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synced 2024-12-25 17:29:50 +00:00
add extra underscore to heap stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ HEAP_MIN_BLOCKSIZE = .sizeof (freeblock) ; Minimum size of an allocated block
HEAP_ADMIN_SPACE = .sizeof (usedblock) ; Additional space for used bock
; Variables
.global __heaporg
.global __heapptr
.global __heapend
.global __heapfirst
.global __heaplast
.global ___heaporg
.global ___heapptr
.global ___heapend
.global ___heapfirst
.global ___heaplast
@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ struct freeblock {
/* Variables that describe the heap */
extern unsigned* _heaporg; /* Bottom of heap */
extern unsigned* _heapptr; /* Current top */
extern unsigned* _heapend; /* Upper limit */
extern struct freeblock* _heapfirst; /* First free block in list */
extern struct freeblock* _heaplast; /* Last free block in list */
extern unsigned* __heaporg; /* Bottom of heap */
extern unsigned* __heapptr; /* Current top */
extern unsigned* __heapend; /* Upper limit */
extern struct freeblock* __heapfirst; /* First free block in list */
extern struct freeblock* __heaplast; /* Last free block in list */
@ -92,17 +92,33 @@ int __fastcall__ posix_memalign (void** memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size);
void __fastcall__ _heapadd (void* mem, size_t size);
void __fastcall__ __heapadd (void* mem, size_t size);
/* Add a block to the heap */
#if __CC65_STD__ == __CC65_STD_CC65__
/* define old name with one underscore for backwards compatibility */
#define _heapadd __heapadd
size_t __fastcall__ _heapblocksize (const void* block);
size_t __fastcall__ __heapblocksize (const void* block);
/* Return the size of an allocated block */
#if __CC65_STD__ == __CC65_STD_CC65__
/* define old name with one underscore for backwards compatibility */
#define _heapblocksize __heapblocksize
size_t _heapmemavail (void);
size_t __heapmemavail (void);
/* Return the total free heap space */
#if __CC65_STD__ == __CC65_STD_CC65__
/* define old name with one underscore for backwards compatibility */
#define _heapmemavail __heapmemavail
size_t _heapmaxavail (void);
size_t __heapmaxavail (void);
/* Return the size of the largest free block on the heap */
#if __CC65_STD__ == __CC65_STD_CC65__
/* define old name with one underscore for backwards compatibility */
#define _heapmaxavail __heapmaxavail
/* Random numbers */
@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
.word __BSS_RUN__+__BSS_SIZE__ ; Linker calculates this symbol
.word __BSS_RUN__+__BSS_SIZE__ ; Dito
.word __BSS_RUN__+__BSS_SIZE__
.word 0
.word 0
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ initheap:
lda sp
sbc #<__STACKSIZE__
sta __heapend
sta ___heapend
lda sp+1
sbc #>__STACKSIZE__
sta __heapend+1
sta ___heapend+1
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
.importzp ptr1, ptr2
.import popax
.import heapadd
.export __heapadd
.export ___heapadd
.include "_heap.inc"
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
; Code
sta ptr1 ; Store size in ptr1
stx ptr1+1
jsr popax ; Get the block pointer
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
.importzp ptr1, ptr2
.export __heapblocksize
.export ___heapblocksize
.include "_heap.inc"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
; Code
; Below the user data is a pointer that points to the start of the real
; (raw) memory block. The first word of this block is the size. To access
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
.importzp ptr1, ptr2
.export __heapmaxavail
.export ___heapmaxavail
.include "_heap.inc"
@ -17,22 +17,22 @@
; Code
