65816 opcode table There are no more undocumented opcodes. All differences to the 65c02 are marked using a '+' sign, except for the #imm8 -> #imm change. 00 brk 01 ora (dp, x) 02+ cop imm8 03+ ora offs8, s 04 tsb dp 05 ora dp 06 asl dp 07+ ora [dp] 08 php 09 ora #imm 0a asl 0b+ phd 0c tsb abs16 0d ora abs16 0e asl abs16 0f+ ora abs24 10 bpl rel8 11 ora (dp), y 12 ora (dp) 13+ ora (offs8, s), y 14 trb dp 15 ora dp, x 16 asl dp, x 17+ ora [dp], y 18 clc 19 ora abs16, y 1a inc 1b+ tcs 1c trb abs16 1d ora abs16, x 1e asl abs16, x 1f+ ora abs24, x 20 jsr abs16 21 and (dp, x) 22+ jsr abs24 23+ and offs8, s 24 bit dp 25 and dp 26 rol dp 27+ and [dp] 28 plp 29 and #imm 2a rol 2b+ pld 2c bit abs16 2d and abs16 2e rol abs16 2f+ and abs24 30 bmi rel8 31 and (dp), y 32 and (dp) 33+ and (offs8, s), y 34 bit dp, x 35 and dp, x 36 rol dp, x 37+ and [dp], y 38 sec 39 and abs16, y 3a dec 3b+ tsc 3c bit abs16, x 3d and abs16, x 3e rol abs16, x 3f+ and abs24, x 40 rti 41 eor (dp, x) 42+ wdm 43+ eor offs8, s 44+ mvp src, dst 45 eor dp 46 lsr dp 47+ eor [dp] 48 pha 49 eor #imm 4a lsr 4b+ phk 4c jmp abs16 4d eor abs16 4e lsr abs16 4f+ eor abs24 50 bvc rel8 51 eor (dp), y 52 eor (dp) 53+ eor (offs8, s), y 54+ mvn src, dst 55 eor dp, x 56 lsr dp, x 57+ eor [dp], y 58 cli 59 eor abs16, y 5a phy 5b+ tcd 5c+ jmp abs24 5d eor abs16, x 5e lsr abs16, x 5f+ eor abs24, x 60 rts 61 adc (dp, x) 62+ per rel16 63+ adc offs8, s 64 stz dp 65 adc dp 66 ror dp 67+ adc [dp] 68 pla 69 adc #imm 6a ror 6b+ rtl 6c jmp (abs16) 6d adc abs16 6e ror abs16 6f+ adc abs24 70 bvs rel8 71 adc (dp), y 72 adc (dp) 73+ adc (offs8, s), y 74 stz dp, x 75 adc dp, x 76 ror dp, x 77+ adc [dp], y 78 sei 79 adc abs16, y 7a ply 7b+ tdc 7c jmp (abs16, x) 7d adc abs16, x 7e ror abs16, x 7f+ adc abs24, x 80 bra rel8 81 sta (dp, x) 82+ brl rel16 83+ sta offs8, s 84 sty dp 85 sta dp 86 stx dp 87+ sta [dp] 88 dey 89 bit #imm 8a txa 8b+ phb 8c sty abs16 8d sta abs16 8e stx abs16 8f+ sta abs24 90 bcc rel8 91 sta (dp), y 92 sta (dp) 93+ sta (offs8, s), y 94 sty dp, x 95 sta dp, x 96 stx dp, y 97+ sta [dp], y 98 tya 99 sta abs16, y 9a txs 9b+ txy 9c stz abs16 9d sta abs16, x 9e stz abs16, x 9f+ sta abs24, x a0 ldy #imm a1 lda (dp, x) a2 ldx #imm a3+ lda offs8, s a4 ldy dp a5 lda dp a6 ldx dp a7+ lda [dp] a8 tay a9 lda #imm aa tax ab+ plb ac ldy abs16 ad lda abs16 ae ldx abs16 af+ lda abs24 b0 bcs rel8 b1 lda (dp), y b2 lda (dp) b3+ lda (offs8, s), y b4 ldy dp, x b5 lda dp, x b6 ldx dp, y b7+ lda [dp], y b8 clv b9 lda abs16, y ba tsx bb+ tyx bc ldy abs16, x bd lda abs16, x be ldx abs16, y bf+ lda abs24, x c0 cpy #imm c1 cmp (dp, x) c2+ rep #imm8 c3+ cmp offs8, s c4 cpy dp c5 cmp dp c6 dec dp c7+ cmp [dp] c8 iny c9 cmp #imm ca dex cb+ wai cc cpy abs16 cd cmp abs16 ce dec abs16 cf+ cmp abs24 d0 bne rel8 d1 cmp (dp), y d2 cmp (dp) d3+ cmp (offs8, s), y d4+ pei (dp) d5 cmp dp, x d6 dec dp, x d7+ cmp [dp], y d8 cld d9 cmp abs16, y da phx db+ stp dc+ jmp [abs16] dd cmp abs16, x de dec abs16, x df+ cmp abs24, x e0 cpx #imm e1 sbc (dp, x) e2+ sep #imm8 e3+ sbc offs8, s e4 cpx dp e5 sbc dp e6 inc dp e7+ sbc [dp] e8 inx e9 sbc #imm ea nop eb+ xba ec cpx abs16 ed sbc abs16 ee inc abs16 ef+ sbc abs24 f0 beq rel8 f1 sbc (dp), y f2 sbc (dp) f3+ sbc (offs8, s), y f4+ pea abs16 f5 sbc dp, x f6 inc dp, x f7+ sbc [dp], y f8 sed f9 sbc abs16, y fa plx fb+ xce fc+ jsr (abs16, x) fd sbc abs16, x fe inc abs16, x ff+ sbc abs24, x #imm: immediate value (8 or 16 bits, depends on processor status) #imm8: 8-bit immediate value dp: 8-bit direct page address offs8: 8-bit offset (for stack-relative addressing) abs16: 16-bit absolute address abs24: 24-bit absolute address rel8: 8-bit relative address offset rel16: 16-bit relative address offset src, dst: two 8-bit bank values (CAUTION: assembler expects "mnemonic src, dst" syntax, but machine language order is actually "opcode dst src") The instruction set of the 65816 is a much extended superset of that of the 65c02. Among the improvements are: - the register widths can be switched to 16 bits - addresses can now be 24 bits wide - zero page is now called direct page, with an arbitrary base address - lots of new addressing modes - block transfer instructions New mnemonics ------------- 02 cop imm8 6b rtl 82 brl rel16 0b phd 2b pld 4b phk 62 per rel16 8b phb ab plb d4 pei (dp) f4 pea abs16 1b tcs 3b tsc 5b tcd 7b tdc 9b txy bb tyx eb xba fb xce 42 wdm 44 mvp src, dst 54 mvn src, dst c2 rep #imm8 e2 sep #imm8 cb wai db stp New addressing modes for existing mnemonics ------------------------------------------- 22 jsr abs24 5c jmp abs24 dc jmp [abs16] fc jsr (abs16, x) ora and eor adc sta lda cmp sbc ------------------------------- 03 23 43 63 83 a3 c3 e3 offs8, s 07 27 47 67 87 a7 c7 e7 [dp] 0f 2f 4f 6f 8f af cf ef abs24 13 33 53 73 93 b3 d3 f3 (offs8, s), y 17 37 57 77 97 b7 d7 f7 [dp], y 1f 3f 5f 7f 9f bf df ff abs24, x