mirror of https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git synced 2025-03-06 14:30:24 +00:00

Merge branch 'c1p_kbhit' into c1p

This commit is contained in:
Stephan Mühlstrasser 2015-02-22 11:45:02 +01:00
commit 965aded1ba
7 changed files with 81 additions and 7 deletions

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ SYMBOLS {
# for size of ZP see runtime/zeropage.s and c1p/extzp.s
ZP: file = "", define = yes, start = $0002, size = $001A + $0004;
ZP: file = "", define = yes, start = $0002, size = $001A + $0005;
RAM: file = %O, define = yes, start = %S, size = __HIMEM__ - __STACKSIZE__ - %S;

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
; char cgetc (void);
.constructor initcgetc
.export _cgetc
.import cursor
@ -8,8 +10,21 @@
.include "extzp.inc"
.include "zeropage.inc"
; Initialize one-character buffer that is filled by kbhit()
lda #$00
sta CHARBUF ; No character in buffer initially
; Input routine from 65V PROM MONITOR, show cursor if enabled
lda CHARBUF ; character in buffer available?
beq nobuffer
tax ; save character in X
lda #$00
sta CHARBUF ; empty buffer
jmp restorex ; restore X and return
lda cursor ; show cursor?
beq nocursor
ldy CURS_X
@ -25,7 +40,9 @@ nocursor:
lda tmp1 ; fetch saved character
ldy CURS_X
sta (SCREEN_PTR),y ; store at cursor position
txa ; restore saved character from X
ldx #$00 ; high byte of int return value
ldx #$00 ; high byte of int return value

@ -48,8 +48,16 @@ newline:
lda CURS_Y
cmp #SCR_HEIGHT ; screen height
bne plot
lda #0 ; wrap around to line 0
sta CURS_Y
dec CURS_Y ; bottom of screen reached, scroll
ldx #0
scroll: lda SCRNBASE+$00A5,x
sta SCRNBASE+$0085,x
lda SCRNBASE+$01A5,x
sta SCRNBASE+$0185,x
lda SCRNBASE+$02A5,x
sta SCRNBASE+$0285,x
bne scroll
plot: ldy CURS_Y
lda ScrLo,y

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
CURS_X: .res 1
CURS_Y: .res 1
SCREEN_PTR: .res 2
CHARBUF: .res 1
; size 4
; Adjust size of this segment in osic1p.cfg if the size changes
; size 5
; Adjust size of the ZP segment in osic1p.cfg if the size changes

libsrc/osic1p/kbhit.s Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
; unsigned char kbhit (void);
; The method to detect a pressed key is based on the documentation in
; "Section 3 Programmed Key Functions" in "The Challenger Character Graphics
; Reference Manual"
; We only want to return true for characters that can be returned by cgetc(),
; but not for keys like <Shift> or <Ctrl>. Therefore a special handling is
; needed for the first row. This is implemented by a bit mask that is stored
; in tmp1 and that is set to zero after the first round.
.export _kbhit
.include "osic1p.inc"
.include "extzp.inc"
.include "zeropage.inc"
lda #%11011111 ; Mask for only checking the column for the
sta tmp1 ; ESC key in the first keyboard row.
lda #%11111110 ; Mask for first keyboard row
sta KBD ; Select keyboard row
tax ; Save A
lda KBD ; Read keyboard columns
ora tmp1 ; Mask out uninteresting keys (only relevant in
; first row)
cmp #$FF ; No keys pressed?
bne keypressed
lda #$00 ; For remaining rows no keys masked
sta tmp1
txa ; Restore A
sec ; Want to shift in ones
rol a ; Rotate row select to next bit position
cmp #$FF ; Done?
bne scan ; If not, continue
lda #$00 ; Return false
tax ; High byte of return is also zero
sta CHARBUF ; No character in buffer
jsr INPUTC ; Get input character in A
sta CHARBUF ; Save in buffer
ldx #$00 ; High byte of return is always zero
lda #$01 ; Return true

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
SCRNBASE := $D000 ; Base of video RAM
INPUTC := $FD00 ; Input character from keyboard
RESET := $FF00 ; Reset address, show boot prompt
KBD := $DF00 ; Polled keyboard register
; Other definitions
VIDEORAMSIZE = $0400 ; Size of C1P video RAM (1 kB)