arg: if (other->type != &type_number) { unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return; } if ((self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) || (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED)) undef_handle_dyadic_operator(self, op, other); else if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) int_handle_dyadic_operator(self, op, other); else if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) float_handle_dyadic_operator(self, op, other); else Bug_found("IllegalNumberType2", self->u.number.ntype); } // helper function for lists and strings, check index // return zero on success, nonzero on error static int get_valid_index(int *target, int length, const struct object *self, const struct op *op, struct object *other) { int index; if (other->type != &type_number) { unsupported_operation(self, op, other); return 1; } if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) { Throw_error("Index is undefined."); return 1; } if (other->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) float_to_int(other); if (other->u.number.ntype != NUMTYPE_INT) Bug_found("IllegalNumberType3", other->u.number.ntype); index = other->u.number.val.intval; // negative indices access from the end if (index < 0) index += length; if ((index < 0) || (index >= length)) { Throw_error("Index out of range."); return 1; } *target = index; return 0; // ok } // list: // handle dyadic operator static void list_handle_dyadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op, struct object *other) { struct listitem *item; int length; int index; length = self->u.listhead->u.listinfo.length; switch (op->id) { case OPID_LIST_APPEND: list_append_object(self->u.listhead, other); // no need to check/update ref count of "other": it loses the ref on the stack and gains one in the list return; case OPID_ATINDEX: if (get_valid_index(&index, length, self, op, other)) return; // error has been thrown item = self->u.listhead->next; while (index) { item = item->next; --index; } self->u.listhead->u.listinfo.refs--; // FIXME - call some fn for this (and do _after_ next line) *self = item->u.payload; // FIXME - if item is a list, it would gain a ref by this... return; case OPID_ADD: if (other->type != &type_list) break; // complain item = self->u.listhead; // get ref to first list list_init_list(self); // replace first list on arg stack with new one list_append_list(self->u.listhead, item); item->u.listinfo.refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... item = other->u.listhead; list_append_list(self->u.listhead, item); item->u.listinfo.refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... return; case OPID_EQUALS: if (other->type != &type_list) break; // complain FIXME - return FALSE? int_create_byte(self, !list_differs(self, other)); // FIXME - call function to decrement refs! return; case OPID_NOTEQUAL: if (other->type != &type_list) break; // complain FIXME - return TRUE? int_create_byte(self, list_differs(self, other)); // FIXME - call function to decrement refs! return; //case ...: // maybe comparisons? default: break; // complain } unsupported_operation(self, op, other); } // string: // handle dyadic operator static void string_handle_dyadic_operator(struct object *self, const struct op *op, struct object *other) { int length; int index; struct string *arthur, *ford; length = self->u.string->length; switch (op->id) { case OPID_ATINDEX: if (get_valid_index(&index, length, self, op, other)) return; // error has already been reported string_to_byte(self, index); return; // ok case OPID_ADD: if (other->type != &type_string) break; // complain arthur = self->u.string; ford = other->u.string; string_prepare_string(self, arthur->length + ford->length); // create string object and put on arg stack memcpy(self->u.string->payload, arthur->payload, arthur->length); memcpy(self->u.string->payload + arthur->length, ford->payload, ford->length); arthur->refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... ford->refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... return; case OPID_EQUALS: if (other->type != &type_string) break; // complain FIXME - return FALSE? arthur = self->u.string; ford = other->u.string; int_create_byte(self, !string_differs(self, other)); arthur->refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... ford->refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... return; case OPID_NOTEQUAL: if (other->type != &type_string) break; // complain FIXME - return TRUE? arthur = self->u.string; ford = other->u.string; int_create_byte(self, string_differs(self, other)); arthur->refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... ford->refs--; // FIXME - call a function for this... return; //case ...: // maybe comparisons? default: break; // complain } unsupported_operation(self, op, other); } // int/float: // set flags according to result static void number_fix_result(struct object *self) { // only allow a single force bit if (self->u.number.flags & NUMBER_FORCES_24) self->u.number.flags &= ~(NUMBER_FORCES_16 | NUMBER_FORCES_8); else if (self->u.number.flags & NUMBER_FORCES_16) self->u.number.flags &= ~NUMBER_FORCES_8; if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) { self->u.number.val.intval = 0; // FIXME - should not be needed! } else if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) { // if value is sure, check to set FITS BYTE if ((!(self->u.number.flags & NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED)) && (self->u.number.val.intval <= 255) && (self->u.number.val.intval >= -128)) self->u.number.flags |= NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; // FIXME - what for? isn't this flag only of use when undefined? } else if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) { // if value is sure, check to set FITS BYTE if ((!(self->u.number.flags & NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED)) && (self->u.number.val.fpval <= 255.0) && (self->u.number.val.fpval >= -128.0)) self->u.number.flags |= NUMBER_FITS_BYTE; // FIXME - what for? isn't this flag only of use when undefined? } else { Bug_found("IllegalNumberType4", self->u.number.ntype); } } // list/string: // no need to fix results static void object_no_op(struct object *self) { } // int/float: // print value for user message static void number_print(const struct object *self, struct dynabuf *db) { char buffer[40]; // large enough(tm) if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) { DynaBuf_add_string(db, ""); } else if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) { sprintf(buffer, "%ld (0x%lx)", (long) self->u.number.val.intval, (long) self->u.number.val.intval); DynaBuf_add_string(db, buffer); } else if (self->u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) { // write up to 30 significant characters. // remaining 10 should suffice for sign, // decimal point, exponent, terminator etc. sprintf(buffer, "%.30g", self->u.number.val.fpval); DynaBuf_add_string(db, buffer); } else { Bug_found("IllegalNumberType5", self->u.number.ntype); } } // list: // print value for user message static void list_print(const struct object *self, struct dynabuf *db) { struct listitem *item; int length; struct object *obj; const char *prefix = ""; // first item does not get a prefix DynaBuf_append(db, '['); length = self->u.listhead->u.listinfo.length; item = self->u.listhead->next; while (length--) { obj = &item->u.payload; DynaBuf_add_string(db, prefix); obj->type->print(obj, db); item = item->next; prefix = ", "; // following items are prefixed } DynaBuf_append(db, ']'); } // string: // print value for user message static void string_print(const struct object *self, struct dynabuf *db) { DynaBuf_add_string(db, self->u.string->payload); // there is a terminator after the actual payload, so this works } // "class" definitions struct type type_number = { "number", number_is_defined, number_differs, number_assign, number_handle_monadic_operator, number_handle_dyadic_operator, number_fix_result, number_print }; struct type type_list = { "list", object_return_true, // lists are always considered to be defined (even though they can hold undefined numbers...) list_differs, list_assign, list_handle_monadic_operator, list_handle_dyadic_operator, object_no_op, // no need to fix list results list_print }; struct type type_string = { "string", object_return_true, // strings are always defined string_differs, string_assign, string_handle_monadic_operator, string_handle_dyadic_operator, object_no_op, // no need to fix string results string_print }; // this is what the exported functions call // returns nonzero on parse error static int parse_expression(struct expression *expression) { struct object *result = &expression->result; // init expression->is_empty = TRUE; // becomes FALSE when first valid char gets parsed expression->open_parentheses = 0; expression->is_parenthesized = FALSE; // toplevel operator will set this: '(' to TRUE, all others to FALSE //expression->number will be overwritten later, so no need to init op_sp = 0; // operator stack pointer arg_sp = 0; // argument stack pointer // begin by reading an argument (or a monadic operator) PUSH_OP(&ops_start_expression); alu_state = STATE_EXPECT_ARG_OR_MONADIC_OP; do { // check stack sizes. enlarge if needed if (arg_sp >= argstack_size) enlarge_argument_stack(); switch (alu_state) { case STATE_EXPECT_ARG_OR_MONADIC_OP: if (expect_argument_or_monadic_operator(expression)) expression->is_empty = FALSE; break; case STATE_EXPECT_DYADIC_OP: expect_dyadic_operator(expression); break; case STATE_TRY_TO_REDUCE_STACKS: Bug_found("TryToReduce", 0); // FIXME - add to docs or remove! break; case STATE_MAX_GO_ON: // suppress case STATE_ERROR: // compiler case STATE_END: // warnings break; } } while (alu_state < STATE_MAX_GO_ON); // done. check state. if (alu_state == STATE_END) { // check for bugs if (arg_sp != 1) Bug_found("ArgStackNotEmpty", arg_sp); if (op_sp != 1) Bug_found("OperatorStackNotEmpty", op_sp); // copy result *result = arg_stack[0]; // if there was nothing to parse, mark as undefined FIXME - change this! make "nothing" its own result type; only numbers may be undefined // (so ALU_defined_int() can react) if (expression->is_empty) { result->type = &type_number; result->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED; result->u.number.flags = NUMBER_EVER_UNDEFINED; result->u.number.val.intval = 0; // FIXME - should not be needed! result->u.number.addr_refs = 0; } else { // not empty. undefined? if (!(result->type->is_defined(result))) { // then count (in all passes) ++pass.undefined_count; } } // do some checks depending on int/float result->type->fix_result(result); return 0; // ok } else { // State is STATE_ERROR. Errors have already been reported, // but we must make sure not to pass bogus data to caller. // FIXME - just use the return value to indicate "there were errors, do not use result!" result->type = &type_number; result->u.number.ntype = NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED; // maybe use NUMTYPE_INT to suppress follow-up errors? result->u.number.flags = 0; result->u.number.val.intval = 0; result->u.number.addr_refs = 0; // make sure no additional (spurious) errors are reported: Input_skip_remainder(); // FIXME - remove this when new function interface gets used: // callers must decide for themselves what to do when expression parser returns error // (currently LDA'' results in both "no string given" AND "illegal combination of command and addressing mode"!) return 1; // error } } // store int value (if undefined, store zero) // For empty expressions, an error is thrown. // OPEN_PARENTHESIS: complain // EMPTY: complain // UNDEFINED: allow // FLOAT: convert to int void ALU_any_int(intval_t *target) // ACCEPT_UNDEFINED { struct expression expression; parse_expression(&expression); // FIXME - check return value and pass to caller! if (expression.open_parentheses) Throw_error(exception_paren_open); if (expression.is_empty) Throw_error(exception_no_value); if (expression.result.type == &type_number) { if (expression.result.u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) *target = 0; else if (expression.result.u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) *target = expression.result.u.number.val.intval; else if (expression.result.u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) *target = expression.result.u.number.val.fpval; else Bug_found("IllegalNumberType6", expression.result.u.number.ntype); } else if (expression.result.type == &type_string) { // accept single-char strings, to be more // compatible with versions before 0.97: if (expression.result.u.string->length != 1) { Throw_error(exception_lengthnot1); } else { // FIXME - throw a warning? } string_to_byte(&(expression.result), 0); *target = expression.result.u.number.val.intval; } else { *target = 0; Throw_error(exception_not_number); } } // stores int value and flags (floats are transformed to int) // if result is empty or undefined, serious error is thrown // OPEN_PARENTHESIS: complain // EMPTY: complain _seriously_ // UNDEFINED: complain _seriously_ // FLOAT: convert to int // FIXME - only very few callers actually _need_ a serious error to be thrown, // so throw a normal one here and pass ok/fail as return value, so caller can react. void