marcobaye d1ac849272 still more cleanup
git-svn-id: 4df02467-bbd4-4a76-a152-e7ce94205b78
2020-05-02 14:58:17 +00:00

156 lines
6.2 KiB

// ACME - a crossassembler for producing 6502/65c02/65816/65ce02 code.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2020 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "acme.c" for further info
// Global stuff - things that are needed by several modules
// 19 Nov 2014 Merged Johann Klasek's report listing generator patch
// 23 Nov 2014 Merged Martin Piper's "--msvc" error output patch
#ifndef global_H
#define global_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
#define LOCAL_PREFIX '.' // FIXME - this is not yet used consistently!
#define CHEAP_PREFIX '@' // prefix character for cheap locals
// Constants
#define SF_FOUND_BLANK (1u << 0) // statement had space or tab
#define SF_IMPLIED_LABEL (1u << 1) // statement had implied label def
extern const char s_and[];
extern const char s_asl[];
extern const char s_asr[];
extern const char s_bra[];
extern const char s_brl[];
extern const char s_cbm[];
extern const char s_eor[];
extern const char s_error[];
extern const char s_lsr[];
extern const char s_scrxor[];
extern char s_untitled[];
extern const char s_Zone[];
#define s_zone (s_subzone + 3) // Yes, I know I'm sick
extern const char s_subzone[];
extern const char s_pet[];
extern const char s_raw[];
extern const char s_scr[];
// error messages during assembly
extern const char exception_cannot_open_input_file[];
extern const char exception_missing_string[];
extern const char exception_negative_size[];
extern const char exception_no_left_brace[];
extern const char exception_no_memory_left[];
extern const char exception_no_right_brace[];
//extern const char exception_not_yet[];
extern const char exception_number_out_of_range[];
extern const char exception_pc_undefined[];
extern const char exception_syntax[];
// byte flags table
extern const char global_byte_flags[];
#define BYTE_STARTS_KEYWORD(b) (global_byte_flags[(unsigned char) b] & (1u << 7)) // byte is allowed at start of keyword (a-z, A-Z, _, everything>127)
#define BYTE_CONTINUES_KEYWORD(b) (global_byte_flags[(unsigned char) b] & (1u << 6)) // byte is allowed in a keyword (as above, plus digits)
//#define BYTE_TO_LOWER_CASE(b) bit 5 means: "byte is upper case, and can be converted to lower case by ORing this bit" - but this is not used at the moment!
#define BYTE_IS_SYNTAX_CHAR(b) (global_byte_flags[(unsigned char) b] & (1u << 4)) // special character for input syntax
#define BYTE_FOLLOWS_ANON(b) (global_byte_flags[(unsigned char) b] & (1u << 3)) // preceding '-' are backward label
// bits 2, 1 and 0 are currently unused
// TODO - put in runtime struct:
extern char GotByte; // Last byte read (processed)
// configuration
struct config {
char pseudoop_prefix; // '!' or '.'
int process_verbosity; // level of additional output
boolean warn_on_indented_labels; // warn if indented label is encountered
boolean warn_on_old_for; // warn if "!for" with old syntax is found
boolean warn_on_type_mismatch; // use type-checking system
signed long max_errors; // errors before giving up
boolean format_msvc; // enabled by --msvc
boolean format_color; // enabled by --color
FILE *msg_stream; // defaults to stderr, changed to stdout by --use-stdout
boolean honor_leading_zeroes; // TRUE, disabled by --ignore-zeroes
boolean segment_warning_is_error; // FALSE, enabled by --strict-segments
boolean test_new_features; // FALSE, enabled by --test
extern struct config config;
struct pass {
int number; // counts up from zero
int undefined_count; // counts undefined expression results (if this stops decreasing, next pass must list them as errors)
//int needvalue_count; // counts undefined expression results actually needed for output (when this hits zero, we're done) FIXME - use
int error_count;
boolean complain_about_undefined; // will be FALSE until error pass is needed
extern struct pass pass;
#define FIRST_PASS (pass.number == 0)
// report stuff
#define REPORT_BINBUFSIZE 9 // eight are shown, then "..."
struct report {
FILE *fd; // report file descriptor (NULL => no report)
struct input *last_input;
size_t asc_used;
size_t bin_used;
int bin_address; // address at start of bin_buf[]
char asc_buf[REPORT_ASCBUFSIZE]; // source bytes
char bin_buf[REPORT_BINBUFSIZE]; // output bytes
extern struct report *report; // TODO - put in "part" struct
// Macros for skipping a single space character
#define SKIPSPACE() \
do { \
if (GotByte == ' ') \
GetByte(); \
} while (0)
do { \
if (GetByte() == ' ') \
GetByte(); \
} while (0)
// Prototypes
// set configuration to default values
extern void config_default(struct config *conf);
// allocate memory and die if not available
extern void *safe_malloc(size_t);
// Parse block, beginning with next byte.
// End reason (either CHAR_EOB or CHAR_EOF) can be found in GotByte afterwards
// Has to be re-entrant.
extern void Parse_until_eob_or_eof(void);
// Skip space. If GotByte is CHAR_SOB ('{'), parse block and return TRUE.
// Otherwise (if there is no block), return FALSE.
// Don't forget to call EnsureEOL() afterwards.
extern int Parse_optional_block(void);
// error/warning counter so macro calls can find out whether to show a call stack
extern int Throw_get_counter(void);
// Output a warning.
// This means the produced code looks as expected. But there has been a
// situation that should be reported to the user, for example ACME may have
// assembled a 16-bit parameter with an 8-bit value.
extern void Throw_warning(const char *);
// Output a warning if in first pass. See above.
extern void Throw_first_pass_warning(const char *);
// Output an error.
// This means something went wrong in a way that implies that the output
// almost for sure won't look like expected, for example when there was a
// syntax error. The assembler will try to go on with the assembly though, so
// the user gets to know about more than one of his typos at a time.
extern void Throw_error(const char *);
// Output a serious error, stopping assembly.
// Serious errors are those that make it impossible to go on with the
// assembly. Example: "!fill" without a parameter - the program counter cannot
// be set correctly in this case, so proceeding would be of no use at all.
extern void Throw_serious_error(const char *);
// handle bugs
extern void Bug_found(const char *, int);