; ; jede jede@oric.org 2017-02-25 ; .export _clrscr .import OLD_CHARCOLOR, OLD_BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR, CHARCOLOR .include "telestrat.inc" .proc _clrscr ; Switch to text mode BRK_TELEMON(XTEXT) lda #SCREEN sta RES sty RES+1 ldy #<(SCREEN+SCREEN_XSIZE*SCREEN_YSIZE) ldx #>(SCREEN+SCREEN_XSIZE*SCREEN_YSIZE) lda #' ' BRK_TELEMON XFILLM ; Calls XFILLM : it fills A value from RES address and size of X and Y value ; reset prompt position lda #<(SCREEN) sta ADSCR lda #>(SCREEN) sta ADSCR+1 lda #$00 sta SCRDY ; reset display position ldx #$00 stx SCRY stx SCRX stx OLD_BGCOLOR ; black stx BGCOLOR ldx #$07 ; white stx OLD_CHARCOLOR stx CHARCOLOR rts .endproc