mirror of https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git synced 2025-03-03 09:32:33 +00:00

Added colorization, tab conversion and other fancy stuff

git-svn-id: svn://svn.cc65.org/cc65/trunk@2521 b7a2c559-68d2-44c3-8de9-860c34a00d81
This commit is contained in:
cuz 2003-10-12 19:05:58 +00:00
parent 19ff8d96ad
commit 1bdcc16827

View File

@ -61,34 +61,41 @@ use Getopt::Long;
# Global variables
my %Files = (); # List of all files.
my $FileCount = 0; # Number of input files
my %Exports = (); # List of exported symbols.
my %Imports = (); # List of imported symbols.
my %Labels = (); # List of all labels
my $LabelNum = 0; # Counter to generate unique labels
my %Files = (); # List of all files.
my $FileCount = 0; # Number of input files
my %Exports = (); # List of exported symbols.
my %Imports = (); # List of imported symbols.
my %Labels = (); # List of all labels
my $LabelNum = 0; # Counter to generate unique labels
# Command line options
my $BGColor = "#FFFFFF"; # Background color
my $Debug = 0; # No debugging
my $Help = 0; # Help flag
my $HTMLDir = ""; # Directory in which to create the files
my $IndexCols = 6; # Columns in the file listing
my $IndexTitle = "Index"; # Title of index page
my $IndexName = "index.html"; # Name of index page
my $IndexPage = 0; # Create an index page
my $LineLabels = 0; # Add a HTML label to each line
my $LineNumbers = 0; # Add line numbers to the output
my $LinkStyle = 0; # Default link style
my $ReplaceExt = 0; # Replace extension instead of appending
my $TextColor = "#000000"; # Text color
my $Verbose = 0; # Be quiet
my $BGColor = "#FFFFFF"; # Background color
my $Colorize = 0; # Colorize the output
my $CommentColor = "#B22222"; # Color for comments
my $CRefs = 0; # Add references to the C file
my $CtrlColor = "#228B22"; # Color for control directives
my $CvtTabs = 0; # Convert tabs to spaces
my $Debug = 0; # No debugging
my $Help = 0; # Help flag
my $HTMLDir = ""; # Directory in which to create the files
my $IndexCols = 6; # Columns in the file listing
my $IndexTitle = "Index"; # Title of index page
my $IndexName = "index.html"; # Name of index page
my $IndexPage = 0; # Create an index page
my $KeywordColor = "#A020F0"; # Color for keywords
my $LineLabels = 0; # Add a HTML label to each line
my $LineNumbers = 0; # Add line numbers to the output
my $LinkStyle = 0; # Default link style
my $ReplaceExt = 0; # Replace extension instead of appending
my $StringColor = "#666666"; # Color for strings
my $TextColor = "#000000"; # Text color
my $Verbose = 0; # Be quiet
# Table used to convert the label number into names
my @NameTab = ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K",
"L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V",
"W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"7", "8", "9");
my @NameTab = ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K",
"L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V",
"W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"7", "8", "9");
@ -214,8 +221,54 @@ EOF
# File list management #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Colorization #
sub ColorizeComment {
if ($Colorize) {
return "<font color=\"$CommentColor\">$_[0]</font>";
} else {
return $_[0];
sub ColorizeCtrl {
if ($Colorize) {
return "<font color=\"$CtrlColor\">$_[0]</font>";
} else {
return $_[0];
sub ColorizeKeyword {
if ($Colorize) {
return "<font color=\"$KeywordColor\">$_[0]</font>";
} else {
return $_[0];
sub ColorizeString {
if ($Colorize) {
return "<font color=\"$StringColor\">$_[0]</font>";
} else {
return $_[0];
# File list management #
@ -250,7 +303,7 @@ sub AddFile {
# Referencing and defining labels #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
@ -439,9 +492,19 @@ sub Process2 {
Gabble ("$FileName => $OutName");
# The instructions that will have hyperlinks if a label is used
my $Ins = "adc|add|and|bcc|bcs|beq|bit|bmi|bne|bpl|bcv|bra|bvs|".
my $LabelIns = "adc|add|and|asl|bcc|bcs|beq|bit|bmi|bne|bpl|bcv|bra|bvs|".
# The instructions that will have hyperlinks if a label is used
my $AllIns = "adc|add|and|asl|bcc|bcs|beq|bge|bit|blt|bmi|bne|bpl|bcv|".