; size_t Size = (_heapend - _heapptr) * sizeof (*_heapend);
lda __heapend
sub __heapptr
lda ___heapend
sub ___heapptr
sta ptr2
lda __heapend+1
sbc __heapptr+1
lda ___heapend+1
sbc ___heapptr+1
sta ptr2+1
; struct freeblock* F = _heapfirst;
lda __heapfirst
lda ___heapfirst
sta ptr1
lda __heapfirst+1
lda ___heapfirst+1
@L1: sta ptr1+1
; while (F) {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
.importzp ptr1, ptr2
.export __heapmemavail
.export ___heapmemavail
.include "_heap.inc"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
; Code
; size_t Size = 0;
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ __heapmemavail:
; struct freeblock* F = _heapfirst;
lda __heapfirst
lda ___heapfirst
sta ptr1
lda __heapfirst+1
lda ___heapfirst+1
@L1: sta ptr1+1
; while (F) {
@ -61,17 +61,17 @@ __heapmemavail:
; return Size + (_heapend - _heapptr) * sizeof (*_heapend);
@L2: lda ptr2
add __heapend
add ___heapend
sta ptr2
lda ptr2+1
adc __heapend+1
adc ___heapend+1
lda ptr2
sub __heapptr
sub ___heapptr
sta ptr2
sbc __heapptr+1
sbc ___heapptr+1
lda ptr2
@ -105,27 +105,27 @@ _free: sta ptr2
lda ptr2+1
adc ptr1+1
cpy __heapptr
cpy ___heapptr
bne heapadd ; Add to free list
cmp __heapptr+1
cmp ___heapptr+1
bne heapadd
; The pointer is located at the heap top. Lower the heap top pointer to
; release the block.
@L3: lda ptr2
sta __heapptr
sta ___heapptr
lda ptr2+1
sta __heapptr+1
sta ___heapptr+1
; Check if the last block in the freelist is now at heap top. If so, remove
; this block from the freelist.
lda __heaplast
lda ___heaplast
sta ptr1
ora __heaplast+1
ora ___heaplast+1
beq @L9 ; Jump if free list empty
lda __heaplast+1
lda ___heaplast+1
sta ptr1+1 ; Pointer to last block now in ptr1
ldy #freeblock::size
@ -136,35 +136,35 @@ _free: sta ptr2
lda (ptr1),y
adc ptr1+1
cmp __heapptr+1
cmp ___heapptr+1
bne @L9 ; Jump if last block not on top of heap
cpx __heapptr
cpx ___heapptr
bne @L9 ; Jump if last block not on top of heap
; Remove the last block
lda ptr1
sta __heapptr
sta ___heapptr
lda ptr1+1
sta __heapptr+1
sta ___heapptr+1
; Correct the next pointer of the now last block
ldy #freeblock::prev+1 ; Offset of ->prev field
lda (ptr1),y
sta ptr2+1 ; Remember f->prev in ptr2
sta __heaplast+1
sta ___heaplast+1
lda (ptr1),y
sta ptr2 ; Remember f->prev in ptr2
sta __heaplast
ora __heaplast+1 ; -> prev == 0?
sta ___heaplast
ora ___heaplast+1 ; -> prev == 0?
bne @L8 ; Jump if free list not empty
; Free list is now empty (A = 0)
sta __heapfirst
sta __heapfirst+1
sta ___heapfirst
sta ___heapfirst+1
; Done
@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ _free: sta ptr2
; Check if the free list is empty, storing _hfirst into ptr3 for later
lda __heapfirst
lda ___heapfirst
sta ptr3
lda __heapfirst+1
lda ___heapfirst+1
sta ptr3+1
ora ptr3
bne SearchFreeList
@ -301,10 +301,10 @@ heapadd:
lda ptr2
ldx ptr2+1
sta __heapfirst
stx __heapfirst+1 ; _heapfirst = f;
sta __heaplast
stx __heaplast+1 ; _heaplast = f;
sta ___heapfirst
stx ___heapfirst+1 ; _heapfirst = f;
sta ___heaplast
stx ___heaplast+1 ; _heaplast = f;
rts ; Done
@ -351,9 +351,9 @@ SearchFreeList:
sta (ptr2),y ; Clear low byte of f->next
lda ptr2 ; _heaplast = f;
sta __heaplast
sta ___heaplast
lda ptr2+1
sta __heaplast+1
sta ___heaplast+1
; Since we have checked the case that the freelist is empty before, if the
; right pointer is NULL, the left *cannot* be NULL here. So skip the
@ -414,9 +414,9 @@ CheckRightMerge:
; f->next is zero, this is now the last block
@L1: lda ptr2 ; _heaplast = f;
sta __heaplast
sta ___heaplast
lda ptr2+1
sta __heaplast+1
sta ___heaplast+1
jmp CheckLeftMerge
; No right merge, just set the link.
