2003-04-13 22:12:09 +00:00
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
.export _clrscr
.importzp ptr2
.include "atmos.inc"
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-03-04 13:08:54 +00:00
; void clrscr (void);
2003-04-13 22:12:09 +00:00
.proc _clrscr
; Set the cursor to top left cursor position
ldy #$00
sty CURS_X
sty CURS_Y
; Set ptr2 to the screen position (left upper border)
lda #<SCREEN
sta ptr2
lda #>SCREEN
sta ptr2+1
; Clear full pages. Y is still zero
ldx #>(28*40)
lda #' '
@L1: sta (ptr2),y
iny ; Bump low byte of address
bne @L1
inc ptr2+1 ; Bump high byte of address
bne @L1
; Clear the remaining page
@L2: sta (ptr2),y
cpy #<(28*40)
bne @L2