marcobaye 294fe25c36 ACME Release 0.96: Added experimental support for instruction sets of Rockwell 65C02, WDC 65C02(S), CSG 65CE02 and CSG 4502.
Stack indexing can now be given either as ",s" or as ",sp" (only relevant for 65816 and 65CE02).

git-svn-id: 4df02467-bbd4-4a76-a152-e7ce94205b78
2016-12-28 20:32:00 +00:00

56 lines
1.6 KiB

// ACME - a crossassembler for producing 6502/65c02/65816/65ce02 code.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2016 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "acme.c" for further info
// Dynamic buffer stuff
#ifndef dynabuf_H
#define dynabuf_H
#include "config.h"
// macros
#define DYNABUF_CLEAR(db) do {db->size = 0;} while (0)
#define DYNABUF_APPEND(db, byte) \
do { \
if (db->size == db->reserved) \
DynaBuf_enlarge(db); \
db->buffer[(db->size)++] = byte;\
} while (0)
// the next one is dangerous - the buffer location can change when a character
// is appended. So after calling this, don't change the buffer as long as you
// use the address.
#define GLOBALDYNABUF_CURRENT (GlobalDynaBuf->buffer)
// dynamic buffer structure
struct dynabuf {
char *buffer; // pointer to buffer
int size; // size of buffer's used portion
int reserved; // total size of buffer
// variables
extern struct dynabuf *GlobalDynaBuf; // global dynamic buffer
// create global DynaBuf (call once on program startup)
extern void DynaBuf_init(void);
// create (private) DynaBuf
extern struct dynabuf *DynaBuf_create(int initial_size);
// call whenever buffer is too small
extern void DynaBuf_enlarge(struct dynabuf *db);
// return malloc'd copy of buffer contents
extern char *DynaBuf_get_copy(struct dynabuf *db);
// copy string to buffer (without terminator)
extern void DynaBuf_add_string(struct dynabuf *db, const char *);
// converts buffer contents to lower case
extern void DynaBuf_to_lower(struct dynabuf *target, struct dynabuf *source);
// add char to buffer
extern void DynaBuf_append(struct dynabuf *db, char);