@ -451,9 +451,9 @@ CheckLeftMerge:
sta (ptr2),y
lda ptr2 ; _heapfirst = f;
sta __heapfirst
sta ___heapfirst
lda ptr2+1
sta __heapfirst+1
sta ___heapfirst+1
rts ; Done
@ -510,9 +510,9 @@ CheckLeftMerge2:
; This is now the last block, do _heaplast = left
@L1: lda ptr4
sta __heaplast
sta ___heaplast
lda ptr4+1
sta __heaplast+1
sta ___heaplast+1
rts ; Done
; No merge of the left block, just set the link. Y points to size+1 if
@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ _malloc:
; Load a pointer to the freelist into ptr2
@L2: lda __heapfirst
@L2: lda ___heapfirst
sta ptr2
lda __heapfirst+1
lda ___heapfirst+1
sta ptr2+1
; Search the freelist for a block that is big enough. We will calculate
@ -173,16 +173,16 @@ _malloc:
; We did not find a block big enough. Try to use new space from the heap top.
lda __heapptr
lda ___heapptr
add ptr1 ; _heapptr + size
lda __heapptr+1
lda ___heapptr+1
adc ptr1+1
bcs OutOfHeapSpace ; On overflow, we're surely out of space
cmp __heapend+1
cmp ___heapend+1
bne @L5
cpy __heapend
cpy ___heapend
@L5: bcc TakeFromTop
beq TakeFromTop
@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ Done: rts
; There is enough space left, take it from the heap top
ldx __heapptr ; p = _heapptr;
ldx ___heapptr ; p = _heapptr;
stx ptr2
ldx __heapptr+1
ldx ___heapptr+1
stx ptr2+1
sty __heapptr ; _heapptr += size;
sta __heapptr+1
sty ___heapptr ; _heapptr += size;
sta ___heapptr+1
jmp FillSizeAndRet ; Done
; We found a block big enough. If the block can hold just the
@ -245,10 +245,10 @@ BlockFound:
; Do _hfirst = f->next
@L1: lda (ptr2),y ; Load high byte of f->next
sta __heapfirst+1
sta ___heapfirst+1
dey ; Points to next
lda (ptr2),y ; Load low byte of f->next
sta __heapfirst
sta ___heapfirst
; Check f->next. Y points always to next if we come here
@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ BlockFound:
; Do _hlast = f->prev
@L3: lda (ptr2),y ; Load low byte of f->prev
sta __heaplast
sta ___heaplast
iny ; Points to prev+1
lda (ptr2),y ; Load high byte of f->prev
sta __heaplast+1
sta ___heaplast+1
jmp RetUserPtr ; Done
; We must slice the block found. Cut off space from the upper end, so we
@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ void* __fastcall__ realloc (void* block, register size_t size)
oldsize = b->size;
/* Is the block at the current heap top? */
if (((unsigned) b) + oldsize == ((unsigned) _heapptr)) {
if (((unsigned) b) + oldsize == ((unsigned) __heapptr)) {
/* Check if we've enough memory at the heap top */
newhptr = ((unsigned) _heapptr) - oldsize + size;
if (newhptr <= ((unsigned) _heapend)) {
newhptr = ((unsigned) __heapptr) - oldsize + size;
if (newhptr <= ((unsigned) __heapend)) {
/* Ok, there's space enough */
_heapptr = (unsigned*) newhptr;
__heapptr = (unsigned*) newhptr;
b->size = size;
b->start = b;
return block;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user