# Read the input file, replacing references by hyperlinks and mark
# labels as link targets.
@ -454,6 +517,12 @@ sub Process2 {
# Remove the newline
chop ($Line);
# If requested, convert tabs to spaces
if ($CvtTabs) {
# Don't ask me - this is from the perl manual page
1 while ($Line =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&)*8 - length($`)%8)/e) ;
# Clear the output line
$OutLine = "";
@ -504,7 +573,7 @@ sub Process2 {
if ($Line =~ /^(\.import|\.importzp)(\s+)(.*)$/) {
# Print any fixed stuff from the line and remove it
$OutLine .= "$1$2";
$OutLine .= ColorizeCtrl ($1) . $2;
$Line = $3;
# Print all identifiers if there are any
@ -553,7 +622,7 @@ sub Process2 {
} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\.export|\.exportzp)(\s+)(.*)$/) {
# Print the command the and white space
$OutLine .= "$1$2";
$OutLine .= ColorizeCtrl ($1) . $2;
$Line = $3;
# Print all identifiers if there are any
@ -590,7 +659,7 @@ sub Process2 {
# Check if another identifier follows
if ($Line =~ /^(\s*),(\s*)(.*)$/) {
if ($Line =~ /^(\s*),(\s*)(.*)$/) {
$OutLine .= "$1,$2";
$Line = $3;
} else {
@ -605,7 +674,7 @@ sub Process2 {
} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\.addr|\.word)(\s+)(.*)$/) {
# Print the command the and white space
$OutLine .= "$1$2";
$OutLine .= ColorizeCtrl ($1) . $2;
$Line = $3;
# Print all identifiers if there are any
@ -629,28 +698,28 @@ sub Process2 {
$OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);
# Handle .proc
} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\.proc\s+)([_a-zA-Z][_\w]*)?(.*)$/) {
} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\.proc)(\s+)([_a-zA-Z][_\w]*)?(.*)$/) {
# Do we have an identifier?
if ($2 ne "") {
# Get the label for the id
$Label = $Labels{$OutName}{$2};
if ($3 ne "") {
# Get the label for the id
$Label = $Labels{$OutName}{$3};
# Print the label with a tag
$OutLine .= sprintf ("%s<a name=\"%s\">%s</a>", $1, $Label, $2);
$OutLine .= sprintf ("%s%s<a name=\"%s\">%s</a>%s",
ColorizeCtrl ($1), $2, $Label, $3, Cleanup ($4));
} else {
# Use the remainder for line
$Line = $3;
# Print the label
$OutLine .= ColorizeCtrl ($1) . $2 . $3 . Cleanup ($4);
# Cleanup the remainder and add it
$OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);
# Handle .include
} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\.include)(\s+)\"((?:[^\"]+?|\\\")+)\"(\s*)(;.*$|$)/) {
# Add the fixed stuff to the output line
$OutLine .= "$1$2\"";
$OutLine .= ColorizeCtrl ($1) . $2 . "\"";
# Get the filename into a named variable
my $FileName = $3;
@ -667,19 +736,96 @@ sub Process2 {
# If the include file is among the list of our files, add a link,
# otherwise just add the name as is.
if (exists ($Files{$Name})) {
$OutLine .= sprintf ("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", GetOutName ($Name), $FileName);
$OutLine .= sprintf ("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", GetOutName ($Name), $FileName);
} else {
$OutLine .= $FileName;
$OutLine .= $FileName;
# Add the remainder
$OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);
# Check for any legal instruction
} elsif ($Line =~ /^($Ins)(\s+)(.*?)(\s*)(;.*$|$)/) {
# Handle .dbg line
} elsif ($CRefs && $Line =~ /^(\.dbg)(\s+)(.*)$/) {
# Add the fixed stuff to the output line
$OutLine .= ColorizeCtrl ($1) . $2;
# Remember the remainder
$Line = $3;
# Check for the type of the .dbg directive
if ($Line =~ /^(line,\s*)\"((?:[^\"]+?|\\\")+)\"(,\s*)(\d+)(.*$)/) {
# Add the fixed stuff to the output line
$OutLine .= $1 . "\"";
# Get the filename and line number into named variables
my $FileName = $2;
my $LineNo = $4;
# Remember the remainder
$Line = "\"$3$4$5";
# Get the name without a path
my $Name = StripPath ($FileName);
# We don't need FileName any longer as is, so clean it up
$FileName = Cleanup ($FileName);