ALU_defined_int(struct number *intresult) // no ACCEPT constants? { struct expression expression; boolean buf = pass.complain_about_undefined; pass.complain_about_undefined = TRUE; parse_expression(&expression); // FIXME - check return value and pass to caller! pass.complain_about_undefined = buf; if (expression.open_parentheses) Throw_error(exception_paren_open); if (expression.is_empty) Throw_serious_error(exception_no_value); if (expression.result.type == &type_number) { if (expression.result.u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_UNDEFINED) { Throw_serious_error("Value not defined."); } else if (expression.result.u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_INT) { // ok } else if (expression.result.u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) { float_to_int(&expression.result); } else { Bug_found("IllegalNumberType7", expression.result.u.number.ntype); } } else if (expression.result.type == &type_string) { // accept single-char strings, to be more // compatible with versions before 0.97: if (expression.result.u.string->length != 1) { Throw_error(exception_lengthnot1); } else { // FIXME - throw a warning? } string_to_byte(&(expression.result), 0); } else { Throw_serious_error(exception_not_number); } *intresult = expression.result.u.number; } // Store int value and flags. // This function allows for "paren" '(' too many. Needed when parsing indirect // addressing modes where internal indices have to be possible. // For empty expressions, an error is thrown. // OPEN_PARENTHESIS: depends on arg // UNDEFINED: allow // EMPTY: complain // FLOAT: convert to int void ALU_addrmode_int(struct expression *expression, int paren) // ACCEPT_UNDEFINED | ACCEPT_OPENPARENTHESIS { parse_expression(expression); // FIXME - check return value and pass to caller! if (expression->result.type == &type_number) { // convert float to int if (expression->result.u.number.ntype == NUMTYPE_FLOAT) float_to_int(&(expression->result)); // FIXME - check for undefined? } else if (expression->result.type == &type_string) { // accept single-char strings, to be more // compatible with versions before 0.97: if (expression->result.u.string->length != 1) { Throw_error(exception_lengthnot1); } else { // FIXME - throw a warning? } string_to_byte(&(expression->result), 0); } else { Throw_error(exception_not_number); } if (expression->open_parentheses > paren) { expression->open_parentheses = 0; Throw_error(exception_paren_open); } if (expression->is_empty) Throw_error(exception_no_value); } // Store resulting object // For empty expressions, an error is thrown. // OPEN_PARENTHESIS: complain // EMPTY: complain // UNDEFINED: allow // FLOAT: keep void ALU_any_result(struct object *result) // ACCEPT_UNDEFINED | ACCEPT_FLOAT { struct expression expression; parse_expression(&expression); // FIXME - check return value and pass to caller! *result = expression.result; if (expression.open_parentheses) Throw_error(exception_paren_open); if (expression.is_empty) Throw_error(exception_no_value); } /* TODO maybe move if (expression.is_empty) Throw_error(exception_no_value); to end of parse_expression() // stores int value and flags, allowing for "paren" '(' too many (x-indirect addr). void ALU_addrmode_int(struct expression *expression, int paren) mnemo.c when parsing addressing modes needvalue! // store resulting object void ALU_any_result(struct object *result) macro.c macro call, when parsing call-by-value arg don't care pseudoopcodes.c !set don't care when throwing user-specified errors don't care iterator for !by, !wo, etc. needvalue! byte values in !raw, !tx, etc. needvalue! !scrxor needvalue! symbol.c explicit symbol definition don't care // stores int value and flags (floats are transformed to int) // if result was undefined, serious error is thrown void ALU_defined_int(struct number *intresult) flow.c when parsing loop conditions make bool serious pseudoopcodes.c *= (FIXME, allow undefined) needvalue! !initmem error !fill (1st arg) (maybe allow undefined?) needvalue! !skip (maybe allow undefined?) needvalue! !align (1st + 2nd arg) (maybe allow undefined?) needvalue! !pseudopc (FIXME, allow undefined) needvalue! !if make bool serious twice in !for serious twice for !binary (maybe allow undefined?) needvalue! //!enum // store int value (0 if result was undefined) void ALU_any_int(intval_t *target) pseudoopcodes.c !xor needvalue! !fill (2nd arg) needvalue! !align (3rd arg) needvalue! */