Just to make sure: The syntax file and this help text come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! If you destroy your system, don't come whining to me. -------------------- systemwide install -------------------- 1) Copy the syntax file to the correct directory by typing: cp acme.jsf /etc/joe/syntax/ 2) Add the following lines to the "SECOND SECTION" of "/etc/joe/joerc": *.a -indentc 9 -istep 1 -autoindent -syntax acme 3) done! -------------- user install -------------- 1) Copy the syntax file to the correct directory by typing: mkdir -p ~/.joe/syntax cp acme.jsf ~/.joe/syntax/ 2) If you do not have a ~/.joerc file yet, create one by typing: if [ -e ~/.joerc ] ; then echo :include /etc/joe/joerc > ~/.joerc ; fi 3) Add the following lines to the "SECOND SECTION" of your .joerc file: *.a -indentc 9 -istep 1 -autoindent -syntax acme 4) done! --------- testing --------- After installing the syntax file, open the file "color.a" in joe to check whether it works (and to see what it looks like).