# Add a link to the source file
$OutLine .= sprintf ("<a href=\"%s.html#line%d\">%s</a>", $Name, $LineNo, $FileName);
# Add the remainder
$OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);
} elsif ($Line =~ /^(file,\s*)\"((?:[^\"]+?|\\\")+)\"(.*)$/) {
# Get the filename into a named variables
my $FileName = Cleanup ($2);
# Get the name without a path
my $Name = Cleanup (StripPath ($2));
# Add the fixed stuff to the output line
$OutLine .= sprintf ("%s\"<a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a>\"%s",
$1, $Name, $FileName, $3);
} else {
# Add the remainder
$OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);
} elsif ($CRefs && $Line =~ /^(\.dbg)(\s+line,\s*)\"((?:[^\"]+?|\\\")+)\"(,\s*)(\d+)(.*$)/) {
# Add the fixed stuff to the output line
$OutLine .= ColorizeCtrl ($1) . $2 . "\"";
# Get the filename and line number into named variables
my $FileName = $3;
my $LineNo = $5;
# Remember the remainder
$Line = "\"$4$5$6";
# Get the name without a path
my $Name = StripPath ($FileName);
# We don't need FileName any longer as is, so clean it up
$FileName = Cleanup ($FileName);
# Add a link to the source file
$OutLine .= sprintf ("<a href=\"%s.html#line%d\">%s</a>", $Name, $LineNo, $FileName);
# Add the remainder
$OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);
# Check for instructions with labels
} elsif ($Line =~ /^($LabelIns)(\s+)(.*?)(\s*)(;.*$|$)/) {
# Print the instruction and white space
$OutLine .= "$1$2";
$OutLine .= ColorizeKeyword ($1) . $2;
# Remember the remaining parts
$Operand = $3;
@ -703,7 +849,26 @@ sub Process2 {
# Reassemble and print the line
$OutLine .= "$Operand$Comment";
$OutLine .= $Operand . ColorizeComment ($Comment);
# Check for all other instructions
} elsif ($Line =~ /^($AllIns)(\s+.*?\s*|\s*)(;.*$|$)/) {
# Colorize and print
$OutLine .= ColorizeKeyword ($1) . Cleanup ($2) . ColorizeComment (Cleanup ($3));
# Check for a comment line
} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\s*)(;.*)$/) {
# Colorize and print
$OutLine .= $1 . ColorizeComment (Cleanup ($2));
# Check for a keyword
} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\s*)(\.[_a-zA-Z][_\w]*)(.*?)(;.*$|$)/) {
# Colorize and print
$OutLine .= $1 . ColorizeCtrl ($2) . Cleanup ($3) .
ColorizeComment (Cleanup ($4));
} else {
@ -861,6 +1026,9 @@ sub Usage {
print "Usage: ca65html [options] file ...\n";
print "Options:\n";
print " --bgcolor color Use background color c instead of $BGColor\n";
print " --colorize Colorize the output\n";
print " --crefs Generate references to the C source file(s)\n";
print " --cvttabs Convert tabs to spaces in the output\n";
print " --help This text\n";
print " --htmldir dir Specify directory for HTML files\n";
print " --indexcols n Use n columns on index page (default $IndexCols)\n";
@ -877,27 +1045,30 @@ sub Usage {
# Main #
# Main #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Get program options
GetOptions ("bgcolor=s" => \$BGColor,
"debug!" => \$Debug,
"help" => \$Help,
"htmldir=s" => \$HTMLDir,
GetOptions ("bgcolor=s" => \$BGColor,
"colorize" => \$Colorize,
"crefs" => \$CRefs,
"cvttabs" => \$CvtTabs,
"debug!" => \$Debug,
"help" => \$Help,
"htmldir=s" => \$HTMLDir,
"indexcols=i" => \$IndexCols,
"indexname=s" => \$IndexName,
"indexpage" => \$IndexPage,
"indextitle=s" => \$IndexTitle,
"indexname=s" => \$IndexName,
"indexpage" => \$IndexPage,
"indextitle=s" => \$IndexTitle,
"linelabels" => \$LineLabels,
"linenumbers" => \$LineNumbers,
"linkstyle=i" => \$LinkStyle,
"replaceext" => \$ReplaceExt,
"textcolor=s" => \$TextColor,
"verbose!" => \$Verbose,
"<>" => \&AddFile);
"linkstyle=i" => \$LinkStyle,
"replaceext" => \$ReplaceExt,
"textcolor=s" => \$TextColor,
"verbose!" => \$Verbose,
"<>" => \&AddFile);
# Check some arguments
if ($IndexCols <= 0 || $IndexCols >= 20) {