;ACME 0.94.4 !ifdef lib_cbm_c64_float_a !eof lib_cbm_c64_float_a = 1 ; Here are some definitions to help you call the floating-point functions of the ; C64's BASIC ROM. They work on "float registers", which are actually just ; structures in zero page: fac1_base = $61 ; base address of floating-point accumulator 1 fac2_base = $69 ; base address of floating-point accumulator 2 ; There is really no need to use these addresses directly when calling the ROM ; functions. You'd only need the addresses when using . !source ; include macro to store floats in six-byte FLPT format !source ; include macro to store floats in five-byte MFLPT format ; convenience macros: ; some float functions need a memory address in A (low) and Y (high) !macro movAY .adr { lda #<.adr ldy #>.adr } ; ...or in X (low) and Y (high) !macro movXY .adr { ldx #<.adr ldy #>.adr } ; other float functions expect or output a value in Y (low) and A (high) !macro movYA .val { ldy #<.val lda #>.val } !macro ldYA .adr { ldy .adr lda .adr + 1 } !macro stYA .adr { sty .adr sta .adr + 1 } ; ...or in X (low) and A (high) !macro ldXA .adr { ldx .adr lda .adr + 1 } ; constants in five-byte "mflpt" format mflpt_pi = $aea8 ; 3.1415926... mflpt_minus32768 = $b1a5 ; -32768 mflpt_1 = $b9bc ; 1 mflpt_half_sqr2 = $b9d6 ; SQR(2) / 2 mflpt_sqr2 = $b9db ; SQR(2) mflpt_minus_point5 = $b9e0 ; -.5 mflpt_log_2 = $b9e5 ; LOG(2) mflpt_10 = $baf9 ; 10 mflpt_99999999 = $bdb3 ; 99 999 999 mflpt_999999999 = $bdb8 ; 999 999 999 mflpt_1000000000 = $bdbd ; 1 000 000 000 mflpt_point5 = $bf11 ; .5, also known as 1 / 2 mflpt_log_2_reciprocal = $bfbf ; 1 / LOG(2) mflpt_half_pi = $e2e0 ; PI / 2 mflpt_double_pi = $e2e5 ; 2 * PI (also see $e309) mflpt_point25 = $e2ea ; .25, also known as 1 / 4 mflpt_2_pi = $e309 ; 2 * PI (also see $e2e5) ; functions - a few points to note: ; fac1/2 might get clobbered even if not mentioned in the function's name, ; because stuff like fac1_times_memAY will load the value from memory ; into fac2 first. ; for subtraction and division, the left operand is in fac2, the right operand in fac1. fac1_print = $aabc ; print string representation of contents of fac1 fac1_to_signedYA = $b1aa ; might throw ILLEGAL QUANTITY fac1_to_signed16 = $b1bf ; might throw ILLEGAL QUANTITY fac1_read_signedYA = $b391 ; convert 16 bit signed int to float fac1_read_unsignedY = $b3a2 ; convert 8 bit unsigned int to float fac1_read_string = $b7b5 ; $22/23 must point to string, A must be string length fac1_to_unsignedYA = $b7f7 ; might throw ILLEGAL QUANTITY (result is also in $14/15) fac1_add_point5 = $b849 ; for rounding, call this before fac1_int fac1_memAY_minus_fac1 = $b850 ; subtract fac1 from mflpt value fac1_fac2_minus_fac1 = $b853 fac1_add_memAY = $b867 ; add mflpt value fac1_add_fac2 = $b86a fac1_log = $b9ea ; LOG() fac1_times_memAY = $ba28 ; multiply by mflpt value fac2_read_memAY = $ba8c ; load mflpt value from memory into fac2 fac2_read_mem_via0x22ptr = $ba90 ; load mflpt value from memory into fac2 fac1_times_10 = $bae2 fac1_divide_by_10 = $bafe fac1_divide_memAY_by_fac1 = $bb0f ; divide mflpt value by fac1 value fac1_read_memAY = $bba2 ; load mflpt value from memory into fac1 fac1_read_mem_via0x22ptr = $bba6 ; load mflpt value from memory into fac1 fac1_to_memXY = $bbd4 ; store fac1 to memory as mflpt fac1_read_fac2 = $bbfc ; copy fac2 to fac1 fac2_read_fac1 = $bc0c ; copy fac1 to fac2 fac1_sign_to_A = $bc2b ; $ff, $0, $1 for negative, zero, positive fac1_sgn = $bc39 ; SGN() fac1_abs = $bc58 ; ABS() fac1_compare_to_memAY = $bc5b ; compare to mflpt value in memory fac1_to_signed32 = $bc9b fac1_int = $bccc ; INT() fac1_print_unsignedXA = $bdcd fac1_to_string = $bddd ; string is stored at $0100 (address returned in AY) fac1_sqr = $bf71 ; SQR() fac1_fac2_to_the_power_of_memAY = $bf78 fac1_negate = $bfb4 fac1_exp = $bfed ; EXP() ; end of basic rom jumps to start of kernel rom! fac1_rnd = $e097 ; RND() fac1_cos = $e264 ; COS() fac1_sin = $e26b ; SIN() fac1_tan = $e2b4 ; TAN() fac1_atn = $e30e ; ATN()